September 22, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4657 Fashion Designers of America (CFDA); Foot- But we should be here today voting on two SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. wear Distributors & Retailers of America trade extensions: the Caribbean Basin Trade This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Uyghur (FDRA); INDA, Association of the Nonwoven Partnership and the Generalized System of Forced Labor Prevention Act’’. Fabrics Industry; National Retail Federation Preferences. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. (NRF); North American Association of Uni- Congress finds the following: form Manufacturers and Distributors; Out- Both of these programs have bipartisan sup- port. Both of them are set to expire this year. (1) In the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous door Industry Association (OIA); Retail In- Region of China, the Government of the Peo- dustry Leaders Association (RILA); Sports & And if we extend both of them today, our man- ple’s Republic of China has, since 2017, arbi- Fitness Industry Association (SFIA); Travel ufacturers, producers, and consumers would trarily detained as many as 1.8 million Goods Association (TGA); United States have more certainty right now. Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and members of Fashion Industry Association (USFIA); U.S. In the midst of a pandemic, we should be other Muslim minority groups in a system of Chamber of Commerce. doing everything we can to offer our job cre- extrajudicial mass internment camps, and Mr. WENSTRUP. Madam Speaker, I ators certainty, yet Democrats are not includ- has subjected detainees to forced labor, tor- yield back the balance of my time. ing an extension of GSP in today’s vote. ture, political indoctrination, and other se- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, The GSP program reduces tariffs on thou- vere human rights abuses. I yield myself the balance of my time. sands of products from around the world. This (2) Forced labor exists within the Xinjiang Madam Speaker, I thank the good program saves American families money on Uyghur Autonomous Region’s system of doctor, and Ms. SEWELL for helping us mass internment camps, and throughout the everyday products and boosts America’s region, and is confirmed by the testimony of facilitate the movement of this legisla- economy. And in my state of Texas, GSP tion and make it possible for us to ac- former camp detainees, satellite imagery, brought our consumers and small businesses and official leaked documents from the Gov- tually maybe even get it enacted in over $76 million in cost savings in 2018 alone. ernment of the People’s Republic of China as this Congress before the deadline ex- The remainder of the Congressional sched- part of a targeted campaign of repression of pires at the end of the month. ule until GSP expires at the end of the year Muslim ethnic minorities. As I referenced, this, I think, is very, is completely unpredictable. We should not (3) In addition to reports from researchers very important. The region is home to leave GSP on the cutting room floor. GSP de- and civil society groups documenting evi- these eight countries that have pro- serves to be a bipartisan priority, and I con- dence that many factories and other sup- vided some 13 million Americans with a pliers in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous tinue to urge House Democrats to act. Region are exploiting forced labor, the De- country of origin. It is in our neighbor- I strongly support today’s bill, and I urge bi- hood and it is an area where the United partment of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry partisan passage. But we must continue to and Security on July 22, 2020, added eleven States has been involved from the be- work together to get GSP’s extension across entities to the entity list after determining ginning. the finish line without further delay. Our Amer- the entities had been ‘‘implicated in human As I mentioned in my opening com- ican businesses cannot afford to wait. rights violations and abuses in the imple- ments, we have not always distin- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The mentation of China’s campaign of repression, guished ourselves with honor but this question is on the motion offered by mass arbitrary detention, forced labor and is an opportunity for us to do the right the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. BLU- high-technology surveillance against Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other members of thing: to build on this existing legisla- MENAUER) that the House suspend the Muslim minority groups in the Xinjiang tion; to not have it expire; to dem- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 991, as onstrate broad, bipartisan commitment Uyghur Autonomous Region’’. amended. (4) Audits and efforts to vet products and and then get back to the hard work of The question was taken; and (two- supply chains in the Xinjiang Uyghur Auton- implementing it. thirds being in the affirmative) the omous Region are unreliable due to the ex- It provides a framework but it is not rules were suspended and the bill, as tent forced labor has been integrated into self-executing. It is something that we amended, was passed. the regional economy, the mixing of involun- need to do with policy, with our ac- A motion to reconsider was laid on tary labor with voluntary labor, the inabil- tions and words, being able to build on the table. ity of witnesses to speak freely about work- ing conditions given government surveil- this as a foundation for progress in this f critical region. lance and coercion, and the incentive of gov- I thank Madam Speaker for the op- RECESS ernment officials to conceal government- portunity to advance it, and I strongly sponsored forced labor. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (5) The Department of State’s June 2019 urge all of my colleagues to approve ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Trafficking in Persons Report found that this legislation and be able to keep it declares the House in recess for a pe- ‘‘Authorities offer subsidies incentivizing in force before it expires at the end of riod of less than 15 minutes. Chinese companies to open factories in close the month. Accordingly (at 11 o’clock and 50 proximity to the internment camps, and Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- local governments receive additional funds ance of my time. cess. for each inmate forced to work in these sites at a fraction of minimum wage or without Mr. BRADY. Madam Speaker, I want to f thank Dr. BRAD WENSTRUP for yielding time to any compensation.’’. me, and I want to congratulate him and Ms. b 1159 (6) U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued eight ‘‘Withhold Release Orders’’ on SEWELL for their strong, bipartisan leadership AFTER RECESS certain garments, hair products, cotton, on this important bill. The recess having expired, the House processed cotton, and computer parts sus- I rise today in support of this legislation. The was called to order by the Speaker pro pected to be produced with prison or forced Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership creates tempore (Ms. LEE of California) at 11 labor in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous jobs, promotes American values abroad, and o’clock and 59 minutes a.m. Region. incentivizes beneficiary countries to comply (7) In its 2019 Annual Report, the Congres- f with the economic rule of law, bolstering their sional-Executive Commission on China development. UYGHUR FORCED LABOR (CECC) found that products reportedly pro- The CBTPA helps these nations grow and PREVENTION ACT duced with forced labor by current and create opportunities for their workers, farmers, former mass internment camp detainees in- Mr. CASTRO of Texas. Madam cluded textiles, electronics, food products, and innovators. And in return, it creates a Speaker, I move to suspend the rules shoes, tea, and handicrafts. strong market for us to sell our U.S.-produced and pass the bill (H.R. 6210) ensuring (8) Section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 yarn and fabrics to apparel manufacturers in that goods made with forced labor in U.S.C. 1307) states that it is illegal to import the Caribbean. The program strengthens our the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Re- into the United States ‘‘goods, wares, arti- hemispheric manufacturing integration and al- gion of the People’s Republic of China cles, and merchandise mined, produced, or lows us to compete against China, whose do not enter the United States market, manufactured wholly or in part’’ by forced labor. Such merchandise is subject to exclu- manufacturers certainly don’t care about using and for other purposes, as amended. U.S. inputs. As a result, we can sell our goods sion or seizure and may lead to criminal in- The Clerk read the title of the bill. vestigation of the importer. to more customers, keep prices here lower, The text of the bill is as follows: (9) The policies of the Government of the and promote the spirit of free enterprise. H.R. 6210 People’s Republic of China are in contraven- The Caribbean countries are our neighbors, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tion of international human rights instru- and we should work together to improve our resentatives of the United States of America in ments signed by that government, includ- region’s competitiveness. Congress assembled, ing— VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:23 Sep 23, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22SE7.006 H22SEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H4658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 22, 2020 (A) the Universal Declaration of Human ticles, or merchandise described in sub- der Protection to effectively implement the Rights and the International Covenant on section (a) were not produced wholly or in enforcement strategy.
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