The Arrowtown Village Association Committee Meeting 7 pm – Thursday 23 July 2020 (Location: Arrowtown (tennis) Club Rooms, Centennial Ave) Agenda Guest Speaker: David Mayhew, Keith McIntosh: Kelvin Peninsula Community Association (KPCA) David and Keith will outline structure and progress on the KPCA Emergency Response Plan Apologies: Heath Copland Minutes of previous meeting. June 2020 (as circulated, or AVA website) Matters arising: Inwards Correspondence: • QLDC - Olive Leaf hearing, dates confirmed 19/20 August • QLDC - Dog control Bylaw adopted • WSP (QLDC?) - Arthurs Point bridge discussion • QEII – survey link re Mahu Whenua use (following enquiries as not initially received) o Distributed via FB, webpage blog, member newsletter • No Leaf Trust – notice of donation request • NZ Police – follow up to phone call; ongoing concerns with September “Dance Party” • APBA – explanation of above: Mardi Gras September 12 o Mixed details emerging • Community Matters – Lottery Grant report due o Ben has completed • Daniel Sweeney – feedback on Clean Air article in member newsletter • DOC – invite to Conservation celebration, 20 August o Details to follow • NIWA – Arrowtown Volunteer participant group meeting, 27 July Outwards Correspondence: Treasurer’s Report: Councillor’s Report: Committee reports Website and Membership Communication: Wilding Pine Control: as attached Tracks/Signage: Clean Air: as attached Reserves: Other: APBA, Village Access, Library etc if any relevant updates/discussion required Agenda Items: • Community Response Plan – Sara • AVA role/understanding in community, AVA structure – discussion topic o Follow up from June discussions, and subsequent info (SOF, constitution) as distributed Next Meeting: 27 August 2020 The Arrowtown Village Association Committee Meeting 7 pm – Thursday 23 July 2020 (Location: Arrowtown (tennis) Club Rooms, Centennial Ave) Minutes Guest Speaker: David Mayhew, Keith McIntosh: Kelvin Peninsula Community Association (KPCA) David and Keith outlined structure and progress on the KPCA Emergency Response Plan Present: Noel Beggs, Peter Robinson, Susan Rowley, Ben Teele, Dave Harding- Shaw, Sara Clark, Jean Britton, Nicolet Spice (Non-committee members also present: Ika Willets and Zoe Pierce) Apologies: Heath Copland, Daniel Sim, Nick Fifield Minutes of previous meeting. June 2020 (as circulated, or AVA website) Ben/ Dave Matters arising: Inwards Correspondence: • QLDC - No Leaf hearing, dates confirmed 19/20 August • QLDC - Dog control Bylaw adopted • WSP (QLDC?) - Arthurs Point bridge discussion • QEII – survey link re Mahu Whenua use (following enquiries as not initially received) Distributed via FB, webpage blog, member newsletter • No Leaf Trust – notice of donation request • NZ Police – follow up to phone call; ongoing concerns with September “Dance Party”, and potential attendance of “boy racers” • APBA – explanation of above: Mardi Gras September 12 • Community Matters – Lottery Grant report due Ben has completed • Daniel Sweeney – feedback on Clean Air article in member newsletter • DOC – invite to Conservation celebration, 20 August o Details to follow • NIWA – Arrowtown Volunteer participant group meeting, 27 July • Treasurer’s Report: Financial Report for July attached (Dave / Ben) • Councillor’s Report: Not available this month • Website and Membership Communication: Loop Article next week • Wilding Pine Control: as attached Ben mentioned recent media coverage regarding Govt involving unemployed people in this work, nothing has eventuated from this • Tracks/Signage: As attached Followup on Coronet Forest consultation, there was a suggestion that this may not go out for community consultation. Dave opposed to this - not in best interests of town to have no community consultation. Dave to follow up. Discussion on equestrian use of these tracks and wider trails • Clean Air: as attached Dave observed very little information on ORC website RE what is an allowable woodburner, or subsidy info. Clean air/Clean heat page doesn’t exist anymore, link to approved burners goes to “not found” page • Reserves: No update • Other: APBA, Village Access, Library etc if any relevant updates/ discussion required. (All reports accepted Dave / Jean) • Agenda Items: • Community Response Plan – Sara Sara Clark & Noel Beggs met with Ika Willets and Zoe Pierce, and communicated interest in helping. Sara to recontact and see where to from here. Zoe and Ika invited to attend 23rd July Committee Meeting, both in attendance * AVA role/understanding in community, AVA structure – discussion topic— Follow up from June discussions, and subsequent info (SOF, constitution) as distributed Dave suggested changing constitution to allow for employing Secretary at AGM. Also asked about removing subscription mentions (not currently relevant). Proposed structuring the committee’s focus into more defined areas /categories eg: Community and the Arts, Sports and Rec, Family & Social, Environmental & Sustainability, Tracks & Mahu Whenua, APBA Liaison, Housing & Development (could include economic development, not just “building”), History & Heritage (e.g. Tobin’s House possible rebuild project, and use that track as a first for new Tracks Committee), Health & Wellbeing. Dave questioned whether Arrowtown Enviro stakeholder group mentioned in Shaping Our Future has been established, and what legal status of Shaping Our Future is. Asked is there still dedicated QLDC Arrowtown planner as mentioned Page 9. Asked about rules around community fruit trees. Could we make better use of these by having a map of what is where, and when fruit accessible? Susan observed that up until now the AVA has operated on an issues-based approach Noel not comfortable with electing Committee “roles” (e.g. Chairman / Secretary) at AGM - this should be handled at first meeting following AGM. Susan & Jean opposed the change Peter questioned whether the AVA has a “voice” or opinion, and how do we define this. Susan suggested holding an AVA Meeting / workshop focussed specifically on Shaping Our Future document. There was interest expressed in this by other members Sara proposed the benefit of AVA having a stronger community voice / profile / presence - possibly via boosting social media presence Jean proposed not complicating the structure of the AVA too much, as may have difficulty attracting new members Submission on National Environmental Standards on Air Quality (as attached) Peter Robinson outlined the main points to the Committee, who moved the submission be placed with a covering letter by 31st July (Peter / Susan) Meeting closed at 9.23pm Next Meeting: 27 August 2020 Address all correspondence to: Arrowtown Village Association P O Box 140, Arrowtown. 9351. Website : www.Arrowtownvillage.nz Registered Charitable Trust - No. – CC39594 - Treasurers report of the financial activities of the Arrowtown Village Association for the period 21 June 2020 – 20 July 2020. Expenses paid - $575 – Alison May/Jun $92 - The Loop Income Received - Small amounts of interest All balances as at 20 June: Cheque - $1,730.09 Predator Free Arrowtown - $9,733.04 ArrowNet - $2,919.55 Call - $17,869.69 Reforestation - $2,719.45 Arrowtown Wilding - $13,886.61 Sawpit Gully - $3,055.09 Feehly Hill - $9,163.56 TOTAL - $61,077.08 Upcoming: $575 – Alison July/Aug $4,396.35 GST refund for May/Jun End of year accounts due to be done and filed with Charities office $20 transfer to call account each month? Dec 31 – Charities return due for year ending 30 June 2020 Dave Harding-Shaw Treasurer Arrowtown Village Association Inc The Arrowtown Village Association The Arrowtown Village Association is the name given to the Arrowtown Residents Association (Inc). Its aims and objectives are to promote communication between the different voluntary organisations within Arrowtown and Districts and to provide a common forum for the enhancement and protection of the intrinsic values that make the town of Arrowtown unique. Born of Gold in 1862 Arrowtown Wilding Project – Update Report July 2020 • Ground contractor works have recommenced following beginning of new financial year. Focus has been removing the remaining trees above Bush Creek towards Eichardt’s Flat. Crews have also started working along the remaining portion of Tobin’s Face. This includes some trees removed near Millennium Track. • DOC is handling the contractor liaison and health and safety, but one incident reported to QLDC. Involved end of day pack up where trucks were parked. DOC and QLDC will determine how to address this. Contractors have now moved away from public tracks so unlikely to repeat. • Trees near the tracks have been ringed as a safety measure. • A patch of larch between Millennium Track and Tobin’s Track have not yet been dealt with due to safety concerns after discussion with QLDC and contractor. These trees will need to be removed off site. Contractor and DOC are in conversation with the company logging Coronet Forest about their potential removal. Once methodology is determined, QLDC and DOC will advise around timing of track delays. • No further progression on proposed nursery • Comms in August for colour planting in September Tracks report: Mahu Whenua meeting along with Noel on 16/7. Good community turnout to discuss what people want to see happening in the Mahu Whenua area especially in relation to potential user conflicts in future. Robust discussion, and a general view that the open natural spaces be preserved and generally minimal new trails built and those that are should fit in with with that sort of view. QE2
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