•r '• ■ ■- '• ' I ^ i -•/I / . A P T c ^ ^ i i S i . 2 A l t c : r rI" UT : . n - ; Tlh e . ew / * ■ U E i G k ) o d nmorning SST712 S411920J? 0 i 3 ‘T 3 9 5 ‘T 3 7 2 4 7 ? : 'JE5TERN HICROGR/^f'a p 'h i c s i n c W o rk t e rs Today’s foreca!cast: 555 COMMERCE DR'R S T E 2 0 0 Toi ^LT, LAKE CITY UT'T 84107-3775 Brec?)MJ/4th sho^howers liKely. Highs k y < i near 5 0 degrees. L.ows ow in the 30s. P a g « A 2 poilict re c e hv e Parents angryjy about tests w a rnlin i g s Some Momingsideide Elementary School parents ihreaien to0 suesi if children’s test . , sco rcs arc m ade avai States rigi ivailable to a local ac- seize Ights tivist. e gas P a g e B I H u A sso c ia te d P re ss activists; w\ o n y Salmon plan won’tW( help TOKYO - Policc; seizedsc five pacKages ofr fed land[bosses t : •The federal plann tot save central Ida- nerve gas that spreadd deathd Monday through he's nearly extinct:t salmonsi will actually ToKyo’s crowded subwajway system as .they hunted1 By William BrocK d oom them , salm onn adai vocates chargc. ' for clues in a chilling newlew chopter in urban terror- Times-News writer P a g e B I ism: the use of chemicalil weapons.w By this moming, the attacKatt had Killed eight peo- TWIN FALLS -• WithW resentment pie and sicKcned neariyy 4,7004 others. There were against Uficlc Sam sprcipreuding acro.ss the no credible claims o f rcspcsponsibility, but there was West, the Idaho director:tor of the Bureau of growing'sppculation thathat the incident may have Land Management hasIS advisedo( employees Area worth cheherishing been politically motivated.led. On ofHcial business notDt totc resist if they arc Police have identifiedd a possible suspect and in- arrested by state or local:al authorities.£ '■ T h e area around the City of RocKs Na- tend to question him as.s(s. soon os he recovers from Instead, BLM emploiployees should do . 7 tional Reserve has^ar3^an '‘in cred ible se n se the cfTects of the nerve'c gas,(j Japonese television their best to coopcraiee - and coll the U.S! of uniqueness,” sayslys a planner who has and newspapers reported:d today.ti Attomey’s Office as soon;oon as possible, said suggested ways to0 preservep the area’s - Gas spread through thehe subway5 during the Mon- Martha Hahn. Idaho direcirector o f th e BL M . charactcr. ^ y moming rush hour,, leavinglei passengers vomit- She recently sent a1 memomt to all Idaho P a g e B 3 ' ing and in convulsions5 in stations across central BLM employees, advisiniising them o f how to ToKyo. All four of the linesline hit ran under Kasumi- ensure their safety. Thefhe agency has 625 "■ ■ APfftOfc' gascKi, the district at the10 heart1 of Japan’s govern­ employees in Idaho. m ent. F J ^ g h t d r a « m o r g eI 'e early i today from aubwa>vay tracKs after cleart , .-' Hahn urged employeejyees who are con; The authorities blameded sarin,5 a nerve gas devel- iJltfServeigiib from'cacare contaminated In the:he terrorist attacK in fronted or assaulted whilehile on official busi- Eagles set for to oped by the Nazis duringig Worid' War II. The same ^ T t t J ^ Monday momirn i n g . ness lo immediotely conti:ontuet BL M rangers tourney gas was blamed for sevenven unsolved deaths in the or special agents. She includedinci af^er-hours The College of SouthernSoi Idaho base- ccntral Jopancsc city o f'M Mi atsum oto in June, telephone numbers fo:for three special boU team prepares5 forfo the McDonald’s The ToKyo Shimbun newspapernc reported policc agents. ittow sarin p Slug-Out Invitationa3nal tournament that have identified one man1 hospitalizedhe for nerve gas poisons “As you are probablyDly aw are, so called starts Wednesday. poisoning as a possible: suspect.su Policc refused to TTitJusands of Japanese commutorscor suffered from / ‘County Supremacy’ or 'States Rights’ P a g e B IO confirm or deny the report. sarin poisoning Monday osa s theI lethal nerve gas y ', movements have beenI gaininggai momentum Several people saw thehe man: place a plastic bag ^)€wed into a t loast five TokyoTok subway cafi.Six 4/ ] across the western Unitenited States," Hahri Tough traininglg wrapped in newspaper on a train, the report said, |!^ p le died. How sarin iffocts Uie body f - 1 wrote; "For some membembers of the public, When he got off at Kodenrlenmacho station, a passen- feder^ownership o f thehe publicp lands is oo Twin Falls High1 SchoolSc senior Kerry ger KicKed the object ontonto the platform and it be- I Headache II P Paralysis s of respiratory extremely emoiior/al usueisue." ■. M ayer trains for herr firstfii triatlilon. system, causing d e a th * -^ ^ ^ gan to emit white fum;s. es.' T w o p eop le d ied at that -'lOrowslness..............; In Nye County. Nev.,'■i theth movement has P s g e B I O station. I Convulsions* I Muscles twitch expressed itself with threthreats, intimidation 'The m otive fqr the altacilacK was unclear. The Aum I Comp* II BllBlood pressure d r o p s '.|l^ ’ f l Q and violence toward federalfed employees, Shinri Kyo religious cull,ult. previously accused of . f Pupils contract I Chest lightens . > g D she wrote, adding; "Unfornfortunately, thcrc is maKing sarin, denied any^y involvementi ond threat- ...l-VWondlms.. IN*[Nausea reason to b e lie v e thatII theseili movements encd to sue anyone whoho suggested there was a •‘•IPBininiheByes, ^ |VoIVomfting may be taKing the samele tontc e in som e partS Cynical ybiifli linK. iRumiyncee-............. fCiCwmps r . '-'.-j • ofldaho." ' The Mainichi newspapcaper said all o f the trains I Loss of control ■ / y The U.S. DepanmentIt ool f Justicc has filed They may not bee youry Kids, but in a I Breathing becom es •! -? were to have stopped at: KasumigoseKi,Ki the station dffflcuU . of.ofbowels V suit Mainst Nye County,nty, alleging intimi- way,- the Mngic Vallealley youngsters who at government headquarterncrs, wiihin a four-minute V/ dolion of federal employeloyees_. S^pecifically^ are "Over the Edge">" belongt to all of us. ___________________________ ^ interval after 8 a.m., andnd speculated bureauctats the/Jusli^e Departmentent maintains Nyc today’s editorial says. were the targets. C oun ly resolu tions call1 forfo: state control o f P a g e A ID The planners liKely hadQd advancedi Knowledge of other chemicilcals federal lands - and invol'ivolve threats ofar- chem istry. W h ile il is fairl;airly easy lo obtain the in- rest or violence againstt ForestFo S ervicc cm - gredienis to produce sarin,in, the chcmical proccss is f Blister agents: I Blood asents: f Choking agsntt: ployees for enforcing fcdeicdcral laws, difTicult to perform. Mustard gas, lewisite. Hydrogen cyanide, Chk>rlne, phosgene, Nye County officialsals maintain thcrc Damogo skin and mucous As little as one drop oof f sarin — inhaled or on ous Bfod? movement of imtals rttplralory tract, .- have becnjio threats andnd reportsr o f intimi- membranes. Harm - oxygen to cells, eyes. Can severely the sKin — ca'i^Kill a perso:rson almost insumtly. The daiion are exaggerated. WhoIdUedBiglgBoy? respiratory trdct. lungs, damaging tissues and damage lung tissue, ' gas attacKs a Key enzymene needed by'the nervous Nye County Commissiossioner DicK Carver Between giggles,s, policef in Toledo, eyefs. Prolonged exposureure possibly causing death. ultimately causing death. system, causing difTlculty:y inii breathing and a fall in can cause dealli. visited Idaho recentlyly andt spoKe to a Ohio, are talung serioiriously the theft o f a b lood pressure. ^ u p in Salmon, exhortinirting them to assert Big Boy flgtm from1 a restaurant. After it Sourcw Conlar Igr 0«tonM Inforrr more control over publicic lands.li was stolen, it was cut Please see GAS/A2 Ormation AP/T«rryKo>« cut up,and scattered ' Tension had beenI runningru high in around town. Salmon and Challis overver a federal court P a g e B 6 injunction .that sought 10lo bar1 lo g g in g and Terrorrist attacck shattiters ‘conntract’ mining in the Salmon RiveRiver drainoge. The / injunction - which has1 sincesin been lifted - T h e A sso cia ted P ress b e plast:Stic'explosives or a hand-nd-held ently made of Semsemtex, a powerful plastic was intended to protcctt habitatha for salm on 1 r o cK et launcher;lc the target couldlid be a explosive virtuallyoily unde;ectoble by suin- on the federal endangered%d sp: ec ies list. Combined, they're the:he blessing and power grgrid, computer networic or artar m u - d an l baggage-scretcreen ers/ L iKe the B L M , Ihe Nati<■Jational Forest Scr- Deadly acdldent!nts curse o f our tim e. seum . T h en th ere areire vuberable, high-tech vice has printed small11 cordsc lhat para- A pilcup on a fog-vg-wrapped Alabamp Increasingly intricate pt : public systems, . Civilizlization raises greot ediflccices, as targets. A year agoage this month, two pow- phrase federal laws prolerolccting employee bridge and the collapsepse o f steel giiders at liKe sKyscrapers and jumb( Tibo jets, and in- well as tlthe discontents and the wetveapons er line towers nearear Montreal were blasted safety.
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