U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, METABROM 99, 06/12/1987

U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, METABROM 99, 06/12/1987

- l!NITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY - III~I I ? 'r, Allen S. Tillaen AlDerikro.. , Inc. 1:l~O flrolldway Ne", York, NY 1000. Subjectl Methyl Sr~lde Registration Standaro Metabroal 98 EPA Re9istratlon No. 8622-6 Mf!tabrOlIl 100 EPA ~egistration NO. 8622-16 Metabrnm 99 ~ EPA Reglstrat ion No( 8622-1"_) Your Lp.tter of June ~, 1911"'- D~ar Hr. Tillaan: Your submission has been rpviewpd and found to be accep­ table for the product~ listed above. Enclosed for eact: product is st_peO, approved labelin\l. Incorporate any co.~ents noted on the labeling and sub.it five copies of flnibhed printed labeling for our records. e lC_pter • Product ManaQer (32) , Disinfectants Branch Registration Division (TS-7&7C) Enclosures TS-767C:DlS:WFrancis:wcf:Ra.711.S~7-7470:5-5-87 ....0' ~ SURNAM£ O ... 'r£ EPA 1' .... ']20.' (12.70) OFFICIAL FILE COpy , :;.,:-:ER I r.:.;:::::-:, : ~1C . ~E7;"3RO~ ~'-..(:--:!:T:~Y!~ I~ROMIDE} CO!~U~:J 1, P~Gf Of 2 I'.r.- j" p,,!,O wi!' I·('·.:\~I '.T;:; iIi L1'71 t. ".~;-,~C-:1: PHEr:A.l.:-r Il~NAIl'{ ~-;T A. TF.J'1:1:::J{"r.:; IfA:'.AI(i.):: TO HUMAN:; JUN 1 21987 i: !X"!f1F'::TIC "UfH\IS lh1t1\'f tl:· 1:,· ;. Ftlnl :, ..... '1:.1 " \ l lJAN(;EH C· .:' '.·i'''' I,. :,. ,!.' H!C;1I ",,:trn: TOXICITY Inhala:~c~ ~ay bl~ fatal t)~ ca~~~ se:-lQUS acute Illness or ~e!di~~ l~ng Ot clothu r..;. This prc~~ct con:a:~~ ch!o~o~!Ct!rl a~ a ~arnl~S od0~ant. Chlor~~:·:!_n ~Ay b0 irrita~:~s to t~>~ l1ppcr rest:lratory trdcL, and e·... 'en at. lc:.J ~evcl~ ccr. cause painful :..:-rlta.t!'G~ to tr.e eyes, prc-ducl;,g tearlns:. If these sy;:-,~tc;..~ occur, Nan: ro PHY:;ICIAN: stagger:f.g sait a~d m~n~al 1mbal~r1ce, wittl pro~able recovery afte~ a perlcd o! no ex;)c~~re. B!oo~ bro~!~e ~evc~~ s~99~s: tt:~ uccu~re:!(~e, ~ut f10t :he ~'!sr~~, uf e~pcsure_ Treat~ent IS s~'m~~G~~::C_ Do ~O: disct!arge e:il:...;e,,: cc;.;lta:.ni~S :)-11~ ptuCUCi:. lntc lc.j.r.e:~, :.:;trt::a:ot~, por:cs, e:'::L:ar1.e~, oC(.·<...tr:.:i, or publIC ~aters url1l'SS thIS product is s?ecIflcally identIfIed an~ addressed In an ~?CES permit. Do Clot dIscharge effluent contdln!ng thIS product to sewer syste~s ~lthout PI'cvlously notIfYIng the sewage treatment plant authority_ For gUIda~ce contEet ~'ou!' State Water BCdrd or RegIonal Off:ce of the E?A. PIIYS I CAL IUJJdmS: Do not u~e or store near heat, open flames, or sparkIflg • Dc) not use appllC,!t:.on cevlces lrlcorporatlnq r.atu:-al rubb"r 1 lEST AvaILABLE COPY ) ----- .. -- _.. (5.02 ).~.TIJHI1~.~ _ t ... "-?P=z: p "":J'~"" ''''r:w n 1 k:: (J' .1 \,(-' ~~'. ~ r,,~','t':~ l . l' C ... f.~ : ... :d ' . ~) : .. j ,'. '.. ~. :~ boo;. ~ '-' c~, r- ,-': (', " : "<:::;!(~- cl(, '. 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'O .. , I aEST UAifABLE COm - .--- -__ ...J .' -_.-;--.-.... ----~s .. · ~~Thl)}{C~ ~~ IM[7~!'/:, ~\HUMID£: C:OLlIHtJ I I, Pl.,Gr 1 OF ') RF::-,Ti~!CTF[) u:,r PESTICILJE [)!J~' ;0 f.ClJ'l [ T{),: ICITY :-< .. r,'·,~:.l '"i.'· t;) -I.:1,j l:',t.' cf,l'l tlY ("'lt~~:I"! ;'ti!l;.,,:t,\::. (",! :; •. !.,,:,~, ~::;:; .. : ~tl'"~l ,Ji:"ct :"1.':iH~IV1=;1(..':l, ,lnd unly i(n ttl(.!',I..' U:,t··, ,·(,Vl·I(·,~ !'/ ';.~li: Ct~1 tlflt·,~ ;"p~ 11l:':1t.(")J·':. ('(~lt':!~Cdtl/.,rj. HJ-:TABROH 9'1 COt...rrA I H.:; ().:~~)~ CHU)HOPICHJN r . .•• '. Pi' ~t. .9(l.fiSt .0.1 ~ ACUTELY TOXIC CH~~ICAi. 1~.~ :.H~ PfR GALLON (LIQUID IN CYLI~DER) • 1lEST AVAILABLE COPY 1 - "'- ---c 'c. .. Al"':ER I ERC~, ! t~C. MET~BROM 100 (METH'iL BROMIDE) COLU~H II, PAGt 2 O~ 2 -------- ,'---- _.. _- KEEP OUT OF REACH O~· CIl II DHDI SKULL DANGr:Jl [; P!::LIGRO CROSS llOIJES POlSOtl l-'REO 'ACION A.L USA..RIO: Sl us:ec r.o l~~ Ingles, nO us~ este producto tlasta que o.:-npl1d.~ente . STATEXHn OF PHACTIC'L TREATt'.DIT In all cases of overe~posure. get ~edlcaI a' tentlon l~~ediately. Ta\-'.c person If inha.led - Gf:~ ezposed pe;~on to !;-e~h a:r. Keep war·n. ~ake sure person can If brG~thlng has sto~ped apply artiflClaI Do ~lO: (31\.'c anythlng by i7.")uth to cn ur.ccnSC10t..:S If on ::::...-. .::: _. :::--~.,.:,-:~,:!tE::"·:· :·E;'.':-,'~··. ·,-:~:·_.;:-,::.i~:'~l! clG:::-.::.r:.g, ::"~10~:'~ J(:",..;O::::I/, ar.J a:;y C-::.th.'; ltE-.T. on ~;;".l~i. :..;,!~:, co[",taCl.:ndled s~_r: ared. t~1GrC-"';0h .. y \.11th ~J<"!.0 and t...:ater. If 10 eyt.!s - ::,:;'...d eyelld~ opc-: dnd £.lu:;:;h !"';lth a steady. gentI£"' strE'{!.':"\ O! ~atel S.ef" slde pitnels fOI addltior.."11 prc-c...autioo.."""J.ry sta,::em~nt. EPA REG. NO. £622-16 EPA EST. NO, 15298-15-01 EPA EST. N'C. 295J6-NC-OJ EPA EST. ~;O . JOJ62-AZ-OJ EPA EST, NO. 29516-FL-04 Dis~ribut_r: I tI CA..<;E OF EHERr ENCY CO NT ACT : AHERIBROtl, INC. OlEMTlUX: (800) 424-9300 1250 Broad;oay OR • New York, N,Y. 10001 AXl':RIBROH, INC. 1250 Broadway, tlew York, N.Y. 10001 Call CDllect: (212) 563-4600 • • • • ·•••..... • .. .• • lit ••• lit lit • •• ·• ..... • lit • lit lit • .. lit lit • lit lit ..... • • • lit • lit lit lit lit •• • • • • (502~~tf~100 •••••• •• • •• lit lit , lit lit lit • ..• -'" ~ ,,~-' ' ' . ./ : , .,,', .~ ' .. ,', ,~ , : , .. "': :"'; ; ~ . , ' .. ,' , , , " ",' .... :' : .-. , .. I_!·...; \,' _.,.- .. ... '. r! .:: ... ~ .\ . Soil ~·:t .l.:,. :l S ,_. : :.: .(':, ~ral:.C(: 1 :-.t"> ,15(' 0:' ~h l~"" t) :'0'-: l~C'~ .)c: ;,~ C t 1 on 0 f LlL.: ~ t'::.:i Jt::.: .... ( :. .:l:...i 0.:" !.f..J:: 0: ~":C· !.·d:" \J .• 1"ocn:.' , ,:~~; :.. inc; f O!.· Lc i) 1",:"'SCi; t. 1 : 1 S C();H.!UCLC(! ! • : < J(J •• c ,1.. ') 1 ~ I • -:.i ( .- '.. : ...• ; , " , , :-' - ~ t·: • ,_ J ... a:. '.J ~. 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Do :1ot 1::: ':':-:)'"C::C<I ::,r~~"!::I.S te· '::U:-:-'. a.t t~>= ~r.~~ 0: ~ra:~ed !ro~ ~!~tc~ !o!lo~:~0 C:s~~:-e of Shuto!f ~~:'.'.:_ If ~ra5~ :s :n.::dvertt::ntly ;;-i.Jl~eG D:I :r-:~ S~:2"'-.;·.S t,· ._~.,~ o::'~"~~ 0: -:~~e ::.e!c. ....:~en 1Lli..li],1t:r.g, .:.t r.l.U:"';: etc: cO'~'f:':-02C "::.-y !l.i.t!.::.S :h0 s~-.~:~'r·.r., ...

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