U.S. NAVM BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY. CUBA Thursday, February 29, 1974 Kissinger obtains list of 65 Israeli POWs JERUSALEM (AP)--Secretary of State morrow morning. On his arrival at Ben-Gurion Air- Henry A. Kissinger left for Israel port, Kissinger was greeted by from Syria yesterday, carrying a Middle East peace efforts had Foreign Minister Abba Eban, American list of prisoners of war the Israel- bogged down over the two points. Ambassador Kenneth B. Keating and is had demanded before Golan Heights The White House announcement came Israel's Washington ambassador, peace talks. as Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Simha Dinitz. In Washington, the White House A. Gromyko left Moscow for Damascus announced Syria had turned over a on a trip apparently linked to The White House statement said list of 65 Israeli prisoners of war Kissinger's peacemaking efforts. Kissinger would personally take to to Kissinger in his talks at Dam- Kissinger began secret talks with Damascus "ideas on disengagement" ascus. The White House also said Israeli Premier Golda Meir and her provided by Israel. the International Red Cross would aides said she would make a nation- While declining to characterize be permitted to visit the POWs to- wide announcement last night. (See ANNOUNCEMENT, Page 2) Lt. Colley set free, still awaiting appeal COLUMBUS, Ga. (AP)--Lt. William L. Called, Jr., the only man convicted for the massacre of Vietnamese civilians at My Lai, was released from custody yesterday by a civilian judge. "I feel I could be useful to society," he told the judge. Calley, 30, who has nearly exhausted his appeals for the murders of at least 22 Vietnamese, smiled and waved at friends as he walked out of a federal courthouse here, free for the first time since President Nixon ordered him held in an apartment three years ago pending appeals. Called signed an order allowing him to be released without paying the $1,000 bail set by U.S. District Court Judge J. Robert Elliott. The short, balding Calley declined to comment on the days events as he left the courthouse and went by military escort back to Ft. Benning, where he has lived in a red brick apartment since March 1971 while appealing his convictions. At Called's side yesterday, as she has been in the five years he has faced charges for leading the My Lai massacre, was his red-haired girl- friend, Anne Moore. Miss Moore, a frequent visitor to Calley's apartment at Ft. Benning, told the court there was no reasor to believe Calley would not honor the terms of bail. "He had ample opportunity before he was confined and never considered it," she said when asked if Calley would floe. "I feel it necessary to consult more freely with my attorneys. also, (See CALLEY, Page 2) .released from custody Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, February. 28, 1974 ANNOUNCEMENT- GAZETTEER (Continued from Page 1) .a digest of late news the development as a major move leading to disengage- ment, Deputy Press Secretary Gerald L. Warren said, "It certainly reflects movement toward that.' Warren said he preferred to limit any comments on the announcement to say that Kissinger had gone to the WASHINGTON (AP)--The U.S. House of Representatives %fiddle East at the request of the leaders of both passed emergency energy legislation yesterday, pro- Syria and Israel "to work toward the beginning of dis- viding for an oil price rollback and giving Pres- cussions leading to disengagement." ident Nixon the authority to order gasoline rationing. As read to a White House news briefing, the announce- The measure now goes to the White House where it faces ment said: "Secretary of State Kissinger has informed an almost certain veto. Final passage came after the President of the following: motions to strike several of the bill's more contro- "1. The Secretary of State is authorized by the versial provisions, including the price rollback and government of Syria to transmit to the government of rationing authority, were defeated by roll call votes. Israel a list of the total number of Israeli prison- Earlier, the House reversed its Rules Committee and ers of war now held by the government of Syria. voted down a parliamentary rule that had threatened There are 65 names on the list. to kill the bill. "2. The government of Syria has agreed that Red SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE, Canary Islands (AP)--Miss- Cross visits to Israeli prisoners of war it holds ing American balloonist Thomas Gatch Jr., was re- shall begin on the morning of March 1." ported spotted over the Canary Islands yesterday, but hours later there was still no official confirm- ation of the sighting. The Spanish news agencies reported Gatch's balloon was spotted over the Green CALLEY- (Continued from Page 1) Orotava Valley in the southern tip of the island. One unconfirmed report from a local newsman said he there's a financial need," Calley told the court. had photographed Gatch before his balloon rig slipped An informed court source, who declined to be named, into the clouds. But this report described only one said Calley left the court by military escort because balloon, not the nine last reported carrying the he had received a threat. The source refused to retired colonel over the Atlantic. elaborate. WASHINGTON (AP)--A Justice Department study released Calley's appeal is now before Army Secretary Howard yesterday says it is legally unclear how a president W. Callaway, who reportedly met with military attor- could be tested if he refused to disclose certain in- neys following the decision yesterday. The Army had information during an impeachment hearing on grounds no comment on the judge's decision. of endangering national security or the conduct of After Callaway ruled on Calley's appeal of his 20- foreign affairs. Another department study says year sentence, Nixon has said he would give the case that a review by the courts of a presidential im- final review. peachment proceeding and a possible conviction "pose a serious problem for the chief justice should the Elliott said he believed after the two-hour hearing case reach the Supreme Court." Under the impeachment yesterday that if Calley was released on bail, there proceeding, the House brings the charge, the Senate acts was no likelihood that he would attempt to flee. as a jury and the chief justice sits as presiding officer. Water status Local Forecast Guantanamo k Gazette Water figures for yesterday: Mostly cloudy with isolated Rear A. blph t. Ghamlety Cast. Mia F. Mtto area. WATER PRODUCED: 1,381,000 shower activity in the bay I Visibility unrestricted. Winds t. Cd. e . bic A airs Mtta J t . t al t WATER CONSUMED: 1,648,000 NE 10-14 knots, increasing to 12-16 knots with gusts to.25 . WATER LOSS: 267,000 knots during the afternoon. High 80. Low 67. Bay condition JosN ay r. .t. .****pt WATER IN STORAGE: 19,169,000 3-4 feet in unsheltered areas. High tide 0210. Low tide dieci of . AsNaaepubicfa ff ficer It is printd t.r 0818. days mktawarm-,= t ap . e . taqit ut. - ae .atm fidal or as, r th v-m o Thursday, February 28, 1974 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL AND NATIONAL NEWS--Page 3 Nixon's lawyers say he can't be called to testify WASHINGTON (AP)--Lawyers for President Nixon said Tuesday that no U.S. state court can command the President of the United States to appear be- fore its bench. Such a move "would open the door to an unwarranted, unfettered, and un- constitutional imposition" upon his office, the lawyers said, The White House position was outlined in a brief filed in D.C. Superior Court. The court is considering whether the President must testify in a case now pending in Los Angeles against former White House adviser John D. Ehrlichman. Nixon was subpoenaed last month by California Superior Court Judge Gor- don as "a material and necessary witness." The subpoena was forwarded to the District of Columbia Court for service. "In the 187 years since our Constitution was adopted no court, federal or state, has held that the President of the United States can he com- pelled to testify in person in compliance with a summons," said the White House brief filed by presidential lawyer James D. St. Clair. "The office of the President of the United States cannot be subjected to the command of any state court," he said. Such an order, St. Clair contended, would pave the way for similar ac- PRESIDENT NIXON tions "by each of the courts in all of the 50 states." ."rights" defended Food giveaway continues today, Club Movies At the COMO CLUB. still no word from kidnappers Tonight: NIGHT WATCH. Elizabeth Taylor-Lawrence Harvey. Mystery PG HILLSBOROUGH, Calif. (AP)--Organ- In the last tape-recorded message, Tomorrow night: AMERICAN GRAFTTTI. izers stockpiled food and prepared SLA leader "Cinque" denounced the Richard Dreyfuss-Ronnie Howard. PG to resume today a $2 million gives Hearst offer and demanded an addi- Saturday: THE EMPEROR OF THE NORTH away designed to feed the needy and tional $4 million.in food be avail- POLE. Ernest Borgnine-Lee Marvin. help win freedom for kidnapped heir- ablc by Thursday. He threatened to Drama PG ess Patricia Hearst. cut off all communication and hold Sunday: A WALK IN THE SPRING RAIN. Foodstuffs, including fresh meats Miss Hearst indefinitely if the de- Anthony Quinni-Ingrid Bergman. and produce, were delivered Tuesday mand is not met. Drama PG and yesterday to a San Francisco The Hearst Corp. has promised the warehouse.
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