James Johnston Agency

James Johnston Agency

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1944 1251 AUSTIN F. GRAB, Pres. ROBERT F. WOERNER, V.-Pks. JAMES LEONARD H. HENDERSON. V.-Pres. JAMES ROY A. DUFFUS, Sec'y JOHNSTON PHILIP C. GOODWIN, !>«». JOHNSTON 208 GRANITE BI.D6. UAIN 697 AGENCY INSURANCE AGENCY 263 Vacant MUSTARD STREET fr Palmer MYRTLE HILL PARK D 127 6 Petmzzo Vlncenxo—1 SO Gissin Benl plumlrlng sup 265 Fettrone Chos Rev—2 east to Porter vd 18 Sherman aouthwest to 74 Cameron Morreale Jennie V Mn—^2 plies 267 Christian Assembly Cboteb Main bua to Palmer •a 15 6 Austla Mark 81 Lombardo Pletro ® 271 Feirara RIcbd ® 00 French R T Oo The nrleea Emerson eiosstown bus 7 Boveno Carmelo—1 82 Baker Sabety—1 273 Santanse Jos Atlantis Sales Coip spices Left odd. Bight even Hesson Jas—2 Baker Sophie Mrs—2 ® 275 Gaudloso Luke 4 Dalton Jos P ® 8 Perkins Perry—1 83 Loludlce Ben) F 276 Taylor Manning C MYRTLE AVENUE—GR 19 Kohler Paul A ® Holland Bobt—2 84 Raker Max—1 ® 277 GuUIano MieU 14 DaSanctis Oias—1 9 Andrews Michl ® Messlneo Christopher—2 280 Kopp Paul C ® MYRTLE STREET from 400 Dellanoce Alfonzo—2 10 Bertram Barbara H Bin— 85 Muto Frank ® 281 Sln^eton Herbert I^rell ar north to 91 Otis vd 15 15 Parentl Antonio ® 1 ® 88 Catemolo Joe—1 , 283 Treat Oarence B Lyell bus 20 Brenton Frank Y ® Alexander Walter Cusate Jos—1 284 Hott Raymond J ® Left odd. Bight eren 21 Ciardl Ignazio ® VanUook Sarah Mrs—^2 DlPasquale Joa P—2 288 Gordlnler Jas B Ir ® 10 Vaszana Jas gro 24 Dlclaece Anthony—1 ® 11 Kolinsky Saml—1 ® 89 Hart's Food Stores Ine 289 Felix John—1 ® 11 White John A ® Fedele Nancy Mrs—2 12 Colomba Anthony I—^1 bakery Jacobs S Gordon—2 15 Santarose Jas F 27 Hubbard Frank A ITtdlsco Danl D—2 91 Vacant 13 Spall Homer B ir—1 292 Poccblarc Louis ® 16 Broom Ihos J ® 30 Guzzetta Paul M eleetn b 93 Woods Geo—3 Gall alley ends —1 ® Kugel Gertrude iirs—2 ® 'Pye licna Mrs—2 293 Hoekenos Jos W Smith Gdwd J—2 14 Rivers Bufus E—1 296 Quick EUa B Mrs ® 17 Weaver Magdalena M Mrs— 95 Smith Carrie L Mrs 1 , 35 Kane Edw M—1 "Mpp Tommie F 96 Krieger Waste Paper Co 297 Dnyer Mary B &Ira—1 ® Miller Zellnei—2 Vacant—2 I^r Helen—2 junk Shnltn Ftands—2 Hawkins John B—2 22 Troy Anna C piano tdir—1 Pfundtner Roger J—3 98 Storage Bartmon Bernard J—4 390 Hoyse Chas ® ® 16 Brown Jas A—1 100 Higedns Edw 305 Stirner Uura B—1 ® Vacant—2 Vacant—5 Allen Bobt—^1 VanSebatek Wendell W—6 102 Faro Jas 807 Lohmlller Emma A—^2 • 25 Cuykendall WUlard A Stewart Walter B—^3 104 Yanlekl Mlehl ® 300 Valenza Angellin Mi>—1 ® 27 Cavuto Jas „ 36 Pedano Thos H ® Boscnberg Harry 310 Petrlllo PanrUo 28 Rich Nettle B Mis—1 ® 37 Gottorff Mary E Mrs 17 Brown John H—1 NATALIE PARK fr 223 GUde 311 Madama Vincent—^3 31 Walsh Geo M 40 Ferraro Jos ® Nichols Nicholas—2 '45 Casella Fasquale G ® west, wd 24 315 LUl Geo P 32 Bonnybrook Dairy Ine 18 Craven Rudolph AUen bus 316 Llppa Victor G 33 Tindale Chaa T ® 46 (leorge Nicholas L ® rear Vacant 317 Bresnahan John P - 37 Davis Chas L 60 Ardieta Leonard J 51 Nitsch Beynold J ® 20 Lhnutl Chas ® NATIONAL STREET from 415 818 Frelsllch Wm 0 38 Suhl Otto ® 24 Sawl^ Alice Mrs—1 StPaul west, wd 5 319 Andress Grace A Mia—1 41 Sanlord Ehrl V 52 Hochadel Blwood L Fedarashyn Stepb—2 ® 56 Keer Louise P Mrs StPaul bus 820 Morrison John W 46 Slmanle Jos ® Eleazer Henry—2 Left odd. Bight even 321 Cltzlnger Harold J—3 47 Tetiusl NIdiolas 57 Baccaro Paolo ® Joseph as crosses SI Buttaiozzl 'Bnrteo maion b 100 Genesee Brewing Co loe 822 Ada^ Wm C 54 Wilson Bobt S ® 81 Vacant The 823 Udwlg Oliver W 55 Doerfler Adolpfa ® ® 83 Vacant 825 Mlcbaelsen Peter M ® 60 Walsh Anna J Mrs 63 Miller Jas J 35 Select Food Co canned NAVARRE ROAD from 2250 326 Tltaro Mark 8 ® 61 FCrrarese John ® 60 'Vacant goods StPaul east to Joseph av, vd 17 329 Catonl Pasuuide ® 68 Bums Sarah C ® 70 Note Pauline Mrs 36 Swopes Chas—1 StPaul bus 331 Kenealy Wm B 69 Snyder Bobt E „ 75 Mlngoea Salvatore ® Bush' Monroe—T Left even. Right odd 333 Donnelly Wm U 74 Corcoran Ellen T Hri ® 76 Molsegna Felix Tiallor Ned—2 835 Cteegon John B 10 Scberlng John H ® 75 DlFalco (to J , ^ 79 Mlngoea Jos GrUfln Eug-2 18 Foskett Fr^ W ® 336 Panzetta Ooslmo 80 Hlstretta Vlneentr-1 ® NO Doyle Nicholas ® 87 Kennedy Horace E—1 887 Rabaflt Fred N , Soprano Frank K—2 88 Bertlett Otis 25 Kaufman Ernest carp .h ® Wade Alberta Bits—2 26 Uoefer Elmer H Rev 888 MencgazzI Armando 81' Rusclo Victor Ir Beamon John—2 85 Lelbenauw Harold W 33 Kolb Rudolph D ® 339 Gasel Anthony J NAHANT R0AD-41R 38 Marinoni Mathilda Bin—1 34 Henn Charlotte B Mrs ®. 341 Hummer Bill ^ 86 (kimmarata Salvatore—^1 ®' 342 Pncel Jos ® Bonslgnora Bug F—2 NANTU(»(ET ROAD—GR 43 Lietzau Arthur O ® KeUy Geraldine—1 44 Todd Sadie L Mrs ® 343 Hayes Leo J 01 Connor Geo P—1 ® Vacant—2 344 Cresmla NeU V Laird Horatio N—^2 •NAPLES street fr 1534 N 49 Statt Gmest L ® 89 Bfurray Edw—1 50 Biehler Eug ® 345 Cussen John J_ 82 Dovldlo Frank—1 Goodman east across Brieker vd Myers Wlllena—1 854 WllUg Geo J ® DianetU Paul J—2 67 Blitcbel (%as F ® 22 Roby Isabelle—2 60 Scheld Eug M ® 350 McHu^ J®®' . 95 HamlU Aima T ® Goodman bus 40 Vacant 364 Faulhabcr Otto A ® 98 Hoessner Chas F—^1 ® 65 Bowman Harry H ® Left even. Bight odd 40BHardlng Napoleon J 66 Gelger Albert C ® 365 Vacant—1 Hoessner Oias F ]r—2 50 StOeorge Chas ® 42 Latosky Blaiy Mrs ® Vacant—2 101 Onthauk Geo H Brldter st crossea 70 Schropp Elmer C ® Omtsnd st crosses Vacant-—8 104 TCora Oatd—1 ® 94 Vacant 76 Berth Geo J Naugbton Jas 0—4 Vacant—2 125 Azxano Jos ® 43 Vacant 80 Femer John T ® Laurd st ends 83 Oroth Herbert 0 ® 367 Vacant .„ Lyceum st ctoisot 45 Vacant 80 Weidner Carl A ® 868 D'Aiidrea Saml ® 107 Crlstentello Vlto 53 Nassar Helen BIrs—1 111 Caputto Jennie—1 177 Petrozello Carmelo Daniels Hellek—2 ® 90 Hagenbacb Eug P 371 Plaio Frank—1 ® 09 Miller Chas H ® CUlo Joa—a llllVettomUe Frank—3 208 Walker Edwd 54 Ozarln Frank—1 ® 114 Formleola Gabrlole gro h 800 Haneuso Jos Marino Angelo—2 100 Karle John G W ® 372 CaplzM John , @ 65 George John—1 ® 105 MIchelsen Fredk M ® 876 TImar Lcids A 117 Formleola Geo A—1 NASH AVENUE—GA George Fredk—2 106 MIchelsen Lewis ® 876 cvewe John Sossone Jos—^2 67 Spector Wm—1 ® 111 Schauman Enill G ® 877 LoPlant Florton G 122 BusdtU Victor HASH STREET ff 200 Hudson Gawtyk Stanley—2 114 Hoyt Harriet E 879 Nixon Geb J 123 Ustmon Fredk J ® av east to 511 North vd Y Dombrowsid Walter—2 Hoyt Katherlne M © 381 MMone Oto W 127 Lapp Annie L Mrs—1 ® Portland Qlffotd or Hudson bus 120 Armstrong Wm H 882 Miihlenbamt Henry Lapp aarence 0—^2 Left even. Bight odd 68 Ptlusbczak Ainia Bbs—1 121 Ludwlg Wm ® 384 Johnson Fwd Lanzlone Ralph H—1 128 Trombettl Angelo ® 2 Vacant 127 Parker Henry Q 885 Boeta tinni O _ 4 Vacant Davis Margt Mrs—2 M6 Zu^lko Lords 8 133 Jen's Beauty Solon 59 Petryssyn Stephen ® 128 Leinen Alphonse P ® Montanoiella Alex G—^1' 8 Indovlno Frank—1 ® 185 Booth (Harence B ® 887 Poplar! Mlehl Indovlno Orrlatopher A—^2 61 Gore Jennie Mrs—1 888 Beach John—1 Angeleone Angelo—2 Brown Paul L—2 136 CuHis Saml H ® 891 Renaud Fredk ® 184 Smith Frank 10 Travaglla Chndloa 143 Bartels Fredk L ® TTavalla Maty 62-6S Slbley, Lindsay & Curr 392 DeFeo Anthoiw 139 Davis Rex W—1 Oo garage 144 Walsh Carl F ® 805 KeUer BnU P Vegel (hitherine M Mrs—2 Barbarita Bobt L—2 150 Judge Geo A—1 ® 866 Caterino Catoldo—1 ® 140 Havens Mabel B Mrs lOiCkinti Anthony—1 63 Dmytriw Jacob—1 ® Kumpf Wm A—2 MiragUa Jos M—2 143 BlcUiano Antonio ® Guarltto Jacob—2 Beiniger Stella Bits beauty 151 Meulcndyk Bobt ® 146 Vacant 12 DMto Lawrence P—1 165 BUnk Ahr 897 Fbley Willis M 149 Sdplont Angelo ® Impeiiole Antonio—^2 ® Vacant—2 166 Coopetberg Saml ® 401 Krmow W® E ® 150 Klnde THllnda L Mrs ® 14 Trolno Nicholas—1 65 Henry Bessie BIrs—*>1 Clinton at N crassot 402 Henderson Venn Mm 158 Pavia 5Debl ® Sotfecro Ben)—2 Walker Jos—1 100 Sehelk Otto H ® 404 Catsone John , 154 Boss Saml F 16 Antlttoro Augustln—® Whitfleld Ollle—2 109 Schoenebenier Arthur h ® 407 IntCillcehla F»^ L Orlahdo st Alolnu) John—-3 67 Shulman Saml pntr b ® 300 Bayer Mldd ® 409 GorgarO @ 18 LaSalle Josephine Mia—1 Didlo Jos—2 SOB Seboeneberaer Jacob ® 155 PetlttI Artangelo ® ® Holland st cods 206 Sehndt Carl ® 412 Izzo AltoA C (fi) 161 Pulltano Frank ® Gullyhrd Mary Sirs—2 70 Terbuska John—® 212 Bosenbaum Wtn 413 Pratt John J 167 Btiker EUa C Mrs ® Sanagulskl Mlehl-2 215 Chriiitaph Edw ® 168 Bird John G 20 Sacchltella Nicholas—^1 71 Geraccl Santo—1 318 SeltsblTek COmld 417 PatH <3»a ■■ _ 170 lacelU Vlcror D Boleno Joa—^2 219 Hotsch Geo P ® 22 Oullyoid Anthony— Johnson Harry—^1 419 Warner AiwM B 172 DlAngelo Jos Thomas Estella Mra—2 223 Rexer Chrl F )r ® 420 SeardettA AtifJlOp 0 173 Walker L Edw Pollzzl Jos—2 73 Fedoryshyn Stephen ® 224 Wellzer Geo C ® 421 CUDotngl^ Ftandts L 178 Tortom Julllo 24 Paaeuem Glavanid—^i ® 75 Blockccwsky Dmytro ® 280 Gehata Sol 428 Shea A ISO Cmcetta Dominie Scdortlho Joa—2 232 Blllter Bdwd J ® 427 Mosea SmI W 76 Mamurezak Nleholoa—^1 181 Uebenow Wm F Kohut Frank—1 235 Bemdt JuUa Mrs ® 488 Sehled ^mnn J ® NASMU n'iKer fr 84 Joiner ^6 Betlovlch Jos J 487 Bums (to J ® 182 Muronte Cbiliititta Mn Yataklw Mlehl—8 186" Vacant cost to 163 Hudson av vtds 7, ~ Anthony Mary—2 230 KIos Kannlr ® 443 OMri PhllbP ® .

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