Jets and Outflows From Star to Cloud: Observations Confront Theory A. Frank1, T.P. Ray2, S. Cabrit3, P. Hartigan4, H.G. Arce5, F. Bacciotti6, J. Bally7, M. Benisty8, J. Eisloffel¨ 9, M. Gudel¨ 10, S. Lebedev11, B. Nisini12 & A. Raga13 1. University of Rochester, 2. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studes, 3. LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, 4. Rice University, 5. Yale University, 6. Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Florence 7. University of Colorado at Boulder, 8. University of Grenoble, 9. Thuringer¨ Landessternwarte, 10. University of Vienna, 11. Imperial College London, 12. Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, 13. Universidad Nacional Autonoma´ de Mexico.´ In this review we focus on the role jets and outflows play in the star and planet forma- tion process. Our essential question can be posed as follows: are jets/outflows merely an epiphenomenon associated with star formation or do they play an important role in mediating the physics of assembling stars both individually and globally? We address this question by reviewing the current state of observations and their key points of contact with theory. Our review of jet/outflow phenomena is organized into three length-scale domains: Source and Disk Scales (0.1 102 au) where the connection with protostellar and disk evolution theories is paramount;− Envelope Scales (102 105 au) where the chemistry and propagation shed further light on the jet launching process,− its variability and its impact on the infalling envelope; Parent Cloud Scales (105 106 au) where global momentum injection into cluster/cloud environments become relevant. Issues− of feedback are of particular importance on the smallest scales where planet formation regions in a disk may be impacted by the presence of disk winds, irradiation by jet shocks or shielding by the winds. Feedback on envelope scales may determine the final stellar mass (core-to-star efficiency) and envelope dissipation. Feedback also plays an important role on the larger scales with outflows contributing to turbulent support within clusters including alteration of cluster star formation efficiencies (feedback on larger scales currently appears unlikely). In describing these observations we also look to the future and consider the questions that new facilities such as ALMA and the Jansky Array can address. A particularly novel dimension of our review is that we consider results on jet dynamics from the emerging field of High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics (HEDLA). HEDLA is now providing direct insights into the 3-D dynamics of fully magnetized, hypersonic, radiative outflows. 1. INTRODUCTION tions during their formation. These ejections are traced in two ways (see eg. the excellent PPV observational reviews In many ways the discovery that star formation involves by Ray et al. (2007), Arce et al. (2007), Bally et al. (2007)). outflow as well as inflow from gravitational collapse marked First there are the narrow, highly-collimated “jets” the beginning of modern studies of the assembly of stars. of atomic and/or molecular gas with velocities of order Jets and outflows were the first and most easily observed v 100 1000 km/s (v increasing with central source recognition that the narrative of star formation would in- mass).∼ These− jets are believed to arise through magneto- clude many players and processes beyond the spherical col- hydrodynamic (MHD) processes in the rotating star-disk lapse of clouds. The extraordinary progress made in the system. The other tracer are the less collimated more study of protostellar jets and outflows since the first discov- massive “molecular outflows” with velocities of order ery of Herbig-Haro (HH) objects (1950s), HH Jets (1980s) v 1 30 km/s which are believed to consist of shells of and molecular outflows (1980s) also reflects the growing ambient∼ − gas swept-up by the jet bowshock and a surround- power and sophistication of star formation science. The ing slower wider-angle component. The fast and dense jet combination of ever higher resolution observational and quickly escapes from the protostellar envelope (the still in- computational methods, combined with innovative labora- falling remains of the original “core” from which the star tory experiments, have allowed many aspects of the proto- formed) and propagates into the surrounding environment stellar outflow problem to be clarified, though as we shall to become a “parsec-scale outflow”. The less dense wide- see crucial issues such as the launching process(es) remain angle wind and the swept-up outflow expand more slowly, debated. carving out a cavity which widens over time into the en- Hypersonic collimated protostellar mass-loss appears to velope and the surrounding cloud. Most stars are born be a ubiquitous aspect of the star formation process. The in clustered environments where the stellar separation is observations currently indicate that most, if not all, low and < 1 pc. Thus, these large-scale outflows affect the inter- high mass stars produce accretion-powered collimated ejec- 1 stellar medium within a cluster and, perhaps, the cloud as a derstanding will greatly evolve in the next few years. Fi- whole. The important elements and processes on each scale nally we note that our review includes, for the first time, from star to cloud are illustrated in Fig.1. results on jet dynamics from the emerging field of High En- Given their ubiquity and broad range of scales, a cen- ergy Density Laboratory Astrophysics (HEDLA). These ex- tral question is whether jets and outflows constitute a mere periments and their theoretical interpretation provide direct epiphenomenon of star formation, or whether they are an insights into the 3-D dynamics of fully magnetized, hyper- essential component in the regulation of that process. In sonic, radiative outflows. particular, winds/outflows are currently invoked to solve several major outstanding issues in star formation: (1) the 2. SOURCE AND DISK SCALES (1-102 au) low star formation efficiency in turbulent clouds (see eg. 2.1. The Accretion-Ejection Link chapters by Padoan et al., Krumholtz et al.), (2) the sys- tematic shift between the core mass function and the stellar While the precise origin of jets from young stars is still initial mass function, suggesting a core-to-star efficiency of hotly debated, there is general consensus that the launch- only 30% (see eg. chapters by Offner et al., Padoan et al.), ing process involves the dynamical interaction of accreted (3) the need to efficiently remove angular momentum from matter with the stellar and/or disk magnetic field. How- the young star and its disk. The former is important to avoid ever, launch distances depend on the model: a few R for ⊙ excessive spin-up by accretion and contraction, (cf chapter stellar winds, 0.05au for those launched at the stellar ≃ by Bouvier et al.) while the latter is required to maintain magnetosphere-disc interface (see chapter by Bouvier et al. accretion at observed rates, in particular across the “dead- and Shang et al. 2007), and possibly as far as several au for zone” where MHD turbulence is inefficient (cf. chapter by magneto-centrifugal Disk (D)-winds (see chapter by Turner Turner et al.). Last but not least, protostellar winds may et al., and Pudritz et al. 2007). Unfortunately the projected also affect disk evolution and planet formation through disk dimensions on the sky for even the largest proposed launch irradiation or shielding, and enhanced radial mixing of both regions are tens of milliarcseconds. We do not, however, gas and solids. have to spatially resolve the launch zone to at least begin to In this chapter we address this central question of out- test various models. Jet properties such as the ejection to flow feedback on star and planet formation while also re- accretion ratio, collimation, and velocity structure can be viewing the current state of jet/outflow science. From the measured on larger scales which then allow mechanisms description above, it is clear that the degree of feedback working on smaller scales to be inferred. That said, we will differ according to outflow properties on different spa- note however that interferometric studies are beginning to tial scales. The impact on the star and disk will depend on resolve the smaller scales directly (see § 2.5). the physics of jet launching and angular momentum extrac- We first consider the ratio of jet mass-flux to accretion tion (small scales). The impact on core-to-star efficiencies rate. Measuring the mass outflow rate in an atomic jet will depend both on the intrinsic jet structure and the jet can be achieved since in principle we know all the nec- propagation/interaction with surrounding gas. Finally, the essary quantities from observation. For example through impact on global star formation efficiency will depend on spectroscopy and multi-epoch imaging, we can determine the overall momentum injection and on the efficacy of its both the radial and tangential velocity of a jet and hence coupling to cloud turbulence. its true velocity. In addition the jet radius, ionisation frac- Thus in what follows we review the current state of un- tion, electron density and hence total density can be found derstanding of protostellar jets and outflows by breaking from a combination of imaging and consideration of var- the chapter into 3 sections through the following division ious line ratios (Podio et al. 2011). One can then calcu- 2 of scales: Star and Disk (1-102 au); Envelope and Parent late M˙ jet πr jet ρ jetVjet . Typical outflow rates are found ≈7 9 1 Clump (102au - 0.5pc); Clusters and Molecular Clouds (0.5 to be 10− to 10− M yr− for jets from low-mass classi- ⊙ - 102 pc). In each section we review the field and present cal T Tauri stars (CTTSs). As one might suspect, higher new results obtained since the last Protostars and Planets rates are found for more embedded sources of comparable meeting.
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