118 RUTTONS AMBO. NORTH RIDING YORKSHIRE. {KELLY's year 1713. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £5, of the river Derwent, which her~ forms the boundary between gross yearly value {.;229, net [209, including' 129 acres of the North and East Ridings. The ancient parish church ot glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of York, Low Hutton, dedic.1.ted to All Saints, was pulled down and held since !892 oy the Rev. John Griffiths of St. Aidan's. under a faculty in the year I8oo. There are Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels at High Sexton, William Maxon. Hutton. Here is the breeding establishment of thoroughbred SuB-PosT 0FFICE.-William Farndale, postmaster. Letters stock of James Snarry, which is built and fitted up with the received from York, arrive at 6. 8 a. m. ~ d1spatched .at most modern improvements. Buttons Ambo Hall is the 7.30 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office i& residence of Capt. Thomas Stanton t!tarkey. Capt. Thomas at Malton Stanton Sta.rkey, who is lord of the- manor; Sir Charles WALL LETTER Box, near the church, cleared at 7 p.m William Strickland hart. D.L., .T.P. of Boynton Hall; Alex· A School Board of 5 members was formed Jan. xB, 1876; ander Wentworth Macdonald Bosville esq. J.P. of Thorpe A. E. B. Soulby, Malton, clerk to the board & attendance Hall, Rudston, Mrs. BeSV 11nd Mrs. Key are the principal officer landowners. The soil is limestone, sand, clay and loam : The School Board rents the school-house from the vjcar and subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. churchwardens. The acreage is 2,618; rateable value [4,669; the population Board School (mixed),for zoo children; average attendance, in 1891 was 392. 6o ; William Rogers, master Low HUTTON is half a mile south-east, on the west bank Railway Station, William Brooks, station master Dodsworth Mrs. Low Hutton Darley Peter, carrier Rickaby Thomas, cattle dealer Griffiths Rev. John, Vicarage Hall Wm. builder & grocer, Low Button Rivis Richard, market gardener Starkey Capt. Thomas Stanton, Hut· Harrison Fredk. farmer, Roughbrough Snarry James, breeder of race horses, & tons Ambo hall Harrison William, farmer~ .I,.ow Eutton farmer, Musley Bank Stud farm~ Horsley George, farmer & at N orton COMMERCIAL. Monkman William, farmer, Button hill Stilborn William, farmer, Low Button Brigham Thomas, farmer, Westerdale Pickering William, blacksmith Walker David, farmer, Button hill Corner John, joiner & wheelwright Potter Richard, farmer, Bar farm Watson Thomas, gamekeeper to Capt. Daniels George, farmer, Hutton hill Raines Guy, farmer, Low Button '.l'. S. Starkey INGLEBY ARNCLIFFE, or ARNCLIFFE, is a town- 1Abbea esq. and held since 1855 by the Rev. Richard Jackson ship and parish, and comprises the small villages of INGLEBY I Steele, of St. Bees, who is also vicar and resides at East ARNCLIFFE and INGLEBY CROss, and is bounded on the west Harlsey. The tithe, amounting to £170, is improprlated. by the river Wisk, 3 miles from Trenholme Bar station on Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Arncliffe Hall, a building ot the North Yorkshire and Cleveland branch of the North stone, rebuilt in 1753 by Thomas Mauleverer, is the residence Eastemrailway,B south-westfromStokesley and 8 north•east of William Brown esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor: it ig from Northallerton; it is in the Cleveland division of che sheltered on the east by a lofty cliff, forming part of a ridge­ Riding, west division of Langbaurgh liberty, petty sessional of hills thicklr studded with oak and other trees to the Sllffi· division of Langbaurgh West, union and county court dis- mit. A large .irtn,erected by subscription in 18o4, and called trict of Stokesley, rural deanery of N orthallerton, arch- the Cleveland Tontine, is now occupied as a farmhouse. deaconry of Cleveland and diocese of York. The church of The principal1andowners are William Brown esq. J. P. George St. Andrew is a building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, Emerson esq. and Mr. B. Johnson. The soil is clay i sub­ and an embattled western tower, on which, in a circle where soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. Tha the clock is usually placed, is the following inscription, area is I, 893 acres, inclusive of 450 of wood ; rateable valuer_ "Domu11 mea Domus Orationis Vocabitur Cunctis Populis, £2,000: the population in 18Qt was 279. A. D. 1821;" in the interior are two ancient recumbent figures Parish Clerk, Jonathan Gibson in stone, supposed to represent Sir Philip and Sir WiUiam J'osT OFFICE", Ingleby Cross.-George Wright, receiver. Colville, formerly owners of Arncliffe Hall, who lived in the Letters, from Northallerton arn\"e at 7 a. m. ; dispatched r4th century; the entrance is through the base of the tower: at 6. X5 p.rn. The nearest money order office is at Swain• there are 130 sittings. The register dates from the year by & telegraph office is at Osmot.herley 1657· The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £4o, NatiOnal School (mixed), erected in 1846, for 70 children~ arising from 25 acres of glebe, in the gift of Henry Cooper average. attendance, 6o ~ Nicholas Bywel~ master Ingleby Arncliffe. Gibson George, Wagon & Horses P.H Waind George, farmer, Norwood farm Brown William J p .Arncliffe hall Gibs on John, cow keeper & Scarthwood Thompson Mrs · ' Gibson Robert, shoe maker Weighell John, farmer, Bpringfield frm Gibson Robert~ tailor Wilson Snsan (Miss), shopkeeper cpMMERCIAL. Gibson Thomas. cowkeeper Bearpark Thos.bricklayer&assist.oversr Imich Frank, farmer, FogiU Cook William Hebron, farmer · Jackson Robert, butter deal~r y Ingleby Cross. Dennis Peter, cowkeeper f -r MacKay Thoma!t, Little Tontine 1".11 Boot Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Elgie Wllliam, farmer, Breckin hill RatcliffeJohn Varo,farmer,Grinkle carr Cowen James, cowkeeper English Josiah, cow keeper Stockdale Prince, farmer, Longlands Gibson Jonathan,farmer, Town End frm . Fawbert John, brick ma, Staddlebridge Thompson Thomas, farmer, Tren- Hart WiUiam, cow keeper Featherstone AlfredGabriel, cowkeeper holme bar&; Tontine Johnson John, Blue Bell P.li GarbuttAnn(Miss),farmer,Somersetho Thompson Wm. farmer, Cockbush halliRobinson James, pig dealer Garbutt Wm.Osborn,farmr.Ba.nlk brdg Tipling John, general dealer 1Wri~ht George, blacksmith, Post office INGLEBY GREENHOW is a township and parisP,, The soil is loamy; subsoil, strong clay. The chief crops are with a station on the North Yorkshire and Cleveland branch wheat, beans and oats. The area is 7,002 acres ; rateal}l~t of the North Eastern railway,'one mile south-west from Bat- value, £4,422; ~e population in 1891 was 453· 1 te;sby JJnnction station on. the North Easte~ .r~ilway, 5 Batters by is a hamlet in this parish, and has 8 station ID:tl~s east fro~ .s~okesley, m the Cle:veland divisiOn °~ the at the junction of the .Ayton branch with the North Yorkshire R.Id_u~g, west diviSion of Langbaurgh hberty,_petty sesswnal and Cleveland branch of tho North Eastern railway. dn'ISIOD of ·Langbaurgh West, Stokesley nmon and county court district, rural deanery of Stokesley, archdeaconry of Greenhow is a hamlet in this parish, 5 miles east from Cleveland and diocese of York. The church of St . .Andrew Stokesley. Ingleby Manor is the seat of l-ord De L'Isle and is an ancient edifice of stone, in the Norman and Early Eng- Dudley D. L., J .P. standing in a park of 20 acres. )ish stylei!, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south PosT OFFICK--r-Robert Webster, receiver. Letters through porch and a tower containing 2 bells; there are 200 sittings, Middlesbrough arrive at 8. 45 a.m. ; dispatched at 6. 40 the churchyard contains many 'Bncient monuments. The p.m. Great Ayton is the nearest money order & tflegraph reg-isters date from 1539, and are in an excellent state of office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid preservation. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £ 124, including 34 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift National School (mixed), for 100 children; average attend· of Lord De L'Isle and Dudley, and held since r88o by the ance, 73 i Tb.omas.Marlow, master Rev. John Hawell M.A. of Queen's College, Oxford. The RAILWAY STATIONS:- tithe, amounting to £565, is impropriated. Lord De VIsle Ingleby-John Hccles, station master and Dndley is lord of the manor and principal landowner. Battersby Junetion-Henry Orton, station master Garbutt Joseph, miller (water) Greenhow. Ingleby Greenhow. Gill John, farmer De L'Isle & Dudley Lord D.L., J.P. Dixon Misses Humphrey John, farmer Ingleby manor; & 2 Lennox gar· Ha well Rev, John M.A. Vicarage Maynard William, shopkeeper dens & Carlton club, London s w Wilson William W Seaton John, farmer Sidney Hon. Henry, Ingleby manor Blackburn Thomas, blacksmith ·wilson Georgc, butcher COMMimCIAL. Da.visun Wm. Dudley Arms P.H. & joinr Wise Richard, farmer Alcock Elizabeth (~Ire.), farmer .
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