DIRECTORY. ] LEICESTERSHIRE. LITTLE BOW DEN. 43 Benjamin Oort, a fonner resident here, left £400, which Fisher esq. of Market Harborough and John Henry Stok.es in the year 1889 was invested and the interest is distri­ and WiUiam Cranfield esqrs. The land is entirely used buted annually at Michaelmas, at the discretion of the fur grazing. The area is 3,166 acres of land and 12 of vicar of the parish and the churchwardens to poor persons water; rateable value, £24.621; the population in 189J over 70 years of age. The Congregational chapel, erected was 2,259 (including 109 officers and inmates in Markei in 1886 in the plaee of an older building at a cost of about Harborough workhouse). £800, is of red brick from designS' by Mr. Talbot Brown, Parish Clerk, Arthur Wilford. of Wellingborough, and has 250 sittings. The Market. Harborough workhouse and' Gas works and the wharf of })ost, M. O. &; T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Pal'cel the Union Canal Company, together with the service I'e· Post, S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office.-Mrs. Elin servoir on Eurnmill hill, are in this parish. Great Bowden March, sub-postmistress. Letters received through Hall is the residence of Wm. Harrington Hay esq. J.P. Market Harborough; arrive at 6.20 a.m. &; at 4.30 Lord Earnard is lord of the manor. The principal land­ p.m.; sundays at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 2.40, 6 &I 8,30 owners are Christ Church, Oxford, the trustees of the p,m.; no sunday dispatch late Guy Paget esq. of Humberstone (d. 1894), J. W. National School (mixed), built in 1839 &; E'nlarged in 1873, Chater esq .•r. c. Lefevre esq. William Benry Barfoot· for 160 children; aver-age attendance, 148 ; Harry Hayter, Saunt esq. of Oxendon HaU, Mrs. PoweU, Edward K. master; Mrs. Susan Hayter, infants' mistress PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ward Mrs ~Iartin Edward, builder COMMERCIAL. :Mayo Frederick, boo-t &; shoe makeT Allen George Henry Mayo WaIter J. wheelwright &; coach Bland Mrs. Ivy house AlIen Jane (11rs.), coal dealer builder; body work &; soothing done Browne· Mrs Archer Benjamin, tailor for the trade Brutzer Rev. Henry Wm. RA. (vicar) Archer John Thomas, tailor &:; draper; Neal William, baker Bullivant Thomas liveries, riding breeches, hunting Northan Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Bmditt John B coats, ladies' costumes &; riding Patrick Robert R baker Chater John Wools ton habits, jackets, ulsters &c. The Grn Pearson Eliza. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Cort Rev. John Burditt David, Red Lion P.R Robins Matthew, brick maker Deacon Joseph, Station road Butler William, baker Robinson George, tailor Dudgeon William, Langton villa Cave Frederick, Queen P.H Saddington J onathan, Shoulder of Gilford Wiliiam Henry Cemetery (W. W. Wartnaby, Marht Mutton P.H Hay William Harrington J.P. Great Harboro',clerk to the burial board) Saddington Thomas, blacksmith Bowden hall Clark.e Henry, butcher , Stokes ..ohn Henr~, dealer In Berron Mrs Cort Lewis (Mrs.), coal dealer hunters "" grazier, Great Howett Robert, Dingley 'road Dexter Frederick, butcher Howden. Telegraphic address, Kane De Lancey A. Highfield house Eldridge Amelia (Mrs.), laundress .. Hunter.... Telephone. 24 Kidd Henry, ({reat Bowden house Fox Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker Market Harborough Pochin Major Nonnan Yansittart Gilbert Henry, Three Horse ShoesP.H Webb George, grazier Stonehouse RA., J.P. Burnmill hili Greenwood Fairlamb, gardener to W, Webb William, farmer Pogson Rev. John RD. (Congrega- H. Hay esq Wells Edward, shopkeeper . tional), The Green Hodson CharleS', joiner Wheatley Edward, boot &; shoe maker Prince E. S. Old Rectory house Huffer Thomas, grazier Wilford Sam.shoeing &; jobbing !mitb Seabroke Thos. Pickford, The Grange March Eliza (Mrs.), carrier, Post office Williamson Alfred, cattle dealer . Stokes John Henry, Nether house Market Harborough Co.operative In- Wiseman William, Royal Oak P.H Stokes Mrs'. sen dustrial Society Limited Wright Jeffrey, grazier LITTLE BOWDEN is a parish and village on the river Sexton, William Iliffe. Welland, adjacent to Market Harborough, 11 miles north­ Letters through Market Harborough, 'which is the nearest; west from Kettering, 16 north-west from Northampton, ill money order &; telegraph office the union and county court district of Market Barborough, petty sessional division of Market Harborough, rural XORTH_HIPTO~ COr:~TY MAGISTRATES FOR deanery of RothweU (second pormon), archdeaconry of LITTLE BOWDEX PETTY SESSIOXAL DIVISIO~. N()rthampton and diocese of Peterborough. Under the The parish of Little Bowden having been trans·ferred to the provisions of the "Local Government Act, 1888," the county of Leicester is not now included within this petty whole of this parish has been transferred from Northamp­ sessional division, but the magistrates for this division tonshire to this county, except for ParliameBtary pur­ of the county o,f Northampton still meet here as formerly poses, and is within the district controlled by the Marke.t Harborough Urban District Council. The church of St. Downe Viscount C.I.E. Dingley park, Market Harborough Nicholas is an edifice of stone, in the Early English and Barfoot-Saunt Wm. Hy. Oxendon baU,Market Harborough Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave, De Trafford Charles Edmund esq. Hothorpe hall, Rugby north aisle, south porch and an embattled wooden tower, Eady Joseph Chamberlain, St. Mary's, Market Harborough 35 feet in height, at the west end, containing 3 bells: Loder Reginald Bernhard, Maidwell, Northampton there are memorial wind{)ws to .Admiral Sir Robert BarIow Naylor Rchd.ChriBtopher esq.Kelmarsh hall, Northampton G.C.R d. May, 1843, and to the Rev. Thomas William Pearson Captain George John Hook, Stoke Albany house, Barlow, vicar of Halberton, Devon. The register dates Market Harborough from about the year 1580. The living is a rectory, net Pell Albert esq. Hazlebeach Hill, Northampton yearly value £300, incmding 150 acres of glebe, "With Roke.by Rev. Henry Ralph RA. Arthingworth manor•. residence, in the gift of the present rector and the Rev. Xorthampton. J. B. Jerwood B.A. rector of Little Tew, Oxon, and held Rokeby Capt. Henry Langham, Arthingworth manor~ since 1874 by the Rev. Thomas Frederick Jerwood RA. ~orthampton of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The rectory house was built Symington Samuel, Brooklands, Market Barborough in the 17th century by Richard Mowse. There is aWes. l'nderwood Frank, Little Oxendon, Market Harborough leyan chapel. An estate producing £106 a year, to be Clerk to the Magistrates, Fdk. Lamb,West st.Kettering applied in charity, which had been lost, has been re­ Petty sessions are held once a month, at the Police station, covered; one half of the yearly income is appropriated at II.30 a,m for apprenticing, and the remainder is applied to the The places in the division are :-Arthingworth, Ashley. relief of sick and poor people: the interest of £300 left Brampton Ash, Braybrooke, Clipstone, Dingley, East by the late Mr. Barfoot·Saullt is distributed in coals and Farndon, Oxen don, Hothorpe, Kelmarsh, Maid. hlankets. Viscount Downe C.I.E. is lord of the manor. well, Marston Trussell, :!\aseby,Sibbertoft,Stoke Albany, The principal landowners are Messrs. William Thoma!l Sulby, Sutton Bassett, Weston-by-Welland, Wilbarston, We!1t, William ·Henry Barfoot-Saunt esq. of Oxendon HaU, Thorpe Lubenham and thf\ tnu;tees of t·he late Rev. F. Hewson. The soil is a rich loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief Parochial School (infants), built by subscription in 1874, crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,849 acres; for 90 children; average attendance, 64; Miss Carolina rateable value, £II,692; the population in 1891 was 1,516, Buggin!', mistress of which 1,486 are in the Market HUl'bbrough l.;rban The elder children of this place attend :Market Harborough District.. school Gatty Rev~ Percy (curate in charge Ofl Kennard Edward J.P. Talbot house I West William, Westbrooke house St. Hugh's). The Chestnuts Smith Joseph COMMERCIAL. Humphries Thomas, 5 Kettering road West John, Manor house Barber Henry Herbert,Greyhound P.B Jerwood Rev.Thos. Fredk.B.A,Rectory West Mrs 1Bird Ann (~Irs.), baker .
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