y ■. i \ ‘ ^ 'n n z» Dafly Net P re n R« 7 iTid Wgfithcr ' , rw tke W<wk EnM - ■ ■ t a w M . Foreenot of U. g. R’enthsr Rtoww ; (Xoudy, soattered showers, Hmm- 13,601 dershowers tonight. Low In 88a. ■■ - '7, .3 Mamber of the Audit , 'Notiie clearin g ' T H O 0 d n y . BHgh tan M of OtoMtotiaa . Mancheater^A City of VUlage Charm around 88. ▼OL. L X X X I, NO. 248 (TWELVE’PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JU LY 23, 1962 (OawUied AdvertUiag oa Fofo 10) PRICE nV E CENTS Peace Study Report State News NHRR Request Roundup To^ Gut Trades UN^ Seat Urged Hotly Opposed 27 Killed, 13 Fall KiUs Wife, HARTFORD (A P)—Oppo- sition was lodged today a t a Husband Faces hearing before the Interstate For Red China Murder Charge Commerce Comminssion by state and federal government officials against proposals by Honolulu Jet UNITOD NATIONS, N. Y, (AP)—A citizens study group STAMFORD (AP) — Jo­ the bankrupt New Haven which included Eleanor Roosevelt has recommended granting seph Tillman, 47, faced a Railroad to abandon branch Red China a United Nations seat. charge of murder today in line operations between Tor- It said the problems' of divided Germany and Viet Nam the death of his wife, Chris­ rington and Winsted and be­ ghoold be turned over to the world >—^ ------------------------------- tine, 38. Tillman pushed .his wife off the tween Willimantic and Pom- Canadian In its report, released Sunday porch behind their . third-story fret. I n i^ t. the Commission to Study Chinese Reds, tenement apartment ' Saturday Represcfntotives of Gov. John N. the Organization of Peace, a re­ night, police said. Dempsey and Congressman Hor­ search affiliate of the American ace Seely-Brown termed the pro-1 Mrs. 'nilman landed on con­ Craft fdr Association for the United Na- India Argue on crete pavement. She was dead on posal of the New Haven truateeai tioos, rerammended: arrival at the hospital. a detriment to the economic fu-> 'T h e recognition of an autono­ Ladakh Clash Tillman said he had quarreled 'ture of Connectincut and th^ rail-1 mous Taiwan (Nationalist China) with his wife because he found on road. I Australia entitled to its own representatives his arrival home that she had in­ Samuel Kannell, public utilities in the General Assembly fo ;addl- TOKYO (AP) — Red China vited friends in for a party, po­ counsel, representing Gov. Demp-j HONOLULU \(AP) ^ A iion to the representatives of the accused Indian troops today of lice said. sey entered this statement on: be-' half o‘f the Governor; J Canadian airliner crashed and Peiping (Communist China) gov­ firing on three Chinese military ernment regarded the effective 141 to 149 The lines represent a compara-! burned in an emergency land­ government of ^hina, the two outposts during the past week in tively small portion of the entire' ing Sunday night at Hono­ p arts'of the Chinese people, pro­ the disputed Ladakh region. It HARTFORD (AP)—The Stole New Haven system. The public in-! testing that they are alt one peo­ said such actions have caused Motor Vehicle Department's daily terest, however, requires that any j lulu International Airport, ple, abould lie more capable of grave tension along the China- record of automobile fatalities as proposal to abandon branch lin^' killing 27 persons. Thirteen settling 'their differences by India border. of last midnight and the totals- on freight service or curtail commut-. escaped with minor injuries. peacefto^ negotiations within the In the most serious incident, a the same date last year: er service must be regarded with The Britannia propjet crashed framework of the United Na-iC3iinese broadcast reported, Indi­ 1961 1962 concern. in a runway constracUon area. an troops opened fire on a Chinese Killed ............................. 141 149 ''It has long been niy conviction The impact scattered bulldoten Emeritus Arhur N. Hol­ post in the <3iip Chap Valley, —and I strongly repeat it now— | and earth-moving machines. combe of Harvard, the commis­ tor !iing off a ZO^minute battle Chancellor Named that curtailment or reduction of rThe exploding airliner was sion's chairman, wrote in a fore­ Saturday. - -r service should await the develop-j sliced in two. The plant's front BIUDGBPORT (AP)—The Uni­ ment of the urgently needed long-J word to the report: India claimed intruding Com­ versity of Bridgepor.t preparing section was reduced to tangled "The inclusion of effective munist forces began the shooting range program for continuing and steel and ashes. for a 10-year, 617,900,000 expan­ rehabilitating the New Haven, that spokesmen for all the world's peo­ in the Chip/Oiap area and said sion program, has revamped its All IS survivors were iff the tail ples in the general international two Indii^ soldiers we^e woimd- gradual dismemberment of thCj section. Three stewardesses and top administrative structure and railroad ^thout regard to future' organization will maximize the ed. It chsuged Chinese troops also created the new position of chan­ the purser, all from Vancouver, potability of peaceful changes in opened / fire on another Indian needs and future growth potentials | B.C., were among survivors. ' cellor. may well cause damage to our | the world.’' force /elsewhere in the Ifimalayan Chosen to fill the new office The liner, "Empress of Lim a," , Members of the commission the same day. economy and to the railroad itself was president Jam es H. Halsey. —much greater than any tempo-! had left Honolulu only 41 minutes who signed- the report included New Delhi, Prime Minister His appointment will becime ef­ earlier for FiJi, New Zealand, and Mrs. Roosevelt; Dr. Frank P. ^hru today described the situa- rary savings.’' fective Aug. 1. the university an­ Republican senatorial aspirant Australia. Minutes after takeoff nounced Saturday. the pilot radioed the Honolulu (Oentinued on Page. Three) (Continued on Page Three) Horace Seely-Brown unable to at­ Vice IPresident Henry W. Uttle- tend today's hearing was repre­ tower that he had feathered No. 1 field, author of several succeasful sented by former Congressman-at- engine and was heading back. textbooks on Ekux^iean and Ameri­ Large Antoni N. Sadlak. Seely- The big silver aircraft appeared ■ can history, wiU move up to the to veer left before touching down presidency. Brown's statement read; ‘"The abandonment of tracks and Rescue workers and ambulance crewmen carry charred bodies from the wreckage of the Canadian on what Federal Aviation Agency The new vice prlsident will be officials said was a routine land­ Peru Strikers Test Albert B. Diem, who was named facilities for freight service on a PaclAc Airlines Britannia which crashed at Honolulu International Airport. Bits of the plane flew piecemeal basis would aeem to be all over the runway when the aircraft plowed Into earth moving equipment during an emergency ing on three engines. assistant to President Halsey The leftward slippage plunged early this year. a most foolhardy move. A business landing. A gtant bulMoz^ la visible at right. ( AP Photofax l. that la operating, even one that is the aircraft Jnto toe runway, con­ being operated ^ a receiver or struction equipment. The impact Military Junta Rule Drouglu Holda trustees in bankruptcy, hardly can explosion ^rea'd flames a n d Heed Kennedy’s; Proposal chunks of fuselage and engines By THE ASMCIATED PRESS expect to survive by cutting off, 10,000 Sailors Heavy rains fell on Connecticut inch by inch or mile by mile the over hundreds of yards. UMA. Peru TAP)—The power-^tary Imprisoned President Manuel over the weekend but they failed facilities Which H has for getting The crash was the worst ei- fill Workers Confederation of Peru Prado and other key political to provide any real relief from the business ___ In Quarantine vllisn air disaster in Honolulu his­ began a nationwide strike today figures. long dry spell. “The railroad should not be per­ Aerospdee Unions tory. Sixty-six died in March 196( to inotest the overthrow of con- Police broke up a crowd of 300 IJp to an Inch of rain doused cer­ mitted to abandon any line or serv­ when a - MiUtary Air Transport tain areas of the state during ice unless it surrenders also toe SAN DIEGO,® Calif. (AP)—Ten Service plane crashed in moun­ atituUanal government by a mili­ women demonstrators with tear thousand sailors at the naval tary Junta. ' gas and water cannons in Lima's thunderstorms Saturday and Sun- franchise rights which are in­ tains near the airport. «i*y. ____ volved, evfn though such sur- training center here are under The plane. Flight 310, had orig­ The Junta...lacing ita aevereet Plaza San Martin .Sunday nlghL. quasantlne ' l^eoauac «C . an r out­ The women fou^ t - back briefly ' H ow w ta.'tM ’V.S. WeatH(ii"BO!^ rsntlwf itaoeanmy would have- to Walkout inated in VanoMiver Frtday and- reau at 'Windsor - tiodcs said the apply to. aft area heyood that cov­ break of Iriflictteua‘n><wfi1gltfB,'':toe was held over in Honolulu after I with pdrses and prayer books. Navy reported today. provoking, illupti work stoppages. The demonstration was organised rain came down too quickly to be ered by toe abandonment .... arriving at 6:30 a.m. Hawaii tim a,i#4£3! absorbed Intq the soil. “Theaa petitions for the abandon­ The entire recruit training com­ Saturday. - Early reports 'indicated govern­ hy APRA supporters. mand was ordered quarantined LOS ANGELES (AP)—Two big6> Although there was no Indica- Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Saturday's thunderstorms were ment of railroad service are not unions have agreed to President tion that an industry-wide settle­ The 18 survivers In the tail see^ ment presstire had blunted the accompanied by vlcdent winds timely in ttiy opinion.
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