BOXHOLDER THE Presorted Standard U.S.POSTAGE PAID BLAKESLEE PERMIT NO. 18 POSTAL CUSTOMER JOURNAL FREE of the POCONO PLATEAU Take One Serving the communities of the Pocono Mountain School District and surrounding areas. #1 News Weekly ©2010, JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS, INC., All Rights Reserved in Monroe Co. VOLUME 15, NUMBER 10 Week of July 29, 2010 PMSD facilities use fee structure under review by Jeanine Hofbauer PM East student who is a On behalf of the Pocono member of the swim team, be- Family YMCA, Sonia Wolbert lieves the district’s facilities requested reconsideration of should “not be a flat charge for the Pocono Mountain School non-profits and for-profits.” She District’s initial fee structure also proposed the board review under the proposed revisions to the actual additional expendi- Policy 707, Use of Facilities tures associated with the use of during the July 21 school board the pool such as keeping lights meeting. Wolbert emphasized on and security rather than fa- the non-profit organization’s cility charges that would be in- contributions to residents of curred anyway. Monroe County including those Superintendent Dr. Dwight residing within the district. The Pfennig dispelled the public’s proposed facility use fees perception of the district’s intent would be “astronomical to an to profit from rental fees and organization such as the concession stand revenue. YMCA,” said Wolbert. She went Pfennig clarified that it was on to elaborate on the value of never the intention to contract Coolbaugh celebrates Soccer World Cup participation in the Y’s swim- concession stand use out for Coolbaugh Soccer Associa- baugh Soccer Association will contact Benito Juarez at 269- ming program stating it “cannot profit but rather to use it “for our tion celebrated its sixth annual also have a winter season 0807 or Armando Cantellano at be weighed in dollars or cents.” student groups’ fundraisers.” summer season with 165 play- starting this September. 350-7807. See more photos on The Journal of the Kim Hannigan, parent of a Please turn to page 2 ers this past Saturday, July 24 For more information please at Coolbaugh Elementary Cen- Pocono Plateau’s Facebook page. ter. Families gathered to watch teams that represented the dif- ferent countries that partici- pated in the FIFA World Cup this year. Along with the various games, parents and kids en- joyed a picnic while watching the guest of honor State Rep- resentative Mario Scavello hand out awards to the players who had won M.V.P. and most penalty kicks. Scavello also kicked the ball to mark the beginning of the fi- nals for the older age group, where the France team won the C.S.A. World Cup. A whole day fun filled with soccer, laughs, and food will re- turn next summer, however, for Rep. Mario Scavello accepts a Coolbaugh Soccer shirt from PMSB thanked Lindsay Barrett George, here with Kayla Daniels. those who cannot wait, Cool- Benito Juarez, left, as Jimmy Donnelly looks on. PAGE 2–The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of July 29, 2010 lieve that we are costing the Enrichment Activity Program) is The policy to prohibit wea - ing volunteer efforts provided PMSD… district $3,000 a week.” “alive and well.” The district pons on school property re- by local author/illustrator Lind- Ricky Smith suggested “Al- hopes to fill the position left va- gardless of the party’s proper say Barrett George. The author Continued from page 1 though I have no problem with cant by the retirement of PMSD license retention was empha- of children’s books visited the Board member Meg Dilger the policy; the fee schedule Director of Student Support sized by Pfennig. Approval to district’s summer reading pro- commented,” I don’t think the needs to be looked at.” Henry Services Lamar R. Thomas by the first reading of the new dis- gram students at the Swiftwa- public realizes how expensive it Bockelman added, “the revision August 25. The valued program trict Policy 816, Weapons, was ter and Clear Run Elementary is to do [maintain the facility] was never construed to be a placing kids in the forefront granted. Centers recently, providing an between heating the pool, bath- money maker; while I admire amidst a vast array of enriching Dorothy Sirolly asked for elaborate presentation to instill room usage from paper to sep- the organization, by the same activities including theater, elaboration upon the “trans- the confidence to “do what you tic, down to the wear and tear token we have a responsibility music and dance is expected to parency” of the proposed revi- like to do best.” Robison went on the parking lot, we’re not in to our taxpayers to maintain fa- progress “well into the 21st cen- sions to Policy 121, Field Trips. on to state, “It is wonderful to business to make money.” cilities.” He proposed compris- tury,” pledged Pfennig. Board Sirolly asked that the wording have a local author in the area Wolbert responded regarding ing a committee to “work out a member Bill Forte recollected be amended to allow for in- who is always willing to partner the YMCA’s calculations de- better balance.” Wolbert re- the work of Thomas to “give stances for fundraising to assist with our district in assisting us rived from the proposed facility quested a representative from students interests beyond with expenses for chaperones. with the importance of encour- fees, stating “I find it hard to be- the YMCA attend the commit- sports.” He commended the ef- Pfennig advised the fundraising aging the joy of reading.” tee meetings “as perception forts of “targeting students with for chaperone and student The PMSD board scheduled TheThe can be skewed.” nothing else on their plate to costs within the policy wasn’t to meetings for August are Wed - Superintendent Pfennig pro- get involved.” The job descrip- address expenses for parents nesdays, August 18 and August FFISHINGISHING vided assurance PMSD’s tion should include having the but for students. Bockelman 25 at the administration build- SCEAP (Student Community selected person to be available concluded, “It is the consensus ing in Swiftwater. HHOLEOLE after school hours to accom- of the board (the policy) is to Route 940, Dentures made modate students, suggested stay as is for now.” Pocono Lake Affordable Forte. Dr. Elizabeth Robison later Catch & Release Pfennig addressed members extended her gratitude on be- Catch & Keep in ONE DAY of the board regarding discus- half of the district for the ongo- No License Required sions with Senator Jeffrey Pic- New Denture from $200 cola, Chair of the Pennsylvania THE LITTLE BAIT SHOP (per denture) Live Minnows & Fatheads Education Committee. Pfennig S&TCoombe, Inc. Free Parking Available Nightcrawlers & Worms spoke of Piccola’s advice for Stove & Fireplace Specialists Tackle, Hooks, Lures, the district to move ahead cau- Line, Powerbait, etc. DR. M. WEISS, D.D.S., P.C. tiously regarding budgetary ex- ONE STOP SHOP $5 OFF Catch & Release penditures due to an With this ad. 14 S. Cedar Street, Hazleton, PA Coal, Gas, Pellet & Wood Stoves, Outdoor Furnaces Open 8-6 M,W,Th, F, Sa; 8-5 Sun anti cipated shortfall in the edu- ClosedTuesday 570-455-6275 cation budget through out the Over 70 units on display and 10 operating. (570) 643-7786 or 800-598-5984 year. Showroom www.poconofishing.com Location: Route 940 (4/10 mile west of Route 115) FREE REMOVAL FREE DELIVERY within 50 miles of old stove (with purchase of any new stove.) (with purchase of any new stove.) (570) 646-8254 • Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The Journal of the Pocono Plateau, Week of July 29, 2010–PAGE 3 Tunkhannock lessens monthly meeting load by Seth Isenberg Supervisor George Ewald Police “are writing a lot of tick- paid – the majority of which is Piano and Maureen Sterner, Tunkhannock Township su- shared that the work to repair ets” for speeding. $166,420 for the third quarter attorney Dan Lyons, pervisors will hold only one and pave Kuhenbeaker Road The E. coli problem in Indian share of regional police, and sec./treas. Wieand, 14 citizens meeting a month through the will begin after the race and be Mountain Lakes appears to be $13,005 for the third quarter and this reporter attended the rest of 2010 unless some ur- complete by the end of Sep- geese related. share of the Monroe County meeting. Supervisors will meet gent business looms. At the tember. Congratulations were ex- Control Center, $5,000 as their next on August 11 at the town- beginning of this year, the su- Engineer Kevin Harris was tended to secretary/treasurer annual contribution to the West ship building in Long Pond. pervisors set a regular meeting directed to inspect a home that Maria Wieand, who was End Ambulance, $4,589 to at- on the second Wednesday, is falling down, potentially haz- elected president of the Mon- torney Lyons for services, and and a work session/meeting on ardous, located on Long Pond roe County League of Women $2,916 to the townshipʼs Vol- Legal Bid the fourth. It was decided at Road, and make a report. Voters. unteer Fire Company for their P.M.C.S. is seeking a bid the July 14 regular meeting Supervisors also agreed with Supervisors agreed that one monthly mortgage. on a Bally custom walk-in Re- that the work session meetings Tobyhanna Townshipʼs vote to of their number should attend Supervisors Ewald, Fran De- frigerated 23”1” length x 9ʼ8” will not be held. reject all bids to repair the Pocono Mountain School width.
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