.•. •':' .... NJNG -Dr1 l'olll NDRY :::ENTEB Legislature Gets Pep Talk By SYLVIA PRIDGEN Speaking to the assembly Winston, the university ide-a, an indicaltlion of the over­ ASSOCJA;rE EDITOR as "an interested student," anything thart affects students whelming support for tJhe sta­ A :former legislator, senior Blackburn asked rhetorical in intangible ways." dium drive," Robinson said. questiom and furnished his Jimmy Black.burn. ~ve a 30- Partney evidently took 'llhe "Tlte en11husiasm generated m~nute pep talk flo a quorum own answers. Suggesting tlhat cue and began discussion on will be awfully impontant, per!haps 11here iJs no purpose and the student body musrt be of legislators last week. The the feasibility of re-opening ·; :··· legislators responlded with a for the legislature, Blackburn the coffee !house. 100 per cent behind thls reminded the solons of ideas leng11hy discussion of left­ Legisla•tons drive." from campaign planks that responded and over proposals and passed raised flhe question of finance, LegiJslator Barbara Gutekunst _;,,. four resolutions. , never materialize aiiter rthe apparently g a t!h ere d some . ~ ... ' . election is won. overhead, and managerial re­ Passed during lthe session sponsibilities. A lengothy de­ wind from Blnckburn'IS speech were the following proposals: What Use? bate involved .the question of and ·set sail a few ideas of -to reopen 1lhe coffee house the desirability of the coffee !her own. tllis semester; "H tlhe projects of tihe !house, bwt an amendment Suggesting lbhat the legds­ -to place the jerney of Joe Leg:islaJture arr-e not related to ·that would poll student inter­ lators should not listen oto I Car.azo on di:<play in !file ath­ 11he student body, what use est was defeated. Blackburn's advice and then < • letic ·showcases; are they?" Blackburn asked. forget it, Miss Gutekurusrt: said, Motion Passes -Ito hold open forums witih There is always a problem of •'We must make stulden1s more lfue faculty and stuidents, wdflh what can be done, for cam­ aware of wlhat student gov­ e the first to be held to discwss 'I1he motion to accept re­ ·paign promises and planks sponsibility for the reopening ernment does." the Men's Residence Council; nre !(;he .same from year to was passeld and the Legisla­ '!1he legiJslaotor 11hen led an -~to present a resolution at year, he suggested. "If you ll;ure will continue to study informal discussion on the the Model United Nations As­ run and win, wlhat will you sembly at Duke 11hat would do?" the problem of making rtihe possibilities of evaluating tihe business investment a finan­ legislature, improving. elec­ invite tihe conference to Wake Blackburn claimed ·tJhat too Forest nex•t year. cial success. r See story .this tions, and increasing respect often there is notlhing for flhe page.) for and awareness of the Speeches Legislature to do after ~t P.rior to the discussion on work of the legislature. I holds committee meetings. the coffee !house, Larry Rob­ Two other motions were P r i m a r y addresses were "The Legislature's influence inson, •senior of Kinston and sent to committees for ad­ made by Blackburn of Win­ .is not as tangible as tha•t of chairman of the fund raoiJsjng ditional consideration. Doug •Ston-Salem, a candidarte for the College Union, for ex­ commilttee of the student Pritchard, sopihomore of Lex­ student body president last ample, but it can exert in­ stadium drive committee, of­ ington, suggested ifJhat wea­ year, Student Body President fluenc;e in many intangible fered a general outline of ,the ther covers be provideld for Jerry Pantney of Miami, Fla., ways. work of •bhe drive. the open passageways in 1!he -PHOTO BY WINSTON and sophomore legislator Bar­ .JERRY PARTNEY "Take issue wL11h .issues "At !halftime of the Virginia boys dorm, and senior Dana bara Gwtekunst of Sellersville, which might· arise-the Bap­ -PHOTO BY WIN!i;TON • A Pointed Reply , • . Tech game, the student chair­ Ingalls of Brooklyn, Conn. JIMMY BLACKBURN tEN Pa. tist Convention next year in man will be able to present (Continued on page 5) .•• Pep Talk ..• '. '/ Mu·ley Glover Wins Glamour Girl Title Wake Track Team Getting t As 'Best Dressed' Re~dy F~r Page Two · Big 'rest F~b ... ~2: an Page Nine >Never ~ Til Golden Anniversary Year 1965-66 What VOLUME Ll * * Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Monday, Feb. 7, 1966 * • • * NUMBER 16. ~DJOY * * r! Coffee House Door ; THE' Different Faiths To Discuss Students Will l(ickoff Driv_~ LIFE' 'Religious Reality' In Chapel May Be Open Soon • • • By HENRY BOSTIC However, he continued, a For Stadiun1 Gift Feb. 19 By CHARLIE KIRKLAND of Asian Studies at the College, ston.Sa1em Teachers Colleges, ASSISTANT EDITOR member of the executive com- STAFF WRITER who came here from the Univer­ will be the Hindu representa- lllliJttee of the student Govern- The flick of a spotlight switch mov£d up tru:ee days from the studE:·nt stadium committee A discussion ;tomorrow in Cha­ sity of Washin~n to esta·blish tive. ' I Despite a discouraging letter meDJt must still iron out the will tw-n on ithe studenrt stad- oTiginal da.te so that its con- meeting wiJth Bert Bennett; co­ pel among a Baptist, a Catholic, a program of Asian studies at Peter Marshall Jr. had also from rthe Treasurer's Office, the ium drive Feb. 19 in a cere- elusion will .coincide with the Wake Fore$t, Saiem, and Win- problems with the :treasurer be- chairman of the main stadium a Hindu, a Jew, ·and a Buddhist been engaged flo be a second Student Legislature passed a fore the eoffee house can be mony at the Virginia Tech- launching of the main drive. will open Religion iin life week drive commi.ttee of forty. protestant representative but resolution Wednesday night to roopened. Wake Forest game half-time. Finoa1 plans fQil' l!:he drive were BelJ!D€ott emphasized lthe im­ on the note, "ReligioUI:l Reality had 11x> -cancel his plans a couple reopen the ooffee house this ----------------l The student drive has been announced last F·riday at a in Revolutionaey Times." semester. parlance ,fo the outcome of the of weeks ago, accortlinig to main drive of a show of studelllt Religion can · oo ques.tioned Cb~plain Hollingsworth. The student legislators debat­ enthusiasm. "When that enthus­ philosophiciilly;'' chaplain L. H. ~ teatn ~Win conduct a fa­ ed -!(;he resolution for -almost an-t iasm is lillrewarm; we' can't ·get .. - Hollingsworth said about the culty conversation rtoday at 4 hour before passill!g it. M the much money." validity of the othree days of p. m. in the East Lounge. Mar­ center of the debate was the The drive is basi~Dy going discussion, "but, its reality in ney will lead the discussion, letter from the treasurer which well, he said, "but there's no­ life must be accepted as a but it is hoped that the other stated that the reopening. of the thing basic like student sup­ fact." members and the faculty will CDffee house would not be a port." WINN.II The Kiashmir dispu.te between participate. sound business venture. (The 3 India oand Pakistan, the Bud­ Tu€·sday in chapel all team coffee house was closed befoore I Relay Race •CAD8MV dhist's "hwnan torches" in e:lllams ibecause of financial dif­ •WARD& I members will form a panel to To show student support, the Saigon, and even the Ainerioan present the chapel program, ficulties. I civil rights movement, Hollings­ student committe& has made and will eat in the Ltttle Mag­ The question of whether the plans for ·a •brief half-time cere­ worth said, show that religion students the -coffee house nolia room to continue the con­ wanrt: mony at ·the ¥mginia Tech is indeed a real fQil'ce today. was also brought into the de­ versation begun m chapel. game, a reJJay rnee flo the new bate. An amendment providin·g Five Religions That evening at 8 p. m. a I stadium site and back, a o:rie;... for a studelllt referendum was round-table discussion will be day financial drive, a chaPel'. proposed. But after much de­ The five men representing held in DeTamble Auditoirium. program Feb. 22, and after chit­ five religions will hold discus­ ~Vednesday evening hours bate the amendment was de­ pel, a student body send-off of': feated because legislators felt sions throughout the week. have ibeen set fur separate ser­ ba!loons advm·tising the driv;e .. that enough students want the Dr. Carlyle Marney, senior vices for the different religions. Bennett urged ·the committee­ coffee house rto warrant its minister of the Myers Park Marney will speak in chapel to keep !the chapel spee-cheS: Baptist Church in Cbiaidotte, Thursday on "the. claims of reopening, •short,chapel days.remembering his oW-n:· who has served on 'tile study religions upon the lives of per­ 19 committees of the World Council sooo, and more specifically the Resolution Provisions The climax of the drive will of Churche-s and the Theological claims of the Christian faith up­ RABBI ISREAL GERBER The resolution itself contains Forest.come oat game the Feb.half-time, 23 Duke-Wake when Commission of the Baptist on the lives of stude-nts." ;a World Alliance, will be the pro­ the following provisions: whE:·elbarrow of quarters will be testant representative. -The Alpha Phi Omega Ser- rolled on to the floor: the stv- Also arriving will be Ra:bbi vice fratern:i.ty will ·supply the dents' monetary contribution to , Course Evaluation Stocks la'bor for .the coffee house.
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