The Magazine o, Dave's Record and RECORDS BOOKS Folk Dance Studio V I LT I S 372* Colusa Ave. ED KREMERS' Berkeley 7, California LA 5-5122 FOLK SHOP Headquarters for Junior Section A folklore and lituanistica magazine Folk Dance Federation of California A FOLK DANCE SPECIALTY CENTER Specializing in Subscriptions: 262 O'Farrell St., No. 301 FOLK DANCE RECORDS San Francisco 2, Calif. SUtter 1-7294 AND FOLK DANCE ACCESSORIES $2 per year $5 for 3 years United Nations Theatre Building TUNE IN! Now taking orders for the two new books KWBR, 1310 on your dial, OAKLAND Editor: Vyts Beliajus Every Sunday Evening - 10 to 10:30 by Federation members: 1028 E. 63rd St. Chicago 37, III. Owens, AMER. SQUARE DANCES......$3.50 Czarnowski, DANCES OF EARLY CAL. $5.00 Of interest to all folk dancers. Contains FOLK DANCING Attend dance descriptions, costume information, Ed's Square and Round Dances Each Saturday Night ^ pictures, reports on folk dance activities at the YWCA, Sutter and Mason everywhere. You are guaranteed to re¬ Beginners, Wednesdays, 8:30 "The •-*!> Sin Advanced, Fridays, 8:00 ceive authentic material. Saturdaynighters" \T3&\(^ 50 Cents at2148 Lombard Taylor Mt\ ^-^LJ ^^X San Francisco ^ \£>^.i under direction of Jkr 4 Grace San Filippo Jr FOLK UK - COLORfUL PfflSflOI COSTUIS Instruction 8-9 General Dancing 9-12 50 Cents Tyrolean - Bavarian - Italian Russian - Polish - etc. 365 EDDY CLEANERS Specializing in Costume Cleaning Prices varying from $17.50 to $25.00 and Altering May be purchased at All Wort Done In Our Own Plant 1-HR. SERVICE ED. KREMERS' FOLK SHOP 365 Eddy Street PRospect 5-6506 262 O'FARRELL ST. SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO AT 2-8590 SU 1-7294 RECORDS FROM OUR FOLK DANCE CATALOG Ace of Diamonds Black Nag Boston Two Step Bummel Schottische (German) (Scandinavian) V-20444 79c 1-1012 79c V-20448 79c Vonoog* "" A'bUm S2)7Q Bleking (Swedish) Broom Dance (German) Caballito Blanco (Portuguese) M_IUi;u m, U'W,,\QE V-17085 V-20989 79c 79c D ,, , _,.V-20448 , 79c S-T 124* (Fado Blanquito) 79c Alexandrovska.i ii (Russian) Bolero /„ . , Buffalo Slide 1-1012* 79c , ir.m i-iuui -,Qr~ "c K-129*1-1025* 89c 79c V-35798* ' JI 05 D25059* 79r S-i 102 California Schottische $1.05 Altenitas,4S-I0I4* Las (Mexican)79c i ___________________________i________________ ^PTi^^^^^^^^^^^nnRi^ff^m^B'^Bwu^^^wB ^ana^'an "arn M04°*^ance 79c BadgerF I 10* Gavotte (American I t' nc PVjBH^BgiK !! SVTI IMairilMgUlMAMiUiiUa . ! Carrousel (Swedish) .. , D-25062 bSHkB^HHe 79c L\| WY 'foBl I 4'j fJJ > IralkKiJ WfflS^CBk {"JaT/SF^r^ A Fl7w^^"SI J?'2™2 Cnamarrta (Portuguese) 79? BalenV-20075* I Karlstad (Scan.) !79c fSHS SKBI Hi9 Jg* 'ilSiU^fll f ki^^M KfJWIWIH!A^T/1 HI ^K MHm3.fi§ I S-T-124* C-I4670-F 63c79c (Triple1" 1035 or Circle Schottische) ! ^! g|&M| 79c LV"jS^S*^^MB| ! » ! iilaallillU Uk^ BIU Cherlcessia K-130* ( Palestianian) 89c BalticS-T-2012 Polka (Scandinavian) ftf9"^VM1 COMPLETE 79c ' ! tflftlj5lMMM^J>jiI<M§OfMJi]3JCTf¥lMl3g FOLK DANCE DEPARTMENT |Chiapanecas S-M303* (In Album(Mexican) M8) Barn Dance (Mil. Schottische) ________________-1004 79c "nDecca "°"™»'"' 25062 79c!"•""'""-"J'l !!!!/ tTrWTlW'I'IlI 111 I 111 ' III'WI c"5304 63c ackDecca Hawk Waltz (American)25062 79c 426 I SO.!^T^'HrlJr BROADWAY-MI-1871 !JlVJj'll II'TI P 2021 89^ Black1-1006* Hawk79c Waltz________ (American) SINCE 1903 Pan-134 79c S-M30I* (In Alum M8) LOS ANGELES 13, CALIFORNIA South FOI K PA I FNIDAP OF FVFNIT^ DECEMBER ll SANTA MONICA. Ocean Park Auditorium. Time: 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. Ocean Park Auditorium is located at the foot of Kinney Street and Ocean Front, Santa Monica. Come north or south on highway 101 to Santa Monica. Auditorium is near Ocean Park pier. Festival Theme: Philippine Christmas Festival. Make it colorful. WEAR COSTUMES! Spectators in balcony. JANUARY 8 PASADENA. In afternoon. Pasadena Civic Auditorium. Pasadena Co-Op, hosts. REGIONAL FESTIVALS South SANTA BARBARA Last Friday of every month at McKinley School. 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Santa Barbara Folk Dance Groups. rd-»Ci\.y-VFEDERATION I iv>m rw ! i tFESTIVALS y-ki_j Thg following has ,95°—Northbeen scheduled for our first half of the year 1950: North JANUARY OAKLAND. Folk Dance Council. FEBRUARY MARYSVILLE. Marysville and Yuba City. DECEMBER 11 SACRAMENTO. Your hosts for our December fes- MARCH SAN FRANCISCO. Combined groups, tival are the Bar None Club and the Let's Dance Club. In APRIL—SACRAMENTO. Wagon Reelers. Governor's Hall at the State Fair Grounds. Time: Council meet- MAY BERKELEY. University of California Square Dance, ing 12:30 p.m. Afternoon 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Evening 7:30 to JUNE HAYWARD. Hayward Folk Dancing. 11:00 p.m. Plan to enjoy a gala occasion with two of our Q*mi+U newer clubs in the federation who are planning for your en- OOUTn tertainment. JANUARY Federation Festival hosted by Pasadena Co-Op. DECEMBER 18 OAKLAND. Junior section festival at Oakland Civic FEBRUARY Westwood Co-op. Auditorium. 1:30 to 5. Council meeting at noon. Hosts: East Items to be included in the Folk Calendar of Events must be for- Bay Junior Section. No one over 21 admitted to dance floor. warded by the fifth of the month prior to publication to 1636 Oak JANUARY 15 OAKLAND. Hosts, Oakland Folk Dance Council. View Avenue, Berkeley 7, California. Out-of-state events are welcome. ^et't *Dcutce CONTENTS FOR DECEMBER, 1949 VOLUME 6, NUMBER 12 FOLK CALENDAR OF EVENTS................................................................ 3 TELL IT TO DANNY By Dan McDonald.............................................. 4 „. STAND UP AND CHEER By Robert Douglass Lament... ............... 5 KK7HB International l-OU SPEAKING OF BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES Basic Patterns................ 6 wfftllWfk Dancing — California THE SHASTA SHAKES By Bill Rogers.............................................. 7 r llliiilnW j. |e .. BALLAD OF THE FOLK DANCER By Ted Pieper............................ 7 K PK« + «nranri«.r Um« YOUR CLUB AND MINE Wagon Reelers, Sacramento.................. 8 ! rnOTOg rapner James NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY By Madelynne Greene.._.............. 9 — , . ! Tracy ot Changs Inter- BELLENDANS (Jingle Bells) Dutch Couple Dance C///5 national Folk Dancers, CABALLITO•???S«D2 " !feSl!BLANCO iVi(Mexican) • r ~«Dance Description...................... n :-;•- ~ !? I II who, 7 incidentally, .« """«"—"J> does RECORDRproun FESTIVAL ffstivai By E. Rv, W. "Bish"f w Bischoff................._________"Ruh" RUr^ff i4 %Jl /i„fb'* 14 Af/WtJf*! business trom 1/ AND DON'T FORGET THE UMLAUT By "Uncle Bob" Lament..... IS ,/m*-./»*!<- good Place, San Fran- ON TO THE NEXT 18 c;SCOi phone EXbrook FEDERATION ROLL CALL Club Listings.............................................. 19 /-><„,* I 1 lilt ^U'.UU. „„o nt CASEY JONES (A Novelty Square Dance) By "Bish" Bischoff........ 21 C'0KI 2-7343, exhibits one ot AROUND THE SOUARE SET.................................................................. 22 many outstanding shots LET'S STOP HASHING OUR SOUARES By "Sandy" Tepfer.......... 22 H from his exceedingly SOUARE DANCE LANGUAGE (Swing that Pretty Gal) ~m*mm>rmm^^^m dance-wise lens By Mildred R. Buhler......................................................................... 23 HEEL AND TOE POLKA SQUARE........................................................ 24 T^a^ee 7VOU EDITOR rfteOCfate £cUto*4.; ROBERT D. LAMONT Associate Editor—HELEN CAULFIELD Associate Editor—ERWIN W. BISCHOFF Special Editor (SWAP 'N' SWING)—DONALD WHEARTY Art Editor. rfteiAtOKt S«ttto*&: DAVE BLUE, NANCY BULF, MARGARET JORY, WILLIAM H. LEWIS, DAN McDONALD, CHARLES RICH, ANNE- MARIE J. STEINBISS, CLARICE D. WILLS. Social Sta$: EUGENE J. BULF Business Manager—WALTER GROTHE Promotion Manager—PEARL PRESTON Advertising Manager /?MUKttK6C4tiOK&; OFF|CE OF PUBLICATION: 293-299 Broadway, Millbrae, California *" EDITORIAL OFFICE: 2474 Second Street, Palo Alto, California—Phone: DA 3-7291 ADVERTISING OFFICE: 1690 26th Avenue, San Francisco. California—Phone: SE 1-6320 StdUc*ifottO*t&: ($2.00 per year.) 293-299 Broadway, Millbrae, California 262 O'Farrell Street, San Francisco 2, California LET'S DANCE is published monthly by the Folk Dance Federation of California. Northern Section: DAN McDONALD, President, 4356 18th St., San Francisco 14, California—ALVINA MERRETTIG, Secretary, 512 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, California. Southern Section: HAROLD G. COMSTOCK, President, 1853 Arvin Drive, Glendale, California—BETTY HICKS, Secretary, P. O. Box 722, Wilmington, California. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Millbrae, California, December 7, 1948, under Act of March 3, 1879. RECORDS A complete line of folk and square dance music. Instruction sheets for all TELL IT TO DANNV recorded dances By DAN McDONALD BOOKS Folk Dances From Near and Far - 4 volumes A variety of square dance call books MAJOR AND MRS. ROBT. R. MORGAN, cers (Kigmy style): The New Machinery—Big we known to Northern California Folk Dane- Wheel, AL MIGNOLA (re-elected): Little f oik arts bazaar ers.. were to leave for an extended trip through Wheel, BERNICE SLATER: Ink Slinger, ART Mexico on Nov. 21 and expect to be gone CURTICE: Money Bags, SID PROUTY: Cogs, 416-c W. Los Feliz Road, Glendale until May, 1950. The major, who will be best JOHN IRVINE, JIM FAVOR, HIP HIPKINS; CHapman 53019 remembered as the president of the SANTA Springs, MARGE and ACE SMITH. ROSA MERRYMIXERS, and as secretary of The birthday party was a swell chicken din- the GUERNEWOOD PARK FOLK DANCERS, ner dance, at the Mission Ranch in Carmel will take with him a tape recorder and a color • • • copied from their program . UNCLE Sets In Order motion picture camera. It is his desire to cap- FELMON REMUS SAYS: A chicken on your ture some of the charm and color of the folk lap is worth two on your table—yuk! yuk! A SQUARE DANCE MAGAZINE dances of the natives in the more remote Monterey has been chosen for the 1950 regions of Mexico.
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