The 2010 Notices Index January issue: 1–200 May issue: 593–696 October issue: 1073–1240 February issue: 201–328 June/July issue: 697–816 November issue: 1241–1384 March issue: 329–456 August issue: 817–936 December issue: 1385–1552 April issue: 457–592 September issue: 937–1072 2010 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in Index Section Page Number a Mathematics Department, 650 2010 Conant Prize, 515 The AMS 1532 2010 E. H. Moore Prize, 524 Announcements 1533 2010 Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference, 650 Articles 1533 2010 Morgan Prize, 517 Authors 1534 2010 Robbins Prize, 526 Deaths of Members of the Society 1536 2010 Steele Prizes, 510 Grants, Fellowships, Opportunities 1538 2010 Veblen Prize, 521 Letters to the Editor 1540 2010 Wiener Prize, 519 Meetings Information 1540 2010–2011 AMS Centennial Fellowship Awarded, 758 New Publications Offered by the AMS 1540 2011 AMS Election—Nominations by Petition, 1027 Obituaries 1540 AMS Announces Congressional Fellow, 765 Opinion 1540 AMS Announces Mass Media Fellowship Award, 766 Prizes and Awards 1541 AMS-AAAS Mass Media Summer Fellowships, 1320 Prizewinners 1543 AMS Centennial Fellowships, Invitation for Applications Reference and Book List 1547 for Awards, 1320 Reviews 1547 AMS Congressional Fellowship, 1323 Surveys 1548 AMS Department Chairs Workshop, 1323 Tables of Contents 1548 AMS Email Support for Frequently Asked Questions, 268 AMS Endorses Postdoc Date Agreement, 1486 AMS Homework Software Survey, 753 About the Cover AMS Holds Workshop for Department Chairs, 765 57, 266, 419, 516, 630, 725, 850, 960, 1151, 1276, 1477 AMS Hosts Congressional Briefing, 421 AMS Officers and Committee Members, 1152 The AMS AMS Redesigns Website, 892 2009 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (First AMS Menger Awards at the 2010 ISEF, 1139 Report), 250 AMS Research Journals Archive Is Digitized, 1006 2009 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (First AMS Short Courses in New Orleans, LA, 1185 Report, Part II), 410 AMS Sponsors Exhibit at Capitol Hill Event, 766 2009 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (Second AMS Sponsors Project NExT Fellows, 1325 American Mathematical Society—Contributions, 670 Report), 871 American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowships, 2009 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences, (Third 1002 Report), 1306 Biographies of Candidates, 1014 2009 Election Results, 300 Call for Applications and Nominations for AMS Associate 2010 AMS Election—Nominations by Petition, 301 Treasurer, 545 2010 American Mathematical Society Election (Special Call for Nominations for 2011 Morgan Prize, 719 Section), 1011 Call for Nominations for AMS Award for Mathematics 2010 Award for Distinguished Public Service, 528 Programs That Make a Difference, 426 1532 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 57, NUMBER 11 2010 Index Call for Nominations for AMS Exemplary Program Prize, Crashing Waves, Awesome Explosions, Turbulent Smoke, 772, 1029 and Beyond: Applied Mathematics and Scientific Com- Call for Nominations for 2011 Leroy P. Steele Prizes, 544 puting in the Visual Effects Industry (Aleka McAdams, Call for Nominations for the Bôcher Memorial Prize, Frank Stanley Osher, and Joseph Teran), 614 Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory, and the Leonard Divison Algebras and Wireless Communication, (B. A. Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics, 901 Sethuraman), 1432 Call for Nominations for the Levi L. Conant, Joseph L. Earthquakes and Weatherquakes: Mathematics and Climi- Doob, and Ruth Lyttle Satter Prizes, 900 ate Change (Martin E. Walter), 1278 Call for Organizers: 2011 MRC Conferences, 90 Enironmental Problems, Uncertainty, and Mathemati- Call for Suggestions for 2011 AMS Elections, 1026 cal Modeling (John W. Boland, Jerzy A. Filar, and Phil Epsilon Awards for 2010, 660 G. Howlett), 1286 Erdo˝s Memorial Lecture, 65, 765 Envisioning the Invisible (Tim Chartier), 24 Fan China Exchange Program Names Awardees, 766 (The) Giant Component: The Golden Anniversary (Joel From the AMS Public Awareness Office, 65, 268, 421, 538, Spencer), 720 765, 892, 1006, 1325, 1486 Graph Theory in the Information Age (Fan Chung), 726 General Information Regarding Meetings & Conferences Gravity’s Action on Light (A. O. Petters), 1392 of the AMS, 92 Hadwiger’s Conjecture and Seagull Packing (Maria Chud- Graduate Student Travel Grants to 2011 JMM, 1004 novsky), 733 National Contest of Who Wants to Be a Mathematician, Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro, In Memoriam (Jim Cogdell, Steve 538, 1146 Gelbart, Simon Gindikin, Hervé Jacquet, Roger Howe, NCSU Math Department Wins AMS Award, 653 Gregory Margulis, George D. Mostow, Peter Sarnak, Officers of the Society, 2009 and 2010 Updates, 670 David Soudry, and Freydoon Shahidi), 1260 (A) Photographic Look at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, (An) Invitation to Cauchy-Riemann and Sub-Riemannian San Francisco, 2010, 496 Geometries (John P. D’Angelo and Jeremy T. Tyson), 208 Statistics on Women Compiled by the AMS, 1163 (The) Last Words of a Genius (Ken Ono), 1410 Trjitzinsky Memorial Awards, 64 (The) Life and Survival of Mathematical Ideas (Michael F. Voting Information for 2010 AMS Elections, 899 Barnsley), 10 Announcements Life on the Mathematical Frontier: Legendary Figures and Their Adventures (Roger Cooke), 464 AMS Endorses Postdoc Date Agreement, 1486 Localized Eigenfunctions: Here You See Them, There You NSF Funds New Math Research Institute at Brown University, 1325 Don’t (Steven M. Heilman and Robert S. Strichartz), 624 Pantula Appointed DMS Director, 889 (The) Mathematical Side of M. C. Escher (Doris Schattsch- Program Director Positions at NSF, 420 neider), 706 Cornell University Library Engages Institutions in Sup- (The) Mathematics of Animal Behavior: An Interdisci- porting arXiv, 537 plinary Dialogue (Shandelle M. Henson and James L. Report: Considering the Future of K–12 STEM Curricula Hayward), 1248 and Instructional Design, 1146 Mathematics of the Gateway Arch (Robert Osserman), 220 Model Theory and Complex Geometry (Rahim Moosa), 230 Articles Music: Broken Symmetry, Geometry, and Complexity (Gary — Features W. Don, Karyn K. Muir, Gordon B. Volk, and James S. (The) Arithmetic Behind Cryptography (Gerhard Frey), 366 Walker), 30 (The) Art of Mathematics (Michael Atiyah), 8 Numbers at Work and Play (Igor E. Shparlinski), 334 Awareness of Ethical Pitfalls: A Requirement for Profes- Origami and Partial Differential Equations (Bernard sional Protection (Catherine A. Roberts), 485 Dacorogna, Paolo Marcellini, and Emanuele Paolini), 598 Baseball and Markov Chains: Power Hitting and Power Remembering Paul Cohen (1934–2007) (Peter Sarnak, Series (John P. D’Angelo), 490 Angus MacIntyre, John G. Thompson, Saharon Shelah, (The) Brave New World of Bodacious Assumptions in Harold Diamond, Dennis Hejhal, Thomas C. Hales, Cryptography (Neal Koblitz and Alfred Menezes), 357 Mihalis Kolountzakis, Gerald Alexanderson, Ilan Vardi, Can’t Decide? Undecide! (Chaim Goodman-Strauss), 343 Charles Cohen), 824 Cartan and Complex Analytic Geometry (Jean-Pierre Reminiscences of Grothendieck and His School (Luc Illu- Demailly, Soshichi Kobayashi, Raghavan Narasimhan, sie, with Alexander Beilinson, Spencer Bloch, Vladimir Yum-Tong Siu), 952 Drinfeld, et al.), 1106 Cartan as a Teacher (Pierre Cartier, Jacques Dixmier, Seized Opportunities (Victor H. Moll), 476 Adrien Douady, Christian Houzel, Jean-Pierre Kahane, Speaking with the Natives: Reflections on Mathematical Max Karoubi), 961 Communication (Gerald B. Folland), 1121 Cartan, Europe, and Human Rights (Jean-Pierre Bourgui- Tilings, Scaling Functions, and a Markov Process (Richard gnon, Reinhold Remmert, Friedrich Hirzebruch), 972 F. Gundy), 1094 Celebrating Mathematics in Stone and Bronze (Helaman Topical Bias in Generalist Mathematics Journals (Joseph E. and Claire Ferguson), 840 Grcar), 1421 DECEMBER 2010 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1533 2010 Index (A) Tribute to Henri Cartan (Luc Illusie and Pierre Cartier, Mathematical Sciences in the FY 2011 Budget, Samuel M. Jean-Pierre Serre, Michael Atiyah), 946 Rankin III, 988 Topological Methods for Nonlinear Oscillations (Christo- Meta-Morphism: From Graduate Student to Networked pher I. Byrnes), 1080 Mathematician (Andrew Schultz), 1132 What is Mathematical Biology and How Useful Is it? (Avner National Academies Evaluation of the VIGRE Program Is Friedman), 851 Released (William E. Kirwan, Mark L. Green, and Neal What Is Mathematics For? (Underwood Dudley), 608 D. Glassman), 407 — Communications NCSU Math Department Wins AMS Award (Allyn Jackson), 2009 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (First 653 Report), (Polly Phipps, James W. Maxwell, and Colleen NSF Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request (Allyn Jackson), 992 Rose), 250 Perelman Awarded Millennium Prize, 870 2009 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences (First (A) Photographic Look at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Report, Part II), (Polly Phipps, James W. Maxwell, and San Francisco, 2010, 496 Colleen A. Rose), 410 Popa Receives Ostrowski Prize (Elaine Kehoe), 404 2009 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences in the (The) Public Lectures in Hyderabad (Bill Casselman), 1276 United States (Second Report) (and Doctoral Degrees (The) Science of a Drive (Douglas N. Arnold), 498 Conferred 2008–2009, Supplementary List), (Richard Simons Foundation Launches US$40-Million Program for Cleary, James W. Maxwell, and Colleen A. Rose), 871 Theoretical Research (Allyn Jackson), 248 2009 Annual Survey of the Mathematical Sciences in the (The) Surprise Examination Paradox and the Second United States (Third Report), (Richard Cleary, James Incompleteness
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