http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations. K.A.O., Kent Archives Office. (p.n.) indicates reference to the place-name. Aalsurn, Holland, early woodworking Astley Monument, Maidstone, 128, 130. plane from, 197. Astleys (The) of Maidstone. By Admiralty, successor of Navy Com- Robert H. Goodsall, 125-141. missioners of 1618, 8L Astronomer Royal (John Flamsteed), Admiralty Lands Records, quoted, 83- 154. 84, 90. Atriplex, seeds, Romano-British votive Albinus, walling of Romano-British use, 2, 23, 24, 57-58. towns, 106, 108. Avebury, MSS, K.A.O., 204. Allen, A. F., on Roman building at Avery, Margaret, 123. Chalk, 207-208. Ashford, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Allen, William, New Cross Turnpike Aylesford, School records, K.A.O., 203. Trust, 1789, 169. Allington, Astley estate, 132. Baker, John, Canterbury, 234. Allington Castle, 1629, 125. Baker, Mathewe, shipwright, 1586, 81. Almond, James, 1685, 83. Balfour-Browne, F. L., 3. Altar, Romano-British temple at Balmuildy (Roman), 106. Springhead, 24. Banning, parish records, K.A.O., 203. America, immigration from Kent, Barrow, Norfolk, 133. 1826-1828, 236-243. Bargrave, Mrs., apparition to, of Mrs. Amets Hill, Stockbury (p.n.), 65. Veal at Canterbury, 1705. By Frank Ampthill, Bedfordshire (p.n.), 65. Higenbottam, 154-166. Anderson, P., 3. Barking, 76. Anglo-Saxon, casket, 197 ; cemetery Bartholomew, J., 2. at Polhill, 225 ; woodworking plane Bartholomew, P., 2. from Sarre, 196-201. Barton Court Estate records, K.A.O., Antonine pottery at Springhead, 6. 205. Antonine Wall, 106. Basing Farm, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Arbuthnott, John, 1705, 154. Bath, Lord (William Pulteney), 1687- Archives Office, Kent, 63, 71, '72, 74, 1764, 144-145. 141 ; accessions, 1958-1959, list of, Battely, J., 98. 202-206 ; Kentish Sources, review, Baxter, Jeffrey, Chatham, c. 1618, 81. 244-245. Bearsted, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205 ; Arundel, 131. Nursing Association records, K.A.O., Ashurst, Court Rolls, K.A.O., 206. 203. Astley, Agnes, 131-132 ; Anne, 131 ; Beckett Salts, map, K.A.O., 204. Bernard, 131 ; Bridget, 1650, 133 ; Bee boles, 234. Eleanor, 1639, 126 ; Sir Edward Beechenwood, Cowden (p.n.), 66. (of Melton Constable), 1650, 131-133 ; Bekesbourne, 65 ; (p.n.), 64. Elizabeth, 1639, 126, 133 ; Sir Isaac Benenden, deeds, K.A.O., 205. (second Lord A.), 1650, 130-140 ; Benson, Martin, Bishop of Gloucester, Sir Isaac, inventory of goods, 1662, 144. 134-140; Sir Jacob (first Lord A.), Bertelot, William, 1416, 66. 1579-1651, 126-134 ; Sir Jacob, Best Family, 125 ; records, K.A.O., will of, 1650, 131-133 ; Jacob (of 205. Maidstone), d. 1688, 140; Sir Best, John, Allington Castle, 1629, 125. Jacob (of Melton Constable), 140; Best, Mawdistley Gaussen, diaries, John, d. 1719, 140; Sir John, papers, etc., K.A.O., 205. 125-130 ; Sir John, will of, 1639, Bexley, 123 ; Church Documents, 125-130 ; Katherine, 1639, 126-127 ; corrections to paper in Arch. Cant. Richard, 1650, 133 ; Thomas, 1639, LXXII, 235; Cray House, 126 ; Thomas (of Melton Constable), Medieval remains, 211-216 ; Neo- 130 ; Waldgrave, 1650, 133. lithic axe, 209-210. 246 GENERAL INDEX Bidborough, Tithe records, K.A.O., 204. Calehill Hundred, manorial records, Biddenden, deeds, map, K.A.O., 205. K.A.O., 204. Bilsington, deeds, K.A.O., 204. Calendars, Ancient Deeds, 72; State Birdoswald (Roman), 103. Papers, 71. Birling, deeds, K.A.O., 205; turnpike Canter Wood, Elharn (p.n.), 68. road at, 188. Canterbury, Apparition of Mrs. Veal to Birrens, 100. Mrs. Bargrave, 1705, two new con- Bishopsbourne (p.n.), 64. temporary ms. accounts, by Frank Blakenham, Thomas, 1439, 124. Higenbottam, 154-166. "Bluestocking ", origin of, 144. Canterbury, Cathedral Library, 71; Bobbing, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205. City Chamberlain's Accounts, 1692, Bodes, P. C. J. A., 197. 163; Diocesan Records, K.A.O., Bones, Romano-British site at Spring- 202 ; Diocese Tithe Awards, 72 ; head, Report on by J. E. King, 53. (p.n.), 69 ; Roman C., 108, 111 ; Booker, R., 216. St. Augustine's Abbey, review of Booth's Charity, Harrietsham and guide book, 245. Maidstone, records, K.A.O., 203. Capel, map, K.A.O., 204. Boswell, Thomas, 144. Cappuck (Roman), 100. Botting, Hugh, 1555, 66. Carausius, 107. Boughton Aluph, deeds, etc., K.A.O., Cardiff (Roman), 106. 205. Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1717-1806, Bourne, ffrances, 1639, 125. 142-153 ; Dr. Nicholas, 142. Bower, Anne, 1661, 90. Cartulary of St. Gregory, 64. Boxley, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205; Park Castle Cary (Roman), 106. House, plans, K.A.O., 205. Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, 3. Brabourne, manorial records, K.A.O., Carson, R. A. G., 2. 204. Casket, Anglo-Saxon, 197; Frankish, Brailsford, J. W., 2, 49. 197. Brancaster (Roman), 106, 107, 109. Cator, John, New Cross Turnpike Trust, Brett, Charles, New Cross Turnpike 1789, 169. Trust, 1789, 169. Chalk near Gravesend, Roman, 111; Bridges, Ann, 1641, 125; Anne (Agnes), Roman building at, 207; Roman 1639, 126, 128 ; John, 1647, 125. kiln and remains, 220-223. Bristol, 131. Chandos Peerage Case, 125, 130. Brompton, Chatham, 82, 91. Chaplain, R., 3. Bronze Age axe, Orpington, 230. Charing, beehive quern at, 226; deeds Bronze objects, Romano-British at and manorial records, K.A.O., 203 ; Springhead, 22; Report on by J. W. parish records, K.A.O., 202 ; School Brailsford and E. W. Tilley, 49- 51. records, K.A.O., 203 ; token, 1651, Brooches, Romano-British at Spring. 227. head, 19, 38. Charity Records, K.A.O., 203. Brooke Family, wills etc., K.A.O., 205. Charlesworth, D., 2, 52. Broomfield parish records, K.A.O., 202. Charlton-next-Dover, deeds, K.A.O., Brough Castle (Roman), 106. 204. Brounswayn, Thomas, 123. Chatham, 76; Brook, the, 84; Dock Brown, Baldwin, 196. Road, 79, 82; Dockyard, 75-95; Burghley, Lord, 1583, 80. Gunwharf, 76, 77-79, 84; Hill House, Buries, G., 3. 77, 81-82; Lords Lands, 81; Mill, Burmarsh, 67. 82, 84; parish records, K.A.O., 203 ; Burney, Fanny, 144. plan of property at, 1708, 82; token, Burrswood MSS, K.A.O., 206. 1668, 226 ; see also under Medway. Burton, Richard, 92. Chatham Dockyard; Early Leases and Burke, Peter, Chatham, c. 1618, 81. Conveyances for its Building during Butler, Sir W., 91-92. the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Cen- Bushe-Fox, J. P., 245. turies. By Frederick Cull, 75-95. Chelsfield, Rental, K.A.O., 206. Cherson, Bridget, 1639, 127. Caerwent (Roman), 103. Chest, church, Graveney, 232; Worms- Caesar, Alice, 1677, 83, 90-95 ; Augus- hill, 232. tine, 1661, 90 ; Joseph, 91. Chevening, 66, 117. 247 GENERAL INDEX Chew Stoke, 27. Dalgliesh, John, 1738, 233. Chichele, Archbishop, 123. Dallison, Charles, 92. Chiddingstone early Poor Law "Danes Trench ", Polhill, 226. Accounts, 193-195. Darenth, Neolithic axe, 209-10. ChiHendon, post mill, 234. Dartford, 151, 169. Chillington, manorial documents, Davington, survey, 1793, K.A.O., 204. K.A.O., 205. de Bee, William, 64. China manufactory in Greenwich, de Mullis, Eustace, 64. 227-228. de Burnes, Robert, 64. Cinque Ports, 64. Deal, 143 ; Assembly House, agree- Clapham, Sir Alfred, 245. ment, K.A.O., 205; Chamberlain's Claydene, Cowden (p.n.), 66. Fee records, K.A.O., 205 ; Chapel- Clerk, Richard, 1444, 124. warden's accounts, K.A.O., 206; Cliffs Peculiar (Rochester Diocesan Charity School Accounts, K.A.O., Records), K.A.O., 202. 206 ; Council records, K.A.O., 206; Clifford, George, 1639, 127 ; John, Court Ash manorial records, K.A.O., 1639, 127. 205 ; Education records, K.A.O., 203 ; maps, K.A.O., 206 ; maritime Clinch, George, 208. records, miscellaneous, K.A.O., 205- Close Rolls, 70-73. 206 ; Prebend records, K.A.O., 205; Cloth trade, decline of, 1621, 194. Roman interment, 219. Cobham, deeds, K.A.O., 206. Dearing, Anne, 1639, 125. Cobham Park, earthwork, post-Roman Defoe, Daniel, 163-166. date of, 224; excavations, 1959, Demesne farming at Otford, 116-124. 224-225. Dorms, Wealden, 71. Coins, Roman, Hollingbourne, 229- Deptford, 76, 81; Bridge, 1787-1797, 230 ; Reculver, 103, 110, 113, 114 ; 167-174. Springhead, 4, 6, 7, 10, 39-43. Desborough, V. H., 234. Colchester, 54. Detling (p.n.), 63 ; deeds, etc., K.A.O., Collingwood, R. G., 106. 205. Collins, James, Sandhurst, 1826, 236. Devenyshe, Thomas, Frindsbury, 80. Cologne, altar at, 26. Devorax, John, 1639, 127. Combo, Otford, 117, 119, 121. Doddington, deeds, etc., K.A.O., 205; Connolly, P., 3. Estate of Croft and Co., records, Constantius, building revival under, 10. K.A.O., 205; Roman gold coin, Cook, N. C., 96. 226-227. Corbett, John, of Lewisham, 1788, Dolley, R. H. M., 230. 167-174. Domesday, Otford, 117, 119. Corder, Philip, 106. Dorkynghole family, 123. Council for British Archmology, 3. Dover, education records, K.A.O., 203; " court" (---= cart), 175. Letter Book, 1737-1741, 233. Court Ash, Deal, manorial records, Dowker, G., 1877, 98. K.A.O., 205. Downe, deeds, K.A.O., 204; map, Court, Thomas, 1440, 124. K.A.O., 204. Cowden, 65; Poor Law Accounts, 193. Du Boulay, F. R. H., 116, 235. Cowdenshaw (p.n.), 66. Duling, John, 1627, 90-93. Cranbrook, deeds, K.A.O., 206; farm Dumbreck, Wing Commander, W. V., accounts, K.A.O., 204. 66. Cranbrook-Maidstone road, 1731-1732, Duncan, Henry, 1805, 90 174. Dunk, Robert, Sandhurst, 1827, 236. Croft & Co., Wine Merchants, records, Dunning, G. C., 196-201, 213, 246. K.A.O., 205. Croft MSS at K.A.O., 205. Ealda, 63. Crown Inn, Rochester, 189. East Field, Otford, 117, 119-121. Crul, Adam, 65. East Peckham, map, K.A.O., 204. Cudham, deeds, K.A.O., 204. East Wickham, Neolithic axe, 210-211. Cull, Frederick, 75. Edell, Thomas, 1760, 66.
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