PAGE 2 PAGE 5 PAGES 8 & 9 Music director Conference looks at Advocates seek receives bursary making disciples transformation TheTHE NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO AnglicanA SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL www.toronto.anglican.ca DECEMBER 2018 christmas message BY BISHOP KEVIN ROBERTSON Let us make room ake some room!” That’s the cry of our six-year- old twins when they Mcrawl into our bed at 6 o’clock in the morning. Those of you who have children will understand the irony that, after crawling into bed, those same little ones then proceed to sleep horizontally, making absolutely no room for anyone else! The Christmas story is about making room. In the familiar ac- count from Luke’s gospel, Mary and Joseph were on their way from Nazareth to Bethlehem. And when they arrived, it was FIRST LIGHT time for Mary to give birth. They Paul Seto and Mary Ho help children at St. Elizabeth, Mississauga practice lighting the Advent wreath. A candle will be lit each week during Advent, followed by went looking for a place to stay, the lighting of the middle candle on Christmas Eve. Advent starts on Dec. 2. PHOTO BY MICHAEL HUDSON but there was no room for them. And so, Mary and Joseph found rest in a cold and smelly stable the love of God to be revealed. was the Word, and the Word – probably with cows and sheep, And yet, in spite of this, God was with God, and the Word was and horses and pigs. And in this came. In a backwater town, God” (John 1). THE BISHOP’S LEVEE 2019 unlikely place, the Saviour of the half a world from anywhere, And alongside these ancient at the Cathedral Church of St. James world was born. Because no one God came. The conditions were truth-tellers comes perhaps an could make room, or perhaps no hardly ideal. The people were unlikely source of wisdom – that one would make room. oppressed under Roman rule is, the Grinch. When his evil That’s a sad proposition, but it and, even within Israel, the plot to try to steal Christmas wasn’t new. For generations, the religious leaders were known had absolutely no effect on the God of Israel had desired to have to place oppressive weights on residents of Whoville, the Grinch room in the hearts of the people. the backs of the people and not began to ponder what Christmas God had reached out to them in lift a finger to ease them (Luke was really all about. a covenant with Abraham and 11:46). Life was hard. And yet, Sarah, and delivered them from God came. “And the Grinch with his Please join Bishop Andrew Asbil and the College of Bishops the hands of their enemies in And so God comes to us. In Grinch feet ice cold in the snow, to offer best wishes and prayers for the New Year. Egypt, and then Babylon. God the brokenness of our world, and stood puzzling and puzzling, sent messengers and prophets to in the imperfection of our own how could it be so? January 1, 2019 teach them. Yet time and again, lives, even when we feel unready It came without ribbons, it Said Eucharist at 12:30 p.m. God’s people would not make or unworthy, God still comes came without tags, room. with the power to transform, it came without packages, Receiving Line and Reception from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. How often have we refused to renew and recreate. boxes or bags. with the ringing of the Bells of Old York make room for God in our lives? Through the centuries, many Festive Music at 3:00 p.m. How often do we become en- writers have reminded us of this And he puzzled and puzzled, trenched, refuse to forgive, hold truth, and especially the gospel ‘til his puzzler was sore. Choral Evensong at 3:30 p.m. on to a grudge, ignore someone writers themselves. Luke tells it Then the Grinch thought of with presentations of The Order of the Diocese of Toronto in need? How often have wars brilliantly in the familiar story, something he hadn’t before. and other conflicts been per- acted out in pageants around the What if Christmas, he thought, King & Church Streets, Toronto petrated because people can’t world on Christmas Eve (Luke doesn’t come from a store? All are welcome. make room for those who are dif- 2:1-20). John the Evangelist tells What if Christmas, perhaps, ferent? Our world is littered with it poetically in the prologue to means a little bit more. Nursery care provided. missed opportunities to allow his gospel: “In the beginning Continued on Page 7 2019 ARCHBISHOP FETED AT DINNER – SEE PAGE 4 2 TheAnglican NEWS December 2018 Music director Robert Graham (second from left) is joined by John Campbell, Elizabeth Cowling and the Rev. Stephen Kirkegaard after the bursary presentation. At right, Mr. Graham leads the church’s musicians. PHOTOS BY THOMAS EVERS Music director receives first Cowling bursary IT was a special service on Oct. as an influential parish musician, Under Mr. Graham’s leadership, rations are planned with Holy Cowling, and recognizing Robert 21 at Holy Trinity, Guildwood, as teacher and artist. Holy Trinity has presented several Trinity’s neighbour, Sir Wilfrid Graham and the parish of Holy the inaugural Douglas C. Cowling The $5,000 award is given an- concerts featuring some of To- Laurier Collegiate Institute, further Trinity, who are on a journey to Bursary in Liturgical Music was nually to a part-time musician ronto’s most prominent vocalists highlighting Mr. Cowling’s legacy maintain and strengthen Mr. Cowl- awarded to the church’s music working in a parish in the diocese, and musicians, including a recent of musical outreach and inclusion. ing’s legacy of congregational sing- director, Robert Graham. to encourage creative musical and fundraising concert featuring Mr. Mr. Graham has been Holy Trin- ing, musical outreach, creativity Presenting the bursary was Mr. liturgical experimentation with Graham’s eclectic pop/rock band, ity’s music director for just over and inclusiveness,” said the Rev. Cowling’s widow, Elizabeth, who the aim of fostering full liturgical The Fairest and Best. three years. He is a professional Stephen Kirkegaard, incumbent. highlighted her husband’s legacy participation by all age groups. Several future artistic collabo- musician with a varied career, A special guest on hand for the encompassing all styles of music service was composer and long- both in and out of the Church set- serving music director at the ting. He has worked as a profes- Church of the Redeemer, Bloor St., Correction notice sional pianist, vocalist, songwriter, John Campbell. A friend and col- music director for theatre and league of Mr. Cowling, Mr. Campbell Your friends at AN advertisement in last month’s choral singing, vocal coach and helped launch the first “Inspiring issue about LOFT’s 28th annual accompanist. An award-winning Music in Worship” seminar, a five- Christmas concert at St. James songwriter, he has also written week series exploring the role of The Anglican Cathedral gave the wrong date. several pieces of liturgical music music in the worship life of Holy In fact, the concert will be held currently in use at Holy Trinity, as Trinity. Based on the book by Brit- wish you a blessed on Monday, Dec. 10. See the well as songs dealing with issues ish author Helen Bent, the series revised advertisement on Page of social justice. helps congregations engage in an Advent & Christmas. 3 of this month’s issue for more “The presentation marked a inclusive and supportive discussion information. beautiful combination: remember- around the role of music in their ing the wonderful life of Douglas worship lives. YOUR ANGLICAN CEMETERIES & Mary G. Griffith B.A., M.B.A., J.D. Maclaren, Corlett LLP CREMATORIUMS IN THE G.T.A. Barrister& Solicitor (Ontario) 175 Bloor Street East, Attorney & Counselor-at-Law (New York) Suite 1803, South Tower, (NON-DENOMINATIONAL, NON-PROFIT) Toronto, ON M4W 3R8 Wills, Trusts & Estates, Business, Real Estate Tel: (416) 361-3094 Fax: (416) 361-6261 www.maclarencorlett.com E-mail: mgriffi[email protected] St.St. John’s John’s Dixie St.St. James’ St.St. John’s Norway Norway CemeteryCemetery & & Crematorium Crematorium CemeteryCemetery && Crematorium CemeteryCemetery & CrematoriumCrematorium 737737 Dundas Street Street East East 635635 Parliament Parliament Street 256256 Kingston Kingston Road Road Mississauga,Mississauga, ON ON L4Y L4Y 2B5 2B5 ToToronto,ronto, ONON M4X M4X 1R1 1R1 ToToronto,ronto, ONON M4L 1S7 Phone:Phone: 905.566.9403 905.566.9403 Phone:Phone: 416.964.9194 416.964.9194 Phone: 416.691.2965416.691.2965 81ST YEAR AT THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY www.stjohnsdixie.com www.stjamescathedral.on.cawww.stjamescathedral.ca www.stjohnsnorwaycemetery.cawww.stjohnsnorway.org December 7–9, 14 –16 & 21–23, 2018 All of our properties offer: 4:30 pm Matinees: 7:30 pm Evening shows: Casket Graves, Cremation Plots, Niches & Scattering Gardens Dec. 8, 9, 1 5, 16, 22 & 23 Dec. 7, 14, 15, 21, 22 & 23 along with the following services: To order tickets on-line or for more info visit: Memorial Markers, Monuments, Inscriptions, Memorial Trees with Plaques and Pre-Need Services thechristmasstory.ca PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE OF INTEREST OR VISIT OUR WEB-SITES FOR MORE INFORMATION OR CALL: 416.598.4521 X301 Contact: 416.925.3234 APPROVED BY: SUSAN WATSON Date: October 01, 2018 Docket: CS2017_01 Filename: HTCS_Anglican_HolyT_ad_V02 Ad Size: 2Col x 3.25" Black K Client: Christmas Story Revision: 01 (3.937" x 3.25") Campaign: 2017 Campaign Prod.
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