SSccaarrlleett &&GGrraayy A quarterly magazine for students, parents, alumni, and friends of Mater Dei High School Boys’Boys’ BasketballBasketball CaliforniaCalifornia StateState ChampionsChampions STUDENT NEWS: STUDENT NEWS: Student ALUMNI: MD Alum SPORTS: Monarchs Win Students Continue to Reach Service in the Community Produces Feature Length CIF and State Titles Out to New Orleans Abounds Documentary Mater Dei High School Magazine • Vol. XIII, No. 3 • Spring 2007 • www.materdei.org • Mater Dei High School Principal’s Letter University of California system, the 1202 West Edinger Avenue California State University system and sev- Santa Ana, CA 92707-2191 eral private universities of note. Seniors (714) 754-7711 have recently completed their outstanding www.materdei.org performance in the annual musical, which Administration 2006-07 this year was Thoroughly Modern Millie. Most Rev. Tod D. Brown, D.D. Currently, our seniors are preparing for Bishop of Orange graduation, which takes place at the UCI Bren Center on June 2 followed by Grad Reverend Gerald M. Horan, O.S.M. Frances Clare Nite at Soka University. Superintendent of Catholic Schools Dear Mater Dei Community, While students continue to excel in the As we continue to ensure that our stu- classroom, they are very involved in the Patrick Murphy President dents are "Equipped for Excellence" in all numerous events which MD extra and co- areas of school life and as we move toward curricular activities afford them. Our win- Frances Clare the conclusion of the 2006-2007 school ter sports teams, basketball, soccer, Principal year, we are grateful for and proud of the wrestling and water polo, experienced out- many accomplishments of our students in standing success in their various tourna- Greg Dhuyvetter ‘77 the classrooms, on the playing fields, in ments and in Trinity League competition Assistant Principal, Academic Services, Admissions & Technology the studios and concert halls. with our boys' basketball team becoming The spring semester has been very Trinity League and CIF State Champions. Charisse Kitsinis rewarding for our students. During spring We congratulate and salute our girls' soc- Assistant Principal, break, Campus Ministry again organized cer team for becoming both Trinity League Faculty Services & Personnel an outreach program for students, admin- and CIF Champions. Again this year our Dave Taylor istrators and faculty who went to New pep squad met with outstanding success Vice President of Business Services Orleans to offer aid and assistance to stu- in USA National Championships in dents whose lives were impacted by Anaheim and Florida. Our different Jonathan Tufo ‘91 Hurricane Katrina. Our students teamed bands, choirs, dance and color guard Vice President of Advancement up with St. Scholastica High School stu- teams experienced tremendous success in Office of Advancement & Alumni dents of the New Orleans Diocese to work their festivals, competitions and other per- Pamela Coe on cleanup in designated areas of the city. formances as well. Director of Grants & Media Relations Students continue to enjoy the privilege of In the Visual Arts, several students have attending spiritual retreats throughout the won many accolades and awards. With Melinda Craft year, which afford them opportunity for over 700 students enrolled in the many Advancement Administrative Assistant further growth in their Catholic Faith. levels of art including our digital design Kathleen Kelly ‘94 As the first semester drew to a close, we courses, both students and teachers put in Director of Publications had over 60% of the students on the hours of preparation for the Annual Art school's honor roll with 20% having Show held in May. Joseph Medlin ‘98 achieved above a 4.0 GPA through their Yes, indeed, Mater Dei High School is Director of Alumni Advancement outstanding performance in their classes very proud of the accomplishments of all and in particular in honors and advanced her students. They work hard in all areas Kellie Pendergest Director of Admissions Marketing & placement courses. This is a tribute to the of there school life, and the results are Special Events students' hard work, to parental support apparent in the fine young men and and to the outstanding instruction of women who walk the campus and demon- teachers, counselors, deans and other strate positive leadership and exemplary Scarlet &Gray Magazine support personnel working with each indi- character in their communities. vidual student. We congratulate and com- As the year draws to a close, we ask Spring 2007 mend our National Merit Finalists and the God's continued blessings on our entire Vol. XIII, No. 3 many scholarships they have earned, and school community. Mater Dei High School in the Diocese at the same time we applaud the out- of Orange, mindful of its mission to be standing work of those students com- Sincerely, witness to the love of Christ for all, mended by the National Merit program. believes every person, as a child of We are extremely proud of our senior class God, regardless of race, condition, or under the leadership of President, GRANT age, has equal dignity and an inalien- MADRIL and his team of officers. Several of Frances Clare able right to an education. Therefore, our seniors have received acceptance Principal no qualified student will be denied notices to universities such as Stanford, admission to this school on the basis of Duke, Notre Dame, Georgetown, Boston sex, race, color, or national origin. College, the Air Force Academy, the 2 Scarlet &Gray Magazine • Spring 2007 Ramiro Castro - Flying to New Heights For as long as he shortly after graduation. and has taken a number of math and can remember, He did not just sit back and dream language courses at local community senior Ramiro about making it to the Air Force Ramiro colleges. A four-year member of the Castro has wanted has been taking steps toward this goal Mater Dei wrestling team, Ramiro has to “join the mili- for many years. He joined the Young prepared for the physical demands of tary and fly Marines at age 10 and as an 8-year the Air Force Academy as well. Outside planes.” He was member he climbed to the rank of of school he is a kick boxing instructor so sure of this that Company Sergeant Major. In addition and has been putting in long hours run- he only applied to to the Young Marines, last summer he ning and weight training to ensure he is Ramiro Castro one college, the took part in the Air Force Academy ready for whatever lies ahead. U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Summer Seminar Program, where only Once he settles in at the Air Force Springs, CO. Castro was one of nearly 11% of applicants are accepted. Academy, Ramiro plans to major in pre- 10,000 applicants, of which approxi- Ramiro has also pushed himself in the medicine and enroll in flight school. He mately 1,300 are accepted. His life classroom and prepared himself physi- looks forward to serving his country and long dream is about to become a reali- cally. He takes a number of Advanced is extremely proud to have earned this ty; Castro received a Congressional Placement courses and is an honor roll opportunity. Appointment and will head to Colorado student. Ramiro carries over a 4.0 GPA Journalism and Yearbook Students Shine Congratulations to MRS. TANYA KATNIC second place fin- CAROLYN HUYNH placed first in the and her yearbook and journalism stu- ish. Juniors EMILY Southern dents. A number of Mater Dei students CARVELLI and California recently took part in the Orange County PATRICK DUFFY, write-offs Journalism Education Association along with senior held at write-offs and did quite well. TIFFANY NGUYEN, Mater Dei On the journalism side, four students each placed sixth before earned top 10 honors, including one in their respective competing categories of edi- Patrick Duffy in the state torial, photogra- competi- phy, and layout. Junior ANNE RUSSELL tion. The was the top Mater Dei finisher in the girls were journalism category earning second up against Yearbook editors-in-chief, place honors in editorial. editors Elizabeth Castner and The CROWN yearbook along with its from hun- Carolyn Huynh staff has won a great deal of awards dreds of high schools across the state over the years. This year however, was and they placed in the top 10. The girls the first time any Mater Dei individuals were recognized for their accomplish- (l to r) Tiffany Nguyen, Anne Russell and Emily won a state award. The editing team of ments in both yearbook copy and Carvelli, each placed in the Top 10 of the OC seniors ELIZABETH CASTNER and design. Journalism Education Association write-offs. MDHS Faculty Recognition Science teacher MRS. SHERI Graphics Art teacher MRS. Math teacher MS. DONNETTE French teacher MADAME ANDERSON was recognized by CATHERINE WILSON was given ALEXANDER has been accepted ANTINK was given an award UCSB. Many graduates of MD special recognition by the into the PhD program at from the University of now at UCSB named Anderson Coca Cola Companies “Art of Claremont College. She will California at San Diego for abil- as the teacher who had the Harmony” competition as one begin work on her doctorate ity to teach, inspire and guide greatest impact on their high of the instructors with the most this fall. high school students. school education. student entries. Scarlet 3 &Gray Magazine • Spring 2007 Community Service Hour Recognition The number of community service above the requirement of 80 hours of honored at the spring breakfast volun- hours volunteered by Mater Dei stu- community service. teered just under 19,000 combined dents continues to increase. With the Each semester, MR. PHILIP BELLOMO, hours in the community. matriculation of each graduating class, the Christian Service Program Director, Senior GERARDO BUTALID led the way more and more students go far and and the Campus Ministry staff recognize having volunteered 1,530 hours.
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