University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-26-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-26-1911 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-26-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/2065 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOUBNA3 THIRTY-THIR- D YEAR, Vol. CXXX, No. 37. NEW MEXICO, Iy Mall 50 IViils ALBUQUERQUE i MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1911. a otolith; Slngl tophw, ft cruu, Hy Currier, o Cents a Month berta i continue the campaign T against reciprocity with the United ADMEN T States. Here, as in Manitobin, and VALET GAVE LIFE IN TWO LITTLE SEVENTEEN LIVES VOICES PROTESTlfENGLISlEN Saskatchewan. np found farmers a 015 HEAR unit for rutificution of the agree-men- t. III RECIPROCITY His first stopping place was Mac- Leod, where he received a memorial VAIN EFFORT TO DONE TO DEATH SACRIFICED IN from the United Farmers of Alberta INDUSTRIAL PLAIN TALK FROM in that district, representing the unanimous feeling of forty-si- x CERTAIN OE brauches. They desired tlst obstruc tion to the agreement on the part of SAVE GIRLS IN ARIZONA RIVER HORROR BARBARISM I.orden's supporters in the foreign AflRTRAI IAN parliament to cease. They favored reciprocity as a step toward free trade In agricultural Implements and ma- DEFEAT chinery with the United States, which VICTIMS OF HOUSEBOAT PROSPECTOR ARRESTED TWO is tho goal of their desires. MORE VICTIMS OF STRONG SERMON BEFORE PREMIER ; Tl'o deprecated so memorial FIRE, LIE NEAR DEATH FOR DOUBLE MURDER much flag waving on political plai-fcrn- is PACKET EXPLOSION DYING SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS and asked the speakers to dis- Senate Expected to Vote It cuss practical issues. ilorden, however, in reply dissent V Thurlow Weed Barnes and Accused of Drowning Andrew Fisher, Who Down Before Adjournment of as strongly as possible from tho farm- Daught- Federal Investigation Expected Dr. Coyle Inveighs Against Lett ers' views on reciprocity.' The sober Thomas Kerr Are Frightfully of Partner Scotland as Pit Boss, Session Today; Party Lines second though of Canada, he said, hid ers and Then At to Reveal Cause of Frightful System Under Which Chil- Comes disapproved of the reciprocity agree- Burned in Attempt to Save tempting Self - Back As Chief of Great Com- Lost in Struggle, ment: there were people in Nova Destruction Catastrophe On Mississippi dren and Frail Women Are Scotia und lie believed elsewhere, Unfortunate Young Women, With Shotgun. Near Memphis. monwealth to Jar Britishers, who would cut off their hands rather Made to Toil for Pittance. than vote for It. Reciprocity, he as- STATEHOOD RESOLUTION serted, would reintroduce into Canada (B.T Moraine Mpednl the products of American Jonnml I.eae4 Wlr (Br Mnrnlac Journal Special Lcu4 tVIr (By Morning Journal Huerlnl iraord B .Xoruln Journul M DECLINES MAY the trusts. Wlrrl Suninl bwd ire) ALL TITLES COME UP THIS WEEK Mr. Tate, member of parliament for Nantucket, Mass., June 25 Globe, Aria., June 25 Charged Memphis, Thomas with Tenn., June 25 The Nui Iraneisco, June 15. Delegates AND the district, told Mr. Borden that al- Kerr of N'ew York and Thurlow Weed assaulting and then drowning HONORARY DEGREES though eastern people might not Mulu death li;t resulting from the explo- to the thirteenth International Sunday j agree with their views, yet people of Harnes, II, of Albany, are still in a and Myrtle Closwick, 11 und 12 yeurs sion of the river puckct City of St. School Senate May It association convention spent a! Consider As Saskatschewan and Alberta as a w hole critical condition as a result of burns old, In Salt river yesterday, 21 miles Joseph, six miles yester- were below here busy day today In one of the most im- - (Attacks In favor of reciprocity with the received In from here, Kinsley Olds, Labor Leader and Peer Welcome a tire which destroycVtlie a prospector, day afternoon, was swelled to seven- -- Change From the United States. That was shown, he poriant sessions of the convention.. n . r . bv houseboat of young - 4 years old. mining partner of the teen today. Two more will die. said the fact that Saskatchewan Barnes- falitor, Meetings were held In the afternoon in fliiKe; meory mat English- Weary Tariff Debate; Minor- and AlberU legislative father of the two girls, lodged In accounting for the crow today assemblies und William Barnes Jr.. last night. There wrs It was eight the Coliseum boards f trado were unanimous in today in tho county Jail here with his found that Instead of and in tho Greek theater man's Home Is His Castle ity Report Is Looked For. was reason for hope tonight, however, lower six nsgroes lost their lives almost In- in Berkeley, nnd were largely attend- their approval of the proposed agree- Jaw shot sway iu an Ineffectual stantly, that their injuries will not prove fatal! five being drowned ed. Also In confer-ence- Thoroughly f attempt. It is believed, sul-cl- le and three the tiUernoon four s Exploded. ment.' Miss Helen Wilson of N'ew to commit scalded r Secretary Fream of York after killing tho two girls. to death. Nine tnore died of were held at which plans for the Alberta and Miss Mildred Dehaven of Brook- their injuries today. Fngineer I Br Moraine Journal Ruaclat Leava Wire United Farmers suid no convincing Olds rodo Into Globe last night Flovd teaching were discussed, a seiieg 0( lyn, were to Ulysses Pa-hu- d, and Morgan is no badly scalded hopes Washington, 25. arguments for the farmers to change burned death. told a story of having that practical questions having previously (By Morning Journal June This Hoot butler and valet of Barnes been shot bv for his recovery have been abandon- been Smal l.ewri Wrt their opinions been by the an Indian or submitted. - amendment to the wood pa- had advanced family, Mexican an. It was ed. l.ond..n. Jui,c 25.- Andrew pulp and F.orden. succumbed late last night to teartd the girls, "Tic Projected by who left Fisher, per Injuries received in ef- that who were Morgan today, however, was Life." Rev. W. Scotland where he as schedule of the Ctinatlian reci- At Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Friday, unsuccessful known to been able to B. Hlnson, D. D Pit boss, worked forts to save the young women. The havo with him had state that violation of a government Portlund, Ore., and to seek employment in the procity bill which the administration one speaker for the farmers, whose been also shot and killed. Today' rurnisuings of Gods People," by mines Australia, latter In their efforts to eseaoe ha 1 their regulation of boilers probably was re- of and who Is now Iihs been lighting lis fatal to the agree-mentme- opinion was cheered, said, "tho farm- bodies were found In Rev. Robert F. Coyle. D. D.. Den- - hack ns prime ruslied through the water of the sponsible for the explosion. A fed- of minister of the common- undoubtedly de- ers are nrepared to take the west out a door which led to ver. were wealth, will bo a closet they river, where they evidently lwd been eral investigation Is expected. the two Important addresses has been shocking the English feated before the senate adjourns to of the confederation of provinces If and there were Impn for nearly 24 hours. They mtuie in the Greek oy his j soned with flames licking up oil hud bocn theater. outspokenness, and his support morrow, mo dumocruts and miny rc-- I reciprocity is denied us." the drownd. The bodies I nless we are a w of Idea which here j soaked on every were immediately clenr to what ore considered al- publicans who favor reciprocity hav-- Burden has retired his lieutenant, structure side. brought In most j Kerr Is more seriously injured here an automobile anil in ui, sum nr. coyle, we anarchistic. lng openly opposed the amendment. Hon. J. (I. Hergeron, who at Moose than Olds was lodge tn shall stumble In Mr. used Barm s. His arms, chest and head are Jail. FIFTY INJURED IN the dark and waste Fisher is no respecter of person. With thiii amendment on which tho Jaw the illustration of Samson A posse which went out to our energies on side Issues In His speech Delilah in terribly burned. Young Barnes is se- find the or trying In which he attacked reciprocity struggle fur. Home time and connection with Pres girls when Olds first came Into Globe, to llnd that patli which we should James Keir Hardle tar-if- ident Taft Mr. Fielding verely burnCd about the arms and 'egs for that gentle- has centered ,out of the wuy, tho f and during found Ho corroboration of olds' story havo been In from the start. Our man's opposition to debat0 will assume a wider scope. the course of his nrgumcnt. und is suffering ,nrticularly from ih : armaments, show- of Inhaling of being Shot by a Mexican. Only one churches must pass rrnin talk und sen- ed that the Ideas of Australian ami The wool tariff and tho free list bills, results flames and smuko. could be found, timent and professionalism Kngllih l?oth Kerr and Humes received trail and It led from COLLAPSE OF to prac- labor leaders differed rudl-cull- y.
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