SWBTB (10/10) 210 AGENDA Trust Board – Public Session Venue Churchvale/Hollyoak Rooms, Sandwell Hospital Date 28 October 2010; 1430h - 1700h Members In Attendance Mrs S Davis (SD) [Chair] Mr G Seager (GS) Mr R Trotman (RT) Miss K Dhami (KD) Dr S Sahota (SS) Mrs J Kinghorn (JK) Mrs G Hunjan (GH) Mrs C Rickards (CR) Prof D Alderson (DA) Mr G Clarke (GC) Guests Mrs O Dutton (OD) Dr P Saunders (PS) [Item 7] Mr J Adler (JA) Dr J Bleadale (JB) [Item 10) Mr D O’Donoghue (DO’D) Mrs K Hall (KH) [Item 11.2] Mr R Kirby (RK) Mr R White (RW) Secretariat Miss R Overfield (RO) Mr S Grainger-Payne (SGP) [Secretariat] Mr M Sharon (MS) Item Title Reference No. Lead 1 Apologies Verbal SGP 2 Declaration of interests Verbal All To declare any interests members may have in connection with the agenda and any further interests acquired since the previous meeting 3 Chair’s opening comments Verbal Chair 4 Minutes of the previous meeting SWBTB (9/10) 209 Chair To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 30 September 2010 as true and accurate records of discussions 5 Update on actions arising from previous meetings SWBTB (9/10) 209 (a) Chair 6 Questions from members of the public Verbal Public PRESENTATIONS 7 Public Health update – Sandwell PCT Presentation PS MATTERS FOR APPROVAL 8 Same sex accommodation plans SWBTB (10/10) 227 RK SWBTB (10/10) 227 (a) SWBTB (10/10) 227 (b) 9 Naming the new hospital SWBTB (10/10) 228 JK SWBTB (10/10) 228 (a) 10 Establishment of a Clinical Ethics Committee SWBTB (10/10) 219 JBl SWBTB (10/10) 219 (a) SWBTB (10/10) 219 (b) 1 Version 1.0 SWBTB (10/10) 210 MATTERS FOR INFORMATION/NOTING 11 Quality and Governance 11.1 Nursing update SWBTB (10/10) 226 RO SWBTB (10/10) 226 (a) - SWBTB (10/10) 226 (d) 11.2 End of Life care update SWBTB (10/10) 216 KH SWBTB (10/10) 216 (a) 11.3 Annual audit letter SWBTB (10/10) 222 RW SWBTB (10/10) 222 (a) 12 Strategy and Development 12.1 ‘Right Care, Right Here’ programme: progress report SWBTB (10/10) 221 MS SWBTB (10/10) 221 (a) 12.2 New acute hospital project: progress report SWBTB (10/10) 211 GS SWBTB (10/10) 211 (a) 13 Performance Management 13.1 Monthly finance report SWBTB (10/10) 214 RW SWBTB (10/10) 214 (a) 13.2 Monthly performance monitoring report SWBTB (10/10) 223 RW SWBTB (10/10) 223 (a) 13.3 NHS Performance Framework monitoring report SWBTB (10/10) 224 RW SWBTB (10/10) 224 (a) 13.4 Corporate objectives progress report – Quarter 2 SWBTB (10/10) 217 MS SWBTB (10/10) 217 (a) 14 Operational Management 14.1 MRI scanner post implementation review SWBTB (10/10) 215 RK SWBTB (10/10) 215 (a) 15 Update from the Board Committees 15.1 Finance and Performance Management Committee Draft minutes from meeting held 21 October 2010 Hard copy paper RT 16 Any other business Verbal All 17 Details of next meeting Verbal Chair The next public Trust Board will be held on 25 November 2010 at 1430h in the Anne Gibson Boardroom, City Hospital 18 Exclusion of the press and public Verbal Chair To resolve that representatives of the Press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest (Section 1(2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960). 2 Version 1.0 MINUTES Trust Board (Public Session) – Version 0.2 Venue Anne Gibson Boardroom, City Hospital Date 30 September 2010 Present: Mrs Sue Davis (Chair) Mr John Adler Mr Mike Sharon (Part) Mr Roger Trotman Mr Robert White Dr Sarindar Sahota Mr Richard Kirby Prof Derek Alderson Miss Rachel Overfield In Attendance: Miss Kam Dhami Mr Graham Seager (Part) Mrs Jessamy Kinghorn Mr Les Williams (Part) Mrs Andrea Bigmore (Part) Mr Rob Banks (Part) Mr Richard Kinnersley (Part) Mr Les Williams (Part) Secretariat: Mr Simon Grainger-Payne Minutes Paper Reference 1 Apologies for absence Verbal Apologies were received from Mrs Gianjeet Hunjan, Mrs Olwen Dutton, Mr Gary Clarke, Mr Donal O’Donoghue and Mrs Chris Rickards. 2 Declaration of Interests Verbal The Chair noted the revised Register of Interests which had been amended to reflect the commencement of Mr Mike Sharon as Director of Strategy and Organisational Development and an alteration to Mr Roger Trotman’s list of interests. 3 Chair’s Opening Comments Verbal The Chair made no opening comments. 4 Minutes of the previous meeting SWBTB (8/10) 180 The minutes of the previous meeting were presented for approval and were accepted as a true and accurate reflection of discussions held on 26 Page 1 SWBTB (9/10) 209 August 2010. AGREEMENT: The Trust Board approved the minutes of the last meeting 5 Update on actions arising from previous meetings SWBTB (8/10) 180 (a) The updated actions list was reviewed. In connection with action SWBTBACT.133, the Chair reported that Dr Sahota had been nominated as the Trust’s sustainability champion. 6 Questions from members of the public Verbal There were no members of the public in attendance at this meeting. 7 Annual planning framework 2011/12 SWBTB (9/10) 197 SWBTB (9/10) 197 (a) In Mr Sharon’s absence, Mr Kirby advised that the proposed annual planning framework for 2011/12 closely mirrored that used by the Trust in previous years. The context for the planning framework was highlighted to include the White Paper and the associated commissioning changes. The Board was advised that the planning framework includes a challenging set of financial assumptions and that it will inform the priorities for 2011/12 which are due to be discussed at the Trust Board ‘Time Out’ in November. The Chair observed that the framework did not include specifically the planning requirements for the transfer of Sandwell PCT community services. However, she was advised that terms of reference for the body that will oversee the plans are due to be developed to ensure that the process is harmonised with the work of the Trust and duplication is avoided. Mr Trotman noted that the plan suggested that Service Line Reporting would not be implemented until 2012/13 and remarked that he had hoped that the introduction would have been sooner than indicated. Mr Kirby advised that the Trust was deriving some benefit from Service Line Management, although the approach is not yet used as part of target setting process or assessing divisional performance as coding issues in particular need to be resolved. The Chair noted that there appeared to be some gains for the Trust on the borders of the Trust’s natural catchment. Mr Kirby suggested that this could be reflective of the effect of the establishment of community ophthalmology services in South Birmingham, although he explained that this had not been verified. Mr Trotman advised that he was aware that the Trust’s marketing manager was due to be trained to be able to further interpret the market share information provided by the Dr Foster intelligence system. The Trust Board approved the annual planning framework for 2011/12. Page 2 SWBTB (9/10) 209 AGREEMENT: The Trust Board approved the annual planning framework for 2011/12 SWBTB (9/10) 201 8 Workforce strategy 2010/17 SWBTB (9/10) 201 (a) Miss Overfield presented the workforce strategy 2010/17 for approval, advising that the strategy had been refreshed to include the plans for the new hospital. It was highlighted that the workforce strategy will be supplemented by the Learning and Development strategy and the Organisational Development strategy when developed. Dr Sahota asked what media were used to advertise Trust vacancies. He was advised that the majority of vacancies are advertised on NHS Jobs. Dr Sahota recommended that consideration be given to advertising within the community. The Trust Board unanimously approved the workforce strategy for 2010/2017. AGREEMENT: The Trust Board approved the workforce strategy 2010/17 9 Estates strategy 2010/11 SWBTB (9/10) 187 SWBTB (9/10) 187 (a) Mr Banks presented the annual review of the estates strategy, which he reported had been updated in line with plans for the new hospital. The Chair observed that the Trust performed well against fire safety requirements. Mr Banks agreed and advised that this was reflective of the well-established Fire Safety Committee and that the Trust is proactively managing fire safety. Mr Trotman asked whether the Birmingham Treatment Centre (BTC) was included as part of the schedule of accommodation for the retained estate, following the establishment of the new hospital. Mr Banks advised that the BTC did not form part of the accommodation attracting capital charges for the retained estate and was therefore not included. Mr Kirby highlighted that despite the ageing estate, the Trust’s carbon dioxide emissions appeared to be low. Mr Banks advised that this is attributable to the efficiency with which the Trust is currently run. Mr Kirby asked what the biggest risk is in relation to the Trust’s estate. Mr Banks advised that without active management, fire safety, asbestos management and Legionella infections represent the highest risks. The Chair asked which of the risks highlighted would remain in the new hospital. Mr banks advised that Legionella infections are a risk, even within a new estate. Mrs Kinghorn asked whether the recent revaluation of the Trust’s estate had impacted on the Outline Business Case (OBC) for the new hospital.
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