DEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Volume 40, No, 22. Philadelphia, February 14, 1903, Price, Five Cents. reomiary ,14, 1903. "Base SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO., 2-U-3 MILWAUKEE MUDDLE. 34 South Third St., Philadelphia. MESSRS. QUIN AND HAYENOR STILL Please send me cabinet size phototype of the celebrated AT LOGGERHEADS. ball player ) A Splendid Season Anticipated Despite tli base The Deposed President Disputes the Le­ or trap shot j Passive Conflict With the America gality of Mr. Haveaor's Election for which I enclose three 2-cent stamps to help to defray ex­ Association The Broad=Gflage Mag The Latter Has Legal Advantage A pense of postage, packing, etc. nate Making up a Strong Team. Strong Team Secured ^by Cautillon. Send to___________ ________^_______________ Colorado -Springs, Col., Feb. 9. Edito Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 10: Editor "Sporting Life:" The Western Leagu "Sporting Life:" Manager Cantillon was in meeting is over, and president Burns ha town last week for a ghort time. He bas returned well satisfied wit not heard from. Hughey the results. In aa inter Duffy on an ante-season view Mr. Bums state series and the chances are "that in his opinion, bas that no spring games will ball matters never looke be arranged between the better, and more special! rival teams. The new man­ for the Western League ager feels sure his team The circuit will be th will rank one-two-three. same as last year, and a He has secured a good'y the teams are gatherin bunch of American League together a good bunch c Cabinet Sise Phototypes of and National League base­ A No. 1 players, and Colo ball players for his next rado Springs will certain! season's aggregation. Here be amongst the top notch are some of the acquisi­ Thomas I- Burns ers." The local fans ar Cftas. Havener tions: Pitchers, P. H. well pleased to note tha Phyle, of New York Na- Colorado Springs' right fielder, Congaltoi tional; Hale, of Boston National; Butler, led the National League fielders, and i of Baltimore; Revoye, of Chicago Ameri­ again signed for 1903 with Colorad can. Second basemen, Schafley, of Chi­ . Springs. Mr. Burns has refused severa AND TRAP SHOOTERS. cago National, and Mathison, of Baltimore, tempting offers for Congaltpn, but ha " Sporting Life " has had reproduced cabinet size phototypes of celebrated who takes an infield position. In addition steadfastly refused to consider any o send to any of its readers to these Easterners there are several Cali- them. Cougalton bas recently made ai base ball players and trap shooters and offers to fornians, including Pitchers Meredith, of rangements for the coaching of the Co" photos of their favorite base ball players and trap shooters by complying 'Frisco, and Shaw, of Pueblo; First Base- orado College team, and it is safe to sa; with the conditions named in the <?oupon above. man Unglaub, of Sacramento; Outfielder that if there is any merit in the boys h The photos are regular cabinet size (534 x 7% inches) mounted on the latest Dunlevy, of Sacramento. will bring it to the front. As yet ther style Mantello mats and packed carefully to insure safe delivery in the mails. THE DISPUTED ELECTION. has been Here is an opportunity to ornament your room with photos of your Harry Quin disputes the legality of the NO COMPLETE ROSTER Board of Directors' r meeting of January 31, given out for next season, but Mr. Burn: favorite base ball players and trap shooters at practicallyno expense. ' dt-which Charles's. Havener was elected . states he has about twenty-five player One coupon entitles you to one photo, You'ean, however, obtain as many signed up, and he will be able to get a president of . the " club in to make s photos jis you desire by sending three 2-cent stamps and a coupon for eac,h one. pla,ce of hliriself... By .advice team of the ,bunch that ought (without the coupon) will be furnished for 10 cents each. of bis attorneys Mr. Quiii good rrace for the pennant. Great ball i J0flF"Thototypes absented himself from expected of Doran, the new catcher pur The following photos are now ready for immediate delivery. Others will the meeting. As he own­ chased from Concord, and if his last year' be added each week: ed half of the stock record counts for anything he ought t no quorum was present be there with the big mit in good style and the meeting ad­ With Doran, Starnagle and Baerwald fo BASE BALL PLAYERS: journed without action. the catching- staff it certainly looks fine The old Board of Directors The pitching staff is a good one, and Col then met. This meeting orado Springs now has five pitchers signed AMERICAN LEAGUE, 1902. NATIONAL LEAGUE, 1902. was attended by Messrs. up for the season, and on that score we PHILADELPHIA .CLUB Connie Mack, PITTSBURQ CLUB Hans Wagner, Fred Havener and Bauman, a need have no fear. All the Western League manager, David L. Fultz, Maurice R. Ritchey, majority of the board, and clubs have suffered on account of the raic Clarke, Jack Chesbro, Claude Harry D. Quin a resolution was passed, al­ made by the big leagues on their pitching Powers, Daniel F. Murphy, Ralph O. Thomas Leach, Samuel Leever, William lowing the position of the staff, and Colorado Springs is certainly do ("Socks") Seybold, Harry Da vis, Edward Bransfield. John O'Connor, Clarence H. president and treasurer to be held by one ing a wise thing to secure the best that can S. Piauk, Howard P. Wilson, Berthold J. Beaumontj Harry Smith. man. Mr. Havener then was elected to be had. Husting, Ossee F. Schreckengost, Lafay­ PHILADELPHIA CLUB-Hugh Jennings, the presidency. Mr. Barman was re-elect­ MINOR MENTION. ette N. Cross, George Edward ("Rube") Harry Wolverton, William Douglas. ed vice president, and Aid. Cornelius Cor- Everything is beginning to warm up on Waddell, Frederick L. (" Topsy ") Hart- coran was elected secretary. After the dis­ base ball. New improvements are being zell, Louis Castro, Monte Cross, Frederick NEW YORK CLUB George Van Haltren, cussion of business pertaining to the as­ made at Boulevard Park. Manager Burns Mitchell. John J. McGraw, Joseph McGinnity. sociation the meeting adjourned. intends to cover the skinned portion with Christopher Matthewson. loam, and it is safe to say that we wil BOSTON CLUB Charles ("Chic") Stahl, CHICAGO CLUB Frank Chance. (According to the best legal advice and have the fastest diamond in the West. Denton ("Cy") Young, George Winters, the general rule of corporation law Mr. The All-American club conceded it to be Frederick Parent, John Freeman, James CINCINNATI CLUB Joseph J. Kelly, Sam­ Quin by absenting himself from the regu­ the fastest diamond they had played on Collins. uel Crawford, Frank Hahn, Jacob Beckley, larly called annual stockholders' meeting West of Cleveland. CLEVELAND CLUB Napoleon ("Larry") Michael Donlin. thus leaving it without a quorum, left the Secretary Farrel has awarded Llpp to Lajoie, William Bernhardt. old Board of Directors in office; and as Colorado Springs, and he is expected to BROOKLYN CLUB-William Keeler, Frank directors and not stockholders always elect cover short. From nil accounts, and Judg­ WASHINGTON CLUB Edward J. Dele- Kitson, William Daulen, James Hughes, corporation officers, Mr. Havener's election ing from the way Birmingham kicked, he hanty, James Ryan. James Sheckard, Charles Farrell. was undoubtedly legal, and will surely \-e must be a good one. Lipp's past record is BOSTON CLUB Herman Long. ;o declared by the courts. Editor "Sport­ good, and he ought to make a hit with the ST. LOUIS CLUB Robert Wallace, John ing Life.") fans. Birmingham was quite put out to Anderson. ST. LOUIS CLUB P. J. Douovan. lose this crack fielder. "BOULEVARD.' DETROIT CLUB James Barrett, James McGuire, Joseph Yeager. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION NEWS. CHICAGO CLUB Fielder Jones, Edward BALL FOR BALTIMORE. Catcher Arthur Anderson. of San Fran­ McFarJand, Clark Griffith. cisco, has decided to play with Toledo. The Monumental City Formally Installed BALTIMORE CLUB Harry Howell, Louis Outfielder Nance, of Kansas City, is re­ Wiltse. ported as having fallen heir to a' $75,000 as a Member of the Eastern League_ state. Ex-Stockholders to Legally Fight the Manager M. J. Kelley has decided to take American League. iis St. Paul team to Little Rock for spring TRAP SHOOTERS: practice. J3y Hugh Wynn. J. A. R. Elliott, Fred Gilbert, Rolla O. Heikes, W. R. Crosby, H. C. Hirschy, Tom A. President Hickey has practically decided Baltimore. Md., Feb. 0. Editor "Sportine Marshal], Chas. W. Budd, J. S. Fanning, Harvey McMurchy, Ralph Trinible. o re-establish the claim list, which was Life:" This city is to be an Eastern abolished during last season. League town and so we shall have base The Havenor-Quiu law(suit over Milwau- iee Club stock has gone to the Wisconsin ball and a pretty good kind iate with him several gentlemen of stand- meeting he said: "The way in which Pres­ Supreme Court for final decision. of base ball at that. The ng, and will stop at nothing to give the ident Johnson had the Baltimore franchise Eastern League committee jublic good base ball. forfeited is a most flagrant case of mis­ Third baseman Phyle, who has signed Towers, Pearce and Hurley, . AFTER THE) AMERICAN LEAGUE. representation to gain his ends. It can with Milwaukee, is claimed by Minneapo- and owner Dooley, of the easily be shown that he refused the offvf is. He signed with .the Millers and then Montreal franchise, met A meeting of the stockholders of the old umped to California.
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