SPORT SCIENCE AT THE RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM FACULTY – PROGRAMS OF STUDY – RESEARCH PUBLISHING INFORMATION EDITORIAL STAFF Ferrauti, Alexander Jendrusch, Gernot Kimmeskamp, Kilian Schütte, Mechthild CONTACT Ruhr-Universität Bochum Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft Gesundheitscampus Nord 10 44801 Bochum www.sportwissenschaft.rub.de [email protected] TYPESETTING AND LAYOUT Kimmeskamp, Kilian University Publishers, 1st edition, Bochum 2014 FACULTY – PROGRAMS OF STUDY – RESEARCH FACULTY Page ▪ Profile 2 ▪ The City of Bochum & Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) 3 ▪ Sport science at Ruhr-University Bochum 5 ▪ Teaching and Research 7 ▪ Research facilities 9 ▪ Sports facilities 11 ▪ Services and Programs 13 ▪ University Sports 15 PROGRAMS OF study ▪ Overview 18 ▪ Admission Requirements 19 ▪ Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Leisure - Health - Training 21 Prevention and Rehabilitation through Sports 23 Sports Management 25 ▪ Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) 27 ▪ Master of Science (M. Sc.) Diagnostics and Intervention in Sports 29 Sport Consulting 31 ▪ Master of Education (M. Ed.) 33 RESEARCH ▪ Movement Science & Biomechanics 37 ▪ Training & Exercise Science 38 ▪ Sports Medicine & Sport Nutrition 39 ▪ Sport Psychology 40 ▪ Sport History 41 ▪ Sport Management & Sport Sociology 42 ▪ Sport Pedagogy & Sport Didactics 43 ▪ Sport Didactics & Exercise 44 ▪ Institutes & Faculty Initiatives 45 3 FACULTY 4 PROFILE The Faculty of Sport Science at Ruhr-Univer- Close to 100 students are enrolled in the sity Bochum (RUB) is located in the heart of the single-subject Master of Science (M. Sc.) Ruhr Valley region, close to the green corridor program, specializing either in “Diagnostics of the Ruhr river with its Lake Kemnade. The and Intervention” or “Sports Consulting“. At Faculty is a member of the “Metropolis Ruhr” RUB, all major humanities, social and natural University Alliance, and through extensive sport science disciplines are taught by faculty. regional road and public transportation net- Sports-specific education is offered by natio- works, well connected to both the surrounding nally recognized experts in all established and region with the two partner universities of current sports and exercise fields. Duisburg-Essen and Dortmund, and to the city Our course offerings provide career-focused of Bochum. The Faculty of Sport Science, one close links between theory and practical of the twenty faculties that make up Ruhr- application. Our recurrently high external University, is one of the largest university grant application success rate is one indication sport science institutions in Germany. More of the excellent conditions for research and than 1000 students study sport science at teaching offered by the Faculty. The teaching RUB and enrol in a wide range of bachelor‘s and research facilities offer consistently high and master‘s programs. standards of quality. The recently completed Approximately 800 students study towards new Faculty building is specifically tailored either a single-subject Bachelor, or a Bachelor to the needs and requirements of modern of Science (B. Sc.) degree; or towards a dual- education, providing innovative research labs, subject Bachelor or Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) teaching facilities and libraries “under one roof”. degree which can be combined with an additio- It is an ideal teaching and learning environ- nal minor offered by other faculties on campus. ment, conducive to close interaction between Approximately 200 students are currently students and faculty. Come and visit, you will enrolled in a dual-subject Master or Master be most welcome! of Education (M. Ed.) program and intend to qualify for teaching careers at secondary and comprehensive schools. 52 THE CITY OF BOCHUM “WHERE THE HEART IS STILL IN several thousand people in research, teaching THE RIGHT PLACE” and administration. The universities and their associated technology centres shape the city’s Bochum was granted a city charter in 1321, public profile. but it wasn’t until the big booms in the coal mining and steel industries of the 19th and The population living and working in the city 20th centuries that the city achieved a signi- and its region benefit from the many cultural ficance extending beyond the region. attractions Bochum and the Ruhr Valley have to offer. They can attend concerts, musicals, Bochum, the city „where the heart is still in and festivals, or visit museums. Well-establis- the right place” – that is how popular singer hed cultural traditions with their renowned Herbert Grönemeyer famously characterized museums and theatres – among them the his home town — is located in the heart of the German Mining Museum Bochum, the Ruhr Ruhr Valley region, the largest conurbation in Triennial and the Bochum Playhouse – as well Europe. Five million people call the Ruhr Valley as the indie scene, leave vivid impressions. Not home, including the approximately 365000 least among these high quality recreational inhabitants of Bochum (as of November 2013). and leisure time options, ranks the wide range The economy of the city has changed con- of sports available. And those who want to siderably during the fifty years of Ruhr- end a culture-filled day with an exploration University’s existence, the first university of Bochum’s night life, usually have the same established after World War II. Coal mining destination: the ‘Bermuda Triangle’. With ceased more than thirty-five years ago, and its individual cafés and cosy pubs, unusual the steel industry has diminished in signifi- dance clubs, elegant lounges and internatio- cance. Bochum’s economy during the subse- nal restaurants, this pleasant street triangle quent decades was shaped by companies such attracts visitors from across the cities of the as BP, Opel, and Thyssen-Krupp. Ruhr Valley. And once a year, the Bermuda The service industries have recently gained Triangle rocks out during “Bochum Total”, one prominence, but the universities remain of Europe’s biggest music festivales. city’s biggest employers: Ruhr-University, two engineering and technical colleges, and the Health Sciences University. They employ 3 RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM (RUB) A CAMPUS UNIVERSITY EXCELLENT & INTERNATIONAL Ruhr-University Bochum is one of Germany’s Ruhr-University is on its way to becoming leading research universities. As an innova- one of Europe’s leading universities of the tion-oriented campus university, it uniquely 21st century. Almost all study programs are combines in one location the full range of offered at the bachelor and master‘s levels. the major areas of science. Dynamic cross- The University’s Excellence Programs have discipline interaction offers both researchers acquired an international reputation. The and students exceptional opportunities for Research School is an international college interdisciplinary collaboration. for the structured development of research in the life sciences, the natural and engineering FACTS & FIGURES sciences, as well as the humanities and the social sciences. Located at the centre of the dynamic, hospita- ble metropolitan Ruhr Valley region in the heart Research Departments which sustain intra- of Europe, Ruhr-University with its 20 faculties and inter-departmental, as well as national and is home to more than 5000 Employees and international research collaboration networks, approximately 41500 students from 130 coun- round out the university’s profile. tries. All the major scientific disciplines are offered at a single integrated campus location. MISSION & GOALS Ruhr-University was awarded a “Family- ▪ People-centred friendly University” certificate in 2006. Gender ▪ Cosmopolitan equity is a key criterion for the university’s development strategies. ▪ Achievement-focused People-centred and cosmopolitan’ means, respect for other cultures and the willingness to offer guests a home. ‘People-centred, cosmopolitan and achievement-focused’, describes the creative energies that emerge when people collaborate in facing the new with determination and ambition. 4 SPORT SCIENCE AT RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM HISTORY The physical education teaching degree program was complemented with a diploma degree in physical edu- Ruhr-University was the first university established in cation in 1986, and in sport sciences in 2001. The degree the post-war Federal Republic of Germany. Its particular qualifications target professional and vocational areas mission was to contribute to the advancement of univer- such as Sports Management; Prevention and Rehabili- sity education among the working population of the Ruhr tation; and Leisure, Health and Training. Valley region. Classes started in the winter semester of 1965/66. Sport science education and research is now Designated a federal “Reform University”, RUB began to widespread and offered at over sixty academic institu- institute teacher-focused dual-subject (major/minor) B. tions in Germany. Sport science at Ruhr-University is one A. and M. Ed. degree programs as early as 2001-02. A of only very few such institutions in Germany to have been B. Sc. program replaced the diploma degree program in awarded full faculty status as an independent academic 2005-06; the M. Sc. (Sport science) arrived in 2008-09. and administrative unit with the right to award doctoral The development of today’s Faculty of Sport Science is and post-doctoral degrees. the outcome of a lengthy process that required dedicated involvement by faculty and students, and a university The Institute of Physical Education was established administration that remained open to sports – in opposi- in 1966
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