Price 3 0 p I GOT THEM OLE TV BLUES To learn that the BBC were prepared to fly Buddy Guy ovcr for a single télévision performance came as quite a surprise and on the 2nd.of August: we eagerly tuned in to the BBC show MB . A*ïn Music11 . After suffering many minutes of utter rubbish Buddy was introduced by the présenter^popster B.A.Robert- son,who then conducted the worldfs worst interview. What followed was little bettor, with Buddy,supported by a white pick up band including Dave 'Elmore1 Kelly, playing three undistinguished num- bers,looking and sounding like a second-rate Hendrix. HowoveJ ^that the BBC were prepar- ed to fly Guy over for this show may liold out some hope of them bringing some other artists over in the fut­ ure . Also adorninam* the screen at the moment is another BBC show,nThe Ass- ociatesM }which fcatures B .B ,King playing the signature tune and other music for the show.With B.B. turning his hand to songs such as '’SomGwhere Over The Rainbow" it 1 s quite an ex- périence and will provide plenty of headaches for King1s discographers in the future 1 Well,Channel 4 starts in November and is promising a séries of jazz programmes.So,if we start writing now we may even get some blues. WANTANEWDISC ? / I « Gettit from da Sailah! SUFFERING FROM SUMMERTIME FLATULENCE? -Then get yourself sortie senapods an* don *t bother me till it*s ail over.If, on the other hand,you are free from ail bodily excesses, I might allow you to buy a few new albums. ACE-£4 >00 each. ROUTE 66-£4.00 each. GH51 Rosco Gordon Vol.2. KIX-19 Larry Darnell. CH52 Howling Wolf-Ridin* Xn The KIX-20 Wynonie Harris Vol.2. Moonlight* KIX-21 Amos Milburn Vol*2. ATLANTIC-2LP set £6.50* RED PEPPER-£4*00 each. 60164 Prof«Longhair-The Last 701 Champion Jack Dupree-Joe Mardi Gras - live set from Davis sides. Tipitina1s, 178 . SONET-£4.25. BLUES BOY-£4,00 each. 879 Hound Dog Taylor-Genuine 301 B.B.King~The Rarest King. Houserocking.Music. 302 Lowell Fulson-1946-57. SUND0WN~£4.50.‘ CHESS(French)-£4.00 each. 709-05 Long Gone Miles-Country 515.025 John Lee Hooker-House Born(Smash sides)< Of The Blues. 515,028 Shakey Horton-Soul Of YAZ00~£4.25 single L P ' s ^ ô . S O Blues Harmonica. doubles. Entire catalogue always in stock. DELMARK-2LP set £6.50. JAPANESE P-VINE~£8 .00(gaspo. ) 645/6 Magic Sam~Live 1 63-*69. 9038 Downhome Chicago Blues~the KRAZY KAT~£4.00 entire Parkway sessions with 7406 Smokey Smothers-Federal Muddy >Walter,L.Foster. sessions. MAGPIB-£4.00. POSTAGE RATES: InlandzLP* s :l=53p; 4417 Piano Blues;Paramount Vol.2 2=96p.j3=or 4=£1.22 ;5-7~£l.57 ; 7- -entire Piano Blues sériés always in stock;BUY THE 10~£1.99. Overseasîvia small WHDLB SET FOR A SPECIAL packet:LPrs;l~72p;2 or 3=£1.57; PRICE OF £60.00!! via letter post:4-6~£5.09.Larger parcels,prices on request. NIGHTHAWK-£4.50 each. 107 Chicago Slickers Vol.2, 108 Prof.Longhair-Mardi Gras in You ain*t seen Sailor’s Delight New Orléans, yet? Where yabin ail these years? 109 Downhome Delta Blues. Send for your FREE sample copy right now. 0RIGIN-£4♦50 surprlsingly these classic al­ bums are still available.An f I fve got them in stock right now, ... * Want to speak to the Sailor? Find out what1 s happening record wise? RED LIGHTNING-£4.00 each. Bore the arse off him at 2 in the 036 Luther Allison-South Side morning? Then phone 01-959 5347 Safari, and be the récipient of a short 040 Big Twist & The Mellow Fellos sharp lesson in Street language. SailorVernon,Ora-Nelle Villas, 19 Brockenhurst Gardens,Mill Hill.LondonNW7 PICKIN’ THE BLUES 57,East Maîn Street, East Calder ,West Lothian ,EH53 OES. Editorial Contents After holidays,urgent repairs to News 4 the house,hundreds of visitors and sundry other distractions Letters 4 we f re back,and still on sched- Wayne Bennett - Part 2 5 ule! We hope that yourve ail had a Ail The Blues That FJLts 8 good summer and are now ready to Talking With The King 1 0 head tbrough autujmn and winter with us to keep you warml • Reviews 1 2 Several people have written asking what’s happened to the Typing,artwork,layout,photos of discographies.Well ,wer re working B.B.King & Wayne Bennett,and on a whole batch at the moment anything not credited - Mark. and theyTll be reappearing soon. Subcriptions}finances,patience To give you some idea of the ar- and coffee - Frances. tists being covered the disco‘s will include Magic Saro,JB Lenoir and Fenton Robinson. Now w e fll probablÿ be inunda- ted with letters s&y±ng} nWhat Compétition ! about country and Pre-war art- Those fabby people at Rooster ists?M .Well,if that*s your bag have shown great generousity by get pen to paper and send us the donating a copy of their fanta- resultsJAs we’ve cohfessed be- Stic Larry Davis album,"Funny fore,those areas ar4n*t our Stuff11 , for this issue * s quiz. strong-points,so corne on and So,if you don’t already own help us out! this master work write the an- Well,that1s the lot for now, swers to the three questions on so keep well and w e f 1 1 see you a postcard and complété the in late September. sentence,11! want to win the al­ Mark & Frances, bum because...” in not more than 1 2 words,and get it to us by I9th.September. SUBSCRIPTIONS etc. 1) Where was Larry Davis born? SURFACE MAIL RATES INLAND £2.25p. for 5 issues 2 ) What label did he first re­ OVERSEAS £3.25p. for 5 issues cord for? AIR MAIL RATES 3) What does Billy Gayles do on Zones B&C (includes USA,Canada, this album that h e fs never Malaysia}Australia,New Zealand, done on record before? & Japan) £4.25p. for 5 issues The answers to last month's quiz Ail payment in Sterling please, were : IMOrs or Bank Drafts from over- 1) Joseph Benjamin. seas^with ail roonies payable to 2 ) Johnny Shines or Ronald Regan M*S,& F-A.Harris, or Pete Shertser. BACK ISSUES: Issu es 1-4 20p,each 3)St.Louis,Missouri. Issues 5 & 6 30p.each♦Please add The winner was Daniel Van Der 20p.P&P(40p.overseas)per order. Slik who said: irI want to win the album because I wonder how many If a tick appears in the mont lis it takes sending a record box your subscription is to Hollandn .Write and tell us, due for renewal. Daniel 1 Page 3 Once again the news Wall1* ,hopefully this year.Also due NEWS is mainly of upcom- from the Delmark stable are a new ing record releases Jimmy Johnson set,due September, ...Red Lightnin* have their second and re^releases of Junior Wells1 set of Tommy Tucker recordings rea- nHoodoo Blues" and Magic Sam 1 s dy to hit the stores in a couple of "West Side Soul,h,both with new weeks.Also in the final stages of sleeves and possibly liner notes... préparation are a second set from Over there in Holland Oldie Blues Troyce Key and J.J-Malone and anoth- have lined up,for September release, er set from the uDevil(s Music", albums by Little Willie Littlefield, featuring one side by James DeShay. recorded in June of this year,and . .Good to see Saydisc back in the a collection of 4 0 1 s sides by Lonnie blues roarket with a revitalisation Johnson and Blind John Davis,..Yes, of their Matchbox label.For October believe it or not,Blues Unlimited release are three country sets,ail is about to appear on the Streets featuring the complété recordings again.Featured are splendid artic­ in chronological order of some of les on Ishmon Bracey and Marshall the underrated coutry blues perf- Chess as well as the usual wonder­ ortners such as Texas Alexander, ful goodies...Nice to see James Richard Rabbit Brown,William Moore Cotton recorcüng again.He's a set and Long Cleve Reed.Also sheduled, out on Jackal with Lawhorn,Perkins for January release,are sets from and Lay in tow.A review will follow Walter!tBuddy Boy"Haxvkins ,Bo Weavil if we can turn up a copy...Well, Jackson and Peg Leg Howell..~The thatfs ail folksî next% set from ’Rooster is to be an album by Magic Slirn, featuring cuts niade during their recent trip to LETTERS the States.From what I fve heard of Dear Mark & Frances, it it promises to be the Slim al­ bum we've ail been waiting for,com­ R e < "Ail The Blues That Fit s11 plète with that wonderful nTeardropn Muddy Waters1 EP mentioned in the sound, . .French Chess have another last issue.Thousands have probably batch of release ôn the way.Alth- written to tell youtthat the track nYou Shook Me!l is in fact Muddy 1 s ough on the whole it 1 s a case of more of the saine old thing theyfve vocal over Earl Hooker 1 s instrumen­ taken the initiative to re-release tal "Blue Guitar",originally relea- sed on Age 29106 2 Walter Hortonfs Argo album...And talking of Walter Horton,his States Regards, recordings are to make up the next Peter, Goldsmith,Gross-Gerau, Pearl release,"Blues Upside The West Germany.
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