Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU EMU Student Newspaper University Archives 1902 Normal College News, October, 1902 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/student_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Normal College News, October, 1902" (1902). EMU Student Newspaper. Paper 4. http://commons.emich.edu/student_news/4 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in EMU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. !NfORJ4Al1eoLL[,c �EWS OCTOBE.R 1902 �................ -.-........._.�� ., ............... lDetrott, JQpstlantt .,-----i 1tnn 1trbor & 3acltson 'Ratlwap Jlintcar leaves Ypailantl for Detroit at 6:lS a. m. Jtveey half hour thereafter until 9:lS p, m. Thl!n at 10:15 and $. E. If)obge ll:4Sp,m, Jlint car ll!avu Dl!trolt for Ana Arbor at 6:30 a. m. Bvl!r:, half hour thtteafter uii,W· 9 · p. m. Thl!D at 10 and 11:15 p. m. · . ' .l �ptictan. Pirst car Ann Arbor to Jack1on at 7:30 ii; m., and hourly l'lll)$.ramtnatlons ·,ree until 11:30 p. m. 'l'ir1t car .Jackson to A11D Arbor at 6 a. m., aud houri:, unUllO p, m. · · I ·. Iii I SP.1_1.L'Df1V,G'S . Foot Bali Supplies : Are unlYersally us� bec:auae, anythh11rbearlnc- the 1111tb I Spaldlil!f trade-mark 111 t:eCQED!Rd as the best 1nade. Spaldilr11 01/ieuzl l111Bct1/lt1i41,l'ool 'IJall Is byused l!Yery leadtuirteain throuirhoutthe country and must bl! used I In all championship cames, s� . b. moD,ie & son · S,afd nt I Ne/IIAttachltlffft fw 7Ht11ttfl'Iati/;,,, Jtatlti111 I ·was Invented b7.llfr. .John M'.c:Mashm!,trainer of the Har­ vard team, and used. by theualast season. lt 11th,: beat -�-��IiI appliance gl lts kliid, • Spalfilq•; Official Poot Ball.Guld�. Price 10 cents Ctlta/oz,uof 'Fall and w,·,,tt,, Sports uni tru A. G. SPALDING O aaoe. New .York Chicqo Denver Baltimore :Buffalo ·• DO ·YOU KNOW • • • • . .• .. -that you can buy H�rt, 'Schaffner � Ma.rx .Clothing In·. Ypsilanti? Why! the heat dr.essed students In the College all wear them. Buy them of C. S� WO&.TLE.Y � CO •• they have all the new things in Men's Wearing_ .Appar•l. · I 1 ADVERTISEMENTS Sullivan-Cook Co. DEPARTMENT STORE OF 1001. lb. Sweet & Son YPSILANTI, MICH. WE OCCUPY THREE FLOORS FOR SALESROOMS Lace Curtains, Muslin Under· wear, Calico, Wrappers, Basement Oil Cloth and rcst.rvc stocks of Hosiery and Clothiers Undenvenr. General Linc of First Closs Dry Goods, Silk, Dress and Goods. Trimmings, Hosi- First Floor cry, Gloves, Underwear, etc., etc. Furnishers -- Mill iuery Department,Clonks, Second Floor Skirts and D1ess Makinir. We carry a very larire stock of Goods which we offrr at Low Prices for Pirst Class Goods. We respectfully solicit your patrono2e. :isanklng IDepartment Ypsilanti, Michigan Checks cashed at par H at is out of order, take nt, and all broken ftewe[n-y, to Brabb the Jeweller (�VER The Students' Vhotographer ever the �ostofflce ADVltRTISEMltNTS 1:)eallquartets tot 1-\ormal Stullents YOURSELF and friends are cordially in­ : : for: : vited to see our patterns illustrating the GYMNASIUM SHOES leading styles in Hats and Bonnets from New York, Cleveland, Chicago, Buffalo and Detroit. A,od all Kinds of1{,/iabh 1'0,t1111a1 Our preparation for this year exceeds any pre­ vious year as we have visited the openings at P. C. Sherwood & Son the above markets and have copied the best THB.SftOBMEN leading styles. 126 Con,rrcss St. Mrs. N. T. Bacon, 1'\ll llln�s of repair work 232 Congress Street Shoes � CAUL CLUB Repaired� RATES $2.25 on your way to the Vost t!>fflce eorner ll'earl and Waablngton • • Duffy & Son • • 312 Ellis St. 0. SV.1\LSBCJRY, D. D. S. • • • jffne IDrr Q;oo�s • • • ------:: anl>: :------ 'U.Ulo olter <tloaks Dentist f>fflce eor. eon11reasand Washington Sta ever Horner Bros.• Shoe Store :rsert lb. (tomstock 128 aongress St. • •••• )JpsUantl Local 11.naesthctlc for ll'alnJesa ExtracUoa BE LOY AL TO YOUR COLLEGE AND SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NORMAL NEWS l ADVERTISEMENTS NORMAl CONSfRVATOR� Of MUSIC �. 'Um. IDensmore's Frederic H. Pease, 1Jirector Cor. Washington and Congress St. .II .II Is headquarters for everything in the FACULTY line of Plano Gents• etothlng and fluralshlng• MISS ALICE LOWDE!'{ *MISS MYRA L, BIRD MR. ARTDUR BOSTICK We also carry a large line of Grips MllS. Jassra P. SCRIMOBR MR. F.L. YORK and Telescopes. Students are espe· MR. MINOJl WHITE cially invited to inspect our stock. Ora an JIIA. HOWAllD BROWN MIL YOllK Mll. FllBDBlUC PRASR Violin MISS ABBA. OWEN ]. H. Wortley Violoncello .JI, .JI, :MR. H. w. SAl>!SO" Voice Culture and Singing ftre 'Insurance MR. FRED ELLlS *Mrss BIRD MISS CARRIE ·rowNER 1Real.l6state JBougbt MR. )1ARSHALL PEASE an� Sol� MR. and MRS. FREDERIC PEASE Italian t,omes1Rente� MISS ELLE!'{ C. WORTLEY Mone}? '.lLoanel:> Tor circular, concernmr Urms and t•ition, apply to the 1)11 ector *studying in Europe No. 109 P�arl St. STUDENTS Horoer !Jake this your nece1sity store. '11,e'be so many articles Jvhich are in constant use in the homes 11nd rooms as JlJtll as a fut/ table s11pply. Ebery article is guaranteed and our prices are Brotbers a/Jvays correct. The lost Reliable DAVIS & CO. Shoe Dealers Cordially invite nil students On the Corner to make their headquarters at their store. No. I 30 eon­ 5. W, Ferauson P • .J. Snyder g rea• Street. "SORO SIS" Ferguson & Snyder JENNESS MILLER .•. Dulm In... and ULTRA SPECIALTIES Groceries and Previsions 1\ ntce llne of l)atent'l,catbcr Sboes anb l)artl! Sllppcrt. 'ltht onll! '!Regulation Gl!mnHlum Sbots, 123 CONGRl!!SS ST. •PHONE NO, 70 '!Rubber, �catl'I?Ylttcb. '111!1atcb our w!nbows for Our aim is to furnish good goods at honest prices. May we serve you in any ...ay1 '!rhe La:tes1i Normal College New-s OCTOBER, 1902 CONTE.NTS PAGR PRESIDENT JONES 1 FIFTIETH ANNlVERSARY OP THE DF.DICATTON OP THE FIRST NORMAT, SCHOOL BUILDING 2 f RETROSPECTIVB vrnw OP fUM'MER NORMAL 5 AUTUMN 11 DEPARTMENTAL 11 LIBRARY 12 VACATION NOTES 13 SUMMER'S OVER 15 EDITORIAL 16 ALUMNI NOTES 17 MARRIAGES 18 LOCALS . 19 SOCIETIES 20 STUDENTS' CHRTSTTA •. ASSOCTAT!C'', 21 FRATERNITIES 22 WORK 23 ATHLETICS 24 EXCHANGES 25 ADDITIONAL LOCALS 27 DIRE.CTORY Literary Societies LINCOLN CI,UB President C. E. Crawford Vice-Presiden t - Geo. K. Wilson A '!'HF.NF.UM SOCIRTY Secretary 0. L. Judson President Isaiah Bowman Vice-President - Nellie E. Smith PORTJA CI,UB Secretary .Margaret Dundass President Emma J. Parmeter Treasurer - Chas. B. Jordan Vice-Presiilrnt Anna Dobbins Secretary Margaret McGillivray OT,VMPTC SOCJ!t'l'Y '\" :0.1 . C. A. President - R. A. Smith President - C. E. Kellogg Vice -Presiden l Iva Bliss Vice -President R. C. Smith Secretary Jean McKay Corresponding Secretary Harry Rawdon CRESCF.NT �OCIPTV V. W. C. A. President Vinora Beal President Jessie R. Doty Vice-President Manon Paton Vice-President Donna Stratton Secretary Frank Ackerman General Secretary Katherine Closz WEDS'l'ER CI,UD Churches of Ypsilanti President J. �f . l\Iunson Vice-President O. B. Winter Baptist-Comer Cross and Washington Sts., Rev. Secretary - R. C. Smith , Mr. James Brown, pastor. ATHLE'fIC ASSOCIATION Catholic-Corner Cross and Hamilton Sts., Rev. Father Frank Kennedy, pastor. President - W. B. Smith Vice-President Geo. Wilson Congregational-Corner Adams antl Emmet Sts., Secretary Edward Kinsler Rev. Mr. Arthur Beach, pastor. Treasurer Prof Dimon H. Roberts Episcopal-Huron St., Rev. Mr. William Gardam, Football Manager Richard Smith rector. Baseball Manager Newell Wallace Basketball Manager C. B. Jordan Methodist-Corner Washington and Ellis Sts., Rev. Track Team Managtr - Frank Kruze Mr. Charles Allen, pastor. M. I. A. A. Director Fred Scovell Presbyterian-Corner Washington and Emmet Sts., Editor W. W. Morris Rev. Mr. Robert K. Wharton, pastor. l. Normal College Nelvs Vol. 22 OCTOBE.R, 1902 No. 1 PRESIDENT JONES UR llew President, L. H. Jolles, COIT\es to tqis college witl'\ O a natio11al reputatio11 as a11 educator, executive and ad1T1.i11istrator. For t16/elve years J:\e did faitJ:\ful aI)d vigorous service ill tJ:\e Indta11a State Nor1T1.al College, and also iq tJ:\e City Nor1T1.al ScJ:\ool ill Terre Haute. T1:'\e follo161iT)g ten years 1:'\e 16/as in cJ:\arge of tJ:\e scqools of Iqdianapolis, af\d was eIT\if\ently successful af\d popular. Mr. Jones 16/as last at Clevelaf\d 1611:'\ere 1:'\e 1:'\ad for eigl)t years tlle supervisioq of tlle scl)ools. T1:'\e scl)ool law Ul)der 1611:'\icll 1:'\e aci1T1.inistered tl)e scnools of Clevelaf\d is t!le IllOSt radical scl)ool-legislatiof\ ill existeqce ill city scl)ool systeIT\S, af\d tl)is gave l\lIT\ II10re scope ill 1:'\is 16/or� a11d IT\Ore autl)ority to execute llis reforIT\s tJ:\a11 16/as ever before given to any superintendent of sc1:'\ools. One insta11ce ill particular was tlle passt11g of a law wl)icl) gave 1:'\iIT\ tlle power to appoint, prOIT\Ote, and disc1:'\arge teac1:'\ers 16/itQ.otlt reference to tlle sc1:'\ool board. In addition to 1:'\is executive and adIT[if\istrative ability, Mr. Jo11es is a maf\ of rare culture af\d fif\e presef\Ce. Tlle Micl)igaf\ N orIIlal Col­ lege is to t:e COf\gratulated in its lle161 preside!)t, and tlle ftlture pro1T1.isesre!)ewed prosperity.
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