Inheriting the World: The Atlas of Children’s Health and the Environment Bruce Gordon, Richard Mackay and Eva Rehfuess Inheriting the World: the Atlas of Children’s Health and the Environment © World Health Organization 2004 Contents All rights reserved Acknowledgements 4 About the Authors 6 First published 2004 Foreword by 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Dr LEE Jong-wook, Director-General, World Health Organization 7 ISBN 92 4 159156 0 Part One Child Health and Poverty Produced for the World Health Organization by 1 The World’s Forgotten Children 8 Myriad Editions Limited 2 Two Worlds: Rich and Poor 10 6–7 Old Steine, Brighton BN1 1EJ, UK http://www.MyriadEditions.com 3 Traditional Hazards, New Risks 12 Co-ordinated for Myriad Editions by Candida Lacey Part Two Global Environmental Issues Edited by Jannet King Design by Corinne Pearlman 4 Water for All: Making it Happen 14 Maps and graphics by Isabelle Lewis 5 Hurry Up in the Toilet: 2.4 Billion are Waiting 16 6 To Fetch a Pail of Water 18 WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data 7 Malaria 20 Gordon, Bruce. 8 Fluoride and Arsenic in Drinking Water 22 Inheriting the world : the atlas of children's health and the environment / 9 Indoor Smoke: Breaking Down Respiratory Defences 24 Bruce Gordon, Richard Mackay, Eva Rehfuess. 1.Child welfare 2.Infant mortality - trends 3.Environmental health 4.Environmental pollution - adverse effects 5.Forecasting 6.Atlases I.Mackay, Richard. II.Rehfuess, Eva. III.Title 10 Passive Smoking: Children Protest 26 IV.Title: The atlas of children's health and the environment. 11 Polluted Cities: The Air Children Breathe 28 12 Child Injuries are Preventable 30 Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from: 13 Child Labour: Growing Up Too Quickly 32 Marketing and Dissemination, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland 34 tel: +41 22 791 2476; fax: +41 22 791 4857; email: [email protected] 14 Lead: IQ Alert Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications, 15 Safe Food: Crucial for Child Development 36 whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution, 16 Poisoning: Hidden Peril for Children 38 should be addressed to Publications, at the above address fax: +41 22 791 4806; email: [email protected] Part Three A Look to the Future The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any 17 Getting the Lead Out 40 opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines 18 Healthy Schools: Empowering Children 42 on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. 19 Enjoying the Sun Safely 44 The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. 20 Climate Change 46 Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. The World Health Organization does not warrant that the information contained in this publication is complete and Highs and Lows of Environmental Health 48 correct and shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of its use. WHO Sub-Regions 49 The named authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in this publication. World Data Table 50 Sources 58 Printed and bound in Hong Kong Index 64 Produced by Phoenix Offset Limited under the supervision of Bob Cassels, The Hanway Press, London Acknowledgements We are most grateful to Margaret Chan, Director, Lorna Fewtrell, Centre for Research into Environment Michel Thieren, WHO The publishers are grateful to the following Protection of the Human Environment, WHO, for her and Health, United Kingdom Lana Tomaskovic, WHO organizations and photographers for permission to vision to produce an atlas on children’s health and the Chuck Gollmar, WHO Niels Tomijima, WHO reproduce their photographs: environment. Her support, together with that of Frank Hagemann, ILO Michael Walsh, United States Kerstin Leitner, Assistant Director-General, Sustainable Laurence Haller, WHO Wick Warren, Centers for Disease Control & page 8 WHO/H. Bower; 10 Nigel Bruce; 14 WHO/C. Development and Healthy Environments, WHO, made Alexander von Hildebrand, WHO-SEARO Prevention, United States Gaggero; 16 WHO/C. Gaggero; 18 WHO/H. this atlas possible. Anna Maria Hoffmann, UNESCO Martin Weber, WHO Anenden; 19 WHO/P. Virot; 26 WHO; 28 Steve Mollie Hogan, WHO Sattar Yoosuf, WHO-SEARO Turner; 30 WHO/H. Anenden; 32 (top) ILO/P. Special thanks go to the Office of Children's Health Honorat Hounkpatin, WHO-AFRO Maged Younes, WHO Lissac; 32 (bottom) WHO/C. Gaggero; 34 WHO/C. Protection, United States Environmental Protection Jose Hueb, WHO Gaggero; 36 WHO/A. Waak; 38 Donald Cole, with Agency, for their generous financial contribution Mie Inoue, WHO International Network to Promote Household Water thanks to Phil Landrigan, Mount Sinai School of towards this atlas, and to Judith Mackay, who Josefa Ippolito-Shepherd, WHO-AMRO Treatment and Safe Storage: Medicine and with the permission of Donald Cole, contributed a wealth of experience and inspiration. Jack Jones, WHO Robert Ainslie, Johns Hopkins University, United States Associate Professor Public Health Sciences, University Michal Krzyzanowski, WHO-EURO Mansoor Ali, UNICEF of Toronto; 42 WHO/C. Gaggero; 43 WHO/T. Kelly; For their creativity, artistic talent and innovative Philip Landrigan, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Greg Allgood, Procter & Gamble, United States 44 The Cancer Council Victoria; 47 WHO; 48 (left) suggestions in the design and cartography of this atlas, United States Thomas Clasen, First Water, United States ILO/P. Lissac; 48 (middle) WHO/C.Gaggero; we would like to thank the Myriad Editions team of Rolaf van Leeuwen, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid Camille Dow Baker, Centre for Affordable Water and 48 (right) WHO/C.Gaggero Candida Lacey, Isabelle Lewis, Jannet King and Corinne en Milieu, The Netherlands Sanitation Technology, Canada Pearlman. Matt Livermore, University of East Anglia, United Sumita Ganguly, UNICEF-India, India The publishers are grateful to the following Kingdom Willie Grabow, University of Pretoria, South Africa organizations for supplying maps: This Atlas could not have been written if not for the Peter Matz, ILO Stephen Gundry, University of Bristol, United rich pool of information already available. We extend Sumi Mehta, WHO Kingdom Malaria in Africa, page 21 our gratitude to colleagues around the world who Gerry Moy, WHO Tara Meidl, Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Africa malaria distribution map, theoretical model. responded to impossible deadlines with data, literature, Leda Nemer, WHO-EURO Technology, Canada Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa, 2003. photographs and insightful suggestions. Their Hisashi Ogawa, WHO-WPRO Adrian Mol, MEDAIR, Madagascar enthusiastic help and encouragement made this atlas a Lesley Onyon, WHO Susan Murcott, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The sun’s rays, page 44 true collaborative effort. Our heartfelt thanks to all the Margie Peden, WHO United States Unpublished data from Schmalwieser AW, Institute of colleagues listed below and to all those we may have Jenny Pronczuk, WHO Rob Quick, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Medical Physics and Biostatistics, University of omitted in error. Federico Properzi, WHO United States Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria Annette Pruess, WHO Henk van Norden, UNICEF-India, India by model calculations described in: Schmalwieser AW Houssain Abouzaid, WHO-EMRO Thebe Pule, WHO-AFRO Martin Wegelin, EAWAG/SANDEC, Switzerland et al., Global validation of a forecast model for Said Arnaout, WHO-EMRO Sawat Ramaboot, WHO-SEARO Giveson Zulu, UNICEF-Zambia, Zambia irradiance of the solar, erythemally effective UV Carmen Audera-Lopez, WHO Vivian Rasmussen, WHO-EURO radiation, Journal of Optical Engineering, 2002, Hamed Bakir, WHO-EMRO Mike Repacholi, WHO Putting together an atlas on children's health and the 40:3040-3050. Jamie Bartram, WHO David Rivett, WHO-EURO environment in less than three months has the tendency Roberto Bertollini, WHO-EURO Colin Roy, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear to take over your life. We are immensely grateful to our A warming planet, page 46 Tony Blakely, Wellington School of Medicine and Safety Agency, Australia partners and families without whose practical and Livermore M (University of East Anglia), Campbell- Health, New Zealand Yasmin von Schirnding, WHO moral support these months would have been difficult. Lendrum D (WHO). Generated in 2004 based on data Robert Bos, WHO Jorgen Schlundt, WHO from the Hadley Centre. Climate change observations Cynthia Boschi-Pinto, WHO Alois Schmalwieser, University of Vienna, Austria and predictions. Exeter, UK Meteorological Office, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, WHO Gabriele Schöning, European Environment Agency, 2003. Richard Carr, WHO Denmark Carlos Corvalan, WHO Hawa Senkoro, WHO-AFRO Marlies Craig, Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa, South Victor Shatalov, Meteorological Synthesizing Centre of Africa EMEP, Russia Dafina Dalbokova, WHO-EURO Kenji Shibuya, WHO Gerry Eijkemans, WHO Amr Taha, ILO, Egypt Anaclaudia Fassa, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Joanna Tempowski, WHO Brazil Thomas Teuscher, WHO 4 5 Foreword About the authors
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