APPENDIX 10 MELOTHESIA AND THE PAINS OF THE PLANETS IN THE ZODIACAL SIGNS Quotation 1: Abraham Ibn Ezra, Nativitatibus, 1485, sig. B5v–B6r. 1 (1) Iam dictum est in Isagogis de partitione membrorum per signa, Aries capiti preest. Taurus fronti secundum Hermetem et secundum Antiquos collo. (2) Gemini brachiis cum humeris. Cancer pectori, huic quoque sto- machus participat. Leo cordi stomacho etiam participat. Virgo dyafragmati. Libra iliis. Scorpius posteriora cum verendis habet. Sagittarius femora qui- bus equis insedimus. Capricornus genua. Aquarius tybias. Pisces pedes. 2 (1) Andruçagar ostendit in suo libro cuiusmodi dolorem quilibet plane- tarum in suo signo ostendat: Saturnus in Ariete pectoris dolorem, Iuppiter cordis, Mars capitis, sol femorum, Venus pedum, Mercurius tibiarum, luna genuum. (2) Hoc pacto docuit cuiusmodi dolorem quibet planetarum in quolibet signo ostendat quod se in quodam libro invenisse asserit, nec ratio- nem huius rei subiungit. (3) Nos vero rationem huius rei partitionis dicemus. (4) Inspice quemvis planetam et scias quotta domuum post Arietem prima sua sit. Et si dominus illius domus est in illa attribue ei caput quod Arieti assimulatur. Quod si ipse in secundo a sua domo sit, da ei collum, quod Tauro simile. (5) Et hoc exposuimus in exemplo quod de Ariete supra dedi- mus. (6) Quia Capricornus est prima domus Saturni, ad quem Aries ita se habet ut Cancer ad Arietem, in quo Saturnus dolorem pectoris significat, et Cancer pectus iudicabit. (7) Et quia prima domus Iovis est Sagittarius in quo Aries distat, sicut Leo ab Ariete, et Leo cordis indicativus est, ideo Iuppiter in Ariete cordis dolorem significat. (8) Et quia prima domuum Martis est Aries ideo Mars in eo dolorem capitis ostendit. (9) Et quia Aries nonus est a Leone, domo solis ut Sagittarius ab Ariete, dolorem femorum ostendit. (10) Et quia Aries est duodecimus a Tauro prima domo Veneris ut Pisces ab Ariete qui pedum dolorem significant, ideo ea in Ariete pedes iudicat. (11) Et quia prima domuum Mercurii sunt Gemini a quibus Aries undecimus, ut Aquarius tibiarum demonstrativus ab Ariete, ideo tibias Mercurius iudicat. (12) Et quia Aries est decimus a Cancro domo lune ut Capricornus ab Ariete quia Capricornus genua iudicat, ideo luna in Ariete genua iudicat. 1 (1) It has already been shown in the Introduction, regarding the distribu- tion of the limbs among the signs, that Aries is in charge of the head. Taurus, according to Hermes, <is in charge of> the forehead, and according to the Ancients <is in charge of> the neck. Gemini <is in charge of> the arms with the shoulders. Cancer <is in charge of> the chest and has a share of the stom- ach. Leo <is in charge of> the heart and has a share of the stomach. Virgo <is in charge of> the diaphragm. Libra <is in charge of> the hips. Scorpio <is appendix 10 483 in charge of> the back with the sexual organs. Sagittarius <is in charge of> the thighs on which we ride horses. Capricorn <is in charge of> the knees. Aquarius <is in charge of> the legs. Pisces <is in charge of> the feet. 2 (1) Al Andruzagar showed in his book how every planet in its sign indi- cates pain: Saturn in Aries <indicates> a pain of the chest; Jupiter <in Aries indicates a pain> of the heart; Mars <in Aries indicates a pain> of the head; the Sun <in Aries indicates a pain> of the thighs; Venus <in Aries indicates a pain> of the feet; Mercury <in Aries indicates a pain> of the legs; the Moon <in Aries indicates a pain> of the knees. (2) He showed how any of the planets in any sign indicates pain in this guise, which, he asserted, he found in some book, but he did not accompany it with an explanation. (3) I offer now an explanation for this division. (4) Take any planet and determine how many signs its first <house> is after Aries. If the lord of this sign is located in it [the planet’s first house], ascribe to it [the lord of this sign] the head, as if it [the planet’s first house] were equivalent to Aries. If it [the planet] is in the second <sign> after its house, ascribe to it the neck, as if it were equivalent to Taurus. (5) This is what I showed in the aforementioned example related to Aries [see above, §2:1]. (6) Because the first house of Saturn is Capricorn, and because its [Capricorn’s] distance from Aries is as the distance between Aries and Cancer, therefore Saturn’s pain in Aries is the chest, because Cancer is in charge of the chest. (7) Because the first house of Jupiter is Sagittarius, and because its [Sagittarius’] distance from Aries is as the distance between Leo and Aries, and because Leo indicates the heart, therefore Jupiter in Aries signifies a pain of the heart. (8) Because the first house of Mars is Aries, therefore Mars in it [Aries] indicates a pain of the head. (9) Because Aries is the ninth <sign> after Leo, which is the Sun’s house, and because this is the distance [9 signs] between Sagittarius and Aries, it [the Sun in Sagittarius] indicates a pain of the thighs. (10) Because Aries is the twelfth <sign> after Taurus, which is the first house of Venus, and because this is the distance [12 signs] between Pisces and Aries, <and because> it [Pisces] indicates the feet, therefore it [Venus] in Aries indicates <a pain of> the feet. (11) Because the first house of Mercury is Gemini, which is the eleventh <sign> after Aries, just as Aquarius, which indicates the legs <is the eleventh sign> from Aries, therefore Mercury <in Aries> indicates <a pain of> the legs. (12) Because Aries is the tenth <sign> after Cancer, the Moon’s house, just as Capricorn <is the tenth sign> after Aries, and because Capricorn indicates the knees, therefore the Moon in Aries indicates the knees. Quotation 2: Abraham Ibn Ezra, Ṭeʿamim I, §2.3:2–7, pp. 40–43. 1 (1) ושמו הראש בחלק זה המזל כי הוא ראש לכל המזלות והוא יורה על הראש, ושור על הצואר, ותאומים על הכתפים והזרועות והידים, וסרטן על הצלעות והחזה, ואריה על הלב והקרב העליון, ובתולה על הבטן, ומאזנים על המתנים, ועקרב על הערוה, וקשת על הפחדים, וגדי על הארכובות, ודלי על השוקים, ודגים על הרגלים. 2 (1) ואמרו חכמי מצרים כי כאב שבתאי בו החזה, וצדק הלב. (2) זה טעמו: ישימו הבית הראשון של הכוכב כנגד מזל טלה שהוא כמו מזל טלה, על כן יאמרו .
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