I PAC I Fie L U THE RAN U N I V E R 5 I T Y WINTER 2000 · 200 1 School of Education integrates cutting-edge technology without losing the human touch, page 5 Lutes give-and get-the gift of life through a lung lobe transplant, page 6 Fullbright Scholars gain a global perspective, page 7 .. spar' homores ersistent l cam, ,Pn politica ,nteresS tO - ohr , -- MiSS M omores n't st g Soph e( did '"'un e- verSl. t:¥ d essfu\l'l I Ini s�cc host a e� c . .. sentativ '"'::\te ntIal preside pus ---11 cam �r an a ,.. 1 \ I. I. PA CIFIC LUTHERAN UNI ...., E RS'ITY c ne c Ie � tTl\( ,Dll0 Greg Brewis I, Drew Brown w Drew Brown, Greg Brewis, Kalnerine Hedlond 'as and Lauro (Ritchie) GiHord '00 G r'HI( Dt (iN All concerts gre in Logerquln Cotlcert Coli 253-535-7762 Or email The Office 0' Admissions hos confirmed Cerrolyn Reed Barrill Hall unlu� otherwise noted. Times O1'Id comm,[email protected] regional receplion.$ in the following ticket pric� vory; contoct 253-536-5 ' '6 cities, ond more will � scheduled! Coli H OOR PHEA or '-877-254-700 J "Uncommon Wo men and Others" 253-535-71 5' or , -800-274-6758 for Chns TlJll1bllsch An Alpho Psi Omega production, pro­ more informor;on. CL; S �OlfS ja>Jua.,)' / / duced by senior Dahli Langer. Anchorage Joni Nien Northwest Wind Conductors Five performonces, including a student Bellevue/Seottle Symposium preview on Jon. 31 at 8 p.m., shows on on Billings Feb. 1, 2, and 3 ot 8 p.m. and a 2 p.m. Nick Dawson jall/.lal)' /3 Denver matinee on Feb. 4, Tickets are $7 for WE EDITOR Northwest High School Honor Minneapolis $4 PLU Ba nd Concert · 3 adults and for students, faculty, Kevin Frei tas '02 p.m. Missoula stoff and senior citizens. Note: strong /5 Portland • OF'tCI � ja/llra,), language and situations . Spokane Loren J. Anderson, President Nordic Choir . 8 p,m. Tacoma Poul T. Menzel, Provost FebruaiJ' 8 "Angry Housewives" David G. Aubrey, Vice President, Development ond University Symphony Orchestra Six performances, including a student University Relations Masterpiece Series: Student Soloists preview on March 8 at 8 p.m., shows on LauroJ Polcyn '74, '79, Vice President, Admissions and Concert · 8 p,m, March 9, 10, 16 and 17 at 8 p.m. and M(/reh 4 Enrollment Services a 2 p.m. matinee on March 18. Tickets Spring Admissions Open House �aufo F. Mojavski, Vice President and Dean, Student life FeimlmJ' 9 are $7 for adults and $4 for PLU stu­ Call 253-53 5-7 151 or 1-800-274-6758 Sheri J. Tonn, Vice President, Finance and Operations Artist Series: Heifetz- 1 00'" Birthday . dents, faculty, stoff and senior citizens. 8 p,m, Fe bn'dl)' /2 " 0111"-. or�1 OJ Note: not the youngsters. for Winter Theological Symposium Hauge Administration Building, Room 207 Febmary /1 Phone: 253-535-7430, Fax: 253-535-S33 1 Artist Series: Jazz and Romance · Febmary 24 Email: [email protected] 8 p,m, Godleading.com Conference Website: www,plu.edu/print/scene/ Feb1'llarJ' 13 Coli 253-535-7386 or 253-535-7573 ol na Of AlUM AKD PA RENT IIU 10m Choral Series: Ensembles from Choir NOTE: Not 011 events were acheduled 01 Nesvig Alumni Center of the West · 8 p.m. press time; ched. our 'Websile 0' Phone: 253-535-74 15, I-S00-ALUM-PLU ja HU{I')' 9-Febnlal)' /4 www.plu.edul-newrinfolcolendort.html february /7 Fox: 253-535-S555, Email: alumni@plu,edu Nancy Westerberg, fiber and mixed for updohu. Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ We bsite: www,plu.edu/alum media wearable art Series: Barry Jordan, organist . 8 p.m. OLUMI 1 ISsuf Fe brualJ, 20-Mm-eh 28 February 20 Scene (ISSN 0S86-3 369) is published quarterly by Kathryn Sparks, mixed media Regency Concert Series: Pacific LlJlh erar) University, S. 121 st and Pork Ave. , Camas Tacoma, WA 98447-0003. Periodicals postage paid at Quintet · 8 p,m. Tacoma, WA, and additional moiling offices. Address Aiareh 13 service requested. Postmaster: send changes to Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ Development Data, Nesvig Alumni Center, PLU, Ta coma, Series: Rodney Gehrke, organist . WA 98447-0003. 8 p.m. Coli 253'535-7532 L ,0 If nmo !\lIc/reh 18 Your lellers are welcome and should be addressed to Throughjlll1ua '/J' 7 Wind Ensemble Series: Dances for Editor, Scene, Pacific Lutheran University, Ta coma, WA Christmas in Scandinavia 98447-0003, 253-535-833 1, Winds and Percussion . 3 p.m. foxed to or emoiled to jm1lwrv / /-/Vhlrch 13 [email protected]. Leiters may be edited for clarity and March 20 SCC Permanent Nordic Art lenglh . University Symphony Orchestra Collection Masterpiece Series: Concert III • On tne cOlfer 8 p.m. Fe/mill;), 24 From University Center Annual Danish Fastelavn ,HlIreh 2/ dedication to South Hall Celebration Regency Concert Series: Lyric Bross move-in day: 30 years of Quintet . 8 p.m. i\lhlI'C/J 17 ..Mav 13 Scene. Scandinavian Roots, American Lives MlIrciJ 22 PHOTO COllAGE: CHRIS TUMBUSCH Jazz Series: University Jozz Ensemble and Pork Avenue Vocol Jozz • 8 p.m. SOME Of TH! WONDERfUL GIFTS AVAILABLE PICTURED AT RIGHT: • Framed Lithograph of Eastvold Chapel and Red SquareS1 75.0o-maned litho ava ila ble at $38 00 for 8x10, $75.00 for 18X24 • Needlepoint Pillow $39.95 and Needle­ point Christmas Stocking $2:5.00, • Check our website,www.plu.edu/-bkst, for additional gift ideas, including Rick Modlin's "Joy to The World: A Jazz Christmas"$1 5.95 CO/$10.95 cassette. ADDITIONAL ITEMS AVAILABLE ON THE BOOKSTO RE Wf8SITE - 3 in the news Town meetings spark "We hope that prospective students We ntworth has written numerous will use the rankings as a motivation to articles and designed much of the cur­ 2010 vision get out and visit the colleges they are ricula used at all levels throughout the considering," Polcyn said. "There is country. He serves as economic educa­ The development of a new long-range nothing better than a compus visit to get tion adviser to the environmental plan for the university began last year a firsthand impression of the welcoming, think-ta nk Political Economy Reseorch with a series of town meetings in 24 supportive and challenging climate that Center in Bozeman, Mont., and is a rec­ locotions-from Hong Kong and Helsinki exists at PLU. We welcome students to ognized expert on issues of economic to Portland and Phoenix-with 1,400 experience it for themselves before they education throughout the country. olumni, parents and friends of the univer­ make a college choice." We ntworth, who has been with the sity participating. university since 1972, accepted the From the written record of the town Governor honors PLU award at the national NCEE/NAEE con­ meetings and follow-up material submit­ Norweigan Red Cross president vention in Savannah, Ga., in October. ted by participants, the major themes Promise Scholars Thorvald Stoltenberg (center) meets with held to be central to the future of PLU students after his lecture. included: the centrality and importance Recalling his own struggles to pay for of the liberal arts, the university's Chris­ Stoltenberg is best known for his college, Gov. Gary Locke honored more than 150 outstanding PLU freshmen and tian/Lutheran heritage, the future role as United Nations peace negotiator sophomores who earned Promise Schol­ importonce of technology, the impor­ in the former Yugoslavia from 1993- arships. tonce and impact of international study, 1996. He also served in the UN as high The scholarships are available to and more one-on-one faculty-student in­ commissioner for refugees, and ended high-achieving students from low- and teraction. his political and diplomatic coreer as middle-income fa milies. Locke believes In addition, constituents encouraged Norway's ambassador to Denmark. the scholarships are important because the university to maintain and strengthen The university established the they allow talented, hard-working stu­ its commitment to inclusiveness, build Harstad lecture in memory of PLU's dents from working families to get an more programming to connect with founder and first president, Bjug education at the school of their choice­ graduates and continue its commitment Harstad. His family created an endow­ including a private university. to co-curricular activities. ment to fund the lecture series and help Gov. Locke said he understood why Based in part on these recommenda­ carry out Harstad's wish that Scandina­ tions, four on-campus planning groups vian Americans not lose touch with their so many scholars would choose PLU. "It's a great institution and a great have been charged with preparing back­ ancestral culture and traditions. ground papers, leading discussions and center of learning," he said. Don Wentworth, recipient of John C. holding forums. These commissions will PLU Scandinavian At Ihe October reception, he con­ Schramm leodership Award gratulated the students on their to report to the campus community in the Collection awarded grant spring and fa ll of 200 1 . The process will accomplishments and thanked their par­ The Choir of the We st :-----------------"""'1 ents and teachers for helping them on be completed in the spring of 2002 with University archivist Kerstin Ringdahl '82 releases "Millennium" CD their way. the publication of the new long-range and the Scandinavian Immigrant Experi- Sophomore Kristy Va n Nostran '03 plan, PLU 2010: The Next Level of ence Collection have been awarded a The new recording by The Choir of the thanked Locke on behalf of students Distinction.
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