May 26, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 7 9949 Jeremy has been very active with his troop, ing their world, expanding their horizons and RECOGNIZING BRIAN J. SHRYOCK participating in many Scout activities. He has inspiring their pursuit of knowledge as she FOR ACHIEVING THE RANK OF served as a patrol leader and assistant senior served as teacher and later principal at Sibilly, EAGLE SCOUT patrol leader and achieved the rank of Broth- Lockhart and first at Kirwan Terrace Elemen- erhood in the Order of the Arrow and Warrior tary School. in the Tribe of Mic-O-Say. Over the many From the inception, Ms. Abraham estab- HON. SAM GRAVES years Jeremy has been involved with scouting, lished a standard of excellence in education OF MISSOURI he has not only earned numerous merit with far less funding, essentially no technology IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES badges, but also the respect of his family, and less educational training and certifications peers, and community. than are required today. Her standards pro- Thursday, May 25, 2006 For his Eagle Scout Service Project, Jeremy duced students who became governors, legis- Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause designed and directed the installation of two lators, church, business and civic leaders. Our to recognize Brian J. Shryock, a very special specially designed firepit shelters at the Heart- community owes a debt of gratitude to Ms. young man who has exemplified the finest land Presbyterian Youth Camp in Platte Coun- Abraham, and others like her, who taught our qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- ty. These shelters protect the firewood that is children well and gave them a stake in the fu- ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- used by the campers and visitors to have fun ture of the Virgin Islands. ica, Troop 66, and in earning the most pres- campfires while delivering their youth-oriented Kirwan Terrace School was originally named tigious award of Eagle Scout. programs. for a former Member of Congress who was in- Brian has been very active with his troop, Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in strumental in providing funding to build the participating in many Scout activities. Over the commending Jeremy Christopher Wood for his neighborhood in which the school now sits. many years Brian has been involved with accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of And while we did right to honor Congressman scouting, he has not only earned numerous America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- Kirwan—as in almost everything else we have merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. received in our history—the school came ily, peers, and community. f about because of the insistence and advocacy Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in of the community; in particular, the urging of HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS commending Brian J. Shryock for his accom- the mothers. We thank them and Ms. Abra- OF MS. GLADYS ADINA ABRAHAM plishments with the Boy Scouts of America ham for inspiring us and generations to come. and for his efforts put forth in achieving the Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride that on highest distinction of Eagle Scout. HON. DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN behalf of my family, staff and the 109th Con- OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS gress that I extend my profound congratula- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions and thanks to Ms. Abraham on the re- Thursday, May 25, 2006 naming of the Kirwan Terrace School in her HONORING CHIEF DEPUTY honor. Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise SHERIFF DELAYNE D. OTT today to congratulate Ms. Gladys Adina Abra- ham on the most special and significant occa- f HON. CHRIS CHOCOLA sion of the renaming of the Kirwan Terrace TRIBUTE TO HARRISBURG HIGH OF INDIANA School in her honor. SCHOOL BULLDOGS BOYS TRACK When historians look at the success story of TEAM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the U.S. Virgin Islands in the 20th century— Thursday, May 25, 2006 from islands purchased for $25 million in 1917 and said to be not worth the price, and its la- HON. JOHN SHIMKUS Mr. CHOCOLA. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to beling as a ‘‘poorhouse’’ by a visiting Presi- OF ILLINOIS honor a dedicated protector of our community, dent, to the modern thriving American Carib- Chief Deputy Sheriff Delayne D. Ott. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bean metropolis, with its urban center and Deputy Sheriff Ott joined the LaPorte Coun- suburbs, a thriving middle class and a univer- Thursday, May 25, 2006 ty Sheriff’s Department on January 15, 1967 sity fulfilling its function for more than 40 years Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and has served our community for 39 years. as one of the magnets and engines for socio- honor Harrisburg High School Bulldogs Boys He holds the record for the longest serving economic progress in the region—the heroes Track Team. The Bulldogs won their Sectional member in the history of the LaPorte County who will be undoubtedly identified, are the Track Meet on May 19, 2006 by a substantial Sheriff’s Department. 20th century Virgin Islands teachers. I am margin. He has served as a sergeant, captain and amazed and inspired by their accomplish- major and has held his current rank as Chief ments against the odds of geographical loca- Continuing their tradition of success, this is the Bulldogs’ seventh consecutive team sec- Deputy since January 1, 1999. He has been a tion and lack of resources at that time and the certified Firearms instructor at the Indiana Law legacy they continue to create today. These tional track title. The Bulldogs finished first in the 4 x 100 relay, 100 meter dash, 4 x 200 Enforcement Academy and has been the fire- educators, both men and women, on all three arms instructor for LaPorte County for over 30 islands that comprise the U.S. Virgin Islands relay, 400 meter dash and 4 x 400 relay. The Bulldogs team members also had many per- years, and has shot in pistol competitions na- encouraged their students to strive for the tionwide for the past 25 years. best. It is this spirit, personified by the life sonal best times. service and contribution of Ms. Gladys Dina It is my pleasure to congratulate Coach Clint The LaPorte County Firearms Training Fa- Abraham, which we honor. Simpson and the Bulldogs Track Team which cility was dedicated in his name on Monday, Ms. Abraham received her Bachelor of includes Alex Maddox, Brett Brachaer, Caleb May 15, 2006 for his unwavering dedication Science degree with a major in Elementary Joyner, Tony Cossette, Michael Woning, Nick and commitment to firearms training and safe- Education from New York University, was Bebout, Madison Medley, Blake Fitts, Aaron ty for LaPorte County officers. awarded a Fulbright scholarship in 1956 to Winters, Kyle Alexander, Luke Ragan, Dustin He is also a devout family man, and he and study sociology in India, and received a Mas- Moulton, Michael Muggee, Logan Cummisky, his wife Phyllis have three children and four ters of Arts in Psychology from Columbia Uni- Mitchell Berry, Jake Stevers, Nick King, John grandchildren. versity in 1962. Like others in her generation, Fuller, Jacob Sais, and Jeremy Martin on their Chief Deputy Sheriff Delayne D. Ott has Ms. Abraham could have taken her degrees success. I wish the Bulldogs continued suc- shown his commitment to excellence and his from our islands’ educational institutions and cess as they compete at the Illinois High undying loyalty to our community and its citi- been better remunerated elsewhere. Instead, School Athletic Association State Track and zens. It is my honor to stand here today as his she returned home and shared her expertise Field Tournament. Congressman, and recognize him for his serv- with the children of the Virgin Islands; enlarg- Again, congratulations! ice. VerDate Sep 11 2014 15:14 Mar 23, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 7\DAT FILES\BR26MY06.DAT BR26MY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 9950 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 7 May 26, 2006 HIRAM BINGHAM STAMP issues that will be released this year, the most ON THE NEED FOR ACCOUNT- requests came in for Hiram Bingham. I am ABILITY IN THE DETAINEE HON. ROB SIMMONS proud that the U.S. Postal Service has in- ABUSE SCANDAL OF CONNECTICUT cluded Hiram Bingham in its tribute to Amer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ican Diplomats. HON. RUSH D. HOLT OF NEW JERSEY Thursday, May 25, 2006 Last year, I had an opportunity to visit Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heros’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SIMMONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Thursday, May 25, 2006 honor a son of Connecticut’s Second District, Remembrance Authority, in Jerusalem. Hear- the district I am privileged to represent in this ing and seeing the stories of survival made Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, it’s been more than House. Hiram’s work even more profound for me. 2 years now since the world saw the infamous The Bingham family has lived in Salem, Evil is often easy to identify, yet it is often photographs showing prisoner abuse at Abu Connecticut for many generations. I have al- difficult to oppose. To do so requires courage Ghraib. To date, mostly junior enlisted per- ways been impressed with the Bingham fam- and a strong moral core. Hiram Bingham had sonnel have been tried and prosecuted for ily’s history of dedication to public service.
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