Parliamentary Documentation Vol. XXXVIII 16-30 April 2012 No.8 AGRICULTURE -AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION-(INDIA) 1 SUMITA India's yield paralysis. BUSINESS STANDARD (NEW DELHI), 2012(19.4.2012) Expresses concern over deceleration in agricultural growth in recent years. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Production-(India). -AGRICULTURAL TRADE 2 RAO CHANDRASEKARA, K and IRFAN UL HAQ Agricultural commodities: Market update. FACTS FOR YOU (NEW DELHI), V.32(No.5), 2012(Feb, 2012): P.37-42 Analyses the main hindrance in development of commodity futures market. ** Agriculture-Agricultural Trade; Agricultural Commodities. -FARMS AND FARMERS-FARMERS' SUICIDE 3 ARUN, T K Killing the farmers softly. ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(19.4.2012) Suggests the ways to make Indian farmers prosperous. ** Agriculture-Farms and Farmers-Farmers' Suicide. -NATURAL RESOURCES 4 SRIVASTAVA, Ajai Role of geology in rural development. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.4), 2012(Feb, 2012): P.38-42 Emphasises the need for proper management of natural resources particularly soil and water for the rural development. ** Agriculture-Natural Resources; Rural Development. -WAREHOUSING 5 SUD, Surinder Going against the grain. BUSINESS STANDARD (NEW DELHI), 2012(17.4.2012) ** - Keywords 1 -WAREHOUSING Emphasises the need to consider unconventional methods of storing staple cereals. ** Agriculture-Warehousing. -WASTE AND WASTE RECLAMATION 6 SENGOTTAIYAN, A and SARAVANAN, T Mushrooming prosperity through agri-waste. FACTS FOR YOU (NEW DELHI), V.32(No.5), 2012(Feb, 2012): P.22-25 ** Agriculture-Waste and Waste Reclamation. BIOGRAPHIES -POLITICAL LEADERS-SARKOZY, NICOLAS 7 ARPI, Claude Sarkozy set to lose race. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(18.4.2012) Focuses on the characterstics of Nicolas Sarkozy in view of the voting for the first round of the Presidential elections in France. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-SARKOZY, Nicolas; Elections-Presidential Elections-(France). -POLITICAL LEADERS-VENKATARAMAN, RAMASWAMY 8 GANDHI, Gopalkrishna Renaissance man. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(21.4.2012) Pays tribute to Ramaswamy Venkataraman, former President of India. ** Biographies-Political Leaders-VENKATARAMAN, Ramaswamy. -PROMINENT PERSONS-HAHNEMANN, CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH SAMUEL 9 HADI HUSNUL ISLAM Hahnemann's scientific Homoeopathy. ASSAM TRIBUNE (GUWAHATI), 2012(19.4.2012) Acknowledges the contribution of Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy in Medical Science. ** Biographies-Prominent Persons-HAHNEMANN, Christian Friedrich Samuel. ** - Keywords 2 -PROMINENT PERSONS-RAMANUJAN, SRINIVASA 10 BAGCHI, Arunabha Indian clerk. STATESMAN (KOLKATA), 2012(18.4.2012) Pays tribute to eminent mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan ** Biographies-Prominent Persons-RAMANUJAN, Srinivasa. COMMERCE -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-(INDIA-MALAYSIA) 11 SHARMA, M K To Malaysia via the Brahmaputra. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(18.4.2012) Emphasises the need for India to develop the trade relations with Malaysia by opening the river route through Brahmaputra. ** Commerce-International Trade-(India-Malaysia); ASEAN. -INTERNATIONAL TRADE-(INDIA-PAKISTAN) 12 AKBAR ZAIDI, S Bordering on hope. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(17.4.2012) Applauds the new trade initiatives taken between India and Pakistan. ** Commerce-International Trade-(India-Pakistan). 13 CHANDRA MOHAN, N Rising tide of Indo-Pak trade. BUSINESS STANDARD (NEW DELHI), 2012(23.4.2012) Identifies the trade potential between India and Pakistan ** Commerce-International Trade-(India-Pakistan). 14 MAINI, Tridivesh Singh Trade will place peace on the fast track. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(18.4.2012) Discusses about the inaugration of the Integrated Check post at Attari and possibilities of growing trade relations between India and Pakistan. ** Commerce-International Trade-(India-Pakistan). ** - Keywords 3 -RETAIL SECTOR 15 GUPTA, Uma Retail: Future is online. FACTS FOR YOU (NEW DELHI), V.32(No.6), 2012(Mar, 2012): P.7-12 ** Commerce-Retail Sector; Online Shopping. COMMUNICATIONS -TELECOM POLICY-(INDIA) 16 BHALLA, Surjit S How to kill an auction. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(28.4.2012) Focuses on the politics behind the announcing of reservation price for an auction of 2G telecom spectrum by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. ** Communications-Telecom Policy-(India). -TELECOMMUNICATIONS 17 ARAVANAN, S and VELMURUGAN, S Telecom moving closer to maturity. FACTS FOR YOU (NEW DELHI), V.32(No.6), 2012(Mar, 2012): P.26-30 Discusses about the rapid growth of Telecom Sector in India. ** Communications-Telecommunications. -TELEPHONE 18 KAMESHWARI, P Rural telephony for rural development. KURUKSHETRA (NEW DELHI), V.60(No.3), 2012(Jan, 2012): P.12-18 ** Communications-Telephone; Rural Development. CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION -CULTURAL HERITAGE 19 LAHIRI, Nayanjot Hurting our heritage. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(30.4.2012) Expresses concern over mismanagement in preserving and protecting India's cultural heritage. ** Culture and Civilization-Cultural Heritage. ** - Keywords 4 CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION -CULTURAL HERITAGE 20 SANTOSH SINGH Neglecting Gaya. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(22.4.2012) Emphasises the need to preserve the Mahabodhi Tree at Bodh Gaya temple in Bihar. ** Culture and Civilization-Cultural Heritage. DEFENCE -ARMY 21 ROYCHOWDHURY, Shankar Mutiny and the bounty. DECCAN CHRONICLE (HYDERABAD), 2012(17.4.2012) Analyses the military and strategic consequences of highlighting the defence issues in media. ** Defence-Army; Corruption-(India). -DEFENCE ADMINISTRATION-PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 22 GUPTA, Shekhar With prejudice. INDIAN EXPRESS (NEW DELHI), 2012(28.4.2012) Analyses the flaws in Public Interest Litigation that gave a communal twist to naming of next Chief of Army Staff. ** Defence-Defence Administration-Personnel Management. -DEFENCE PROCUREMENT-(INDIA) 23 BHATTACHARYA, Abhijit Throwing some new light on old matters. TELEGRAPH (KOLKATA), 2012(19.4.2012) Brings into focus the issue relating to the process of defence procurement in India. ** Defence-Defence Procurement-(India). -DEFENCE RELATIONS-(INDIA-CHINA) 24 MEDCALF, Rory and CUNNINGHAN, Fiona After the fireworks, time for some diplomacy. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(20.4.2012) Discusses about diplomatic relations between India and ** - Keywords 5 -DEFENCE RELATIONS-(INDIA-CHINA) China after the successful test launch of Agni-V Inter- continental Ballistic Missile. ** Defence-Defence Relations-(India-China); Missiles. -DEFENCE RELATIONS-(INDIA-UNITED STATES) 25 INDERFURTH, Karl F and CAMP, Donald A Multilateralism is a game the United States and India can play. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(24.4.2012) Discusses about the prospects of strategic relationship between India and the United States. ** Defence-Defence Relations-(India-United States). 26 VOMBATKERE, S G National sovereignty and the military. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.50(No.12), 2012(10.3.2012): P.5-6; 32 Analyses the dire consequences of the strategic agreement signed between India and the United States. ** Defence-Defence Relations-(India-United States). -DEFENCE TRAINING 27 SUBRAMANIAM, Arjun Soldiering is about statecraft too. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(25.4.2012) Discusses about the need of equipping defence personnel with knowledge and modern techniques. ** Defence-Defence Training. -MISSILES 28 DAS, Premvir Fire in the sky. BUSINESS STANDARD (NEW DELHI), 2012(22.4.2012) Contemplates the neccessity of Agni-V for India's security. ** Defence-Missiles; Nuclear Weapons. 29 GOPAL RAJ, N It's high five moment for the Agni. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(18.4.2012) Discusses about implications of launching India's first ** - Keywords 6 -MISSILES inter-continental ballistic missile, Agni-V on maintaining defence relations with China and Pakistan. ** Defence-Missiles; Nuclear Weapons. 30 JOSHI, Shashank and O'DONNELL, Frank India's nuclear choices. TIMES OF INDIA (MUMBAI), 2012(23.4.2012) Focuses on improvement in India's nuclear weapons programme in the light of successful launch of 'Agni V' missile in space. ** Defence-Missiles; Nuclear Weapons. 31 KHANTHONG, Thanong Asian arms race ? STATESMAN (KOLKATA), 2012(21.4.2012) Gives an opinion on successful testing of Agni-V missile by India. ** Defence-Missiles; Nuclear Weapons. 32 NARAYAN, Lakshman American speed machine set to crash through missile control. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(30.4.2012) Comments on the development of the United States' 'long- range' stealth weapon, Electromagnetic Railgun. ** Defence-Missiles; Nuclear Policy-(United States). 33 PRAKASH CHANDRA We can stop punching below our weight. HINDUSTAN TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(20.4.2012) Applauds the successful launch of Agni-V nuclear missile at Wheeler's Island, Odisha. ** Defence-Missiles; Nuclear Weapons. 34 RAJESH SINGH Agni in India's belly, nation feels secure. PIONEER (NEW DELHI), 2012(24.4.2012) Gives an opinion on successful launch of India's Inter Continental Ballistic Missile Agni-V. ** Defence-Missiles; Nuclear Weapons. 35 SULLIVAN, Kate Do not let Agni-V's shock and awe endanger Asian stability. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(23.4.2012) ** - Keywords 7 -MISSILES Discusses about the successful launch of Agni-V missile by India and its implications for world peace. ** Defence-Missiles; Nuclear Weapons. ECONOMIC GROWTH -(INDIA) 36 BALAKRISHNAN, Pulapre Public goods as the way to welfare. HINDU (CHENNAI), 2012(21.4.2012) Discusses about the ways of achieving inclusive growth in India. ** Economic Growth-(India). 37 MANOJ, C L Who spoils reform discourse ? ECONOMIC TIMES (NEW DELHI), 2012(25.4.2012) Identifies the reasons
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