Planetary and Space Science 118 (2015) 1–7 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Planetary and Space Science journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/pss Editorial Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, and their Interrelations, Part I: Editorial review 1. Introduction than 40 countries at the conference (Fig. 1). The ACM 2014 Book of Abstracts included over 600 abstracts (Muinonen et al., 2014). It is widely agreed that the small Solar System bodies are a key Plenary, Parallel, and Poster Sessions were organized around to understanding the formation and evolution of the Solar System, numerous topical themes. The Plenary Sessions focused on the carrying signals from pre-solar times. Unveiling the evolution of Rosetta mission, comet ISON, and the Chelyabinsk meteor on the Solar System helps research on the evolution of extrasolar Monday, with asteroid formation, main-belt dynamical evolution, planetary systems. Societally, small bodies will be important the Dawn mission, and Chariklo's rings featured on Tuesday. future resources of minerals. The near-Earth population of small Thursday's Plenary Session featured the Gaia mission, both overall bodies continues to pose an impact hazard, whether it be small and as a Solar System observatory, as well as state-of-the-art pieces of falling meteorites or larger asteroids or cometary nuclei meteor observing and the New Horizons mission to Pluto, whereas capable of causing global environmental effects. the Friday Plenary focused on the past Hayabusa, future Haya- In Section 2, we begin by a review of the Asteroids, Comets, busa2, past Chang'e-2, and future OSIRIS-REx asteroid missions. Meteors 2014 conference in Helsinki. In Section 3, the advances The Parallel and Poster Sessions included the following themes. documented in the peer-reviewed papers included in the present Sessions assessing all populations of small bodies included Planetary and Space Science Special Issue topically entitled Aster- oids, Comets, Meteors, and their Interrelations, Part I are reviewed. Surveys of small bodies The editorial review is completed by conclusions and future pro- Impact hazard spects in Section 4. Missions Absorption, Scattering, and Emission Extrasolar connection. 2. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014 Comets were featured in the sessions entitled 2.1. Overall review Rosetta and Comet 67/P Churyumov–Gerasimenko The Asteroids, Comets, Meteors conference series constitutes Comet ISON the leading international series in the field of small Solar System Specific Comets bodies. The first three conferences took place in Uppsala, Sweden Comet surfaces and interiors in 1983, 1985, and 1989, followed by the conferences in Flagstaff, Comet formation and evolution. Arizona, USA in 1991, Belgirate, Italy in 1993, Paris, France in 1996, Ithaca, New York, USA in 1999, Berlin, Germany in 2002, Rio de For meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites, there were sessions Janeiro, Brazil in 2005, Baltimore, Maryland, USA in 2008, Niigata, on Japan in 2012, and Helsinki, Finland in 2014. The ACM 2014 conference was organized by the Department of Chelyabinsk meteor, meteorites, and active asteroids Physics, University of Helsinki at the Marina Congress Centre in Meteoroids and meteorites Katajanokka, Helsinki (see Appendix A for the members of the Meteor surveys Scientific and Local Organizing Committees). The conference was Meteoroids, dust, and exospheres. opened at the Helsinki Observatory, spiced with the sporadic rain of hydrometeors and cold weather. The conference itself was Asteroid research was scrutinized in the sessions entitled organized as follows: a plenary session gathered the attendees together each morning, except for Wednesday where the after- Asteroid spin, size, and shape noon excursions and evening dinner resulted in an exceptional Ceres and Lutetia morning program of parallel sessions. The morning plenaries were Vesta followed by a coffee break and a poster session that ended in the Dynamics and populations lunch break. The afternoons were filled with parallel sessions Asteroid surfaces except for Friday, where there was a plenary session with invited Asteroid collisions and families reviews on meteors, comets, and asteroids, followed by the closing Asteroid interiors of the conference. There were almost 500 attendees from more Specific asteroids http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2015.11.001 0032-0633/& 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. 2 Editorial / Planetary and Space Science 118 (2015) 1–7 Solar system science with Gaia ample informal time for talking with colleagues. Is this Satellites and binary systems. arrangement satisfactory to repeat at the next ACM? 6. If your answer to the previous question was 'NO', when would Finally, additional sessions, focusing on specific objects and you prefer to have the poster session organized? populations included Compared to ACM 2014, most of the attendees who responded Pluto and transneptunian objects to the questionnaire would like to have fewer parallel sessions, not Jupiter Trojans. have longer talks, days of similar length, a maximum of one con- tributed talk per participant, and a similar poster session (Fig. 2). Among the abovementioned sessions, there were two special The minority of attendees who would like to move the poster workshops running at the conference: first, Absorption, Scattering, session would typically want to see it arranged during the and Emission; and, second, Solar System Science with Gaia, afternoon. showing the first results on small bodies from the Gaia mission. The attendees that provided written feedback suggested that future meetings should have, for example, fewer parallel sessions, poster sessions lasting the entire week, and a clear view of the 2.2. Guidelines from the community to future organizers of ACM screen also from the back row in all rooms. meetings In general the feedback shows that the attendees in general were very pleased with the arrangements of ACM 2014 but there is We asked the attendees to fill a short questionnaire after the still room for improvement at future meetings. meeting to get a quantitative understanding of the community's opinion about the arrangements for ACM 2014. The aim was to give the organizing committees of future ACM meetings an idea of how the community would like to see the practical arrangements 3. Regular papers of special issue of the ACM conference series evolve. We got 78 unique responses which is more than 15% of all attendees. 3.1. Interrelations Most of the questions focused on the number and duration of contributed talks, because there were about 450 contributed 8- Interrelations between the different small-body populations is one of the main themes among the articles submitted for this min talks scheduled for ACM 2014 and 4 parallel sessions were special issue. We expect this trend to continue and become even required to accommodate these within the available days. The more prominent in the future, not least due to the ability to esti- sessions ran from 8:30 am to about 6:00 pm, except for Wed- mate physical properties for ever larger samples of objects. nesday when the scientific program ended at noon due to the State-of-the-art meteor observations and the link between afternoon excursions. We asked the attendees the following 5–6 asteroids and meteors is discussed by Campbell-Brown (2015) multiple-choice questions and also offered the possibility to pro- who describes the Canadian Automated Meteor Observatory and vide written feedback. presents the results from an analysis of more than 7000 two- station meteors. The analysis reveals a significant population of 1. Would you prefer to reduce the likelihood that you will be slow meteors with low begin heights and asteroidal orbits. The scheduled for a talk during future ACM meetings in exchange for fewer parallel sessions? radiants of these slow meteors are not associated with sporadic 2. Would you prefer to reduce the likelihood that you will be sources and their lightcurves cannot be reproduced with classical scheduled for a talk during future ACM meetings in exchange ablation theory for non-fragmenting objects. for longer talks? The connection between near-Earth comets and outer main- 3. A meeting can have more time for talks each day if the start belt asteroids is discussed by Fernandez and Sosa (2015). They time is earlier and the end is later. Given that shorter days analyze the dynamical evolution of a sample of Jupiter-family would reduce the likelihood that you will be scheduled for a comets (JFCs) among near-Earth objects, selected based on the talk and that longer days would do the opposite, how long Tisserand parameter and orbital period. one third of the sample should the days be compared to ACM 2014? have short dynamical lifetimes in agreement with the expected 4. At ACM 2014, each participant was allowed at most two con- short physical lifetime for icy objects, whereas one third has long tributed talks. What is the maximum number of contributed dynamical lifetimes with orbits resembling near-Earth asteroids talks that should be allowed for a single participant? originating in the outer main asteroid belt. Fernandez and Sosa 5. The poster sessions were arranged between 10:30 am and 11:30 propose that the cometary and asteroidal JFCs should be compo- am bracketed by coffee and lunch. The aim was to allow for sitionally different to explain the longer lifetimes of the latter. Fig. 1. : Participants of the Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014 conference in Helsinki, Finland. Editorial / Planetary and Space Science 118 (2015) 1–7 3 Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 60 50 30 35 50 40 30 20 25 15 20 010 0510 010203040 Neutral No Yes Neutral No Yes Longer Shorter Similar Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 40 30 30 40 50 20 10 20 0 010 0246810 123 Neutral No Yes Afternoon Evening Morning Fig. 2. : The distribution of responses to the questionnaire. See text for list of questions. Rudawska and Vaubaillon (2015), Hajdukova et al. (2015), and The selection of the stream meteors from the European viDeo Tomko (2015) search for associations between meteor showers MeteOr Network Database (EDMOND) is detailed by Rudawska and asteroids or comets.
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