GROUPS PIEDGI FULL EOUAITY In the wake of much local knowledgement that they have discussion about the discrimi­ no policy that restricts member­ nation and segregation in Wich­ ship on the basis of race, relig­ ita. one may find that WSU can­ ion. or national origin. not be classified as either Herman stated. "The decision segregated or discriminating. to be non-discriminatory in mem­ Recently Dr. Dave Herman. bership is in compliance with chairmaTi of the WSU Human the Kansas State Board of Re­ Relations Commissions, an­ gents policy. The State policy nounced the all eighty-nine requires that each organization student organizations on the on campus acknowledge their WSU campus have made an ac- understanding of this policy ?!!- jq *"«y^< ».*!-.'« *i«i m r«r o m m « • and give assurance that they have no practices that violate TkimjmiMnM h$ht l, t. l ii Pit nwattr «f "i Am ntn, whtrt Art Yttt* toitg Airttitd hr Codols P iA the non-discrimination pledge.” "Although, no organization re­ fused to sign the pledge, if they 6 Fiaalistt had. steps would probably have Six WSU coeds were selected been taken by WSU to assure as Air Force ROTC Queen signing.” stated Dr. Herman. finalists at noon Thursday in WSU ia by far. not the first Wilner auditorium as over 700 university to be asked to have members of the WSU cadet its organizations sign a nondis­ wing voted on a total of 44 crimination pledge. Many of The Sunflower contestants. the other universities have had O m O A h 8T D D B M T N 8W 8PAPBR Finalists are Jan Bowman. much trouble getting the signa­ SanchaJohns. Jan Morgan. Mary ture of some sororities and fra­ VOL. LXX NO. 62 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY MARCH 28. I960 Swafford. Terri Tomlinson, and ternities. Andrea Wright. In an article in the "National The queen will reign over Observer” the plight of the Women For GoiU Men For Sex the fortieth annual Military Kappa Delta sorority chapter at Ball at the Cotillion Ballroom the University of Wisconsin and April 15. She will be named that of Sigma Chi fraternity all Honorable Cadet Colonel during over the United States was More Than Jost Finding Dote the ensuing year. The other pointed out. finalists will serve as the "The Kappa Delta sorority queen’s court, and two of them chapter has been given one will be selected as cadet more school year to sign the un­ ICE Questfonnaires Tabulated sweethearts for the year. iversity's nondiscrimination The candidates filed ap­ pledge or cease to exist on cam­ naires ccHnposed of 500 men that He may or may not exist. plications this spring with the pus. The pledge asks that no Ml DON AWTREY and 500 women. Five per cent reported that the Air Force ROTC ^ d e t one be denied membership be­ ItAff Writtr According to the survey they believe that He does wing. Basis for selection*was: cause of race, color, creed, Over 1000 Interest Compa- based on the 1000 question­ not exist. a 2.0 grade point average, en­ or national origin.” tability Bxchange question­ naires. the statistics show More women than men be­ rollment in a minimum of 12 Id the case of Kappa Delta naires have been completed that 52 per cent of the stu­ lieve that Qod does exist, as hours, membership in campus the local president signed, but and returned by students who dents do not smoke. 26 per 82 per cent of the women re­ organizations and activities, the national president has not. are wandering into the world cent smoke occasionally, and sponded favorably, as com­ and reason why each wanted Althou^ attacks accusing of dating by computer. But only 22 per sent smoke regu­ pared to 62 per cent of the to be queen. See Discrimination Page 2 there was more to the ques­ larly. “This is quite a sur­ men. tionnaire than just finding a prise. unless Just non-smokers Fifty-six per cent of the Larger Language mate through a computer. are interested in dating by a students believe that “man­ Jerry Harper, graduate stu­ computer." Jerry observed. kind’s hope lies in social dent and one of the organizers Of the women, 60 per cent breakthrough" rather than a of ICE. also wanted to run a do not smoke. 28 per cent oc­ “political, scientific, or cul­ Davis Spiab On Words, Personality Profile and Prefer­ casionally. and 12 per cent tural" breakthrou^. Of the ence Survey. He thought it regularly. Forty-four per cent difference between men and would be interesting to find of the men do not smoke. 32 women answering, 60 per cent out how students at WSU feel per cent smoke regularly, of the men aid S per cent Spoct la Our LHorotort about dating. Qod abortions, while 24 per cent smoke only of the women chose “ social Robert Qorham Davis, a because literature is made out smoking, mankind's hopes, and part of the time. breakthrough" to further es­ noted lecturer on the many of other literature. odier areas in terms of statis­ On the question of whether tablish mankind. meanings of language, delivered "Some words ring formulas tics. Qod exists or not, 72 per cent See Commuter Page 2 a lecture entitled "The Way Up which audiences have already An initial survey has been believed that He does exist, and The Way Down; Arche­ responded to. but great writers conducted with the question­ while 19 per cent believes Deadline Set types of Space in Literature.” are using combinations and to a campus audience Wednes­ sin^e words that are not day. cliched, trite or necessarily Ptoct Corps Book Lists ' "Imaginative literature is related to normal usage.” SQA President Keith Thomp­ more than just words.” Davis Davis went on to point out son announced the deadline for said. "Authors are using words that most readers haven’t had filing applications to run for in different ways. enough foreign language to 120 TrolRliio Programs next year's Congress and class "We encounter familiar words, understand the nuances of offices to be 3 p.m. next Fri­ plots and the like when we read usages that relate to other The directory is the first training programs it is launch­ day afternoon. languages. guide of it's kind published ing this summer directed at Monday aftemocn. the new "To appreciate literature, by the Peace Corps and lists college seniors and graduate election code which was passed we must master the larger the largest number of job students across the United Tuesday night at the weekly language. We can't appreciate openings and trainlngprograros States. The directory marks Student Qovernment Associa­ how the author uses a word overseas—over 7.000 in the several advances in planning tion meeting will be available unless we know how it has organleation's five year his­ and launches programs for 47 in the SQA office in the CAC. been used before and for what tory. Hie directory contains nations of Asia. Africa, and Major changes in the new purpose. descHjiAlons of each program Latin America. election code include a top In discussing words and that are listed by type and space. Davis told how a fall geographical r^ion and are limit of 835 for each candi­ can not only be a fall (him Indexed by appropriate college Library Chaagti date’s campaign. Students space but also a fall (tom major. don't have to spend this much power. Down can mean coining some Qf the opportunities on their campaigns, but they off of a hlU. Yet. the word hiU are lb education, public and Satardoy Hoari can if they want, according to connotes upwardness. municipal adminlsilation. Thompson. Candidates can "Bxcellihg is an upward social work, electrification. Mr. Downing O'Harra. head use all kinds of printing pro­ movement.” Davis said. ^Ex- arcUtecture, and many others. librarian, announced that Ab- cesses for blurb sheets. cell is the motto of New York Copies of the directory can lah Library will remain open Each political party has a State but cooiraty to po|>ular be obtained from the campus on Saturday afternoons until limitation of 82 per person to beliefthatdoesD’tmean taaes.” lacetneht office or by writing 6 p.m. instead of 5 p.m. until spend as party funds. If two "Look around,” said Davla. Sie Division of Public Infor­ the end of the semester. people make up a party, then and aek what goes up - the The reserve and main desks 84 mation, Peace Corps, Wash­ can be spent publicizing DAVU sun. birds and vegetation. ington, D. C. 20525. will close at 5 p.m. but regu­ the party. If there are 60 mem­ Man is thought of ae tdiiHght lar bookq may be checked out bers. then a 8120 limit will be .*• iIrtttIM Af in both physical and nutal The Peace Corps published untU 5:50. set for them. a directory listing some 120 stature. Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives • 5 2 M M I N JUenh Yarborough ••• Performs Here ConttBaed ftem Page 1 lU rty-six per cent of the Twenty-eight per ceix of the etc.) is Bidih isiporunt. the TarboRngh. pogidar Afler several songr. Yv- 1000 qaesttoanairee program- women stated " b etween per­ figures showing W p v cent sM pr foraeily with the Liwe- boroagb taraed the show over med stated that studente feel sons in love." as opposed to fv tbe men, SB p v cent for Ugliten. w aved v the W8U to Sienian.
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