7040 Syllabus (Fall 2013) 8/21/13 7:10 PM 7040 Syllabus (Fall 2013) St. Catherine University Master of Library and Information Science Program LIS 7040 G01: Information Access Services (10253) Fall 2013 As of 8/11/13; subject to change. Credit hours: 3 semester hours Classroom: CDC 18 Time: Tuesday, 6:00-9:00pm Contact hours: 45 (15 interactive lecture, 10 discussion, 10 workshop, 10 project work) Prerequisite or co-requisite: LIS 7010 Instructors: Joyce Yukawa, Anthony Molaro Office - Yukawa: CDC 48; Hours: one hour before/after class & by appointment Office - Molaro: CDC 49; Hours TBD. Contact: Anthony Molaro: agmolaro[at]stkate[dot]edu; Joyce Yukawa: jyukawa[at]stkate[dot]edu; Course website: Registered students may request access at 7040f13 PBworks after Aug. 28. Site content subject to change. Please check the course website for required readings for the first class. We will also use D2L for submitting assignments. I. Course Description As an introduction to effective reference service, the course addresses philosophy, principles, and practice of reference services, including the selection, evaluation and use of general reference sources; bibliographic control; online searching; reference research; reference interview; information literacy; and functions and management of reference and online services. 3 credits. Prerequisite or co-requisite: LIS 7010. II. Course Texts http://www.jyukawa.com/main/print/88 Page 1 of 8 7040 Syllabus (Fall 2013) 8/21/13 7:10 PM Required Text Cassell, K.A. & Hiremath, U. (2013). Reference and information services in the 21st Century: An introduction. 3rd ed. New York: Neal-Schuman. Available for purchase in the St. Kate’s bookstore, 2nd Floor, Coeur de Catherine. Other assigned and further readings are listed in the class wiki. III. Student Learning Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes MLIS Method of Program By successfully completing this course, the Assessment SLOs student will be able to: 1. Understand and compare the organization of Search Exercises, SLOs 6, information for access in print sources, Bibliography Plan, 7 databases, and on the web. Class Workshops. 2. Understand users' information seeking SLOs 1, Service Reports, behavior. 9 Class Workshops. 3. Demonstrate techniques used to retrieve, Search Exercises, SLOs 1, evaluate, and synthesize information from Bibliography Plan, 2, 7 diverse sources. Class Workshops. Search Exercises, 4. Cite sources precisely using a standard style SLO 8 Bibliography Plan, manual (APA). Services Report. 5. Evaluate the quality, accuracy, Search Exercises, comprehensiveness, timeliness, and utility of SLO 7 Bibliography Plan, individual reference resources. Class Workshops. 6. Understand and use "best practices" in SLOs 1, Service Reports, reference and user services, both face-to-face 6, 7, 9, Class Workshops and online. 10 SLOs 1, 7. Express an integrated philosophy of reference/ 5, 6, 8, Service Reports information service. 9, 10, 11 8. Understand and demonstrate information literacy instruction, such as user guides and brief SLO 10 Class Workshops bibliographic instruction sessions. http://www.jyukawa.com/main/print/88 Page 2 of 8 7040 Syllabus (Fall 2013) 8/21/13 7:10 PM 9. Understand the issues and trends in SLOs 1, Context Book information access services. 8, 9 Report, Class Workshops MLIS Program Student Learning Outcomes This course helps students meet the following MLIS Program student learning outcomes (SLOs): Identify and analyze information needs and opportunities of individuals and organizations. (SLO 1) Demonstrate critical thinking by integrating relevant models, theories, research and practices. (SLO 2) Communicate knowledge from library and information studies and related disciplines. (SLO 5) Demonstrate information technology fluency. (SLO 6) Demonstrate understanding of the selection, acquisition, organization, preservation, retrieval, and use of recorded knowledge and information resources. (SLO 7) Promote and model the professional values of ethical responsibility, intellectual freedom, and universal access to information. (SLO 8) Demonstrate awareness of diverse groups and how to serve them effectively. (SLO 9) Teach others to identify, analyze, organize, and use information. (SLO 10) Articulate a philosophy of service that demonstrates an understanding of the history, philosophy, principles, policies, and ethics of library and information science and technology. (SLO 11) MLIS Program Curriculum Threads Addressed Diversity Leadership Research Technology Ethics IV. Course Philosophy & Learning Strategies The approach taken in this class is inquiry and project/problem-based learning, described as: Student-driven Focused on exploration, questioning, critical thinking, and reflection Goes beyond information accumulation in a quest for knowledge that favors depth over breadth Seeks solutions, not answers Collaborative learning using diverse expertise to teach each other Resources we bring to the learning: http://www.jyukawa.com/main/print/88 Page 3 of 8 7040 Syllabus (Fall 2013) 8/21/13 7:10 PM Knowledge of and experience with reference services Knowledge of and experience with critical thinking/research Teamwork in social and professional settings Motivation V. Assignments and Course Requirements Search Exercises (30% of grade; Yukawa & Molaro) Students answer reference questions using various types of print and electronic reference sources. Date due: various. Context Book Report (15% of grade; Molaro) The context book report is a way to hone your professional skills, look outside the box, and learn from the broader world. This is a group project. Each team will select a book from the list provided, write a brief reflection and reaction paper (around 1,000 words), and present the context book to the class. Book selection due Sept. 17; Report & presentation due Oct. 22. Bibliography Plan (25% of grade; Yukawa) Each student will create a plan for an annotated bibliography on a topic of his/her own choosing. An annotated bibliography is an organized listing of papers, books, articles, dissertations, theses, films, or other published and unpublished materials on a particular subject. Creating a bibliography plan involves selecting, exploring, and refining a topic; using a wide range of reference sources and tools; documenting your search strategies and findings; and reporting your information seeking experiences. The report should include 6 or more annotations of materials you would include in your planned bibliography. Report should be at least 4,000 words, not including annotations and references. Bib Plan topic selection due Oct. 8; Bib Plan due Dec. 17. Service Reports (20% of grade; Molaro) Service reports analyze the quality of the service that you receive from employees, representatives, or self-service systems of organizations serving the general public. Each report deals with a single current incident – but should identify multiple factors contributing to an evaluation of service as good or bad. You will observe and report on service received in 3 contexts: (1) general customer service; (2) library reference; and (3) virtual reference. Due Nov. 26. Class Participation (10% of grade; Molaro & Yukawa) Active class participation is essential to the atmosphere of this class because we learn from each other and participation acts as a model of reference work itself. Full points (10 points) will be given if all the following criteria are met: Completing all search exercises and assignments on http://www.jyukawa.com/main/print/88 Page 4 of 8 7040 Syllabus (Fall 2013) 8/21/13 7:10 PM time, perfect attendance, regularly contributing to class discussions, regularly contributing in small group exercises, encouraging others to participate in asking questions and making relevant comments during class discussions and lectures. The scale goes down to one (1) point for the following: Three or more absences for a weekly class or 2 absences for a weekend class, incomplete exercises, no contributions to class discussions, little contribution to small group work. VI. Assessment & Grading Grading Scale A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- F 95-100 90-94 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 74-76 70-73 0-69 This is a required course. You must earn at least a B grade or you will be required to retake the course. Assignments and Grading Assignment Grading Search Exercises 30% Context Book Report 15% Bibliography Plan 25% Service Reports 20% Class Participation 10% Total 100% Assignment Due Dates & Absences All assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. In case of emergency, please contact the instructor responsible for the assignment prior to the due date for an extension. In the case of an excused absence, make-up of course requirements (e.g. exams, quizzes, practical exam, papers, etc…) must be scheduled at a mutually convenient time. It is the student's responsibility to arrange a make-up schedule with the course instructor(s) PRIOR to the absence. In the case of an unexcused absence, make-up of course requirements that were missed must be completed by the student within three (3) school days of their original date. If not completed within this timeframe, the total point value of the course requirement is forfeited. Incomplete Grade A grade of incomplete is given only when unusual circumstances deem it appropriate. Ordinarily, http://www.jyukawa.com/main/print/88 Page 5 of 8 7040 Syllabus (Fall 2013) 8/21/13 7:10 PM such circumstances would involve matters that are not wholly within your control, such as illness. If you wish to receive an incomplete grade you must complete a Petition for Incomplete Grade form (available online) no later than the last day of the term in which course requirements are due. You must be making satisfactory progress in the course and you must have completed 75% of the course at the time the petition is filed. Incompletes are awarded at the instructor’s discretion. If granted, the normal deadline for completion of the work is no more than eight weeks after the last day of classes in the session or sub-session in which the course is offered. The instructor may establish a due date after the normal deadline if you request it and special circumstances warrant it.
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