NAGARA BOOKS ----------------------------------------- 288 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- independence, codify its own laws, and ratify a constitution after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. 3560 Ahrâr, Khvâjeh 'Obayd Alla^h (806-895 h.q.) III CAUCASUS & CENTRAL ASIA Rasâ'el-e Khvâjeh Ahrâr (Faqrat, Vâledîyyeh va Hûrâ'îyeh) . ed. by 'Aref Noushâhî 187p photos. コーカサス、中央アジア地域研究 Herat 1394(2015) 9789936606135 1,820 [The letters of 'Ubayd Allâh ibn Mahmûd ahrâr, 1403/04-1489/90, Fiqarât, Hûrâ'îyah, Vâlîdîyah] 3561 3555 Akiner, Shirin 'Abd Allâh, Hasan The Religious Language of the Belarusian Tatars Afghânestân: tabyîn-e olgû-ye matlûb-e nezâm-e Kitab: a cultural monument of Islam in Europe , with a shahrî . 384p maps, figs. Mashhad 1388 Latin-script transliteration of the British Library, Tatar 9786009074525 1,280 Belarusian Kitab (OR 13020) on CD-ROM. [Afghanistan: representation of desirable design of (Mediterranean Language and Culture Monograph urban system] Series, 11) xxvii,457p+CD Wiesbaden 2005 3556 9783447030274 11,900 Abidin, Farah 3562 Suba of Kabul under the Mughal, 1585-1739: Kabul 'Alavî, Îsh Murâd B. Âdîna Muhammad (active 19th c.) under the Mughals . 274p Gurgaon 2014 Îsh Murâd B. Âdîna Muhammad al-'Alavî: Jamshîdî 9781482839395 2,200 Tavâyifî Fathî=(The sebjugation of the Jamshidis). Kabul, from the time of its annexation by Akbar in ed. by Noryoghdi Toshov 55p+153p facs. Wien 1585, remained a part of Mughal India till 1739, when it 2018 9783700179771 4,707 was seized by Nadir Shah. This is an edition of a Chaghatay-language chronicle 3557 written in 1841 in Khiva. The text details a military Adanir, Fikret & Bernd Bonwetsch (hrsg.) campaign that the Khorezmian ruler Allah-Quli Khan Osmanismus, Nationalismus und der Kaukasus: carried in Khorasan (present-day Northern Afghanistan) Muslime und Christen, Türken und Armenier im 19. und and that ended with the resettlement of a local group 20. Jahrhundert . (Reihe Kaukasienstudien, bd. 9) known as the Jamshidis 336s Wiesbaden 2005 9783895004650 8,575 3563 3558 'Ali Şîr-i Nevâî Ahmad Ibn Fadlan & Abu Zayd al-Sirafi Mecâlisü'n-Nefâis I-II: Herâtî ve Hekîmşâh çevirisi Two Arabic Travel Books: Accounts of China and mülhakâtı (Herâti ve Hekîmşâh Tezkiresi) . haz. A. Naci India and Mission to the Volga . ed. & tr. by James Tokmak (T.D.K. 1217) 324p Ankara 2017 Montgomery & Tim Mackintosh-Smith (Library of 9789751632760 1,780 Arabic Literature Series) x,312p N.Y. 2014 Çaghatay literature -- Tezkire (Herat) "Mecalisü'n- 9781479803507 6,040 Nefais", one of his major works, features to be the first Abû Zayd al-Sîrâfî: Accounts of China and India tezkire (the Turkish literary genre considering (Akhbâr al-Sîn wa al-Hind) & Ibn Fadlân: Mission to the biographical memoirs) penned in Turkish Literature. Volga (Kitâb Ahmad Ibn Fadlân). Arabic texts with 3564 translation. Allahverdi, Reyhan Şahin 3559 Kafkas Fatihi: Özdemiroğlu Osman Paşa . xii,339p Ahmed, Faiz ills. Istanbul 2016 9786059375009 1,600 Afghanistan Rising: Islamic law and statecraft Özdemiroğlu Osman Paşa, active 1578-1585 -- between the Ottoman and the British empires . Caucasus -- History xiii,430p photos. Cambridge, Ma. 2017 3565 9780674971943 7,542 Altstadt, Audrey L. Debunking conventional narratives of Afghanistan as Frustrated Democracy in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan . a perennial war zone and the rule of law as a secular- (Woodrow Wilson Center) 304p N.Y. 2017 liberal monopoly, Faiz Ahmed presents a vibrant account 9780231704564 9,060 of the first Muslim-majority country to gain follows a newly independent oil-rich former Soviet NAGARA BOOKS ----------------------------------------- 289 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- republic as it adopts a Western model of democratic Ilkhan domination, on the acculturation of the Turkic- government and then turns toward corrupt Mongolian elites, on caravan roads and networks, on authoritarianism. hagiographic literature were widely spread. 3566 3572 Altun, Hilal Oytun Auge, I., V. Barkhoudaryan, G. Dedeyan 6 M. Nevâyî'nin Tevârîh-i Mülûk-i Acem'i (inceleme- Dokhtourichvili metin-dizin-tıpkıbasım): Çağataycadan 16. yüzyıl anadolu L'Armenie et la Georgie en Dialogue avec l'Europe, türkçesine bir çeviri. 347p facs. Istanbul 2011 du moyen âge a nos jours . 288p Paris 2016 9789756545553 9,060 9782705339470 9,450 Alisher Navoii, 1441-1501 -- Tarih-i mûlûk-i Acem -- 3573 Iran -- Kings and rulers -- Early works to 1800 Babayan, Kathryn & Michael Pifer (ed.) 3567 An Armenian Mediterranean: words and worlds in Anooshahr, Ali motion . (Mediterranean Perspectives) xxi,337 Turkestan and the Rise of Eurasian Empire: a study London 2018 9783319728643 16,378 of politics and invented traditions . 224p Oxford Offers fresh perspectives on the study of Armenian 2018 9780190693565 10,494 history, literature, and visual culture The book argues that the connection between a 3574 mythologized "Turkestani" or "Turco-Mongol" origin and Balci, Bayram these dynasties was not simply and objectively present Renouveau de l'Islam en Asie Centrale et dans le as fact. Rather, much creative energy was unleashed by Caucase . pref. d'Olivier Roy 316p Paris 2017 courtiers and leaders from Bosnia to Bihar (with Bukhara 9782271093400 4,375 and Badakhshan along the way) in order to manipulate 3575 and invent the ancestry of the founders of these Banerji, Arup dynasties. Old Routes: North Indian nomads and bankers in 3568 Afghan, Uzbek and Russian lands . 260p Gurgaon Apatoczky, Akos B. & Christopher P. Atwood (ed.) 2011 9788188789726 2,200 Philology of the Grasslands: essays in Mongolic, This book is a study of commercial relations between Turkic, and Tungusic studies . (Languages of Asia, 17) North India, the Uzbek Khanate of Bukhara and Russian 470p Leiden 2018 9789004351950 26,950 between the 17th and 19th centuries 3569 3576 Arat, Reşid Rahmet Baumer, Cristoph Eski Türk Şiiri . (TTK VII. Dizi-Sa. 45-3) xxiii,506p The History of Central Asia, volume 3: The Age of facs. Ankara 2007(1991) 9751603900 1,890 Islam and the Mongols . 408p London 2016 Uighur language -- Poets – Texts, Texts in 9781784534905 6,795 romanized Old Uighur, with introd., translation, and Between the ninth and the fifteenth centuries, notes in Turkish., Includes facsims. of Old Uighur mss. Central Asia was a major political, economic and cultural in Uighur and Manichaean scripts (p. 441-506) hub on the Eurasian continent. 3570 Atmaca, Emine (haz.) 3577 Litvanya Tatar Türklerine ait İlm-i Hâl Kitabı (giriş- Beller-Hann, I., B.N. Schlyter & J. Sugawara (ed.) inceleme-metin-sözlükler-tıpkıbasım) 259p facs. Kashgar Revisited: Uyghur studies in memory of photos. Konya 2016 9786059269469 1,210 ambassador Gunnar Jarring . (Brill's Inner Asian Library, 3571 34) 340p Leiden 2016 9789004322974 20,300 Aubin, J. 3578 Etudes sur l'Iran Medieval: geographie historique et Bemmann, Jan, Ulambayar Erdenebat & Ernst Pohl societe . ed. par. Denise Aigle (Cahiers de Studia (hrsg.) Iranica, 60) 208 Leuven 2018 9782910640460 Mongolian-German Karakorum Expedition, Vol. 1: 10,500 Excavations in the craftman quarter at the main road . This volume brings together articles published for (Mongolian-German Karakorum Expedition, bd. 1) about sixty years, which illustrate the pioneering aspect 336s. 145 farb. Wiesbaden 2010 9783895006975 of Jean Aubin's reflections on themes not much studied 17,150 at that time by the specialists of Iran., His work on the NAGARA BOOKS ----------------------------------------- 290 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3579 that occurred during World War I and the seven decades Ben Azzouna, Nourane of Soviet rule. Aux Origines du Classicisme: calligraphes et 3586 bibliophiles au temps des dynasties mongoles (les Bournoutian, George A. Ilkhanides et les Djalayirides 656-814 / 1258-1411). The 1820 Russian Survey of the Khanate of Shirvan: (Islamic Manuscripts and Books, 17) Leiden 2018 a primary source on the demography and economy of 9789004355545 26,075 an Iranian province prior to its annexation by Russia . 3580 xxvii,238p Cambridge 2016 9781909724808 Berezine, Ilya Nikolaevitch 8,910 Voyage au Dagestan et en Transcaucasie . 3587 (Societe d'Histoire de l'Orient, 1) 394p Paris 2006 Bournoutian, George A. 9782705337780 6,650 The 1829-1832 Russian Surveys of the Khanate of 3581 Nakhichevan: a primary source on the demography and Binbaş, Ilker Evrim economy of an Iranian province prior to its annexation Intellectual Networks in Timurid Iran: Sharaf al-Dîn by Russia . (Bibliotheca Iranica: The Iranian Heritage in 'Alî Yazdî and the Islamicate republic of letters . the Caucasus and Central Asia 2) xxi,267p Costa Mesa (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization) xxi,256p. 2016 9781568593333 6,040 map Cambridge 2018(16) 9781107689336 3588 pap 6,038 Bournoutian, George A. (tr. with commentary) 3582 The Journal of Zak'aria of Agulis (Zak'aria Agulets'u Bird, Tim & Alex Marshall Orangrut'iwne) . (Armenian Studies Series, 4) 242p Afghanistan: How the West Lost its Way . 320p Costa Mesa 2003 9781568591070 pap 3,775 Hyderabad 2012 9788125044901 3,180 Zak'aria (1630-ca.1691) was a native of Agulis ask how and why the international community has so (present-day Akulis) in Nakhichevan and a merchant who signally failed to achieve its objectives in Afghanistan. traveled widely in the Ottoman and Persian empires. He 3583 also made one trip to Europe and traveled in Italy, Birge, Bettine Austria, Germany, and Holland. His diary is in dialectical Marriage and the Law in
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