r .. , . y i - ‘-* ■■ i fW SD AT, OCrrOBW «. U .| , ' • -- ^irji ., .. '. .. ->-»^~i*,r..,-i.. | i mm Hlatul|(atnr & (ttlu 9 If^raUt J M n m thrfly K>t I ______________ .,Fer tfea Woei '.'tTV;' V. ^ ■ ■ ■V- ....., I t -NV Orford Parish Chapter, D.A.R., The monhly meeting of the Brl- Barkhanuted fo r ,8188,000, a drainage, storm eewar and read tlah American .Club w ill be held at W snts - O eartaf, About Town A o’clock tonight in the clubrooma I Jarvis Submits aving job through the. center of 11,1 ^Yreeetag tsi „ on Maple Street. Prealdent David gImabuiV for 880,000 and a drain­ Aam CSunpiMtt. OouncQ X o . 87). te r Congregational Church. Gen­ M a x e ll Bid on Bridge age system in. Windsor for 811,* .¥ \ and eeatleaM'Miit i m nii iiy; KaigbU of Oolumlwa. will hold « eral chairman of the affair is Mrs. 000. W h o ' ? I M anchtM ^f^A City of Village Charm ■pod*) mMtlnc tomorrow orenlnK Harold TUfahy, with Mrs. Herbert Intermediate Girl Scout Troop Jarvis thif 'morning aigaed a ■I S o’clock at the K. of C Home Robb of Center St. in charge „of 54 will hold ita first meeting of the contract fon a drainage and sewer s r tickets. Tickets may be obtained Local Builder" Appimnt system through the heart of to take action on the death of season at 3 o'clock Thursday after­ I J O R iL N O . (CNraalllrf ANvarNMaf e« ft fa D8) MfANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1958 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) Tlmothr Doyle, a charter member by contacting her or the regent, noon at the Lincoln School. Low Price on Farm- P la ln v lI^ H is bid o f 887,000'was yoL. PRICK PimCCNtW of the council, and to proceed Mrs. P , Howard Eddison, Porter low ahiong eeveral bids opened happen' ^ fn M there to hie late home. 334 8 t The Willing Workers 'of the jkigton River* Project lka ago. Tolland Tpke. for the recitation of South Methodist WSCS wUl meet L. Halo Coaatruetton Co., theRcaary. St. I^aiicls. Xavler’ivMbthers’ tomorrow at 2 p. m. at the church. Jarvla Oonatructiop Oo., sub­ mltted the low bid of 8186,000 Circle will meet at the nome of Mrs. Florence Moore and Mrs. An­ mitted an apparent low bid of tr drainage on Silver Lane In to LAPPENT nie Tedford w ill be hostesses. Orfanlat Barcley F. Wood je Mrs. Winston Chevalier, SS^^lver 8433,620 for construction of a nety' Eaat Hartf<^ yesterday. very anxloua that there be a full Rd., tomorrow night at 8 o’eropk. Co-hostess w ill be Mrs. John The Wesiey Group .of the South Farmington River bridge and n^ tum-out for'toniflit’a rehearul of proach. Bight bids for the }ob ylere the Second Coasregatloha! Church Friedmanni Methodist WSCS wlU meet tomor- opened by the State Highway De­ F o u n d Slain; chancel choir, which will be held )w at 7:4^ in the ladles parlor. a t 7:30 In the church. Regular Tickets for the fashion show nWesses' will be Mrs. Dorothy partment yesterday and Jarvis’ membera are urged to attend, and being sponsored by the Hartford Milrtv Mrs. Dorothy Hubbard, Mrs. bid was low with ' the high at H ALE'S other membera o f the church in- County Federation of Democratic Bernicb. Hilliard and Mrs. Edith 1579.999. ' - . tereated in ainging will also be Women's Clubs on Nov. H in the MacCluggsge. In addition to a new 400-foot Headquarters Moved to Now Quortert wticomed at the rehearsal. Colonial Room at Bushnell Me- span over the river Just west of moi*ial in Hartford at 2 p'. m., may ManchesteKcrange will exem­ Farmington Center," the project FOR be c^tained locally from Mrs. Mae plify the thirdNand fourth degree calls for more than half a mile S t Jude Thaddeua Mothers Cir> at Its meeting tbtnorrow evening ^ will aacet tomorrow night at 8 Vennard. MISs Wanda" Paganl or of approaches. 164 E. CENTER ST. Mrs. Helen Fitspatrick. The show in Orange hail. A ^ r v e s t supper The localvcompany went back in­ o’dock at the home of Mrs. Her^ at 6:3Q p: m., in charge of the beet C arru f, 85 Scarborotigh Rd. will be put on by Wise Smith and to the highway construction busi­ MODERN AUt-CONDinONED OFFIOmi Co. and refreshments w ill be Home iEk;onomics co n ^ lttee w ill Jeha F. Benvey ness this summer and was low served. Recede the meeting. n a I III '■ I II ■■ bidder on three jobs already com­ OFF STREET PARKINO e CENTRAL High Priest John F. Seavey pleted. They included a bridge in Mr. and Mrs. John. H- Durgin, Sgt. Walter, HaiherstroiiK Is hopes to'*have a very good attend­ Wtteon Says RnseiBns Unready. Jr., and infant daughter, Jennifer spending a 30 day furlough wHh ance o f memhen when Delta Reds Accuse 'Iw n iiE R Y Ann, have returned to their home his mother,!. Mrs. Dorothea Hamer Chapter Na 81, Royal Arch AnUiAlI. NOTES in Kingston, Mass., after spending Strom, 29 Whitney Rd. He has ~~ae5ns, U host to the York Rite been stationed in Japan for the IJRAmVO BRANDS a few days with Mrs. Durgin’s par­ tomorrow (Wedneeday) • D O N T / M n H . Is Pursued ents, Hr. and Mrs. Joseph W allett past 38 months. at 7:30 In the Mamonic Of Interview Stall of 147 Waranoke Rd. Temple. A composite team of offi­ Throw Thom AWov ’M h ir Drat Stans j cers'of Neighboring chaptera will still P lM ty O f Weeilr L e ft la iaPViCll/fc«.»pweNrf Local' women Interested in the Nazareiies Begin confer the^ark Master Mason de­ Shoes B e|w ^ Here By French fashion show of the newest, in hair gree on a cu n of candidates. This iptSUMAMCK Psnmunjom, Oct. 7 (4P)— The Oommupistg todny accused Was $600,000 styles, hats and furs fo r the bene­ Revival Services team will ba directed by the RMiyMlf RVVflfMIUIUIl the U. N . Command e f ataUiog the start of explanations to SAM yULYES United Nmti<ms, N, Y., Oct. fit of the work of 8t. Agnes Guild, Grand Cuatodiah, M. E. Ernest L. war prifionera who refuae to go home and demanded an ex- Hall of West H a ^ rd . The degree Shoe Renalriag e f the Bet­ W oshm m i A l 7 (4*)— French delegated boy­ are reminded that it will take tenaion of the time limit. The U N C flatly turned down the place tomorrow at 8 p. m. at 8t. The Rev. W. H. Brand of Fort work will be folloM^ by refnsh- ter Klad Done Whilp . OHmt AppHoBCM cotted the U.N. Political Com­ Kansas City, Oct. 7 (4*)— The body o f kidnaped D-yesM>ld Joseph'a College, West Hartford. Wayne. Ind., 'will begin a series of menta and a eoclal hmr. Walt. 164 E. CENTER S y ' TEL. MI-9-5261 damand fo r more time and dentod? - ' ■ Bobby Greenleam waa found today in a shallow grave st St. evangelistic services tonight at . the 15 M APLE reaponalbUlty fo r the delay. mittee today to dramatize AUtod and Coaununlat toaPM their contention that the JoMph Mo., in the backyard o f a woman, who with ia man is Church o f the Nazarene. Mr. Oct. 18. Thera w ill be no Dpp- Fleet National iiu CO M held by the FBI as two of hia abductors.. Brand is not only a forceful service and the Sunday ^ Parking Lot, Before ttquem Happen* Ineure vAth happen wore to begin moating Sept. 98 world ■: organization has no with the prliwaeri la an nttompt Ports Hum, The F B I said a $600,000 ranaomt^ preacher but also an outstanding w ill begin at 7:00 p. m. business debating the troubled baritone soloist. He will be as­ to penuade them to return home. > had been turned ever to the kid' sisted by his wife who is a musical afflcers have aao POWs — i situation in Morocco, napers loot Sunday by Bobby's 71-1 z Including 88 Amartoana -t- to fai- A apokaaman. said France would roar old multt-mUlionalrs father.; '^aan artist. “The Singing Brands" have Ships Move not even issue a statement bleat­ The greater portion of this money traveled extensively in evangelis­ torvtow wbito the Red agenta will Five Others toUc to soma 83JW0 M ortt Kareaaa ing the opening of debete on the was recovered, FBI Director J. Ed* PINEHORST tic work for 23 years in 44 States question in tha 60-nation commit­ ga r Hoover said in Washington. ijipUci ' and Canada. ■■a Chinese. K. A dlapute aver faelUttoa baS' Along Coast tee, but would let her empty seat Cangbt to SI. Laata OPEN U1 DAY Services w ill be conducted at at the table supply tha Fran<^ pro­ Tha couple waa arrested by. pb- Lo^t Lives the Church o f the Nazarene, 468 •tailed the atart of the interviews. home comfort Tba AUtos laalat the armlsttea test. Uca at fit. Louis. They are Mrs. Main St., each week-day evening Franca continued, however, to C. Oroaxtoasa BCnnie Browii Heady, 41, and Carl WEDNESDAY at 7:30 o’clock, through Sunday, agraement dearly apdto out that Naw York, Oct. 7 (4*)— A the axplanatlon pariad and Dae. pile-up of tons of cargo melt­ take part in other V J i.
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