THE MAGAZINE OF THE FORT STREET GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL VOLUME V., No. 28 NOVEMBER, 1970 The Magazine OF THE fort §trrrt itrls’ High School OCTOBER, 1970 FABER EST SUAE QUISQUE FORTUNAE Principal: Mrs. E. ROWE, B.A., Dip. Ed. Deputy Principal: Miss M. PICKARD, B.A., Dip. Ed., B.Ec. THE STAFF DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH and HISTORY Mrs. D. TEAR, B.A., Dip. Ed. — Mistress. Miss J. MOIR, B.A., Dip. Ed. Miss L. BOW EN,'B.A., Dip. Ed. Miss A. NJIRADI, B.A. Miss COLBERT, B.A., Dtp. Ed. Miss K. O'SHANASSY, B.A. Miss L. FERRIER, B.A'., Dip. Ed. Miss M. PICKARD, B.A., Dip. Ed., B.Ec. Miss S. JACKSON, B.A. (Hons.), Dip. Ed. Miss STONE, B.A. Mrs. K. MALCOLM, M.A. Miss P. WHALAN, B.A. DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES Miss M. O'BRIEN, B.A. (W.A.) — Mistress Miss H. PALMER, B.A., B. Ed. (Melb.) Miss 1. GUGGER, B.A., Dip. Ed. Mrs. R. RIMANI, B.A., Dip. Ed. Miss E. KLEMPFNER, Licence es Lettres (Poitiers) DEPARTMENT OF CLASSICS Miss K. FELTON, B.A. (Hons.) N.S.W. & Cantab., Mrs. R. RIMANI, B.A., Dip. Ed., Mrs. STARK DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE Miss Y. CARTER, B.Sc., Dip. Ed. — Mistress Miss A. HECTOR, M.Sc. Mrs. L. BERRIMAN Mrs. J. HERON, B.Sc. (Monash), Dip. Ed. Miss S. CAYZER, B.Sc., Dio. Ed. Mrs. E. J. MILTHORPE, B.Sc. Mrs. R. CROMBIE, B.Sc., Dip. Ed. Miss P. PARKER, B.Sc., Dip. Ed. Mrs. M. FAULL, B.Sc., Dip. Ed. on leave. Mrs. R. WETHERLEY, B.Sc., Dip. Ed. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Mr. J. MITCHELL, B.A. — Master Mrs. R. STAUDE, B.A., Dip. Ed. Miss L. GILMOUR, B.A. Miss M. WALSH, B.A., Dip. Ed. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Mr. E. CORNISH, B.Sc., Dio. Ed. — Master Mrs. H. JONES, B.Sc., Dip. Ed. Mrs. C. BALDRY, M.A. (Nth Western Uni., III.) Miss R. OLD, B.Sc., Dip. Ed. Mrs. R. CROMBIE, B.Sc., Dip. Ed. Miss K. WALLACE, B.A., Dip. Ed., D.S.C.M. Miss G. HENSHAW, M.A. (Auckland) SPECIAL MISTRESS and LIBRARIAN: Mrs. E. NOEL, B.A., N.T.M.D. DEPARTMENT OF ART DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Mrs. H. FREEMAN, Dip. Art (Ed.) Mrs. P. SHEEHAN, Mus. Bac., Dip. Ed. Mrs. J. HENWOOD Mrs. M. HUNSTEAD, Dip. Mus. Ed. Mrs. D. LAHODNY DEPARTMENT of NEEDLEWORK: Mrs. J. JONES, Mrs. M. AITKEN DEPARTMENT of PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Mrs. A. BRASS., Miss C. HINKLEY, B.Sc. in Ed. SCHOOL COUNSELLOR Miss L. E. CRAIGIE', B.A., B.A. (Hons., Lend.) on leave, Mrs, G- M. CASSIDY, B.A., Dip. Ed. CLERICAL STAFF: Mrs. N. BOND, Mrs. ROUGHLEY, Mrs. P. MINTER, Mrs. I. TRAVIS LABORATORY ASSISTANT; Mrs. M. HARRIS '' MAGAZINE EDITOR; Miss S. JACKSON, B.A. (Hons.l Dip. Ed. MAGAZINE COMMITTEE; GAIL BORWICK, VERA BULOVAN, SANDRA GOOGAN, MELANIE GRÈGORY, JULIE PAYNE, HILARY PERRY, MARGRET PHILLIPS. 3'H O C/5 Q cro 3- oco o3* o Q crq ‘On the first Saturday afternoon in September, 1849, the Commissioners of the Board of National Education inspected the Fort Street Model School and found “the whole of the works completed according to contract, except the royal arms, which were sculptured in stone instead of being done in cement as was originally intended”.’ The Fort Street Girk’ high School Magazine STAFF NOTES During 1970 we have welccxred School. Mr. Dawson of the Art Staff to the stair many new fcices as eft us at the end of 1969 to take well as fareweJing tViose who have up an appointment to North Syd­ left for various reasons. ney Girls' High and he was re­ placed initially cy Mrs. Henwood At t.ne beg nning of the year end later in First Term by Mrs. Free­ Miss Felton was appoiir-ted to the man. In the Music Staff, Mrs. Stan- Classics staff, to replace Mrs. Bates, ford-Thomas was transferred at the who lef^ to live in Perth. Miss Ferton end of 1969 to Mackellar Girls’ took up an appointTierrt at Mew high and she was replaced first by Erglancf University in FJrs' Term, Mrs. Grisdale, them by Mrs. So and csnd her place was taken by Mrs. now, by Mrs. Hurstead. Stark. Mrs. Bakdry also went to Western Australia ir First Term, In April, Mrs. ~ravis, from the and we welcomed Miss Henshow office, was transfemed to Cleveland to the Mathematics Staff jn her Stieet Boys' High School and Mrs. place. Miss Kirb/ of the 'arguage Rcaughley took ner place until the Staff was transferred to South Syd­ end of Second Term and now, Mrs. ney Boys High cit the end of 196?, Minter is welcomed to the School. and was rep'aced by Mrs. Rihark ~o all who have left the Staff There nave also been changes we offer our thanks for their ser­ in the Science, Ar, Music one Cle.'- vice and dedicat on and best icai Staffs this year. Miss Cayzer wishes in their future occupations. this year replaced Mrs. McCrea cf To "hose who have ¡cined the Staff the Science staff, who was -rans- this year we extend a warm wel­ ferred to J. J. Cah II Memcr.al High come. SIXTH FORM, 197C H o C/3 Hi s. O CTQ 3- THE STAFF, 1970 lA Seated: Mrs. Berriman, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Crombie, Miss Cayzer, Mr. Cornish, Mrs. Rihani, Miss O’Brien, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Rowe o (Principal), Miss Njiradi, Mrs. Noel, Miss Wallace, Miss Carter, Mrs. Sheehan, Mr. Mitchell, Mrs. Klempfner, Mrs. Stark, Miss O3- Palmer, Miss Whalan, Miss Parker. o Standing : Mrs. Bond, Miss Old, Mrs. Roughley, Mrs. Hunstead, Miss Hinkley, Miss Gugger, Miss Bowen, Mrs. Staude, Mrs. Jones, Miss Q Moir, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Milthorpe, Miss Walsh, Mrs. Malcolm, Miss Jackson, Mrs. Brass, Miss Ferrier. CTQ Not presen^t: Miss Pickard, Mrs. Tear, Miss Henshaw, Miss O’Shariassy, Mrs. Heron, Mrs. Faull, Mrs. Lahodny, Miss Craigie, Miss Col­ bert, Mrs. Aitken, Miss Gilmour. The Fort Street Girls’ High School Magazine PREFECTS’ REPORT 1970 will be a year le- membered for a long time as the Captain Cook Bi-Centen- ary. It is perhaps for tnis reason that the Prefects, Helen and myself have felt that this year has been especially re­ warding for us. We have felt the spirit of celebration which has enlivened Sydney and we have also been conscious of a link with the past more vividly than in our previous years at School. Our aims have been to foster a spirit of School pride and to en­ courage participation within the School. Our major project has been to institute a Prefects' Merit Award for classes. Through this system we have tried to create a positive attitude amongst the members of each class. Room inspection, order marks, class service — for ex­ ample, carrying out the duties of Class Captain and Sports Captain — and recommend­ ations of good and bad be­ haviour from the Transport Prefects, have all been taken into account. The total points gained by each class will be calculated and a prize given at Speech Day, to the class with the highest score. By considering positive actions, such as con­ tinued good behaviour on the buses and trains, as well as negative actions, such as continually travelling to School out of uniform, we hoped to inspire a better attitude amongst the girls and a pride in their activities as a class. During the year the Prefects and Sixth Form have attempted to add an aura of festivity to School activities. We have opened our new foot­ bridge; we have witnessed the landing of "Captain Cook” ; we have pitted our strength against the Staff on several occasions; on the whole these activities have been enjoyed both by the members of Sixth Form and the Staff who participated and by the spectators. I was extremely honoured to be able to attend, the gathering of School Captains at James Cook High School, on the 29th April, and have the privilege of speaking with His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh. The Queen, the Duke and Princess Anne each talked with different groups scattered over the lawn adjacent to James Cook High School, groups scattered over the lawn adjacent to James Cook High School. Not only was the occasion most memorable because I was able to speak with a member of the Royal Family, but also it was The Fort Street Girls’ High School Magazine marvellous to have the opportunity would also like to thank Mrs. Jones of meeting School Captains from for brightening our Prefects' Room all over the State, from Griffith with new curtains and a new cover High School to Broken Hill High. I for the lounge. It has not always am sure that I will remember this been easy for us to fulfil the duties occasion for many years to come. and obligations of prefects and we are grateful for the help extended Finally, Helen and I would like to us by the rest of the School. to thank Mrs. Rowe and Miss Pick­ ard for their guidance and assis­ — JANET CALVER, tance throughout the year. We School Captain, 1970. PREFECTS, 1970 Sitting: Cleo Trilivas, Gayle Porter, Helen Englert (Vice-Captain), Janet Calver (Captain), Sue Pisani, Angela Caramalis, Poppy Johns, Kay Hewitt. Standing: Jeanette Bradley, Dianne Rider, Brenda McKay, Michelle Gillieatt, Susan O’Keefe, Narelle Cash, Susan Day, Lynne Carter, Antoinette Devaney. FAREWELL TO SIXTH FORM, 1969 On Friday, 17th October, 1969, Assembly Hall, school songs were Fort Street once more farewelled sung, good luck letters and tele­ its senior year with many good grams were read and the depart­ wishes for examinations and the ing Captain and Prefects handed future.
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