Vol. 84, No. 2 Philadelphia Bar Association Quarterly Magazine Summer 2021 Lawyers in the Family BY MEMBERS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION The Legacy of “The List” ‘Doing Some Good Today’: by Albert S. Dandridge III Pro Bono Goes Virtual by Valentine A. Brown Early Bird Registration Open Now at philadelphiabar.org 2021 BENCH-BAR & Annual Conference Join Us Join us Friday, October 1, 2021 for a day of virtual courses and plenaries, including the opportunity to earn up to eight CLE credits. Celebrate the return of Bench-Bar with an evening of COVID-safe networking and socializing from 5:30- 9:30 p.m. Thursday, September 30 at Franklin’s View, a Cescaphe venue in Franklin Square, 200 N. 6th St. Sponsorship opportunities available – contact Tracey McCloskey at [email protected]. BE A PART OF IT A Community That Matters THE PHILADELPHIA L AW Y ER CONTENTS Vol. 84, No. 2 Philadelphia Bar Association Quarterly Magazine Summer 2021 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS 10 Pandemic Silver Linings 2 From the Editor Beating the COVID blues through BY SHELLI FEDULLO shared meals and Chopin BY YING ZHOU 4 Briefs 12 ‘Doing Some Good 5 In Memoriam Today’: Pro Bono Goes Virtual 14 7 From the Chancellor When conducting a virtual pro bono BY LAUREN P. MCKENNA clinic, patience and flexibility are key. BY VALENTINE A. BROWN 8 Ethics Shining a light on tough questions of conduct. 14 Remembering Doreen Davis BY DANIEL J. SIEGEL Friends and colleagues remember the late Doreen Davis, who approached every challenge she faced with 38 Technology determination to be consequential. The technologies adopted by necessity during the pandemic BY DANIEL A. CIRUCCI are here to stay. BY DANIEL J. SIEGEL 17 Annals of Justice: The Heyday of Federal Parole Practice 43 Book Review Leveling the playing field at parole hearings. BY LEE A. SCHWARTZ BY STEVE LACHEEN FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION: Practice, Procedure and Forms, by Carolyn Moran Zack 22 Lawyers in the Family Lessons learned when the Thanksgiving table is full of 44 That Was Then —2005 Summer lawyers. Sports Fundraisers BY MEMBERS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION Going the distance with the Philadelphia Bar Association 31 The Legacy of ‘The List’ The nurturing relatives of Philadelphia’s Black attorneys. BY ALBERT S. DANDRIDGE III 34 For Fans of Du-Wop A harmonious ode – and playlist – for what the author calls “the best listening music” BY DAVID I. GRUNFELD 36 A Matter of Life and Death Recognizing the responsibility that comes with privilege BY JENNIFER DUMIN 31 the philadelphia lawyer summer 2021 1 FROM THE EDITOR Keep Smiling BY SHELLI FEDULLO mong the reasons I am %XW LQ VPLOLQJ ZH DUH UHPLQGHG RI DQG WKLQN , HYHU PHW KLP (QWHULQJ WKH SUDF- WKULOOHG WR ZDON DURXQG VKDUH RXU IDLWK DQG WUXVW LQ RQH DQRWKHU WLFHRIODZZDVQRWSDUWRIP\IDPLO\OHJ- ZLWKRXW D PDVN LV WKDW IRU DV ZHOO DV LQ RXUVHOYHV 7KHUH LV SRZHU DF\RUHYHQVRPHWKLQJ,FRQVLGHUHGDVDQ WKHÀUVWLQDYHU\ORQJWLPH DQGEUDYHU\ZKHQZHVPLOH,WLVIRRGIRU RSWLRQXQWLOP\PLGV%XWKHUH,DPD I was able to smile at a “stranger” who WKHVSLULW$V,VLWDWP\FRPSXWHUZULWLQJ ODZ\HUPDUULHGWRDODZ\HUDQGWKHYHU\ VPLOHG EDFN 7KDW EULHI FRQQHFWLRQ IHOW SURXGPRWKHURIDQRWKHUODZ\HU$OWKRXJK ORYHO\,WDOZD\VGRHV,WLVDPRPHQWRI WKHWKUHHRIDUHLQYHU\GLIIHUHQWSUDFWLFHV VKDUHGKXPDQLW\ DW GLIIHUHQW ÀUPV , JXHVV LW LV IDLU WR VD\ 0\PRWKHU7KHOPDRIEOHVVHGPHP- WKDWODZLVRXUIDPLO\EXVLQHVVDQGZHDUH RU\HQMR\HGWHOOLQJPHDERXWKRZZKHQ QRWDORQH,QRXUIHDWXUHSLHFHWKLVHGLWLRQ , ZDV OLWWOH , QHYHU WRRN WKH ZKROH ´EH ODZ\HUV IURP VHYHQ GLIIHUHQW IDPLOLHV FDUHIXO RI VWUDQJHUVµ WKLQJ WR KHDUW DQG 6D\GH'DYLGDQG+LOODU\/DGRY-RH7RU- FRQVWDQWO\VPLOHGDWHYHU\RQHDOORIWKH UHJURVVD6DXODQG'DYH/DQJVDP(PPDQ- WLPH 7KLV VKH UHDVRQHG LQFUHDVHG WKH XHODQG-DQH,KHXNZXPHUH'DYLGDQG.HQ OLNHOLKRRG RI PH EHLQJ VQDWFKHG DZD\ *UXQIHOG ZLWK D VSHFLDO ´JXHVW DSSHDU- ZKLFK VKH IXUWKHU UHDVRQHG FUHDWHG DQFHµ E\ .HQ·V WK JUDGH VRQ 1DWH WKHDEVROXWHQHFHVVLW\IRUKHUWRDOZD\V 7LP DQG 'DQ /DZQ DQG 6WHYH /D&KHHQ ZDWFKPHOLNHDKDZNDSUDFWLFHVKHFRQ- VKDUH WKHLU H[SHULHQFHV DQG SHUVSHFWLYHV WLQXHG SUHWW\ PXFK XQWLO , ZDV HOLJLEOH In a related piece, “The List,” incoming IRU0HGLFDUH,DPVDGDERXWKRZPXFK TPL HGLWRU²LQFKLHI $OEHUW 6 'DQGULGJH ,PLVVWKDWEXW,DOVRVPLOH6PLOLQJFDQ ,,,SURYLGHVDFRPSHOOLQJQDUUDWLYHRIWKH EHFRPSOLFDWHG ´JHQHUDWLRQDO KLVWRU\µ RI %ODFN DWWRUQH\V $V,WKLQNDERXWLWVPLOLQJZDVDJLIW LQ3KLODGHOSKLD IURP P\ EHORYHG7KHOPD *URZLQJ XS 7KRVH RI XV ZKR DUH SDUW RI ODZ\HU DQG JURZLQJ ROGHU DOZD\V HQYHORSHG IDPLOLHVKDYHHLWKHUEXLOWLQPHQWRUVRUWKH DQGSURWHFWHGE\KHUORYHPDGHPHIHHO ZRQGHUIXORSSRUWXQLW\WRPHQWRU,I\RXDUH secure and optimistic about the world and P\ÀQDOFROXPQDVHGLWRULQFKLHIRIThe LQWHUHVWHGLQEHLQJDPHQWRURUÀQGLQJRQH P\SODFHLWLQ0\VLQJOHPRWKHUUDUHO\KDG Philadelphia Lawyer, I am smiling, and SOHDVHYLVLWWKH3KLODGHOSKLD%DU$VVRFLD- DQH[WUDSHQQ\WRVSDUHEXW,JUHZXSZLWK KRSHWKDW\RXWDNHDPRPHQWWRÀQGVRPH- WLRQ ZHEVLWH DQG VLJQ XS 7KH 0HQWRULQJ ULFKHV³VPLOLQJZDVHDV\ WKLQJWRVPLOHDERXWDQGWKDWLWIHHOVORYHO\ DQG 3URIHVVLRQDO 'HYHORSPHQW ,QLWLDWLYH :HVPLOHZKHQZHDUHKDSS\EXWWKHUH ´+\PLH WKH /DZ\HUµ ZDV P\ RULJLQDO ZKLFK , FKDLU DORQJ ZLWK -HQ &RDWVZRUWK LV PRUH WR LW7KHUH LV GHSWK FRPSOH[LW\ IDPLO\ FRQQHFWLRQ WR WKH SUDFWLFH RI ODZ DQG5HJLQD)ROH\PDWFKHVDWWRUQH\VORRN- DQG QXDQFH LQ VPLOLQJ :H PD\ QRW EH +\PLHZDVWKHQHSKHZRI(LWDZKRZDV LQJIRUKHOSDQGJXLGDQFHZLWKWKRVHZKR MXPSLQJIRUMR\WKLVYHU\PLQXWHDQGZH PDUULHG WR P\ JUDQGIDWKHU·V EURWKHU 7KH ZDQWWRSURYLGHLW7KLVLVRSHQWRDOORQD PD\QRWIHHOZHKDYHPXFKWRVPLOHDERXW ´FRQQHFWLRQ´ZDVYHU\DWWHQXDWHG³,GRQ·W UROOLQJ EDVLV$V ZH UHFHLYH UHTXHVWV -HQ The Philadelphia Lawyer 8636 SULQWHGZLWKVR\LQNVRQUHF\FOHGSDSHULVSXEOLVKHGTXDUWHUO\LQ0DUFK-XQH6HSWHPEHUDQG'HFHPEHUE\WKH3KLODGHOSKLD%DU$VVRFLDWLRQ 0DUNHW6WWKÁ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ÁRRU3KLODGHOSKLD3$ $VSROLF\ZHGRQRWFRPSHQVDWHRXUZULWHUV 2 the philadelphia lawyer summer 2021 As I sit at my computer writing The “ Philadelphia my final column as editor-in chief Lawyer of The Philadelphia Lawyer, I am EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Rochelle M. Fedullo smiling, and hope that you take a Editorial Board Albert S. Dandridge III moment to find something to smile Steven R. Sher Jennifer Platzkere Snyder Brian J. McGinnis about and that it feels lovely.” Daniella Price Niki T. Ingram John Gregory Regina, and I “convene”—as often as nec- love, for this magazine. Being a Philadel- Jonathan Aronchick Matthew Faranda-Diedrich essary—to help lawyers who want help phia lawyer is a privilege we all share, and Angela Giampolo find lawyers who are there to help. From it has been a privilege to serve as editor-in- Harold K. Cohen personal experience, I can tell you that chief of The Philadelphia Lawyer. Another Emmanuel O. Iheukwumere Daniel J. Siegel being a mentor is terrific. reason to smile. During 2019, in my monthly “Chan- Editors Emeritus cellor” columns in the Philadelphia Bar David I. Grunfeld Reporter and in four editions of this mag- Rochelle M. Fedullo (rochelle.fedullo@ Stephen Robert LaCheen Richard G. Freeman azine, I have had the wonderful opportu- wilsonselser.com) is Editor-in-Chief of The Michael J. Carroll nity to share my thoughts with you, and I Philadelphia Lawyer, a past Chancellor of Justine Gudenas thank you for reading. Before I sign off and the Philadelphia Bar Association, and a Editing and Design make my way down to the bottom of the senior counsel at Wilson Elser Moskow- Rachel Kipp TPL masthead, I thank our amazing com- itz Edelman & Dicker LLP. Opinions are Brittany Anne Robertson munications team—Rachel Kipp, Brittany the Editor’s own and are not intended to Robertson, and Wes Terry. I thank my dear express views of the Philadelphia Bar friends and colleagues on the Editorial Association, the Editorial Board, or those Philadelphia Board for their dedication to, and yes, even of her professional affiliation. Bar Association CHANCELLOR Lauren P. McKenna Chancellor-Elect Wesley R. Payne, IV Vice Chancellor BE A Marc J. Zucker Secretary Michael J. Stackow PART OF IT Assistant Secretary A Community That Matters Michael T. van der Veen Treasurer MEMBER BENEFITS INCLUDE: Matthew S. Olesh • Valuable networking and leadership opportunities Assistant Treasurer • Impact government decision making that affects the legal profession • 6 CLE credits to use on any of our one or two-credit programs Jennifer S. Coatsworth • Discounts on shipping, office supplies, legal services platforms and Executive Director mental health and wellness services Harvey Hurdle Jr. • Timely updates from the courts JOIN US • New clients through our Lawyer Referral and Information Service TODAY • The chance to make a difference philadelphiabar.org the philadelphia lawyer summer 2021 3 WORLD BriefsBBriefsRUGBY LEVELS rUP ■ CLEANINGi UPef THE WATERWORKSs ■ IN MEMORIAM World Rugby Levels Up orld Rugby is amend- considered for inclusion in rugby’s law book Get Published in ing its laws, and it is from May 2022 — a year before the Rugby with hope that the World Cup in France. W safety of rugby play- In addition to the trial amendments, a ers all around the world will improve, but at panel of concussion experts will be made what expense? available to the highest
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