2014 CONTENTS YEARBOOK 2014Year text2 ALetterFromtheGoverningBody4 HighlightsofthePastYear8 OF PreachingandTeachingEarthWide45 JEHOVAH’S SierraLeoneandGuinea79 OneHundredYearsAgo—1914170 GrandTotals176 WITNESSES Trakai, Lithuania / SIERRA LEONE AND GUINEA yb14 2014 Yearbook of -E Jehovah’s Witnesses yb14-E 141210 2014 CONTENTS YEARBOOK 2014Year text2 ALetterFromtheGoverningBody4 HighlightsofthePastYear8 OF PreachingandTeachingEarthWide45 JEHOVAH’S SierraLeoneandGuinea79 OneHundredYearsAgo—1914170 GrandTotals176 WITNESSES Trakai, Lithuania / SIERRA LEONE AND GUINEA yb14 2014 Yearbook of -E Jehovah’s Witnesses yb14-E 141210 ˘ 2014 Photo Credits: Page 81: Cotton tree, WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT Freetown: ˘ Lee Karen Stow/Alamy; My Spiritual Goals for 2014 SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA page 83: Maps: Based on NASA/Visible Publishers Earth imagery; page 112: Female circumcision ceremony: ˘ Louise Bible Reading and Study WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT Gubb/Corbis; page 132: Sierra Leone civil SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, INC. war: ˘ Patrick Robert/Sygma/Corbis; 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY Rebels, Sierra Leone: REUTERS; 11201-2483, U.S.A. pages 140-141: Diamond mine, Sierra November 2014 Printing Leone: ˘ Teun Voeten/Panos Pictures; Preaching and Teaching This publication is not for sale. It is page 170: Battle of Somme, 1916: ˘ provided as part of a worldwide Bible Lightroom Photos/Alamy educational work supported by voluntary donations. 2014 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses English (yb14-E) Christian Living and Qualities Made in the United States of America Crossing a river atop canoes Fishermen bringing in their to attend a convention catch in Sierra Leone in Guinea ˘ 2014 Photo Credits: Page 81: Cotton tree, WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT Freetown: ˘ Lee Karen Stow/Alamy; My Spiritual Goals for 2014 SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA page 83: Maps: Based on NASA/Visible Publishers Earth imagery; page 112: Female circumcision ceremony: ˘ Louise Bible Reading and Study WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT Gubb/Corbis; page 132: Sierra Leone civil SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, INC. war: ˘ Patrick Robert/Sygma/Corbis; 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY Rebels, Sierra Leone: REUTERS; 11201-2483, U.S.A. pages 140-141: Diamond mine, Sierra November 2014 Printing Leone: ˘ Teun Voeten/Panos Pictures; Preaching and Teaching This publication is not for sale. It is page 170: Battle of Somme, 1916: ˘ provided as part of a worldwide Bible Lightroom Photos/Alamy educational work supported by voluntary donations. 2014 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses English (yb14-E) Christian Living and Qualities Made in the United States of America Crossing a river atop canoes Fishermen bringing in their to attend a convention catch in Sierra Leone in Guinea This book belongs to 2014Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses Containing the Report for the Service Year of 2013 2014 YEARTEXT “Let Your Kingdom Come.” Matthew 6:10 About one hundred years ago, Je- hovah installed Jesus as King in the invisible heavens. Since then, God’s servants have zealously made known the blessings that Christ’s Kingdom will bring. Imagine! Under the loving rulership of Jesus, the earth will be- come a paradise, filled with people who truly love one another. There will be no crime, no fighting, no sickness, no suffering, and no death. Soon, those blessings will become a reality. God’s Kingdom is real, and it will come and fulfill all that Jehovah has purposed. Pray for the Kingdom to come, tell others about it, and treasure the hope of all that it will do for you. 2 A Letter From the Governing Body Dear Fellow Domestics: How delighted we are to write you at the beginning of this momen- tous year! By late 2014, a whole century will have passed since our beloved King Jesus Christ began ruling in the midst of his enemies. —Ps. 110:1, 2. Early in this service year, at the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the New World Bible Translation Committee released the newly revised English edition of the finest translation of the Bible available to mankind. Jehovah used his own spirit- begotten sons to provide the origi- nal (Rom. New World Translation. 8:15, 16) That fact alone certainly makes this translation special, do you not agree? For many years, the Writing Committee of the Governing 4 Governing Body members arriving for their weekly meeting, usually held on Wednesday mornings Body has made Bible translation its priority. Today, the is available in whole or in New World Translation part in 121 languages. We entreat you to show Jeho- vah how deeply you appreciate the Bible you have. Read it and meditate on it every day. Thereby, you will draw closer to its Author, Jehovah God.—Jas. 4:8. We are moved when we hear of the trials that our precious brothers and sisters are facing. Understand- ably, they may at times find it difficult to rejoice with their brothers. One family in Asia, for example, re- cently had their lives turned upside down when the mother suddenly became completely paralyzed. Baffled, the medical experts were unable to reverse her condition. How sad! The husband now provides around-the-clock care for his wife. Their son and two daughters are setting a good example as Christians by giving loving support to their parents. This fine family as well as all of you who have successfully dealt with various trials can feel the joy that comes from enduring tests of your faith. (Jas.1:2-4) Jehovah as- sures his anointed ones and the other sheep that we will be happy that we kept on enduring trials, because we will be blessed with the gift of everlasting life! —Jas. 1:12. Last year, the Memorial attendance was 19,241,252. How encouraging to see so many honor Jehovah and Jesus Christ by attending the most important meeting of the year for God’s people! During the Memorial season, a great shout of praise ascended as millions served as auxiliary pioneers in March and April. How 6 2014 YEARBOOK inspiring! And were you not pleased to learn that those enrolled as auxiliary pioneers during the circuit overseer’s visit may enjoy the entire pioneer meeting that he conducts, even if his visit is not during the months of March or April? Spiritually wise ones un- derstand the value of keeping active in the preaching work and in congregation activity. Being busy helps us to remain steadfast and immovable, foiling the Devil’s attempts to undermine our faith and push us off course.—1 Cor. 15:58. How invigorating it is to note that during the past service year, 277,344 symbolized their dedication by water baptism and are now on the road to life along with their brothers worldwide! (Matt. 7:13, 14) These new ones need our support to become “stabilized in the faith.” (Col. 2:7) Continue to encourage one an- other to endure to the end. (Matt. 24:13) “Speak con- solingly to those who are depressed, support the weak, be patient toward all.” (1 Thess. 5:14) Finally, may each of us “pray constantly,” saying: “Let your King- dom come.”—1 Thess. 5:17; Matt. 6:10. Please enjoy this and know that we love Yearbook, each and every one of you lovers of Jehovah! Your brothers, Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses A LETTER FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 7 Highlights of the past year Warwick, New York: Construction is underway at the future site of our world headquarters 8 Jehovah gave Ezekiel a vision of a colossal celestial chariot, which represents the invisible part of Jehovah’s organization. Despite the chariot’s immensity, it moves swiftly and changes direction with lightning speed. (Ezek. 1:15-28) Exciting developments during the past year indicate that the earthly part of Jehovah God’s organization is likewise on the move. LOW-RES 2 5 4 4 3 3 1 An Organization That Is on the Move On Friday, July 5, 2013, the United States Bethel family was thrilled to hear Anthony Morris of the Governing Body announce: “On Thursday, July 4, 2013, an agree- ment was reached to sell the six buildings comprising the 117 Adams Street and 90 Sands Street complex in Brooklyn. The sale of Buildings 1 to 5 requires that we vacate them by mid-August of this year.” Brother Morris explained that the Laundry and Dry Cleaning Department, located on the sixth and seventh floors of Building 3, would continue to function there until mid-2014. “The 90 Sands Street building,” he said, “will likely be vacated during the 2017 calendar year.” 10 2014 YEARBOOK Brooklyn, New York: Buildings 1 to 5 and 90 Sands The sale of the six large buildings is part of the effort to move the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses from New York City to a 253-acre property at Warwick, New York. However, preparation and excavation at the construction site could not proceed until the necessary permits were obtained. Hence, the United States Bethel family listened ea- gerly to the announcement read by Mark Sanderson of the Governing Body on Thursday, July 18, which said: “We are happy to announce that on Wednesday evening, July 17, the Warwick Planning Board unani- mously approved the site plan for the new world head- quarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is the final ap- proval needed to begin obtaining building permits to start construction. It is of interest to note that last eve- ning’s approval came exactly four years to the day since we closed on the purchase of the Warwick property. What is more, the events of the last few days that led to this approval provide dramatic evidence of Jeho- vah’s blessing.” Brother Sanderson thanked everyone for their tireless work and earnest prayers in behalf of this important project. “Most of all,” he said, “we give praise and thanks to Jehovah for this important mile- stone in the relocation of the world headquarters to Warwick, New York.” On Friday, July 26, Brother Morris met with some 1,000 Bethel and Regional Building Committee (RBC) volunteers who were gathered in the new dining room located at Tuxedo, New York, the staging area for the HIGHLIGHTS 11 Warwick project.
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