![Leumtttg Lit Raui WED. ONLY C Cong's Jungle Bases Ripped by B52 Foree](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MOM TIm WbrUmt t t V. • . -! The DAV AuxlUary will have a eoolal and hot dog roast to­ morrow at 6 p.m. at the home lEumtttg lit raUi Ubm A m F w re t, of Mr. and Mra. Waltar Von tui^CUc o< Mr. and Mra. Don- Hone, Irodarood Dr., Vernon. Prnttnl M tneh»tUr^A CUy of VUlago Charm Mies Loulae Coppl^, DAV Btdaiwalk Salea wall a g a ih jto • M > r. PM ro*. M l LMdtow R d., ,K)naorad by tha RetaU Di- cf hM been iMumed to ttie dem’a State Department commander, will attend a guaat luncheon alon of tha Chamber of Com- VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 247 (TWBNTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., WBDNBSDXY, JULY 21, 1965 (Olaaalfted AdvarHaiBg tm Fag# ft) FRICB SEVEN CKNH tet Mt MUMlebiiry <Vt.) OoHMe liYlday at the American Legion meroa, oa Thuraday, Friday lor the eecond eemeater. Mte and Saturday. will enter her eenior year In the Convention at the Hotel Amer­ doubtful end dIem M q ) ^ ica, Hartford. horns at 9 Boulters Rd. On thaae daya marohants The regular-sised bird, ap­ throughout Mancheater will The executive board of the parently someone's pet, flop- diaplay thalr warsa outalde of Real C ooil Victor Meyere of t Hendee Newcomer's Club of the Man­ bed....................... on its backthis thalr atoraa and will feature Rd. haa been appointed rendes- big at ths feet of Mrs. Patf eclat bargalna. On Thuraday chester YWCA will meet to­ oheator. In said DUirtBLm me IMh WIND0OR LOOKfl (AP) voua chairman of the Manohee- night at 8 at the home of Mre. tenon on the parking lot of Xht free will be given Water Falls Slowly •—The temperature dipped ter Power Squadron. Dletrlot the Popular Supermarket, S day of July. A.D. IMS. two Robert Ulley, 97 Weaver Rd. away to the public in the d o ^ -o'cloclt In tb« afUmoon. and that t o a far-from-eummi' ' metW ie Cong’s Jungle Bases One rendeevoue will be held Sat­ off B. MiddleMldd' Tpke.~ ■ town aiM and at the Parkade. notlco b« flvon to all } 51 degrees today at the urday, Jtdy M. at the U.S. Coast Four choral directors from The canary which is In no A special aOles tabloid w ill be tereatod ni_ sag U.S.I. weather Bureau, Ouaid Aotulemy, New London. hurry to fly away, is re­ Issued with tomorrow's Herald nmd »ncy of this area are enrolled In a th«« tlime and place of bsarinkthaiSro- equaling the reoord low for choral worttshop at Hartt Col­ cuperating In an emptied and will also be mailed to 46,000 « i, y puMiaiiimr a oopr <* the date. Sunshine buses to Norwich lege of Music of the University flasa fish bowl. homes In Manchester and sur­ der m :* x n . ^ s j a ^ h ^ . The Weather Bureau ra- Hospital will leave Central Row, rounding area. drculatlon In Flooded Missouri of Hartford. The workshop op­ seven days before toe day f l f ^ d oorded tha low reading at Hanford, Sunday at noon. On The central theme for the hearing, to appear to«r sea oauw ened yeeterday and will con­ aerooe the norihweut edge of thoAfaet tor me,” he said, “ and I’m 6:65 a.m.. The 61 reoord the return trip they will leave clude tomorrow. Those attend­ Sidewalk Salea la “carnival.'' at s i ^ time and p iM aM be heard ST. LOUIS (AP) — was eetabHehed June 21, the administration building at Merchants will uae pennants rriatlva theraSo. and make return to Kanaae C2ty metropolitan ana not os quick as I used to be Ripped by B52 Foree ing from this area are Mrs. toll PIoodwBters fell skmly in into ttie MUsouri River. On down the Platte, the 200 1958. «;16 p.m.. Immediately after Karen Pearl of 12 Pearl St., P. Annual and other colorful displays. * ““ j OHN J. WALLWrr. xudee. visiting hours. Reservations Membera of the Manchester northwest Missouri today, Tha Platte' Mt a record cnat residents of Tracy were evacu­ Melvin Lumpkin of 117 Lenox ated as water roee Into moet of pnay be made by calUtw the St, Walter Orayb of 112 W. Towit Reports Fine Arts Association will hold 00: ftontordJ. rjo rijr. but an alert waa out for 16 Jest above Rood stage early Capitol Region Mental Health an outdoor art show to display AT A COURT OF jnJO»K’m . the lowlands along the Mia- today at Agehoy, Mo., oo milea the houses. Center St., and Miss Roberta held at Mancheater. wttoln and ter State News Association, Inc., »7 Farming- Stoughton of RockviUe. and sell their paintings during above its mouth. At Fairley, near the river's HIOHWAT DIVI8ION the sale. toe -District riot of ■■Manohastar, on toa aouri River to the east of ton Ave., Hartford. leto day of July. here. A northeasterty branch, the mouth, dikes foiled and 120 reel- McNamara, While the town is sweltering Preeent, Hon. John J. Wallett, Little Platte, receded after dente fled as the Platte eudden- in July heat, the highway divi­ But than waa a raapite from ly wae a mile wide. Donald W. Fish of SI Oliver Legion Conclave ef lU * of tha torrential ralna that aent climbing 16 feet about flood New Bill Rd. is on the dean's list at HRC Will Hear sion hi thinking about winter Mancheater, In said de- atage at SmithvlHe, a town of At Kansas City, the MIesourt Johnson Meet Btnama to record high lovela rose four feet but still was at Ohio University, for the last end the poesibUHy of increasing "rh^sdmlniatrator having s a lu t­ Monday and Tuesday, leaving 2,000 on the north outaldrto of semester of the 1964-65 school Set in Hartford the bottom of the high leveee Reports Today soH routes from two to four. ed Wa administration account irtth aeven dead in etorm-nlated in- Kanaaa City. W ould Ban year. said eatate to tola Court to?, s l ^ - which protect the city. If, the department soya, it is Mias Barbara Wallett. Depart­ ance., and having made atmUcetlon eldenta and causing damage Otov. W arren E . Hearnes Down the Missouri to the east, For Talks Yhe Human Relations Com­ ment president of the American to i m e said eatate as Insolvent lunnlng Into the millions. aakad the YVhite House fo r ati the nahlng River threatened mission win meet at 8 tonight pracMoal. without oommleatoneni, It to • No ^pilflcant rain la expected poselble enurgency aoriatanea. Vote Lever SAIGON, South Viet The sccompHshmenla of the Legion Auxiliary, will preside at ORDERED: That toe M day of the town of Orrlck with the run­ In the Probate Courtroom of the August. IMS, at 11 fltoloA fqmnqon in the next few days. The Small Buslneas Admlnlatra- past year foHow. ail sessions of the 45th annual off from flash floods which ear­ Nam (AP) — Guam-based The World's Bost Municipal Building, to hear and convention Thursday through at toe Probata Office hi toa Mbntot- The Mlasouri River la forecast tlon declared It a disaster area. ly Tuesday inundated the Moeby HAR’TPORD (AP) — discuss the reports if its sub- 1. The spring olean-up of pai--■■■■ Building In said Hancheatn._ _ — be to crest at 27^ feet tonight at At the flood’s height, 00 per B62 jet bombers attached PerfMiiws-CologiiM winter's sand was completed by Saturday at the Hotel America. and toe a ^ e la aaaIgnM tw a community and inflicted heavy The party lever would be oonunittees cn problems of the Mrs. Ruth Hickox of Manches­ hearing on toe allowanca aaM ad­ v.Waverly about 60 miles east of cent of SmHhvilte's^’ reeldenta demage at ExcelMor Springs, a Viet Gong installations in *Tree Gift Wrapping” aged, problenu of the young the first week In June. A rent­ ministration account with saM e^ Kanaae CIW. Thla would be 9H had been evacuated — some outlawed from voting a jungle area 80 miles ed sweeper was used to aug­ ter wUl serve as Miss Wallett's tala and eald anplloatlon, and title resort town Just nortiieaet of and race relations. personal page. feet over flood stage and within unwillingly and from second- Kansas City. machines under a proposed north-northwest of Saigog ARTHUR DRUB Yhe HRC has sparkplugged ment town equipment The de­ Court directs to^ notice of the a foot of the record stage sat in floor windows and porch foofs. partment also fumhriied the Mrs. Leon Bradley of Man­ Ome and place aaaigned for said Other tributaries in the heavy constitutionid amendment tonight a U.S. military a plan, subject to a public hear­ chester, Department sergeant- hearing be given to all peraone 1961. One of them waa L. H. Gold­ rain belt east of Kansas City ing at the board of direotors’ Jaycees with three trucks for known to be IntereiKed tnerain to BtUI raging today was the en, 78, n ecu ed from his attic filed today by delegate spokesman announced. their clean-up campaign. at-arms, will participate in the appear and be heard toereon bv threatened Hardin and Nor- Aug. S meeting, whereby the convention. publishing a copy of tola orter In stem of the ^atte River, which after spending the night trying bome today. Penn Kimball, D-Westport. The spokesman said only that town wm appropriate $88,000 to 2. Storm water sewers were Home newenaoer having a cipcula- x4m b about 120 m ilea due north to furniture iq> there.
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