16 17 Ants of the South Okanagan Grasslands, British Columbia Jennifer Heron Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, 6270 University Blvd., Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 The South Okanagan grasslands are an exten- ground and soil surface population. The scarcity sion of the intermontane grasslands of the Great of precipitation results in very little soil leaching Basin that extends from northern Mexico through and consequently, temperate grasslands have an the mid-western United States to the southern edge abundance of organic matter that contributes to of the temperate forests in British Columbia (Pitt the microhabitat available to these sub-surface soil and Hooper 1994). Within the South Okanagan dwellers. Ants contribute to the functioning of an grasslands, the ecosystem of greatest importance ecosystem in their biomass and species richness, to biodiversity conservation is the Antelope-brush and also as soil engineers, seed dispersers, forag- (Purshia tridentata) shrub-steppe, 60% of which ers and scavengers (Hölldobler and Wilson 1990; has been lost to agriculture and urban development Folgarait 1998). The social nature of the ant gives (Schluter et al. 1995), and 9% remains in good it an advantage over solitary insects. Ants are not natural condition (Redpath, 1990). This ecosystem mobile or transient in the manner of most insects; occurs from valley bottoms to 700 m elevations, they have a colony and nest that functions as a from Osoyoos in the south to Penticton in the unit. Nests can persist in one location for months, north. The dominant plant in the ecosystem’s natu- seasons and years, growing or diminishing in re- ral state is blue-bunch wheatgrass (Elymus spica- sponse to the microhabitat and available resources tus [Agropyron spicatum]), followed by big sage- (Wagner and Medler 1970). Ants are entirely de- brush (Artemisia tridentata), both characteristic pendent on temperature for their daily activities, plants of bunchgrass ecosystems (Miedinger and both inside and outside the nest. With daily sum- Pojar 1991). Occurring on sandy soils, the main mer temperatures in the South Okanagan reaching bunchgrasses are three-awn (Aristida longisita), over 35°C for weeks at a time, ants thrive. needle-and-thread (Stipa coratea) and sand drop- seed (Spirobolus cryptandrus). Douglas-fir and Ponderosa pine are sparse and wet- lands are common in valley bottoms. Invertebrates dominate grass- land environments, have the ability to withstand desiccation, and thus exploit the subterranean environ- ment. Since most surface species are inconspicuous and others live under- ground, the diversity of these animals in grassland environments is often overlooked. Ants make up a signifi- cant component of the arthropod di- versity in grassland ecosystems, and form a unique subgroup within the Desert near Osoyoos in the Okanagan (photograph by J.D. Shorthouse) Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands Number 11, 2005 18 19 The information in this article is a brief sum- Table 1 Checklist of ant species captured mary of the ant species identified for my master’s in pitfall trapping in the South Okanagan degree thesis, brief notes on their behavioural and nesting characteristics, as well as some ob- Family Formicidae servations made from my thesis data. Ecological Subfamily Myrmicinae information was taken from Bolton (1994); Tribe Myrmicini Creighton (1950); Gregg (1963); Hölldobler and Genus Pogonomyrmex Mayr owyheei Cole Wilson (1990); Wheeler and Wheeler (1963; Genus Aphaenogaster Mayr 1986); Buckell 1932; Brown 1949; Blacker 1992; subterranea Emery Naumann et al. 1999; Preston, pers. comm.; Genus Pheidole Westwood Francour, pers. comm. and personal observations. californica Mayr Genus Solonopsis Westwood The main objective of my thesis was to assess molesta Say the effects of domestic livestock grazing on ant Tribe Leptothoracini Genus Leptothorax Mayr diversity in the South Okanagan grasslands, and nevadensis W.M.Wheeler this will be reported on elsewhere. The ants were nitens Emery collected (using pitfall traps) from ten sites located rugatulus Emery throughout the Antelope-brush shrub-steppe eco- Tribe Myrmicini system in 1994 and 1995. These sites were catego- Genus Myrmica Latreille nearctica Weber rized as ungrazed, moderately grazed or heavily crassirugus undescribed grazed based on the known grazing history of the Subfamily Dolichoderinae site. This study was part of a larger study that as- Tribe Tapinomini sessed the impacts of grazing on biodiversity in Genus Liometopum Mayr luctuosum W.M. Wheeler the South Okanagan. Genus Tapinoma Foerster In Canada, the average ant colony has 3000 sessile (Say) workers although nests can range from 10 to mil- Subfamily Formicinae Tribe Formicini lions of adults (Masner et. al. 1979). Often, it Genus Camponotus Mayr seemed the whole nest would fall into the closest nearcticus Emery pitfall trap, blindly following their sisters to a pit vicinus Mayr of propylene glycol! Nonetheless, they all were Genus Lasius Fabricius crypticus Wilson identified. neoniger Emery A total of 2397 of the 2500 pitfall trap sam- Genus Myrmecocystus Wesmael ples had ant specimens present. All of the 93 515 testaceus Emery Genus Formica Linnaeus ants collected in the traps were identified and argentea W.M.Wheeler represent 31 species from 13 genera (Table 1). curiosa Creighton All ants were identified to species using taxo- haemorrhoidalis Emery nomic keys in Bolton (1994); Creighton (1950); integroides Emery lasioides Emery Gregg (1963); Hölldobler and Wilson (1990); and microgyna W.M.Wheeler Wheeler and Wheeler (1963; 1986). Synoptic col- neoclara Emery lection identifications were confirmed by Andre neogagates Emery Francoeur (University of Chicoutimi, Quebec) near nepticula Wheeler and Bill Preston (Manitoba Museum of Man and obscuripes Forel planipilis Creighton Nature). propinqua W.M.Wheeler When the species list was checked with subpolita Mayr viculans W.M.Wheeler provincial data (Buckell 1932; Brown 1949; Genus Polygerus Latreille Blacker 1992; Blades and Maier 1996; Naumann breviceps Emery et al. 1999; Royal British Columbia Museum; Arthropods of Canadian Grasslands Number 11, 2005 18 19 University of British Columbia Spencer Formica haemorrhoidalis, Formica integroi- Entomological Museum), there were five new re- des, Formica obscuripes, Formica planipilis and cords for British Columbia (Formica nr. nepticula, Formica propinqua are all known to live in vari- Formica planipilis, Formica propinqua, Myrmica ous environments other than grasslands, including crassirugus and Myrmica nearctica). wooded coniferous forests at variable elevations. Ants are often grouped according to the niche Formica haemorrhoidalis was recorded at they occupy, the nest they build or the habits they each of the ten sites, although at very low numbers exhibit. Ant functional group profiles have been in moderately grazed sites and comprised approxi- used in Australia (Andersen 1995) and later in mately 6% of trap catch. Pogonomyrmex owyheei, North America (Andersen 1997) to form a basis on the other hand, was recorded at 3 sites and from which to draw patterns of community struc- comprised less than 0.2% of trap catch; thus ag- ture along an environmental gradient. Research gressive behaviour may not always lead to domi- has shown that in ant communities the patterns of nance or abundance. Ants in this genus are also re- distribution and abundance are results of inter- ferred to as harvester ants, and are represented by specific competition (Savolainen and Vepsäläinen this species alone in British Columbia. Harvester 1988). Differences in exploitation behaviour, inter- ants gather and store seeds within their nests and ference behaviour and interspecific predation can are generally non-selective in seed preference, cause changes in the community structure of ants thus a specific food source is likely not the cause (Pontin 1997). Nest spacing allows for the coex- of low numbers. They are also known for a very istence of other less dominant species and coexis- painful sting. This species is at the northern limit tence could depend on chemical and behavioural of its range as the genus is fairly abundant in the differences, or on competition for food (Pontin southern United States and Mexico (Wheeler and 1997). Intraspecific competition can also con- Wheeler 1986). The pygmy short-horned lizard tribute to nest dynamics. Based on food, nesting, (Phrynosoma douglasii) is known to feed on har- microhabitat and behavioural tendencies, ants are vester ants and is listed as Extirpated from Canada grouped and discussed accordingly. by the Committee on the Status of Endangered The aggressive and dominant thatch ants of Wildlife in Canada. Pogonomyrmex owyheei has the Formica rufa group are prominent in grassland only been found south of Penticton in grassland ecosystems. In this study they comprised approxi- and desert environments. The rarity of this ant may mately 19% of the total ants collected, although partially explain the absence of the lizard, and hab- often pitfall traps were situated in close proxim- itats with known records of harvester ants could ity to a nest. Formica haemorrhoidalis, Formica provide potential recovery habitat and should be integroides, Formica microgyna, Formica ob- prioritized for surveys. scuripes, Formica planipilis, F. propinqua and While aggressive behaviour allows some Pogonomyrmex owheeyi are known to be oppor- species to dominate an ecosystem, other ants are tunistic ant species that make (sometimes)
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