![Tymshare Tymnet Passport 1982](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Tbis h a ditaetory of,Qmmiwbirma who oKcr wmpirta. and data ~~tkwWbdMTWp61ie~sdaym~i~~It in- only mWbePa dumc to bt listed for public ref- bt~~~riesnresaklysffigtaDPlwmnoaw&d. ~hfast rnw'myJ%TWmii kuam- in alpW *. with briddwriptim of tkir dr#ahfima and dkrings. Eacb tntqWdw an lelepboaemk.and somet pgson, aRd the crimptam through wMeh tho -b ere prwidtd. fbegcypp~~ecseaabeaooeaPsdwithCI~l~cmed inb~ofmamprxlibn~in~~ui~~tcsadtrasnthmn 38 fdgn m&b.la almost all ahrc#untrh, is svaihbk via Tdtk-Aeasato~r~su~%~rn~beaatIwhdby that mwber. TYMNET suWhadTymm provide!depWu accea nurahad hmmiasliTorwm. PublietiIm~~af~~lmbilnrt &r dd"dfwmatibnabout the mwo$k a& htahml on lim in Tymt~t5tion on aireetory, ~ , $ ~by th ~ ~ y public usoc natm'INFORMATION,' fpllcwd by a scmiedon Cl ami a ~~. TYMNET A-- 2730 0- Pamay San Jam, CA05194 TYMNET SUBSCRIBERS ADF COI.I.ISIC)N ESTIMATING Soffrvarc systcmq nl'fcrcd inclutfc rlnancia! SFRVlCES planning (SFLOW). held servtce reportmg. 22KO \Vest Wintan Avcnuc and clcc~mnicm,~rl(.lcnn!. .10IH)1 Ila!w:rrd. CaliCornia Y4545 Con~ac~. ComputcrEs)' HP 3IK)(I Scr~cstll Rt) Rutlich!ld 1415) 783-4344 On-lint collision damage e\~imiittnpqylern. AI.I_lFD COMP117 FR SFRVICFS. and other cornpu~crccrvices For insurnncc tNC. tACSI compan~cr. 170 Mt. A~rjRnad Compoter(s): IRM ctrrnp:~tihlr Ilasklnp Ridp. Yew .Irrscy 07920 ATA SERVICES. INC. (ATAS) lhlh I' Street V.W. Warlt~nptrm.13.C. ?IN136 Contact: shar~n~cnxironment wlllch wpportr Rnnald Knntr (202) 797-5173 VIM CMS. OS VS1, DRS VS. ATA Surviccs. Inc. oflcrs gcncral llmc- Tlmc rlr;~ringir ilv;lil;lhlc utiltfinp VM 370 sharrng scrviccs with parttcular cxpertlsc zrmirh CMS S;rctlities lor on-line Intcmctivc developmenl nppllcat Ion>. Con\ult~npand tn the nre:Ir of fran5porlation. ashnc~ation work. cornputcri/cd phntolypewlt~ng,and confritct progrnmmlnp i$alfo aba~lahlc. !elcc<lrnmun~c:itinn<network nnalys~a.This Computcijsl: NAS AS, 7031 full scrvlcc facll~tvprr~vlt!c\ hoth comptitcr rcrnurccs and cornplctc soltwarc support. AVHFRST ASSOCIATFS, INC. rnnglnp from 2wtern dcwgn and an;lly~l< 20 h'nr~hClark t hrtlugh ~ndproduct and uscr trnin~ng. Ch~cagn.Ill~nol\ RIIV.4NCEtT IJATA GROllE INC. (ADlil lfl370Tn\r*nCenter I.ant. Suizc 255 0I1'1'r~.:In Inrcr:lct!tr t~rnv-rhi~rrdI'~nonc!al Cupcr~ino.California 95014 modclllng qsicni Cor the hcnllh care Contact: lndustrk. Co~tand mnnagcment repor~inp. .loycc Enghrr~ (JON)446-4346 hudpt~ng.rate scttlnp. Iorrvi~ct~npand \in~ul~~l~r>n.ant1 ca+h rnanapcmcnr ;Ire atso avn~lnhle conaultinp. custornl7ed propr;~mming,and fi~cili~~c~m;inagerncnt I dnpuagcr cupporlcd Cnrnpuler(\l: DFC PI>I'- l l 70 arc R.4SIC. 1-OK1 RAN. COBOL. ItI'Ci DFC VAS-I I 7H0 and SPE In ;in 1n1erdctlvcor batch enrlronmcnt. Thc dar:! hafc l:~n~uacc IM4C;I:-Ql[FRY 3000 i:, ;I]<(> proxtdcd. RRS mrcl a v:~rictyol rcrcarch. dcveloprnrtt~. Bibl~ographtcRetrieval Services and educational nccclc, R~ttcllcis the 1200 Route 7 1vorld.4 l:~rpcst non-prorrt rerearch ~n\titutl: Latham. ?leu' York 12110 provtding a uide \;!rbety ol'technical Contact: capahilitlr5 ro ga\,ernmcnt and ~ridus~r>. RRS Customer Serv~ce (518) 783-1 161 Scrviccs ~nclutic:RASIS. an inCorrnatton IH00)823-4704 retrieval and analy~ir\ervicc.: NZJCLEIES. an cconornic an:ilgci~modelling system: major data base vendor offering more and RFCIJN. an educational cnrnputinp an M) files. ranping from subjects of neral inrcre~tto husinm and technical network rvir cnltcg~~and high school?. In brmatlon. Using powerful RRS SEARCH addition. lgmncl provide< resc;lrcher\ itc- ftwarc. BRS provzdes services which ccrr rn Rattelle cornputerr rrom loca~ions :ludt electronic mall. Special services lor througholrl thc wurld. c homc marker are slated for the Fummer Compt1ter(~1: CI3C hSO0 1982. Off-line high-speed prlnting 1% avail- cDC Cyber 7.3 lc with an overn~ghtdcllvery service. C'DC Cyhcr 74 DEC VAX-I I 780 (1) )rnputcr(s): 1BM System 434 IRM Svstem 370 Mod $5 HI.OOIISTOCK RESEARCH INFORMA'TIOV SEKVICE. INC. BTt COMPUTER SYSTFMS (HTI) P.O. [lox 4097 R7fl Wckt Maude hrcnuc 801 Corporate Drive Sunnvvalc. Calrfornln Y30Hh I.extngton. Krntuckv 405W rontnct Contact' n V~cktr~nn (40K) 733-1 122 R.H. Ciiflespi? (606)27H-041 T maFacturcrr of the RTI SW)mallurn- A general ttnle ~hsrinycompany cpecinli/tnF IIC~ntrractivct~mc-<h;irinr svqtem {over In :iccountlng, rnG~nut~clurtng.distr~hutlnn. .*..?DO ~nf~nllcda%al .lune I. IYKS) :tnd nC and dntil h:~manngernen~.Spec~Eic ~hcnew R?I I I 711 rnrilt~procc~~or cxperti\c in zhc area of large d:bta base syc~cmthaa in ariahlc Keqource wppurtlnp pure-hrccd rcpi';tratinns. Arch~lccture -[hear1 \y\tcrn including ;I d:118 h:ire of over 90fl.Ml 5017~awI hc B II wrvlcc computer rhomriphbrcd hor~e+roalcd since 1920. Vlform\ on-line ry+femdiagnnkl~l+r~~rn and race rccordr. FQRTKAN-f3ASlC- RT I.5 natlonal xrvlcc center. TYMY C F PI.US ~upportcd. service prnb1dc.r drmenstratlon and prc- dclr\cr~cnstnrncr ilcccrs. Cnrnp~rter(r):DEC VAX-7x0 Onntputcrl\). RTI 5(H)F) HTI X(H11) BRIDGE U4.1'4COMPAVY IOO50 Mi~nchectcrRoad St. Lout>. miss our^ (i.ll2Z HAT-TEE-LE MEMORIAL INSTITIITE Columhur I.3hor;atorlcs Contact: 505 Klng Avcnuc .lame\ M. k'ates (314) HZI-5hhO lunihu~.Ohltr 43201 Hridpc Data Cornptany protides real time nlBC1- on-l~nc\tc>ck. options and comrnodrly 7tm Sicpcl (h14) 424-5557 markct tniorrnat~on,ac wcll a< ncwq recall ant1 hi~tnryon $lock. nptlons anti . -nerd purpofe time-qharing, hatch cornrnodi~ics.Over-the-countcr wcusbties: procc.>ring.:ind inCnrrni111cln\cr(,lccr tn and lnre~gn\ccuritirc inlormszimn i< avail- Computer(s): IRM Sysrem 370 IhX-3 ahlc. also. Airached Pruccssor S!~tcm 30XlD Scrviccr include tnforn7:rtion rctricval. IRM PDP-11,34 (4) secl1r1tic5procerwng, and ~ccur~~icsannly,~~ DEC DEC PPP-II 40: and techn~calnn;alycic. Rridpc aZro prrwidc., llEC PDP-II 70 (6) nhc d;ita haw, 1 hc Hridge Sruck and Option PDP-II, Information S!stem. DEC 55 DFC PUP-II 44 (10) Cornpt~terls): PDF-I I 44 DFC DEC PDP-II 45 (8) Four Phasc IV 90 (4) RLJSIYFSS INFORMAl'lON SYS 1-FMS. INC. CITISHARE 747 3rd Avcnue Roa 1127 Ncw Ynrk. Kcw Ynrk lW17 h'cw York. New York 10043 Cnntacl: Contact: Jorcph I' Oronnell (2123 752-OR31 Scyrnour Rrooks (212) 572-9605 Gcncnlf time-sharrnp scrvirr spccinli7ing in thc. rlc\rlopment and support of ru~tcrrn17cd Citisharc. onbncd and managed by a ~oftwarcs\stcrn\. ~uhcidinryof Citicorp, is a timc-sharing <en.lce kpecialijin~in financial appl~cations. In addit~onto an oii~~tandin~financ~nl . rnodclling and reportlng svstem. Citlshare CHFMICAI. AnRSTRACrS SERVICE offem \ecur~tits, Cinanclal. and economic (CAS) dam haws such as CITIRASE and 2540 Olentanpy Kivcr Rnad CtTlQUOTE EO Rox ?OlZ Computer(\): DECSyszcm 20h0 (2) Columhuc. Ohio 43210 Contact: Ncwctl E. Gilmour (614) 421-6940 COMMEKClhL UNIOY LEASING A non-profit orgztni~at~onspccialuing in CORP. abstracting and indexing inlormat ion Cram 115 East 57th Strcct around thc world, rclrcteng lo chcrn~stry New York, Ycw York IOOZZ and chcrnical rnginerrmp. A staCf of 1200 sclenllrtf and supporting pa'snnncl prcparc Contact: 1 644-0920 bricf summaries of morc than 40.000 Samitcl .I. Di-ecslcr (2 2) scicn~illcartlch. pstcnts. and reporrs each A \pcclall?cd rime-shnr~ngservicc, undcr year. This inforrna~ionis rccnrdcd in a IINIX. w~thCull officc nutomarion and computcr data base from which a hiphly information proccssiog senices aVallnhlc. uutomated procccring and puhlishing svslern Major applications sofiwiarc iac~Fitirs prndvcc~"Chemlcal A hs~rac~s."a f(HI-papc packapr arc provided lor accot~nting wcekly pubticalinn. ilnd a lsmily or allied (PAY.4RI.F.S). text editinp. text forrnatt~ng puhlicationr. indcxc~and m~croformand (NROFF), and phototypcsct~ingI'TROFG). computer-~carchnhlc inforrnat~nnfemlcrs. ASSEMBLER. HASIC. kOR 1'RAK tV- CAS d~rcctl! oCrcrr CAS OY LINE, s chcml- PI.US. YACC, end C arc ~uppnrtcd. cal scarch and display systcm. Financial indurtq \erblccr; include n market analy~i~svstem r11r darn cxch,tnged hy pant- clpatlng financial tn<tltutlnn\. crnquq demo- gnphlcf Tor I')%(E and 1970: data bases Cor the Fcder.il Resrrte Hank FR H). Federal DFpo~ltIn\ursncc Corporirtlnn (FDIC). Fedcrdl Homc Loi~nRank (FHLR). regulatorv hulletin.c: Flnanc~iilc1,ltrment onalvslq, merger and ;tcqulrlttnn planning. ilv,et and liah~l~rqmanngcmcnt MP'llSFR\ PORA'l-ED Tranrportaibon data hiire\ cnntilln currcnt L) Arl~n~ton ulevard and htstorical :ttr 1raff1c ~nCnrnmt~on.slrport 'nlumbus. Ohm 43220 stalhticq. airl~ncfinancial 9tatistlcs. and 'ontact: ra~lrnaddata Fnrm 41. ER-5Rh. Rome5!ic nscph Porl'cli (614)457-XhOt) and Infcrnationr~lOrrgin and Llcsttnatlon. cornrnuler, anti ICC d.~l;l.ire ;tva~lahlcto '.-.fiat innwidc computer services company azwt In markc! analy~~~and routc planning. scnins husincsses. linnncinl inztilutions. pov,crnmcnl agencies, rind pcrsuniil Mun~cnanccrnan.~pcmcnt \ystcrn\ rdn corrlputer owners. CompuScrvc rnaint:rins hc z~ceda\ ~ndepcndentcnrnponcnrr or Ir,.t,,kc!ing-... orficcs in 30 c~t~c~across thc rntcgrotcd Into a complclc rn;inagement Unitcd Stittes. program lor project m,lnagrmcnt and schcclulln~,wnrb nder hacklog and h~\rory, Cnmputcds): DEUSys~crn10 Inventon control and cosr control. DECSyswm 20 Compnter[~).IRM Svctem 370 168 Arndnhl470 V h THE CCIMPUTER COMPANY 1905 $Ve'crtrnnrcland Strwt R~chrnrmd.Virynla 2??3U COMPtlTER CORPORAT30N OF AMERICA (CCAj Contact: h75 M.lsrachr~srrl~Avenue Cla~hornc3. Cordle {HM) 35H-2171 Camhr~dgc.Mas~achuwrts 1121?9 Thc Computcr Company i~a loll-\er\icc Contact: data prncc~inghrm whose Intei-i~cti~~c .IcCErey Holden (617) 492-XXh0 Dainhase Systcrn~and relatcvd scnlcrr .Ire avaikihlc through ACTION API..SV llmv CCA i\ a cumputcr softuarc and scrvices rharlng and thrclu~han MrhROI)(I-bawd cnmpanv speci;~luingIn busrnr\\ com- Al'L micro cornpurer !ntfrprtler rnunlcaclonq wlth its COMET duc~ronic mall product.
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