University of Northern Iowa UNI ScholarWorks The Alumni News Letter UNI Alumni Association 10-1-1929 The Alumni News Letter, v13n4, October 1, 1929 Iowa State Teachers College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy Copyright ©1929 Iowa State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Iowa State Teachers College, "The Alumni News Letter, v13n4, October 1, 1929" (1929). The Alumni News Letter. 1. This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the UNI Alumni Association at UNI ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Alumni News Letter by an authorized administrator of UNI ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ALUMNI NEWS LETTER IOWA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Vol. XIII CEDAR FALLS, IOWA, OCTOBER 1, 1929. Numbe11- 4. ONLY THREE PRESIDENTS IN 53 YEARS ■ ■ e ■ ■ I I ■ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ ■ I I I I I I I I I I ■ I ■ I I I I I I I •• ....... .............. .......... ......................... ····················································• .... , J. C. GILCHRIST, 1876-86 0. R . LATHAM, 1928-- ff. H. SEERLEY, 1886-1928 • • I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I I I ♦ I I I I I a I I I I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I a ■ I a I I a I I ■ I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I 41a ■ ■ a ■ ■ e ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ I I I I I ■ I I ■ ■ I I I I I I I I I I I l I I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ I I ■ I I I 1 I I ■ ■ I ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ I ■ I I I I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ 8 ■ ■ I I ■ I ■ I I a ■ ■ ■ ■ I •• 'l'ruubadouni were selecteJ at tbe COMMENCEMENT ,;ame Lime. 'l'his club is also com­ posed or twenty-eight member s, the Another Comme ncement has same number as the Minnesingers. passed. '!'he August graduating The Minnesinger!! plan a trip lu exercises were very beau ti!ul, dig­ ll'larch the same as last year. Atter nified and impressive. The day tbeir tour they will give a home 1Vas l>right- n oL too warm, not too concert al the college, cuol. 'rhe procession fo1·med east or the library building and marched The Ma 1·k ing Systew: Several im­ east to College Street, then north portant changes have been made in to the corner or •rwen ty-Third and the marking system. The letters College Streets, then on the diagon­ A, B, c, D, and F (Failure) are al walk thl'ough the campus under lle reafLer LO be used to indicate the the stately elms to the auditol'lum quality of a 11tudent's work. Grade oulldlng. 'l'he college band was points are to be given tor marks 1eadm g. 'fhe caps and gowns of the as tollows : ror each credit hour or tacully representing the many in­ worJ,. in which a s tudent 1·eceives a :Hltuttons rrom which degrees were mark of A, 4 grade points a re giv­ rece1vect, made a picturn never to be torgotten by those who witnessed en; tor B, :l grade points ; for C, 1L. 'J'be commenceu1Pnl. address i grade points; tor D, l grade point. given l>y Dr. Charles McKenuy, An average ui 1 3- '1 grade 1>.:>luio 1· res1dent oc the State Normal C.,l- per credit hour 1s 1·equired as the 1ege, ~ psilanti, Michigan, was most ;itandarJ ror graduation. excellent a nd inspiring. 1)1•• .Limtz Issues Science Bulletiu: Mr. (Jluu-le!I i\l, PresideuL 'l'he Science Bulletin is to be issued oc the Michigau State Normal tllis year wilh Dr. C. W. Lantz as ::school :.u Yps! ,uut1, Michigan, ad­ J;,;ditor-iJ1-Chtef. The last y_ears t.1 ressed the summer graduates at ;::,c1e nce Bulletin under the editor­ exe rciseii held ill the college audi­ s blp of P1·oressor R. W. Getcb.ell, torium, Friday morning, August received such res ponse that the Ex­ 2:l, at Leu o·cic,ck. Mr. McKenny tension Division Ceel encouraged to hall been the of many de­ continue its pi..:blicatlon. gr~es and hat1 had considerable The Science Bulletin I~ a ser vice t.xperience in th£ fie1d o[ ect ucation. l)ulletln published monthly by the 'l'he following i;1 Lh,. record or his .L•:xtensiou Division and edited by achievements: PROCESSION, AUGUS'l' COMlllENCEMillNT, 1929. the Departments of Natural and Edu:::aLiou: 1:l. S., Michigan Agri­ Physical Science. It is sent out c ultural College, 1881; A. B., 1889, to the Science Teachers of the Iowa A. M., 1892, Olivet College; A. M., high schools ri·ee of char11;e. There 1!10 4, University or Wisconsin; LL. w!ll be nine issues this year. By U., 191 2, Olivet College; D. E ct., ........................................................................................................... means or a questlo:ialre which the 1928, Miami University. Expe ri­ town; Nyra Elizabeth Gaskell, J:lelle ice; Stanton Madison, l ndepend­ To guide each stude n ts· cour,;e. nounced. Alumni representatives to stat( is sending out they are finding e nce: Professor o( History, Olivet Plaine; F. A. Gorton, Rolaud; H ub­ e uce; Liberty Maye Mattson, Jef- Dean Lc.3 lle l Reed. lle h eard in the Waterloo meeting out just what the teachers want and College, 1895-06; Principal, State ert James Green, J olley; George 1erson; Uliver W. Meyer, Waterloo; Jnstructvr:1 traiu, teach how to as announced are Mrs. Maud Pal­ will u·y and meet their needs. Norma, School, Mt. Pleasant, .Michl­ Ha rdy, Greeue; Ar thur Hockey, Huth Meyer, Cedar !•'alls ; Wilfred find mer, Waterloo chairman of Englis h ga!l, 11; :Jti-1900; President, Milwau­ Barnes City; Grant E. Hollma n, L. Mc(;impsey, Waverly ; lt'red Wil­ lu kuvwledg(, a resource. conference; County Superintendent l' rotesso1· \ V. A. Brindley, debat­ kee Nonual School 1900J12; Auth­ Cedar F alis ; Donald A. Houck, lett McLaughlin, La .1.-'orte City; A. Ottilie, Manchester, chairman l\la:; Smith. w. ing coach, deliven,d two lectures at or :Jf .. Personality or the Teacher" ; Minneapolis, Minn.; Elmer Lee Hussell Hooert l\lcMains, Bloom­ of County Superintendents and R ur­ Male Quartette the Hamilton County Teachers ln­ President of the Natioual Society Hout, Cedar !<'alls; Joseph F. Kiss­ r1eld; J:lenha l!:dna Newell, Newton ; ,\!essr's Hayes, Kauftlllau, Swain, al Teachers; Supt. Cecile Belville ,;titu te at Webster City, Iowa, Fri­ tor the Study ot Education, 1901;­ inger, Washta; Elsie Marga ret Beulah .h:n,elme Nunamaker, Boone; WoHe. Ferrell, Oelwein, Secretary of Su­ ueruice Aurea !?aimer, Cedar Falls; day, September 1 3. The subject of I o; P Nsident or the Association or 'Kuhnert, Willow Lake, S. Oak. ; Bach s tudem works with miuil perinte nden ts and higll school Prin­ American 'l'each£rs Colleges, 1917- Bert A. Le nhart, Quasqueton; How­ Hose A nu l'ope, i\lancheste1· ; Paul and skill cipals. his speeches we1·e, "Public Speech in 19. ard G. Louthan, Sheldon; Calvrn l!.ugene Popejoy, i\1an on; Lucy lrene the Grades" a nd "How to Present J-oner, Strawbe rry Point; Gladys Whi,e lofty years slip by. Dllloo Lowell, Webster City; Ha ro la :-.;vra Ga,;kell ( '29). l\lJ•.s. C. A. Rownd, widow of the High School Courses in Public The enllre program or 1;1ornlng De ·witt Matt, Troy ; Frank Orrell J\. Resor, Cedar Falls; l\larga.ret Till donor of the Rownd Park to the Speaking." exe rcises were as [ollows:­ Mlller, Beardstown, 111.; Ralph Alieen Hobiuson, Colo; "i\larJorJe Presideut Latllam with -,ood will Teachers College as a golf and Processioual Morgan, Hansell; Ne111e J. Overhul­ ttoge rs, Dunlap; Fra Lucile Samu­ l\llss Rbea Wable, formerly As­ Be::1L0WS the ·•wings" to Hy. 1·ecreat1on field bad an auto trip to Geo1·ge W. Samson, Jr. te r, Dexter; John Thomas Rider, els, ::itorru Lake ; Dorothy Lee San­ sistant Professo1· of Physical Edu­ P resident o. R. LaLham. ,'\ew York, accompanied by ber son, Vioiiu Solo- Romance, . tiheldon; Jake T. Riekena, Wells­ er, Bloomfield; John E. Schalk, l•'red Rownd in orde r to visit her cation for Women at Iowa State . Tschaikow,;ky burg; Vernon 0. Schroedermeier, 1,_;ouper; Gene vieve Georgia Schultz, brother there. This trip took ten Teachers College is being honor~d Waterloo; Louise Schultz, i\1un-ay; Edward Kurtz. Waverly; Clare nce P. Thowpsou, The Iowa State Teache1-s Associa­ days and was vey much enjoyed. at a. se ries of pre nuptial parties at Alt.a lt, reeman, at lhe piauo. !:;tory City; Frankliu H. 'l'hompson, ~ct ward J. Sedlacek, Cedar Falli;; flou with au expected 20,000 mem­ J;>;thel ! nez Seelinger, Eslher vilie; her home in Davenport, Iowa, pre­ Prayer- Rev.
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