Apr. 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 2. The transcript was made available by the mission on the Intelligence Capabilities of Office of the Press Secretary on April 1 but the United States Regarding Weapons of was embargoed for release until the broad- Mass Destruction. The Office of the Press cast. In his address, the President referred Secretary also released a Spanish language to Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi, transcript of this address. leader of Libya. He also referred to the Com- Remarks on the Death of Pope John Paul II April 2, 2005 Laura and I join people across the Earth stitution, the self-evident truths about in mourning the passing of Pope John Paul human dignity in our Declaration, and the II. The Catholic Church has lost its shep- ‘‘blessings of liberty’’ that follow from them. herd. The world has lost a champion of ‘‘It is these truths,’’ he said, ‘‘that have led human freedom, and a good and faithful people all over the world to look to Amer- servant of God has been called home. ica with hope and respect.’’ Pope John Paul II left the throne of Pope John Paul II was, himself, an inspi- Saint Peter in the same way he ascended ration to millions of Americans and to so to it, as a witness to the dignity of human many more throughout the world. We will life. In his native Poland, that witness always remember the humble, wise, and launched a democratic revolution that fearless priest who became one of history’s swept Eastern Europe and changed the great moral leaders. We’re grateful to God course of history. Throughout the West, for sending such a man, a son of Poland, John Paul’s witness reminded us of our ob- who became the Bishop of Rome and a ligation to build a culture of life in which hero for the ages. the strong protect the weak. And during the Pope’s final years, his witness was made NOTE: The President spoke at 4:02 p.m. in even more powerful by his daily courage the Cross Hall at the White House. The Of- in the face of illness and great suffering. fice of the Press Secretary also released a All Popes belong to the world, but Amer- Spanish language transcript of these remarks. icans had special reason to love the man The proclamation of April 2 honoring the from Krakow. In his visits to our country, memory of Pope John Paul II is listed in Ap- the Pope spoke of our ‘‘providential’’ Con- pendix D at the end of this volume. The President’s News Conference With President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine April 4, 2005 President Bush. Thank you. It’s an honor to all who love liberty. Welcome to Amer- to stand with a courageous leader of a free ica, and we’re pleased to welcome your Ukraine. Mr. President, you are a friend wife as well. We’re looking forward to hav- to our country, and you are an inspiration ing lunch with you. 550 31 2005 13:57 Sep 09 2008 Jkt 206694 PO 00000 Frm 00550 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\94A XXX 94A Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 / Apr. 4 President Yushchenko was the first head Mr. President, I want to thank you for of state I called after my Inaugural Ad- being an active partner in the war on ter- dress. I told him that the Orange Revolu- ror. Our statement reflects our common tion was a powerful example—an example desire to cooperate on law enforcement of democracy for people around the world. matters, our desire to have export controls I was impressed; I know millions of my to prevent the spread of dangerous weap- fellow citizens were impressed by the brave ons technology, including nuclear materials, citizens who gathered in Kiev’s Independ- MANPADs, and ballistic missiles. ence Square and rightly demanded that I appreciate Ukraine’s strong commit- their voices be heard. It’s an impressive ment to a free Iraq. Ukrainian troops moment, Mr. President, and an important helped to protect the Iraqi people during moment. I’ve oftentimes told our fellow the elections this January. I look forward citizens that the world is changing. Free- to cooperating with your nation to help the dom is spreading, and I use the Ukraine Iraqis build a peaceful society. as an example, along with Afghanistan and We share a goal to spread freedom to Iraq, about a changing world—a world, by other nations. I mean, after all, the Orange the way, changing for the better, because Revolution may have looked like it was only we believe free societies will be peaceful a part of the Ukrainian—the history of societies. Ukraine, but the Orange Revolution rep- Mr. President, I appreciate your vision. resented revolutions elsewhere as well. And I want to thank you for our discussion we I look forward to working with you, Mr. just had. We discussed a lot of matters. President, in places like Lebanon and We talked about the neighborhood, of Kyrgyzstan. I want to thank you for your course. We talked about your commitment conversation on Moldova. I appreciate the to fighting corruption, your deep desire to discussion we had on—about Belarus. introduce principles of the marketplace in All in all, Mr. President, we’re really Ukraine. I told the President that our Na- thrilled you’re here. I know our Congress tion will stand by Ukraine as it strengthens is looking forward to having you address law enforcement, as it fights corruption, as them next Wednesday. In the meantime, it promotes a free media and civil society I want to thank you for our frank and open organizations. To this end, I’ve asked Con- discussion. We wish you all the best, and gress to provide $60 million for new fund- in America, you’ve got a strong friend. Wel- ing to help you in your efforts, Mr. Presi- come. dent. President Yushchenko. Mr. President, We also agree with your desire to join dear American friends, for me, for my wife, the WTO, and we’ll work with your Gov- it is a great honor and privilege to be re- ernment to join the WTO as well as to ceived here in the White House and to lift the Jackson-Vanik trade restrictions that hear the words that are addressed to my were created in a different era. Secretary country, my nation, my homeland. Sam Bodman, who is with us here, will Our ideals are simple and eternal: We be going to the Ukraine to talk about co- want democracy and freedom—our appar- operation on energy. We look forward to ent European aspirations, which we were working with you, Mr. President, as you discussing from the first days, many days build progress at home to become a part before the Maidan events when me and of Europe, a Europe that is whole, free, my team went into the politics. This is my and at peace. And at the same time, we’ll vision; this is the vision shared by my team. continue to work with you to help your This is something that my father taught ties to the North Atlantic Alliance. me. 551 31 2005 13:57 Sep 09 2008 Jkt 206694 PO 00000 Frm 00551 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\94A XXX 94A Apr. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 The legacy that we inherited is a very proliferation of weapons of mass destruc- difficult country—Ukraine, where the rule tion and other subjects. of law did not exist and human rights were Essentially, on all questions that we not observed, where half of the national raised, we found mutual understanding. I economy is a shadow. The humiliated pro- am convinced that relations between our fession of journalism, the journalists wanted nations are based not only by mutual sym- to speak the truth and stood against the pathy but also by the unity of interests and official power; they could pay dearly. Dear- ideals, like the rule of law, protection of ly—I mean it—they could pay their lives fundamental human rights, and respect for for it. We’re talking about the country people. Majority of my fellow Ukrainians where the number one problem remains want to see America as their strategic part- to be corruption. We’re talking about the ner, and I am pleased to see that the U.S. country where the huge problem remains President shares this perception, and he has the problem of poverty. We realize all highlighted this support today. those challenges. We realize that it’s only— In our joint statement, which we agreed the work that has to be done by the on, based on our negotiations, we have Ukrainian power will help cope with the made it clear that Ukraine and the U.S. problems that the country inherited. confirm the new era in the strategic part- However, it is very important, Mr. Presi- nership between our nations and the dent, to feel that we have partners standing friendship between our peoples. We are by, that we are not left in solitude in coping looking forward to the effective support with these troubles. Our conversation began from the U.S. administration to the new with my saying that for Ukraine, it was Government of Ukraine in addressing im- a very long road to the Oval Office. I do portant issues faced by ourselves, including appreciate the attention that you display our accession to WTO by the end of 2005, and the words that you have said.
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