Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1964-1965 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1965 Eastern Progress - 14 May 1965 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1964-65/29 mm HALL OF FAMER SPRING SPORTS J PROUD FINALS • ■ •-. ■ PAGE 2 OOR&SS PAGE 6 / ," "Setting The Pace In A Progressive Era" —r— 42nd Year No. 29 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond "Friday, May 14, 1965 Honors Day Pays Board Approves Tower Dorms. Tribute To 424 Dept. Heads, New Position Four hundred and twenty-four and Kay Marlene Jacobers, Rich Eastern students were recog- mond ; Winston Franklin Jones, Regents Also Okay $6,090,719 Budget nized at the annual Honors Pro- Appalacn'.a, Va.; Minga Kenna- !;ram held In Hiram Brock Aud- torlum Monday night. mer, Richmond; Karen Hone- Featured speaker was Dr. brink Krumm, Bollevue; Max In Fully Docketed Session Wednesday Clyde Orr, associate dean tor Vance Lyles, Carrollton; Elnora graduate studies. His .address Sareva Mclntyre, Bagdad: Dor h^JSHSSI "f.Re6en,,s author-, of Maine, Pettengiil holds two William A. Householder, who was entitled, "Misplaced Modi- aid Robert McKinney, Richmond Ized construction of two more degrees from the Universitv of'«- ., «««■■««««■•■, wn« fiers." te 10 Joyce Ann McQueen, Waynes- towering dormitories, one of Florida and the PhD from P™"" * completing; work Dr. Orr congratulated the stu- burg, Patricia Carol Newton, which is 20-stories, appointed Johns Hopkins University. on the Ph.D. at Michigan State dents for accepting their respon- four new department heads and | University, was named head sibilities in our democratic so- Irvuie; Anne Shelby Quaries, named an executive dean to oc- ciety, but he pointed out that Frai.Klon; Delores Robb, Rich- cupy a newly-created position. of the Department of Agricul- mo..a; Nancy Kay Sanders, Lan- ture. He holds degrees from there were people In our society The board also approved the who want privileges but not re- castor: Raymond Theodore Colorado state U. and Cornell Schaaf, Louisville; Donald Hin- college's current fund budget sponsibilities. He called these of $8,090,719 for 1985-66. This U. and has eight years over- people "misplaced modifiers." slea Smith. Richmond; Josephine is an increase of $1,076,946 sees experience in agricultural He described the characteris- Spurlock, London; Sharon Leah over last year. Teague. Ellzubethtown. and developmental program ia tics of such an individual as: The 20-story dormitory, to Panama and Iran. 1. Hiding behind a mask of Daniel I.ee Tribble, Richmond. cost 92 million, will house 545 Richardson ESC Graduate anti-social behavior; Gary Ray Turner, Newport: men students. The second re- Dr. Harold E. Richardson, 2. Believing that the world Brenda Oail Wtcke-shnm. Rich- sidence hall approved was a nine-story dorm for 404 'an Eastern graduate who holds owes him a living; mond ; Mary Lee Wlgginton, and Another Skyscraping Dorm ;the Ph.D. from UCLA, was) Sharon A. Zimmerman, Louis- women. Its cost will be $1.5 S. Achieving recognition at million. named head of the Department any cost; ville. Plans have been announced for this nine- this hall, and a 20-story dormitory, will be of English. He succeeds Dr. Sophomores Honored Both will be air-conditioned. 4. Resenting authority; story dormitory that will house 404 women completed by th* fall of 1986. The archi- P. M. Grise, who retires In 8.6 SOPHOMORES: Virginia students. To cost $1.5 million. It will be tect's drawing above shows the dorm fac- It is hoped the dorms will June. 5. A willingness to destroy Lee Amis, Ricetown; Joe Frank- fully airconditloned. Construction is ex- ing South Second Street be under construction by fall property. and available for occupancy by Richardson has taught in the lin Arterberrv, Richmond; Mil- pected to begin by fall and It is hoped that department since 1983. Dr. Orr said that our hope was ton Kendall Barks-dale. Jr.. Rich the fall of 1966. Approves Organization in the tact that the "misplaced mond: Glenna Kav Bogie, Lex- 10th and llth since '60 modifier" was In the minority ington: Linda Nell Brown, Day- They would be the tenth and In other action, the board and challenged the students to ton, Ohio: Janice Lee Burke, eleventh dorms constructed at approved the new organi- keep him there. Llonille; Emogene Call is, Bed- Eastern since 1960. ' zational setup of the schools of Max Lyles Views Experiment i education and technology and Receiving awards were: ford; Judy Kaye Caswell, Car- J. C. Powell, present dean lisle; Jane Carol Champion, of business arralrs at the col- th , ardl, Seniors With S.5 Standing Bondville; Stewart B. Clovla, DR. HAROLD RICHARDSON* ' honorary£S!^m %£doctorT ofy laws*?' "^ de- 8.S SENIORS — Alice Jean lege, was named executive grees at the spring; commence- Sanford, Fla.; Kathryn Ann Cole- dean, a new position that will Boggs Adams, Richmond; Neil brook, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Bll- As 'Chance Of Lifetime' ment June 2. function as part of the presi- Douglas Adams, Eubank; Anne lie Jo Cormney, Lancaster. The School of Education In* Adelyn Bean, Maysvllle; Wil- dent's office. He will have Gloria Arline Dann, Cincinnati "I have always dreamed of Putney, Vermont for approxi- a Richmond junior who served authority in administrative eludes five departments: Ed- liam Lee Bohanlng, Richmond; Ohio; Phyllis Ann Duff, Rice- | visiting abroad, and now Is my mately five days orientation be-, as Eastern's first representative ucation, with Reading Clinic Carolyn May Brown, Laconia, and fiscal affairs of the college town: Lillian Fajardo, Danville; chance of a lifetime," states fore going to Yugoslavia in the abroad under this program in and will be largely responsible attached. Psychology, Profes- Ind.; Betty Joyce Chase, Frank- Jon Francis Ferrante, Center- I Max Lyles, a Carrollton junior Student Council sponsored pro-: India last summer. sional Laboratory Experiences, fort; Emily Amos Cooke, Rich- for the preparation of the bud- each. New York; Mary Jane | and Eastern's selected represent- Ject. "We'll visit Belgrade for a .Tve already begun studying get. Library Sciences and Labora- mond; Ronald Maurice Cosby, Hammel, Berea; Andrew Robert ative for the Experiment in In- tory School. few days to get accustomed to ! ai> the articles I can find In the New Department Heads HarrtSMburg; Diana Rose Craig, son Hamon, Grayson; Thomas I ternational Living. Library pertaining to Yugoslavia The School of Technology Is Mt. <Mfvel; Mary Evelyn Jag- (Continued On Page Five) ' Lyles will leave June 26 for going on to the families we will so that I can. learn as much about Named as heads of academic organized Into six depart- gersflfonora; Michael Van Bur- be staying with." Lyles will stay the country, the people, and departments were: ments: Agriculture, Home Ec- en Jaggers, Sonora; Myrena Sue tor several weeks with a Yugo- their customs as I can before I Dr. William H. Gulley, a nomics, Industrial Arts, in- Jennings, Richmond, and Jesse , slavian family then go on to tra- leave. Language is not required graduate of the University of dustrial Technology, Nursing JUfet i vel around the country with a forf the Experiment, the people North Carolina who is now and the Kentucky School of Bishop Moody Slated particular stotmber : ef that- fa- ■**»- b. «»yrt«- ^a^^immj^^mm^^^^ .Craft*. Riehara mily, and will complete his two speak English. However. I would rSSz? .. V^f'*.. ^f *!" Another administrative of- thiana; Charlotte Ann Walters month tour with same family.. like to learn some of their lan- pointed head of the Depart- fice, the Office of Student Mason, Stearns; Letitia Ann 10 Students To Tour Yiigimlavia guage before I leave." ment of Anthropology and Financial Assistance, was for* Sociology. Midden, Cynthiana; Barbara To Address Baccalaureate Ten college and university stu- Lyles is majoring in mathema maljy organized and John L. Ross Owens, Covington; Pat- dents from across the country I tlcs- an<l haa ambitions of teach- Dr. Uwynal B. Pettengiil, Vickers, executive assistant to ricia Ann Parr, Frankfort; Nor- will tour Yugoslavia under the ing upon graduation from East- now at the College of William the president, was WMHH co- ma Faye Profitt, Leeco; Thom- The Rt. Rev. William R. American Bosch Arma Cor- Experiment program. They will ern. He is presently a member and Mary, was named head of ordinator. as Eugene Roark. Hebron; Lyn- Moody, bishop of Lexington, will poration. stay in one group except while of Kappa Delta PI, education the Department of Political Mrs. Marlon Royal, who la nelle Ryan, Walton; Albert Glenn honorary; OAKS, junior and sen- Science, succeeding Dr. Fred- presently completing graduate deliver the Baccalaureate add- A native of Columbus, Miss., they are with their respective eric Ogden, who earlier was Spencer, Beattyville; Diane Ford ress at the 50th commencement Bishop Moody received his families. An American group ior men's honor society; Poly- work at Arkansas A * M, was Taylor, Louisville; Bonnie Marie mathologists; and Canterbury appointed dean of the School jr. o. POWELL named director of women's re- exercises of Eastern on Sunday, D.D. from Hampden-Sydney leader will be chosen to accom- of Arts and Sciences. A native Vaughn, Batavia, Ohio; Frede- May 80, at 2:30 p.m. In Alumni College. He is a graduate of pany the students, and will act Club, organizational honorary New Executive Dean sidence halls. rick Larry Vaughn, Batavia, Coliseum. Virginia Theological Seminary, as co-ordlnator of their activities for English majors and minors. Ohio; Linda Lea Ward, Rivers; Speaker for commencement and has done graduate work while they are together. (Continued On Page Six) Mona Lee Willoughby, Richmond exercises on June 2 will be at Columbia University, Sewa- Martha Sue Wilson, Richmond; "The home office for the Ex- Charles Beck, president of the nee, and George Washington periment will place me with a and Pete Durbin • Wolfinbarger, University.
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