February 12, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E183 15 cents on defense, and 16 cents on other do- onciliation bill is supposed to be completed died from heroin-related overdoses since mestic programs (education, transportation, by the end of the fiscal year September 30. If 1996.'' Just this week, we lost 17-year-old law enforcement, etc.). International pro- Congress and the President fail to work out Natacha Marie Campbell to a heroine and co- grams take 1 cent, and interest on the debt their differences by this date, they must pass consumes 14 cents. The President would re- a ``continuing resolution'' or see the govern- caine overdose. This just adds a tragic, serve 1 cent of each dollar for Social Secu- ment shut down. human dimension to our fight against illegal rity reforms, reducing the publicly-held fed- Conclusion: The President's budget is art- drugs. eral debt in the process. fully crafted. It carefully balances increases Although the law enforcement community The economic assumptions used by the in popular programs with fiscal discipline has obtained significant convictions and sen- President seem sound. The President esti- elsewhere. The booming economy, aided by tences against major drug traffickers, the in- mates that the economy will slow from 3.7% tough deficit reduction packages in 1993 and creased drug activity in North Texas is over- growth last year to 2% in 1998 and 1999, and 1997, has enabled the President to make a that inflation will remain low. This is rea- strong statement of policy and politics. The whelming current law enforcement resources. sonable, even conservative, compared to opponents of the President's budget have not We urge the Director of the Office of National most economists' forecasts. However, a re- rejected his proposals out of hand. They offer Drug Control Policy to commit the necessary cession would put great strains on the fed- alternatives to meet the nation's problems, resources to the fights against drugs in the eral budget. such as school vouchers, larger tax credits, Dallas/Fort Worth area by making North Texas Major Themes: As in past years, the larg- business incentives, and other devices. Al- a High Intensity Drug Trafficking area. This est spending increases come in Social Secu- though there is some sweeping rhetoric rity and health benefits. In the remainder of crucial designation will mean greater re- about differences with the President, there is sources or and coordination among area law the budget, only research, education, and strong bipartisan support for action on child law enforcement rise faster than inflation. care, education, and tobacco. The stage has enforcement agencies. It will help the parents Spending in other areas is cut back to make been set for a dynamic and important debate in the Dallas/Fort Worth area take control of room for these increases. about the future of the country. this problem. The major initiatives of the President's Mr. Speaker, I would like to submit for the budget include a voluntary expansion of f Medicare to persons age 62 to 64, provided record a resolution recently passed by the they pay for their benefits; reducing elemen- STATEMENT OF THE HONORABLE Greater Dallas Crime Commission which tary school class size with 100,000 new teach- PETE SESSIONS, THE HONOR- makes similar points, and urges the Director of ers; expanding child care tax credits for em- ABLE DICK ARMEY, THE HONOR- the Office of National Drug Control Policy to ployers and families; and tax credits and re- ABLE JOE BARTON, THE HONOR- designate North Texas a High Intensity Drug search funding to reduce and protect against ABLE MARTIN FROST, THE HON- Trafficking Area. global warming. ORABLE KAY GRANGER, THE Research: The President proposes unprece- GREATER DALLAS CRIME COMMISSION dented increases in research funding for HONORABLE SAM JOHNSON, AND RESOLUTION science and technology. The budget requests THE HONORABLE EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON TO ENCOURAGE THE Whereas: Major Colombian and Mexican almost $80 billion for military and civilian drug trafficking organizations have estab- research programs combined. The National DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF lished significant transshipment operations Institute of Health, the Department of En- NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POL- in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area ergy, and the National Science Foundation ICY TO DESIGNATE NORTH (the ``Metroplex'') and North Texas generally have sizable increases in their budgets for TEXAS A HIGH INTENSITY DRUG since the early 1990's; and medical research, energy efficiency, climate TRAFFICKING AREA Whereas: Law enforcement agencies in studies, and science education. I support in- North Texas have reported dramatic in- vestment in research as an investment in fu- creases in the importation, transportation ture economic growth. HON. PETE SESSIONS and distribution of heroin, Social Security: The President proposes to OF TEXAS ``Save Social Security first'' by placing any methamphetamines, cocaine, and marijuana budget surpluses in a reserve to help reform IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES into the area since the early 1990's; and Social Security. I agree that Social Security Thursday, February 12, 1998 Whereas: Law enforcement seizures of her- should take priority over calls to finance ad- oin in North Texas have increased by more ditional spending or tax cuts. I do not think Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, my col- than 500% in recent years, and the purity of we should squander a surplus that has yet to leagues Congressman RICHARD ARMEY, Con- the heroin on North Texas streets has in- appear when we have a large national debt gressman JOE BARTON, Congressman SAM creased dramatically and lethally; and and long-term problems with Social Secu- JOHNSON, Congresswoman EDDIE BERNICE Whereas: The increased drug trafficking rity. JOHNSON, Congresswoman KAY GRANGER, and active in the area has become a breeding There will be a heated discussion in Con- I wish to inform other members of the House ground for the proliferation of street gangs gress about the use of possible budget sur- of Representatives about a situation in the and related violent crimes including theft, pluses. Reducing the debt and protecting So- robbery, prostitution, assault and murder; cial Security would reduce interest pay- greater Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area and ments and raise private investment in the which demands our attention. Whereas: The impact of the increased drug economy. The President's plan puts an ob- Drug abuse and illegal drug trafficking are a activity in North Texas has resulted in an stacle in the way of others who want to give major problem in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, increase of drug overdose deaths in the area, away the surpluses in a sweeping tax cut. as they are in all other parts of the country. with most of the victims being teenagers or Tobacco: The President proposes to take However, there is evidence that points to the younger; and $13 billion a year from a proposed tobacco establishment of the area as a major trans- Whereas: Although the law enforcement settlement to fund a number of education community has obtained significant convic- and health initiatives. The exact source of shipment point for major drug trafficking oper- ations. For instance, major Colombian and tions and sentences against major drug traf- funds in a settlement is not clearÐthe origi- fickers, the increased drug activity in North nal settlement suggested that tobacco com- Mexican drug trafficking organizations have established significant transshipment oper- Texas is overwhelming current law enforce- panies pay the government large yearly ment resources; and sums, but others have proposed a substantial ations in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan Whereas: Designation of North Texas a increase in cigarette taxes. These revenues area. are highly speculative and uncertain because High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area by the Law enforcement agencies in North Texas Director of the Office of National Drug Con- payment would only come from an overall have reported dramatic increases in the impor- settlement approved by Congress. If the to- trol Policy will mean greater resources for bacco settlement does not come through the tation, transportation, and distribution of her- and coordination among area law enforce- President has indicated he will find other oin, methamphetamine, cocaine, and mari- ment agencies to combat drug trafficking or- sources to support his domestic initiatives, juana. And the increased drug trafficking ac- ganizations; and or will drop them all together. This adds tive in the area has become a breeding Now therefore, the Greater Dallas Crime pressure to approve a settlement. ground for the proliferation of street gangs and Commission urges the designation of North Next Steps: Congress will begin work on related violent crime. Texas as a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. the budget as the House and Senate budget But, Mr. Speaker, despite the powerful sta- committees form a template budget resolu- In Witness Whereof This Twenty-second tion to lay the groundwork for additional tistics, what brings these problems home to us Day of January, 1998. congressional action. Congress will vote on is the deaths of children recently in and CULLEN M. GODFREY, the budget resolution in late spring, and the around Plano, Texas. As the Dallas Morning Chairman. detailed spending and tax bills will be final- News wrote in a recent editorial, ``At least a NICKIE MURCHISON, ized over the summer. A final budget rec- dozen young people from the Plano area have Executive Director. E184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks February 12, 1998 TRIBUTE TO SGT. HERMAN SMITH: times of war and times of peace. We must Secrecy concerns kept security so tight WE WILL NEVER FORGET help their loved ones cope with the demands that even the very crews flying these re- and stress placed upon them as military fami- placement aircraft didn't know where they were going; and after a half-century, memo- HON.
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