THE NA T IO N 'S OLDES T ON THE WEB: COU nt RY DAY SC HOOL www.pingry.org/stu- NEWSPAPER dents/therecord.html VOLUME CXXXV, NUMBER 4 The Pingry School, Martinsville, New Jersey FEBRUARY 27 , 2009 Students Speak at MLK Day Assembly By NEHA SRIVASTAVA (V) a certain religion. But at the POCC, Rice realized that his For this year’s Martin Luther parents left him his own type King Day assembly, held on of culture, that of Bob Dylan, Friday, January 16th, 14 students guitar playing, and bonding over spoke about their experiences a shared love of music. at the People of Color Confer- Auriel Dickey shared her ence (POCC) and the Student experience participating in a par- Diversity Leadership Confer- ticular group exercise at the con- ence (SDLC). Organized by Dr. ference. In the activity, students Diana Artis, Assistant Director from around the country stood of Admission and Coordinator on a straight line and answered of Multicultural Outreach, the general questions — relating to reflective presentation addressed race, background, and experi- diversity and the ongoing effort ence — by taking one step for- to embrace it. ward or one step back. After the Students addressed the audi- exercise, Dickey was surprised ence one-by-one, recalling their at how incredibly different each experiences at the conferences person’s goals, characteristics, and sharing their sentiments and and lives were. discoveries. Student speakers Yaadira Brown related an- included seniors Yaadira Brown, other activity in which a group Audrey Li, Auriel Dickey, God- of students held hands in a circle; frey Best, and Maya Artis; ju- those who answered yes to a niors Nick Rice, David Martin, question asked by a proctor en- Myles Davis, Elisse Park, Jasmin tered a circle within the existing Neal, Diamond McClintock, one. Brown said that for the first and Vicky Morgan; as well as time in her life, she was with a sophomores Lakshmi Davey and majority of ambitious, successful Arvin Alaigh. African-Americans. “It was an The POCC occurs yearly and empowering feeling,” she said. is sponsored by the National All students spoke on the Association of Independent common theme of embracing Schools. Its goal is to promote diversity in its different forms. inclusive school communities These include not only race, but and support sanctuaries and net- gender, age, sexual orientation, works for people of color. The socioeconomic status, religion, Mr. Carver ‘77 speaks to students at Career Day. Courtesy of J. Bratek SLDC focuses on self-reflection, political beliefs, and home life. forming allies, promoting social The students stressed that these justice, and building inclusive differences are what make us communities. Schools from special and yet also unite us, giv- Juniors Join Seniors at Annual Career Day across the nation send students ing us strength as a community. sessions. Merrill Lynch. Currently, he sneaking condoms into the to each conference. The student Students also defined diver- By JENN SOONG (V) Mr. Schwartz began by is the CEO of Gordon Broth- factory that produced Barbie speakers had attended the 2006, sity as a process, not an outcome, Initially created in 1999 sharing his own success story. ers Group. bedroom sets. Mr. Schwartz 2007, and 2008 conferences, saying that Dr. Martin Luther by Director of Alumni Rela- He arrived at Pingry in the In addition to recounting also elicited much laughter which took place in Seattle, King’s work is not finished. Da- tions, Jackie Sullivan, Career 10th grade, where he devel- his history, Mr. Schwartz when he recalled taking a Boston, and New Orleans, re- vid Martin ended the assembly Day at Pingry has long been oped skills such as restraint amused the audience with personality test and learning spectively. with a ringing quote by Dr. King: a success. The annual event and teamwork. He went on to some of his earliest experi- that both airline steward and The speakers shared a unique “I have a dream that one day on had been exclusive to se- earn a Bachelor’s Degree in ences in the “business” field. CEO would be suitable career experience. Nick Rice spoke the red hills of Georgia, the sons Economics from the Wharton He talked about merging lawn niors since its creation. This Continued on Page 4 about realizing his own diversity. of former slaves and the sons year, however, juniors were School of the University of mowing services as a boy and At the POCC in New Orleans, of former slave owners will be invited to participate for the Pennsylvania and then re- Rice initially questioned his able to sit down together at the first time. ceived a MBA from Harvard table of brotherhood.” Despite diversity and wished he repre- Students began the day Business School. For years he sented a distinctive culture. He the group’s own diversity, all the Inside The Record listening to key-note speaker, worked in various firms such did not consider his own ethnic speakers agreed that thanks to as Palladin Capital Group, background distinctive, and he Dr. King, such a day had already Mark J. Schwartz ’75, and Nine West Group Inc., and had not been raised to practice arrived. spent the rest of the morn- ing attending various career Junior Parisi Wins Fourth Annual Robert H. LeBow ‘58 Memorial Oratorical Competition the fifth annual Dr. Rob- on a topic of their choice. Parisi (V), and Nick Rice By JULIA NOSOFSKY (V) ert H. LeBow ’58 Memo- The competitors were David (V). On Friday, February 13, rial Oratorical Competition. Martin (V), Albert Magnell The competition, which the Upper School headed On stage, six participants (IV), Courtney Hulse (V), began in 2005, was founded to Hauser auditorium for waited to present speeches Sean Salamon (V), Anthony by William Hetfield ’58 and the Class of 1958 in honor of their classmate, Dr. Robert Lewbow. LeBow, a renowned and respected public speaker, worked for the United States Agency Courtesy of J. Bratek for International Develop- Dr. James Baker addressed environmental sustainability ment, or USAID. Along with in the annual John Hanley Lecture Series. P. 4. his wife, Gail, he traveled to developing countries to Financial Dependence New Album, Old Bruce provide medical aid and ser- Junior Jenny Gorelick discusses Dan Abend (III) reviews Bruce vices to the inhabitants. the impact of the financial crisis on Springsteen’s newest album. P. 7. The contest is open to Pingry students. P. 2. sophomores or juniors. In the State Champions! preliminary round, competi- Citizens of the World tors present their speeches Model UN attended its annual In its second year, winter track to a panel of Pingry faculty, conference at Rutgers University in captures its first state title. P. 8. alumni, and others from the November and discussed issues of outside community, and six global importance P. 5. Sections finalists are chosen. This The New World of College Admissions speech can be anywhere School News.........................1, 4, 5 from four to six minutes Joe Naso (VI) examines the impact Commentary..........................2-3 long and is on a self-chosen of the internet and college-oriented College Feature...........................6 Courtesy of J. Bratek Arts..........................................7 Participants and judges of the Oratorical Competition pose after the winners are an- websites on the college process P. 6. nounced. Continued on Page 5 Sports..........................................8 3 2 THE PINGRY RECORD COMMENTARY FEBRUARY 27, 2009 THE PINGRY RECORD COMMENTARY FEBRUARY 27, 2009 EDITORIAL The Opportunity to Achieve Greatness do. I simply hold that good Afghanistan, however, of the stimulus bill, “If this Each year, the John Hanly Lecture Series’s carefully By ANDREW WEINSTOCK (VI) governance is man-made, but poses a much different and is going to be bipartisanship, chosen speaker challenges the Pingry community to dis- President Obama has a that the opportunity for great- more difficult task. It seems the country’s screwed.” cuss a thought provoking, and often controversial, global chance that not every presi- ness is created by the country’s as if we are mired in a guer- In the election campaign, issue that affects us all. This year, Dr. James Baker, the dent has: to go down as one circumstances. rilla war, with no end in sight, Obama pledged to change the current Director of the Global Carbon Measurement Pro- of the greatest presidents in Barack Obama enters office a conflict many will compare old politics of Washington, gram, tackled global warming in a speech that garnered American history. The greatest facing urgent circumstances: to Vietnam. Nobody is quite but he failed miserably in his both praise and criticism. While he impressed some with presidents have been among the worst economic crisis sure exactly what the end first major piece of legisla- game is. Obama didn’t cause tion. That cabinet nominees his expertise and fascinating presentation, he bored others the most able commander-in- since the Great Depression, chiefs our country has had, two foreign wars, the growing the economic crisis. He didn’t are dropping like flies makes who saw the topic as too mundane and elementary. but their legacies in history threat of terrorism, a terribly initiate the wars in Iraq and me suspicious of Obama’s But more important than the disagreements Dr. Baker were possible not just because inefficient healthcare system, Afghanistan, or the War on judgment. The president’s inspired, he re-ignited conversations at Pingry on an issue of their abilities, but because and a record level of national Terror. Yet, along with the choice for Treasury Sec- which will only continue to affect our lives. they faced incredibly difficult debt, just to name some of the other challenges he faces, they retary, Timothy Geithner, Consciously and unconsciously, we have all left behind circumstances.
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