ANNUAL REPORT 2008 ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL 2008 CONTEMPORARY ART SOCIETY FOR WALES CYMDEITHAS CELFYDDYD GYFOES CYMRU T H E A L B A N Y G A L L E R Y GARETH THOMAS GARETH THOMAS June 12th – July 4th June 12th – July 4th CERICERI AUCKLANDAUCKLAND DAVIESDAVIES AugustAugust 21st21st – September 12th 12th 74b74b Albany Albany Road, Road, Cardiff,Cardiff, CF24CF24 3RS 3RS T:T: 029 029 2048 2048 7158 7158 E: E: [email protected] [email protected] W:www.albanygallery.comW:www.albanygallery.com Gallery open: Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sundays and Bank Holidays 11am – 4pm Gallery open: Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sundays and Bank Holidays 11am – 4pm contemporary art society for wales cymdeithas celfyddyd gyfoes cymru Charity No: 247947 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY AT 31st DECEMBER 2008 Patron The Right Honourable The Earl of Snowdon President Professor Bryan Hibbard Vice Presidents Mr Arthur Giardelli MBE Mr Ken Spurlock MBE Chairperson Mr D Gareth Davies Vice Chairperson Mr Bernard Rees Treasurer Mr Peter Clee 1 Events Secretary Dr Christine Evans Membership Secretary Mr Bernard H Rees Yr Hen Sgubor, Flemingston CF62 4QJ Tel: 01446 751253 Email: [email protected] Secretary Jean A Williams 6 Le Sor Hill, Peterston Super Ely, Llanbedr-y-Fro, Vale of Glamorgan CF5 6LW Tel: 01446 760576 Email: [email protected] Assistant Secretary Nesta James Llwyncelyn, 14 Grove Road, Pontardawe SA8 4HH Tel: 01792 863884 Email: [email protected] Executive Committee Professor Tony Curtis, Dr Peter Davies, Dr Dan Evans, Mr William Gibbs, Dr Sandra Harding, Ms Dilys Jackson, Dr Tudor Jones, Mrs Maureen Kelly Owen, Mrs Madge O’Keeffe, Dr Anne Price-Owen, Mrs J M Rees-Mathews, Mr Alan Spiller, Dr Peter Wakelin, Mrs Jean Walcot, Ms Audrey Walker MBE Auditors KTS Owens Thomas Limited (Chartered Accountants) Produced by Platform One, Monmouth 01600 714600 2 Susan Brown SUMMER EXHIBITION Featuring Susan Brown 26th June - 5th September 2009 DENISE YAPP | CONTEMPORARY ART Mill House, Whitebrook, Monmouth NP25 4TX 01600 860950 also at The Celtic Manor Resort, Newport 01633 410488 www.deniseyapp.com Email: [email protected] dENISE yAPP 2009.indd 1 19/05/2009 16:44:57 ANNUAL REPORT 2008 CHAIR CHAT This report, together with the information detailed on p.1 and My formal report will be ‘fleshed out’ in this year’s Newsletter, the the associated Statement of Financial Activities (pp6 & 7) reflect the range and quality of whose articles grows each year thanks to the overseeing of production by Jean Williams. Charity Commission’s Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP). The Society’s governance continues to uphold these requirements I have taken previous opportunities, both verbally and in writing in furtherance of its Constitutional objects - to pay tribute to Betty Evans’s sterling contribution to CASW in a number of capacities, most recently as President, retiring in 2008. To foster and promote the maintenance, improvement and development of I now, on your behalf, record our gratitude formally in the Society’s artistic taste and the knowledge and appreciation of the arts among the Annual Report. people of Wales, and for this purpose, but not otherwise, the Society shall 2008 has been another busy and constructive year, highlighted in have the power to purchase contemporary works of art of accepted importance, the Society’s splendid 70th Anniversary Weekend at Gregynog Hall, and to arrange for exhibitions of such works for the benefit of the public, and Powys, (featured in the 2008 Newsletter). However, there were and to present them to Welsh public charitable institutions. continue to be concerns, for we cannot remain immured from a most serious world-wide financial downturn. Our already small Increasing use of small working groups continues to be employed investment income continues to diminish, as in all probability will surpluses from events, particularly as foreign study visits become to progress policy initiatives, their deliberations being subject to ever more expensive with attendant fall off in participation. Access Executive Committee consideration and ultimate approval. They to exchequer-sourced grants (which we had recently begun to are composed of the officersex officio supported by Executive explore) will almost certainly cease. We need to do all we can to Committee members, with particular interest in the areas under maximise income and in this context greater support of our 70th consideration. The President serves as a full member by invitation. Anniversary Commissioned Print Portfolio and commemorative Gregynog Studio book would be welcome; they remain available The year’s more important decisions/achievements are: for purchase. Even more prudent control of finances will be needed and • 70th Anniversary Weekend at Gregynog Hall, Powys expenditure prioritized to ensure we provide as much efficiently • Production of the 70th Anniversary Print Portfolio and effective support to the visual arts in Wales as can be reasonably commemorative Gregynog Studio book commissioned in 2007 expected of a voluntary organization with modest resources. • Addition of a second studentship award Perhaps, as encouragement, we should remind ourselves of the 3 • Financial assistance to the Dictionary of Artists in Wales Society’s genesis in the 1930s Depression and what our founders • Decision to fill gaps in the CASW Collection together with achieved. supporting budgetary provision With the National Eisteddfod in Cardiff, CASW’s Purchase Prize • Participation in the Glasbury Festival selection was offered to the Welsh Assembly Government, which • Involvement of the Welsh Assembly Government in the readily responded. Lord Dafydd Elis Thomas (Presiding Officer), an selection and acquisition of the CASW Eisteddfod Prize art historian/critic in his own right, selected the works (Spoonscape • Establishment of post of Past President Peter Bodenham; Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse i-iv; Manon Awst • Election of Prof. Bryan Hibbard as President & Benjamin Walther) The level of the CASW prize (£2,000) was • Appointment of Audrey Walker, the distinguished textile artist, insufficient to cover the number of artworks chosen and Lord Elis as Buyer for 2009 Thomas committed the Assembly to cover the shortfall. In his • Another hugely successful lecture/study visit programme address in the Visual Arts Pavilion he hinted strongly that the Senedd should take a more positive role and develop its own Collection, possibly for public exhibition in a refurbished Pierhead Building in This report chronicles another busy year of achievement and the Cardiff. This enlightened approach is very welcome and perhaps it Executive Committee trusts it secures your confidence in their may not be too fanciful to see CASW’s Eisteddfod Purchase Prize management of your Society. initiative as a meaningful catalyst. The 2008 London Study visit was, again, a huge success and D.Gareth Davies although it will be reported fully in our 2009 Newsletter I feel CASW Chair the need to comment. Planned, as usual, by Dr. Tudor Jones and Alan Spiller, the former’s serious illness requiring his withdrawal, left Alan (with Bronwen’s assistance) to finalize arrangements and to ensure splendid fruition, for which special thanks are due. The highlight was visits to the homes of Rachel Paterson and Rhiannon Gooding to take tea while viewing the works of their late father, Ceri Richards, arguably the most significant 20th Century Welsh artist and a major figure in modern British art. They were truly privileged and memorable occasions. The Society is grateful for all the support it received during the year, from without and within, not least for the new management Dr Elizabeth Hibbard and her team have brought to our Lisvane lunches. 4 Summer Group Exhibition 20th June to 19th September New Work from all the Gallery’s artists. Close Encounters IX, monoprint, Bill Jacklin RA Attic Gallery, 14 Cambrian Place, Swansea SA1 1RG tel 01792 653387 www.atticgallery.co.uk open Tuesday - Saturday CONTEMPORARY ART SOCIETY FOR WALES STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES (Incorporating an income and expenditure account) for the year ended 31 December, 2008 2008 Unrestricted 2007 Total funds as INDEPENDENT funds restated EXAMINER’S REPORT Notes £ £ TO THE TRUSTEES OF CONTEMPORARY ART INCOMING RESOURCES SOCIETY FOR WALES Incoming resources from generated funds I report on the accounts of the Voluntary Income 12,747 12,262 Trust for the year ended 31 December 2008, which are set Activities for generating funds 2 19,140 1,050 out on pages 6 and 7. Respective responsibilities of trustees and Investment income 3 3,098 3,971 independent examiner. Incoming resources from charitable activities As the charity’s trustees you are responsible for the preparation of Educational activities 18,773 18,150 the accounts. You consider that an audit is not required for this year Other incoming resources 1,410 1,446 under section 43(2) of the Charities Total incoming resources 55,168 36,879 Act 1993 (the Act) and that an independent examination is needed. RESOURCES EXPENDED It is my responsibility to examine the accounts (under section 43 of Charitable activities the Act), to follow procedures laid Charitable Expenditure 48,911 7,125 down in the General Directions given by the Charity Commission Administration expenditure 24,145 20,638 (under section 43(7) (b) of the Act) and to state whether particular Governance Costs 4 700 650 matters have come to my attention. Total resources expended 73,756 28,413 Basis of independent examiner’s statement NET INCOMING/(OUTGOING) RESOURCES (18,588) 8,466 My examination was carried out in accordance with the General RECONCILIATION OF FUNDS Directions given by the Charity Total funds brought forward 78,678 70,212 Commissioners. An examination includes a review of the accounting TOTAL FUNDS CARRIED FORWARD 60,090 78.678 records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts CONTINUING OPERATIONS - All incoming resources and resources expended arise from continuing activities presented with those records.
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