International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (1998), 48, 1445-1 448 Printed in Great Britain ~ -~~~~~~ 1- Transfer of Pseudomonas nautica to L -~ 1 Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus Cathrin Sproer, Elke Lang, Petra Hobeck, Jutta Burghardt, Erko Stackebrandt and B. J. Tindall Author for correspondence: B. J. Tindall. Tel: +49 531 2616 224. Fax: +49 531 2616 418. e-mail: bti@ gbf.de ~ DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung A combination of genotypic and phenotypic properties (a polyphasic "On Mikroorganismen und taxonomic approach) was used to determine the relatedness between the type Zellkulturen GmbH, Mascheroder Weg 1b, strains of Pseudomonas nautica Bauman et a/. 1982 and Marinobacter D-38124 Braunschweig, hydrocarbonoc/asticusGauthier et a/. 1992, which were originally found to be Germany highly related by partial 16s rDNA sequence analysis. Analysis of genotypic properties, such as comparison of the almost complete 165 rDNA sequences, base composition of the total genomic DNA and DNA-DNA hybridization revealed that the two strains were highly similar and should be considered members of the same species. The phenotypic properties, such as the physiology and chemotaxonomic data (i.e. fatty acid composition, polar lipid patterns and respiratory lipoquinone content), confirmed the genotypic evaluation, and has lead to the proposal for a unification of the two species, Pseudomonas nautica (DSM 50418') and Marinobacter hydrocarbonodasticus (DSM 8798T)as Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus. Keywords: Marinobacter hil~drocarbonoclasticus, Pseudomonas nautica, 16s rRN A sequence, chemotaxonomy, taxonomy Baumann et a/. (1972) described aerobic, oxidase- to members of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa rRNA positive. Gram-negative and motile strains which branch of the rRNA superfamily I (De Ley, 1978), showed a high degree of physiological similarity, but with the remaining species being transferred to other were different from other members of the genus genera, e .g . Bre vundimon as, Her baspir illum, Hydr 0- Pseudonzoim from the marine environment. The de- gen oph aga , Sph ingom on as , Amin oba c ter , Methy lob a c - lineation of the genus on the basis of the few (key) terium (belonging to the a-subclass of the class Pro- characters listed above allowed Baumann et al. (1972, teohacteria), Acidovorax, Burkholderia, Comamonas, 1983) to place these strains in a new species in the Ralstonia, Telluria and Vogesella @-subclass) as well genus, as Pseudomonas nautica. However, over the as Xanthomonas and Stenotrophomonas (y-subclass). past 20 years, increasing knowledge of the properties Although the majority of species clustering with the of the members of this genus (both phenotypic and type species P. aeruginosa, based on 16s rDNA genotypic) has shown them to exhibit a diverse range sequence analysis, are considered to constitute the of properties. Despite the physiological diversity genus Pseudomonas sensu stricto, the 16s rDNA (Stanier et a/., 1966) evident in members of this genus, sequence and chemotaxonomic clustering of the strains studies on RNA-DNA hybridization (Palleroni et al., may be suggestive of further taxonomic rearrange- 1973) and rRNA cataloguing (Woese et a/., 1984) ments (Moore et al., 1996). provided concrete evidence for the evolutionary di- versity with the members of the genus Pseudomonas as Analysis of the database of 16s rDNA sequences defined bq Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bac- contained in the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) teriologj, ( Doudoroff & Palleroni, 1973). Further (Maidak et al., 1996) revealed that P. nautica studies have shown that the evolutionary diversity clustered very close to Marinobacter hydrocarbono- within this genus is also evident in the physiology and clasticus. Due to the fact that a short stretch of the 16s chemical properties of this group, which is extremely rDNA had been deposited, the almost complete heterogeneous and can no longer be restricted to a sequence of the 16s rDNA was determined (Rainey et single genus. As a result of the growing database on the al., 1996; accession no. Y16735) and compared with properties of this group, this genus has been restricted sequences deposited in the RDP and EMBL using the ~__ ~ ~~ 00775 0 1998 IUMS 1445 Notes Table 1. Physiological properties of Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus DSM 879aT and Pseudomonas nautica DSM 50418T: comparison of previously published and new data d/ +, Variable within species, type strain positive; NT, not tested; W, weak reaction. Property M. hydrocarbonoclasticus P. nautica Gauthier et al. DSM 879tIT; Baumann et al. DSM 504MT; (1992); n = 1 n=l (1983); n = 34 n=l Oxidase + Catalase + API 20NE:" Nitrate reduced to N, + Indole from tryptophan NT Arginine dihydrolase - Urease - Aesculin hydrolysis - Gelatin hydrolysis - Utilization of: Glucose, arabinose, - mannose, mannitol, N-acetylglucosamine, gluconate Maltose, phenylacetate NT Caprate NT Adipate, citrate + Malate NT Utilization of :t Hexadecane + Phenan threne + DL- Alanine - L-Glutamate + p-Hydroxybenzoate + rn-H ydroxybenzoate, - L-serine Succinate + * DSM strains were tested using the API 20NE system in the presence of 3 YONaCI. 7 DSM strains were tested in mineral medium in the presence of 3 O/O NaC1. ae2 editor (Maidak et al., 1996). Sequence similarities, showed that P. nautica was not a member of the genus calculated for P. nautica and related strains, indicated Pseudomonas sensu stricto and was specifically 100 % sequence identity with strain CAB (accession associated with the group of organisms comprising no. U61648), and 99.5% with the type strain of members of the genera Oceanospirilltim and Marino- Marinobacter hybrocarbonoclasticus (accession no. monas. However, at that time neither Marinobacter X67022). Critical analysis of the 16s rDNA sequence hydrocarbonoclasticus nor Microhulbifer hydrolyticiis of the latter strain (Gauthier et al., 1992) indicates had been described, and the current data expands on deviations from highly conserved base positions and the previous work. structural properties [i.e. at positions 92, 338,653,913, 919, 965, 1449 and 1467 according to Escherichia coli DNA was extracted by the method of Cashion et al. nomenclature (Brosius et al., 1978)], the correction of (1977) and used for the determination of the G+C which would result in 100% sequence similarity with content of the DNA as well as for DNA-DNA the sequence of P. nautica. The closest relatives of hybridization experiments. Determination of the DNA these three strains are Microbulbifer hydrolyticus (90 % G+C contents by HPLC (Mesbah et al., 1989) for the similarity), members of Pseudomonas sensu stricto type strains of P. nautica and Marinobacter hydro- (88-89 % similarity), Oceanospirillum species (89-90 YO carbonoclasticus gave values of 57.7 and 57.3 mol%, similarity), as well as Marinomonas and Marino- respectively. The latter values differed from that in the bacterium species (88-89 % similarity). In previous literature, determined by the thermal denaturation studies, Pot et al. (1989) and De Vos et al. (1989) method, by 4.6 mol% (Gauthier et al., 1992). DNA- 1446 International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48 Notes Table 2. Percentage composition of the fatty acids of Pseudomonas nautica DSM 50418T and DSM 6419 and Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus DSM 8798T ......................................................................................................................................... Fatty acids are listed in their order of elution. Fatty acid DSM 50418T DSM 6419 DSM 879gT 10:o 0.76 0.83 0.74 12:o 5-36 4.3 1 3.96 3-OH 12:0* 3.6 1 2.09 3.00 ........................................................................................................................................ Unknown 1 1-54 1.1 3 1.27 Fig. 1. Polar lipid patterns of (a) Pseudomonas nautica DSM 14:O 2.86 3-32 2-34 5041 8T and (b) Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus DSM 8798T. 15:O 1.72 1.57 1.28 PG, Phosphatidyl glycerol; PE, phosphatidyl ethanolamine; 1 6 : 1c09cis 15-20 15.31 11-41 DPG, diphosphatidyl glycerol; PL, unidentified phospholipids. ~ ~~ .~ 16: lw7cis 4.1 9 5.29 5.57 16:O 26.29 26.95 25.19 Unknown 2 0.57 0.9 1 Trace DNA hybridization as determined by the renaturation Cyclo 17:O 3.14 3.20 2.3 7 method (Escara & Hutton, 1980; HUBet al., 1983) and 17:O 2.8 1 2.4 1 2.43 evaluated using the BASIC computer program of Jahnke 18: Ic09cis 28.89 29.47 36.41 (1992) gave 100.8% binding between the type strains 18: lc07cis 1.08 1.25 1-80 of the two species. The genetic similarity extended to 18:O 1.99 1.97 2.23 the epigenetic (physiological and chemotaxonomic) level. At the physiological level a comparison of the *The 3-OH 12:O fatty acid was not ester-linked, suggesting it was amide-linked, possibly in the LPS. literature data (Baumann et al., 1972, 1983; Gauthier et al., 1992) revealed a total match in those compounds and reactions tested in both studies. To confirm these findings both strains were subjected in parallel to the type species of the genus Rule 15 about 30 physiological tests, which were also compared Pseudomonas. requires that the species epithet hydrocarbonoclasticus to the literature values (Table 1). The only differences be used, since the nomenclatural type is ‘that element from the published data were the failure to utilize of the taxon with which the name (here the genus phenanthrene and p-hydroxybenzoate by Marino- Marinobacter) is permanently associated’. Thus, in the bacter Ii~clrocarbonoclasticus,where the reactions were present case Rule 15 overrules Rule
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