Office of Student Affairs 2010-02-1 A Modest Proposal, vol. 6, no. 5 Jonathan Coker, et al. © 2010 A Modest Proposal Find more information about this article here. This document has been made available for free and open access by the Eugene McDermott Library. Contact [email protected] for further information. w g Chollenging Prop 8 Va~entine's Day . Climate Summit z Coupling marriage law Checkered past discredits cult UTU students chronicle their 0 with marriage equality. of ready-made sentiment. experiences at Copenhagen. V') _J Page 7 Pages 8 & 9 Pages 12 & 13 < fEBRUARY 2"'010 • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 5 • AMP.UTDALLAS.EDU ., ______________ _.__________________ ~------~------------~--------~~--~--~--------------- 2 EDITORS' D ES ·K . I blfee l like there's a lot of.tm portant tt ff. I . JUm ~d up, and hard to read: s I m t us article, but it's really . \:"ill you be revisiting this in re . not JUSt immoral, but acttmlly . g. al tel detail next semester? IfWatervt·e . AId l . m Vto atJOn ofth 1 w JS 1 t us article seems to impl th· b . , ~ aw, students need to know y ,n, ut Jt s JUSt so hard to foil ow. 1 appreciate this piece because it confirms and explains my anecdote-based Jackson, "LOL-less Leases" post No.2 sense that most students DON'T. CHECK their UTD email. ln the school of manageme11t, we are trying to start a mentoring program from incoming SOM students. The only con.tact info we have is a UTD e.mail address. I absolutely love Tasty Egg Roll. TI1e last paragraph really does sum it Out of a couple ~undred students, less than 10 have replied. ObviouslY, there are up nicely. Most of the lunches there are enough for 2 people, and they have several likely explanations for this, but it is-probable that a.great many of these little bags of fried wonton ~trips for less than a dollar that will hook you.lf students simply overlooked it or never saw it in their UTD email. • you want spicy, just grab a jar of chili oil from the counter. I do hope the new email system about to be rolled out (http:l/~.utdallas. melissa k, "The Menu" post No. 1 edu/news/2009/11/23-003.php) will help \"'ith this. I do disagree strongly \"'ith Ms. Olson's·implication that history majors by definition will never care about neuropsychology. Perhaps she is right that that particular notice should not have been sent·to all students, but, in general, encour­ . think. some of this ~ould be he! ed . performance venue like that in the {o by the constmction of a larger aging peopleto expose themselves to a \'Vide range of ideas is .a critical mission of IS already excellent with cl1e work thatnsson has b Performance . Hall · Our 1heatre any university. mance H all is pretty much the sam I een put mto it, and the Perfor- We need fewer intellectuallcreative.silos at UTD, not m·ore! , or something tllat could fu ·. e. f there were some new aud"t . Anyway, I do hope there is a UTD committee s?mewhere trying to figure out d . ' ncnon pretty · 1 1 onum gra uatiOn there instead of.m t h e activityruce y. Heck,I we could eV'en h ave. how to ,better balance the importance d.fp,ublicity With theJ"~k of alienating the grown up I felt when we all . center. know how much l"k al got our ruce n di 1 e a very people meant to be informed/~nriehed. If thereiS. no' ~uch committee, LETS r teams play basketball. ew p1 omas where tpe intramu- FORM ONE! .McClain Watson, ".(students)" post No. 1 Tyler, "At Capacity" N A Modest ProposalT-Shirts! Satire is amusing and often a good way to make a point, but I think in A Modest Proposal has undeni­ this case the illustration cheapens the argument. Environmental Health & ably awesome t-shirts. One could Safety wouldn't care about textbooks and Alumni Relations wouldn't send be yours today. All contributors out an email abput a gas ·leak. A sample of the actual emails sent would are entitled to one free t-shirt. do better to demonstrate how obnoxious these emails can be. Come on, Anyone may purchase a t-shirt staff trying to sell opera tickets to students via email? 1hat's good stuff for SlO, (but why would you pay ~right there. There's enough legit ridiculous emails out there; the hyperbole when you can contribute?) Email contained withi~ the illustration falls flat. [email protected] for purchase information. melissa k, "[students]" post No. 4 Front Back About A Modest Proposal Opinion Publicat~on: Afv!P exists to amplif)t your voice. AMP ~o~s not asstgn topiCs or discriminate on the basis of Want to get involved? the opuuon expressed. CNo Staff. · Any stud. ent, f:ac ulty, or alumnus may contribute. ontnbutors can be as casual or as dedicated with involve­ ment as they please. Upcoming AMP dates: Equal Stan~ng: I_n ~ubmissions to AMP, every contributor .. speaks as an mdJvtdual, even editors. Story fV!.eetings: Feb. 3 &.4 9 p·M. MC 3.612 !ns~itu~onal Voice: AMP can take a stand o~ issues as an Articles Due: F~b. 11, Midnight msntutiOn. Only articles signed by all currept editors and ex­ Production Weekend.· Feb.19-21 MC 3. 612 pressly labeled institutional opinion are institutional optmons.. Caption Contest Entry: Feb. 19 Contact Us: A Modest Pr.oposal (MC 3.612) join the email fist at amp. utdallas.edu/ amp.utdallas.edu subscribe 'to get meeting remind~s [email protected] Twitter: AMPatUTD Calendar of all events available Google Group: AModestProposal at amp. utdallas. edu/calendar 214-AMP-UTDO (21~267-8830) A M OD EST PRO POSAL CONTENTS 3 In 1his Issue. • • CAMPUS L IFE 4 Gimme (My Own) Shelter Economic slump affords investment Editors opportunity SPOR TS & RECR EAT ION Jonathan Coker BY DANA SCOTT Kenny Gray Bowl Game Bull Mac Hird UTD Cheers! David Huddlestun 5 Exploring a better way to handle the The Pub brings spirits to campus Liz Organ National Championship BY ·FINNY PHILIP BY MAYUR PATEL MediaAd~iser Cristen I:li:xson SOCIA L COMMENTARY AR TS '& LE ISURE Ombudsman 1he Resolution Lindsay Bernsen 6 Season's Greedings 15 Advertising ~e cutives sell Ol~t holy days" Video Game reviews for 7he Saboteur Editor- BY PRASHANT RAGHAVENDRAN and Bayonet/a · Copy BY TAYLOR BUTT!-ER camden Cornwell' Preparation 8 Contributors 7 It's time to soothe the rash Reeling in the Decades Richard Badgett of inroler~nce Iconic filius capnue the Joshua Brumett BY CAMDEN CORNWELL character oftheir times Taylor Buttler BY ALEX GARCIA TOPETE Lewis Chang 8 Will You Be My Valentine™? 0 Craig ,Gabryscp · BY CRAIG GABRYSCH Alex Garcia Topete I7 Editors' Picks Caitlin Like The 5 Best Albums of2009 Happiness Is a Love Gun Braeden Mayer I 0 BY THE EDITORS Luke McKenzie ·Underpants bomber sparks debate MayurPatel BY ALICE POST Flnq.y Philip The Menu Alice Post This month: Dimassi's Mediterranean Buffet GovERNM EN T & Prashant.Raghavendran BY BRADY SPENRATH Dana Scqtt La'Uren Sechrist Swallowing The Bill SHAMELESS FRIVOLITY Brady Spenrath I l ¥eg'an'fan Gagging on the symptoms of Scott l)ngchusri ineffective political proccess .19 Caption Contest Saskia Versteeg BY BRAEDEN MAYER .. ·~"' P uzzLEs & GAMES J2 CoP.enhagen Goes Green (ana Orange) · 20 . Puzzles Pages' BY JOSH BRUMETT AND. The Uranus SASKIA VERSTEEG 22 Cover design by luke mckenzie. Uranus cover design by alex garcia topete. Contents images by megan tan, mac hird and scott ungchusri 4 C 8 t::l ~ lJ S ~...~~ .... _ _.._l--.~-1-L--E-'--E ____.__ ___ Gimme (My Own) ·Shelter Economic slump affords. investment opportunity hall, one year in the University Village with scholarships, but it also offers oppor­ ~ted with moving. If a student decides apartments, and two years in the Water­ tunities beyond the standard four under­ to rent on campus, that student will have view Park apartments can expect to spend graduate years. The increase in the num­ to move into a new apartment up to four $17,226, not including utilities for the last ber of students who decide to take part in times. That is a costly effort even without two years or possible rent increases. study abroad programs has been dramatic . a moving company, especially if the stu­ by dana scott Although real estate prices are declin­ in the last few years. dent is living up three flights of stairs! [email protected] · ing right now, there is a high likelihood Furthermore, fast-track program$ are Also, real estate costs are tax deduct­ that the market will experience an upswing offered fo! many majors. Students who rely ible, which can mean having· a little more The recent drop in real estate prices in the next four years. Instead of paying on scholarships to help pay their housing money - something which no poor col­ has again drawn attention 'to a perennial rent and never getting a penny back, the­ costs must take into account that scholar­ lege student would refuse. question: Should students rent an apart­ homebuyer would be quite iikely to make ships only apply for four years. Students There are certai!liy cons associated ment or buy a house? Many options and a profit after sell­ with home ownership. incentives are in place for potential hom­ ing their house. Upkeep is completely eowners. Picking up the classified ads in In Plano, there ( ( .Instead of paying rent and never getting a the owner's respon­ The Dallas Morning News and perusing are 39 listings sibility, so there is no for just a few moments reveals several ad­ between $25,000 penny back, the homebuyer would be quite likely management to call if vertisements for foreclosed homes in the and $120,000 to make -a profit after s·elling their house 11 a toilet stops up.
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