BATURDAT* O CTO m arw E LV B T V. •• j-f The Weath^’. lUmtclr^Bttr Co»nbt9 : ad V. a. Aveemte Dgfly Net Prdss Raa da the public by up that you con get donatione with­ fa r fib* MhmA Saptember. Ifi4» DUworth-Oom«n-Quey P «it No. aome well-lqjown figure with a T- out being too InetotenL thto aftamieout Cato t o s i g f i t * ^ 102, American Lefion, will meet ■one or an O-aone and letting you Tnmdoyt sealer teolghtt BMlif About Town at the Lietlon Home on Monday Heard Along, Main Street know that thia figure haa awltched A new type of fieM trial, for ______ evenlnt u Thla la the refular to Bcndeia Apple Drtp Connecticut, that featurae the ctomgsbi .«|4 Mra. David I buelneea maetinc for the d ^ th of It would never do to make m actual ehooting of “planted" Wrda WofUM Mmtn which wae ache<Med f « And on Sonts o i Maneho$tOf^» SIdoStrooUt Too calm sUtement that a cerUin to. In our humble opinion, a mto- \ oti........... Manehmtor^A Ctiy of VOiage Charm ofH artford S a l^ o o Arm? Monday October 31. but haa been company had good soi^ or good U- toka on the port -of the Hartford eorpa will ^eak at the meeting of advanced one week becouae of ihe quor for sole. Thto “does not catch law-makers who legislated the PRICE FOUR CENTS the local corpe tomorrow evening. Hallowe’en actlvltlea Refreah- Tbla whole thing la getting tpo^annual loaa of U. 8. Agriculture ^ s aye” or pain the ear. We.no­ shoot-to-kill ’*sport" into exletence (FOURTEEN PAGES) RecehUy located at Chelaea, Maaa., menta and a aoctal time will fol­ involved. Once upon a time there of over eight billion doltora from tice only that ^hlch smocks us they are eucceaaora to Major and and a mtotoke on the port of the roL. LXDL, NO. 20 low the meeting. woe a Deportment of Oommeroe. insects and weeds, largely on ac­ In the teeth and forces us to parttclpatlng hunters. Mra .Baaford, diviaionat youn^ It was token for gronted tbot It count of the destructlaa of valu< nu’ slag paOpl^a aecretarlea, who have been aadls. Last we be aceuZed of nu' woe the U 8. Deportment of Com­ able Wrda by eaU at large, for In toiort, unless something to a deep-eoated antagontZm ogfitnn tranaferred to Philadelphia. Sunaet Council of Paat Noble merce becouae ot thot time no birds ore the beat protection overaUtsd, or dramatised, Goumge Xjnlimited Oranda will meet in the Federa- hunting or hunters, we wish to am- peanut company, utility or state against insects and weeds.' For don’t even notice it. That word phostoe at the outset that we hwe News Tidbits Kiowa iCouncll No. 3S, Degree of j tlon room of Center Church houae example: it to on the record that “dramatized’’ to put in there pur­ MONDAY, OCT. 24 TrumAn Pie Ads Anew bad such o thing. The Utle Was Monday evening at eight o'clock. a great liking for the sport, w e Attlee Cuts Dollar CuOed From (/P) Wires Pocahontaa of Rockville, ha eX' without competition. one Downy Woodpecker In 3 1*3 posely, for It covers the some idea Miaa Ruth Porter, the hooteaa. love hiking in the froet-crusted tended a cordial inviution to me: If you wonted to know aoms- houra cleaned Up 181 trees of os overstatement, but It covers It swamps and picking our way bera of Sunaet Council, No. 45 oi will be aoalated by Mra. Ethel nests of a borer that-wduld have by starting from the opposite di­ IN THE SOUTHEAST SECTION Strong, Mra. Evelyn Sworda, Mias thing about trade, you Just wrote through the knee-bigto hummo^ke, American diplomnts behind thia town to be preaent at the offi­ to the Department of Commerce, destroyed the trees. One Flicker rection. and ere con thrill—with the meet cial viait of the Great Pocahontaa Florence Taylor and Mra. Eldlth for a meal wiU take 5,000 ants . or. Through drsmatisaUon, we con Spending,. Defense Iron Curtain begin eecret etret- Waahingtoni D. C.,. and back rabid sportsman — to the beauty egy talks on east-west cold w sr.. and her board of great chiefa, Fri­ Walah Smith. The entertain­ 1,000 chinch bugs. * One tiny even overdo our understatemenU., Help the Hospital —> Help Local Industry By Contontilg For World would come an answer within the of a dog frozen to point and a Twenty years ago tUe week the day evening, October 28r In Rock­ ment will be In charge of Mra. Warbler dieposes of 8,500 aphids You can say eomethlng eo terribly Ruth Beckwith and the attend­ same month, signed by the guy cockling cock breokii^ cover. ■lock market crashed to tragic ville. Dinner will be aerveu at 6:30 In 40 minutes. Authorities agree quieUy that the eUUnes# ehrleta. But we find it difficult to en­ To Sava Paper. The Need Hss Not Dfanlniehedl at the Red Men’a aub, 95 Eact ance prixe will be fumiahed by you addressed. Bomethlng of this quoUty to ending to Sn era of prosperity 8hortly “empire building” start­ that if all birds ware to vanish, joy the spectecle of e hunter end Costs for Britain Belton. TSx., trial of Sam Smito- M «l« otreet that city. The meeting Mra. Nellie LuU. all life on earth would quickly creeping Into the dromaUc condi­ dog entering e field emugiy- follow at eight o'clock. Xoca ed and all things began to grow. tions that surround us on every wlck, former Jim Wells deputy It became necessary to designate perish, for Inadcta would destroy atbeked with severel planted pheoe- £ mambcra who plan to be preaeht side. Btrangely though, this owr- sheriff, for murder of veternu To BAnish A-Bombs Edward T. Lucaa, fireman U8N, the “U. S.” Department of Com­ all vegetation. play by understatement has ants. And our blood doesn’t race with pride in the Great Amaricor klso Slashes Free Medi­ ••nrepnpennno, opens .. UN P ^ ? S y * ^ i^ E Y . a r r X t u i.% ^ e ^ . l of 117 North Scho^ merce. Then they put Wadiington 'Not all people know the enor­ slipped right out of the hsnds^of doom Hides UUcsl committee takes up report into postal districts. Then they Sportsman os we think of the by^noon Monday ' ^Vh" RJrrLTn'^^^U?Uv: mous extent of the kllUng-of birds the advertising gang Into the cal Services to Ease from PMiUMti Conciliation commit­ Asks for ^Negotiation split up the Commerce Depart­ by cats, because it to stealthy, nlltts of the public oIBclato, (Used bird being blasted out of tee admitting'fallnre to eflorta to Television Burglar the aky by a cool hunter ehooting Start Saying Now Highlights Given Reaenratlona for the pheaaant from the Deati^er USS EngUi*, ment into “bureaux” , and these lightnlng-ewlft, and takes place They are the ones who have cor­ Britain*# Economic Cri­ Peace Hopes end Balkans CMfllct. Report Is Mistake And Mutual Adjust­ ■UM^r to be ierved Thunday eve-1 Three other local ^ were further reduced to drawers, moatly in the dim hours of dawn ner^ the new development. over a smartly-pointing dog. services and “field <ffflces”. All As ws understand Om usw trial, sis; Program Means -Jspsa puts to nnbther Md for ment’ to Ehd Cold ntag. at ••the___ Flrat______ CongregaUonal:a_ .a M.QA I flrgtrnft^n. and tVilliaiTi J. Law* and evening. Cats have on ex­ Aceonntfi opened not later than the 5th of any nionth UN membership as soon sa she Of Other Talks Inglewood, Calif., Oct. 24.— church, Vernon Center, at 6:30, sema fireman, and William J. Law^ this is in keeping with the greater traordinary senee of smell that the procedure will be 'pxeetly the ton, airman apprentice on the Air It didn’t take long for one per­ some os the former trial except earn dividfind from the lat of that month. Rise in Food Costs No Apparent Progress completes ‘‘rehabilitation os a (F>^Pollce Capt. Robert Col­ War’s Threat to Peace may be made through Mra. George efficiency noted in government leads them to the exact spots son to fprjget about safety of craft Carrier,. US8 T-eyte, also and business whereby, today, if that most of the birds will be tegular member of toe family of New York, Oct. 24—( ^ —'-Here lins returned home from work, Hammar, tel. 2-9816, or by calling where birds ore In bushes. We Fire I^eventlon Week ended lest We pay high dividends (Current rate 3 percent) and ^or Hungry Britons Towai^ Break Cod nations” .. British author Frances tried to flick on hla television In Address at U | i- Rockville, 989 or 1821-J 2 by Tuea- visited the Rlvlkra while docked at you write anywhere you udll get a killed. Thto apparently means ora highlights of addresses of Golfe Guan, Frtoi don’t allow babies to dash vslu- Sunday. the pheasants will be planted by all accounts are insured to |5,000. Or Steel Stride# Yet Dole dld'the typing, but she Insists set but It didn't work. precedented Open Air iay soda. The meal wiU oonaiat of letter from somebody you—never abls watches to the ground, or Over on the west side of town speakers who joined President Tru­ tomato Juice, roaat pheaaant with wrote to within the same year. the aome method — tucking the London, Oct.' 24.— thmtf her last book, as yet un­ man today in cornerstone laying The insides of the set were, Seventeen members of the W.
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