African Championships Marrakech, MA Apr 2017 African Championships - Apr 2017 TEAMS LIST TEAMS ALGERIA ALG BENIN BEN COTE D'IVOIRE CIV CAMEROON CMR CONGO DR COD EGYPT EGY GUINEA-BISSAU GBS MADAGASCAR MAD MOROCCO MAR NIGERIA NGR SOUTH AFRICA RSA SENEGAL SEN SIERRA LEONE SLE SUDAN SUD TUNISIA TUN Number of Teams 15 TEAMS LIST BY African Championships - Apr 2017 SPORT Freestyle Teams ALGERIA ALG COTE D'IVOIRE CIV EGYPT EGY GUINEA-BISSAU GBS MOROCCO MAR SOUTH AFRICA RSA TUNISIA TUN Number of Teams 7 NUMBER OF African Championships - Apr 2017 ENTRIES BY TEAM Freestyle Teams 85 kg 46 kg 50 kg 63 kg 54 kg 58 kg 100 kg 42 kg 69 kg 76 kg TOTAL ALG 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 5 CIV 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 EGY 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 GBS 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 MAR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 RSA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 TUN 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 7 TOTAL 4 4 4 5 4 5 3 3 4 2 38 Number of Teams 7 2017-08-16 08:34:01 African Championships - Apr 2017 RANKING Cadets Freestyle Teams Ranking Rank Team 85 kg 46 kg 50 kg 63 kg 54 kg 58 kg 100 kg 42 kg 69 kg 76 kg TOTAL SOUTH 1 10 8 8 10 9 10 9 10 9 10 93 AFRICA 2 MOROCCO 7 7 7 7 7 6 8 8 8 9 74 3 TUNISIA 8 9 9 8 10 9 10 63 4 ALGERIA 10 10 9 7 7 43 COTE 5 9 6 8 23 D'IVOIRE GUINEA- 6 8 9 17 BISSAU 7 EGYPT 10 10 Cadets FS - 42 kg Number Team Name Engagement License MC Weight 9 MAR Mohamed Amine BOUFRIJ 5 RSA Fernando BOOYSEN 23 TUN Oussama JMAL Number of participants 3 2017-08-16 08:34:02 African Championships - Apr 2017 RANKING Freestyle - Cadets - 42 kg Team Rank Team Wrestler W CP VT ST TP TP Gvn Rank Pts 1 RSA Fernando BOOYSEN 2 8 1 0 12 2 10 2 TUN Oussama JMAL 1 6 1 0 11 11 9 3 MAR Mohamed Amine BOUFRIJ 0 0 0 0 3 13 8 CP Classification Points VT Victories by fall, default/forfeit/disqualification (5-0) ST Victories by superiority (4-0 / 4-1) TP Technical Points obtained TP Gvn Technical Points given In the Nordic tournament, the wrestler with the highest number of victories will be ranked first, regardless of the total number of classification points. If two wrestlers have an equal number of classification points, their direct match will determine the winner. The wrestler who won against his opponent will be ranked before the other one. If more than two wrestlers have an equal number of classification points, the last of the ex-aequo group will be determined following these criteria until only two wrestlers remain: The fewest victories by « Fall » The fewest match victories by superiority The fewest technical points scored in the whole competition The most technical points given in the whole competition African Championships - Apr 2017 RESULTS Freestyle - Cadets - 42 kg 1 2 3 Mohamed TP Fernando Amine Oussama JMAL W CP VT ST TP Rank Gvn BOOYSEN (RSA) BOUFRIJ (TUN) (MAR) Fernando N° 33 N° 65 5-0(4-0) by 2 8 1 0 12 2 1 1 BOOYSEN 3-1(8-2) by VPO1 - 04:00 (RSA) VFA - 00:49 Mohamed Amine N° 33 N° 73 2 0 0 0 0 3 13 3 BOUFRIJ 5-0(4-0) by VFA - 00:49 5-0(9-3) by VFA - 02:22 (MAR) Oussama N° 73 N° 65 5-0(9-3) by 1 6 1 0 11 11 2 3 JMAL 3-1(8-2) by VPO1 - 04:00 (TUN) VFA - 02:22 African Championships - Apr 2017 COMPLETE RESULTS Freestyle - Cadets - 42 kg - Results Round 1 - FS - 42 kg Match Wrestler TP CP Victory Time CP TP Wrestler 33 RSA - Fernando BOOYSEN 4 5 VFA 00'49 0 0 MAR - Mohamed Amine BOUFRIJ Round 2 - FS - 42 kg Match Wrestler TP CP Victory Time CP TP Wrestler 65 TUN - Oussama JMAL 2 1 VPO1 04'00 3 8 RSA - Fernando BOOYSEN Round 3 - FS - 42 kg Match Wrestler TP CP Victory Time CP TP Wrestler 73 MAR - Mohamed Amine BOUFRIJ 3 0 VFA 02'22 5 9 TUN - Oussama JMAL Cadets FS - 46 kg Number Team Name Engagement License MC Weight 19 ALG Saber MECHERI 55 MAR Ayoub AIT TIGAS 10 RSA Jacques LUDIK 49 TUN Hachem HASNAOUI Number of participants 4 2017-08-16 08:34:04 African Championships - Apr 2017 RANKING Freestyle - Cadets - 46 kg Team Rank Team Wrestler W CP VT ST TP TP Gvn Rank Pts 1 ALG Saber MECHERI 3 15 3 0 21 2 10 2 TUN Hachem HASNAOUI 2 8 1 0 21 17 9 3 RSA Jacques LUDIK 1 4 0 0 19 30 8 4 MAR Ayoub AIT TIGAS 0 1 0 0 15 27 7 CP Classification Points VT Victories by fall, default/forfeit/disqualification (5-0) ST Victories by superiority (4-0 / 4-1) TP Technical Points obtained TP Gvn Technical Points given In the Nordic tournament, the wrestler with the highest number of victories will be ranked first, regardless of the total number of classification points. If two wrestlers have an equal number of classification points, their direct match will determine the winner. The wrestler who won against his opponent will be ranked before the other one. If more than two wrestlers have an equal number of classification points, the last of the ex-aequo group will be determined following these criteria until only two wrestlers remain: The fewest victories by « Fall » The fewest match victories by superiority The fewest technical points scored in the whole competition The most technical points given in the whole competition African Championships - Apr 2017 RESULTS Freestyle - Cadets - 46 kg 1 2 3 4 Saber Hachem Ayoub AIT TP Jacques W CP VT ST TP Rank MECHERI HASNAOUI TIGAS Gvn LUDIK (RSA) (ALG) (TUN) (MAR) Jacques N° 31 N° 63 N° 70 1 LUDIK 5-0(5-2) by VFA - 3-1(13-4) by VPO1 - 3-1(13-12) by 1 4 0 0 19 30 3 (RSA) 01:47 04:00 VPO1 - 04:00 Saber N° 31 N° 74 N° 39 2 MECHERI 5-0(5-2) by VFA - 5-0(10-0) by VFA - 5-0(6-0) by VFA 3 15 3 0 21 2 1 (ALG) 01:47 03:08 - 00:37 Hachem N° 63 N° 74 N° 55 3 HASNAOUI 3-1(13-4) by 5-0(10-0) by VFA - 5-0(8-3) by VFA 2 8 1 0 21 17 2 (TUN) VPO1 - 04:00 03:08 - 01:53 Ayoub AIT N° 70 N° 39 N° 55 4 TIGAS 3-1(13-12) by 5-0(6-0) by VFA - 5-0(8-3) by VFA - 0 1 0 0 15 27 4 (MAR) VPO1 - 04:00 00:37 01:53 African Championships - Apr 2017 COMPLETE RESULTS Freestyle - Cadets - 46 kg - Results Round 1 - FS - 46 kg Match Wrestler TP CP Victory Time CP TP Wrestler 31 RSA - Jacques LUDIK 2 0 VFA 01'47 5 5 ALG - Saber MECHERI 55 TUN - Hachem HASNAOUI 8 5 VFA 01'53 0 3 MAR - Ayoub AIT TIGAS Round 2 - FS - 46 kg Match Wrestler TP CP Victory Time CP TP Wrestler 39 ALG - Saber MECHERI 6 5 VFA 00'37 0 0 MAR - Ayoub AIT TIGAS 63 RSA - Jacques LUDIK 4 1 VPO1 04'00 3 13 TUN - Hachem HASNAOUI Round 3 - FS - 46 kg Match Wrestler TP CP Victory Time CP TP Wrestler 70 RSA - Jacques LUDIK 13 3 VPO1 04'00 1 12 MAR - Ayoub AIT TIGAS 74 ALG - Saber MECHERI 10 5 VFA 03'08 0 0 TUN - Hachem HASNAOUI Cadets FS - 50 kg Number Team Name Engagement License MC Weight 41 ALG Mohamed Al Amine LAKEL 64 MAR Hamza ELYASSINI 48 RSA Albertus Stefanus HUMAN 52 TUN Farouk JELASSI Number of participants 4 2017-08-16 08:34:04 African Championships - Apr 2017 RANKING Freestyle - Cadets - 50 kg Team Rank Team Wrestler W CP VT ST TP TP Gvn Rank Pts 1 ALG Mohamed Al Amine LAKEL 3 14 2 1 21 0 10 2 TUN Farouk JELASSI 2 9 1 1 15 11 9 3 RSA Albertus Stefanus HUMAN 1 5 1 0 3 12 8 4 MAR Hamza ELYASSINI 0 0 0 0 0 16 7 CP Classification Points VT Victories by fall, default/forfeit/disqualification (5-0) ST Victories by superiority (4-0 / 4-1) TP Technical Points obtained TP Gvn Technical Points given In the Nordic tournament, the wrestler with the highest number of victories will be ranked first, regardless of the total number of classification points. If two wrestlers have an equal number of classification points, their direct match will determine the winner. The wrestler who won against his opponent will be ranked before the other one. If more than two wrestlers have an equal number of classification points, the last of the ex-aequo group will be determined following these criteria until only two wrestlers remain: The fewest victories by « Fall » The fewest match victories by superiority The fewest technical points scored in the whole competition The most technical points given in the whole competition African Championships - Apr 2017 RESULTS Freestyle - Cadets - 50 kg 1 2 3 4 Mohamed Albertus Hamza TP Al Amine Stefanus Farouk W CP VT ST TP Rank ELYASSINI Gvn LAKEL HUMAN JELASSI (TUN) (MAR) (ALG) (RSA) Mohamed N° 30 N° 62 Al Amine 5-0(7-0) by N° 69 1 4-0(10-0) by VSU - 3 14 2 1 21 0 1 VFA - 5-0(4-0) by VFA - 00:38 LAKEL 02:36 (ALG) 01:57 Albertus N° 30 N° 75 Stefanus N° 38 2 5-0(7-0) by 5-0(5-1) by VFA - 1 5 1 0 3 12 3 5-0(2-0) by VFA - 00:20 HUMAN VFA - 01:57 01:05 (RSA) N° 75 Farouk N° 62 N° 54 5-0(5-1) by 3 JELASSI 4-0(10-0) by 4-0(10-0) by VSU - 2 9 1 1 15 11 2 VFA - VSU - 02:36 02:38 (TUN) 01:05 N° 38 Hamza N° 69 N° 54 5-0(2-0) by 4 ELYASSINI 5-0(4-0) by 4-0(10-0) by VSU - 0 0 0 0 0 16 4 VFA - VFA - 00:38 02:38 (MAR) 00:20 African Championships - Apr 2017 COMPLETE RESULTS Freestyle - Cadets - 50 kg - Results Round 1 - FS - 50 kg Match Wrestler TP CP Victory Time CP TP Wrestler 30 ALG - Mohamed Al Amine LAKEL 7 5 VFA 01'57 0 0 RSA - Albertus Stefanus HUMAN 54 TUN - Farouk JELASSI 10 4 VSU 02'38 0 0 MAR - Hamza ELYASSINI Round 2 - FS - 50 kg Match Wrestler TP CP Victory Time CP TP Wrestler 38 RSA - Albertus Stefanus HUMAN 2 5 VFA 00'20 0 0 MAR - Hamza ELYASSINI 62 ALG - Mohamed Al Amine LAKEL 10 4 VSU 02'36 0 0 TUN - Farouk JELASSI Round 3 - FS - 50 kg Match Wrestler TP CP Victory Time CP TP Wrestler 69 ALG - Mohamed Al Amine LAKEL 4 5 VFA 00'38 0 0 MAR - Hamza ELYASSINI 75 RSA - Albertus Stefanus HUMAN 1 0 VFA 01'05 5 5 TUN - Farouk JELASSI Cadets FS - 54 kg Number Team Name Engagement License MC Weight 49 GBS Diamatino Iuna FALE 52 MAR Zakaria IMEGHRI 98 RSA Mika LEHMKUEHL 74 TUN Firas KHALIFA Number of participants 4 2017-08-16 08:34:04 African Championships - Apr 2017 RANKING Freestyle - Cadets - 54 kg Team Rank Team Wrestler W CP VT ST TP TP Gvn Rank Pts 1 TUN Firas KHALIFA 3 12 1 1 22 10 10 2 RSA Mika LEHMKUEHL 2 11 2 0 24 24 9 3 GBS Diamatino Iuna FALE 1 3 0 0 27 15 8 4 MAR Zakaria IMEGHRI 0 1 0 0 7 31 7 CP Classification Points VT Victories by fall, default/forfeit/disqualification (5-0) ST Victories by superiority (4-0 / 4-1) TP Technical Points obtained TP Gvn Technical Points given In the Nordic tournament, the wrestler with the highest number of victories will be ranked first, regardless of the total number of classification points.
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