ML. *.! thoetngls resfed Mriawtl Wadrad. rangta* Aw (km to Aim bnM mam. A» Hi.a ChrteUbet, Hon, Mil down and Ml the foresail 10 A M, turned Mil" I «<*. Sphinx, Dione aad entered for which u4 totty-aix r°S* **?*, J*®*> Vaagoerd theram, >srcs.,sr-1 u oat of the mainsail bslag the usestall day #> ha». Lia*. the property of Mr. J. Bay, to of Iva hundred Bad was ooatasted between the Fiona and »tp* w»Nr»N««M pi a as tbakeenly theSphinx, .v'pi;.Tf!00*.u,*'bOT#w* Uf:."rhe aXJrZgfS5nation wan of course sufficient, and it nr# u»Pi7 "d ituoe we left New Tork; this Uf dry i»tt wad YACHTING. foBrtow banSfB. Of then* th. gnat »4<>rU/ &nll from Ntobe aad Rosebud did not start aad the Dions, htm our ship new*' repot. JJ the main oak o* ¦.» state that the on Admiral Mo®ul. .An ."m deck; twenty-three days English poru and have boon oonatructod bjr Engllah Vanguard and ChrieUbel gave np before the termination P' °* »Jf*t Wm. J. Homer, MoGiiire, for Evuri>*'> gun winde from the westward. 1|:90 P. Dorm* 1866 the amounts won at Uto regattas "of the match. The came in winner at 5 :40 P. sail offCfcatle Oarden at fortjr minutes pest two oV^rlc> required to be us*l and Ula Blurry pennant remained un¬ March Strong builder*. Sphinx Of ruffled aa M. a ahtn to 'ho northward of ua under doable ree.'ed different of the United ranched a M, and thus became entitled to tbe IIret P. H, the at 11 ro V. distance bis temper. held In parto Kingdom, Albert cup. puMd light ship iTjt On P kl the toalneaU down and furled OCEAN SWEEPSTAKES. total of very nearly 46,600, exclusive of caps and plates, Many yachts, some famous, others having yet to make twenty-five milet Wind N.W. by W." Wo also learn leaving CorkHarbor the Rom« had the toweifn P2 lowfred down mil and well be set down at as much mora. The their name are now laid for tbe winter at WM 'bout three rolleo In advance of the of outsailing the Irish ptlotboat which started wV}".*lb her, Ik 4 P. M., a hearr raid squall; square which might up Haslar. p- * of such an extensive and self TIIS KOYAL SOUTHsits YACHT 4rPatrick but It!« not atated at what hour the lat¬ . well as of eeveral other veuieia her. eetUed down the for^hll- t "P value supportlng organi¬ CLUB, Henry, leaving fB^behlOdthe and AM., wind S and stormy, The steamer Island Queen baa been provided for the zation cannot be over estimated as festering that Inde¬ established at Southampton in 1838, held Its annual ter left port. She .vrlred home, aa Is already known, on "orntng hoisted the foresail down _ pendent adventurous spirit which has done so much for regatta on the 28lh of July, which, as ususl, was a very Feb. of the . Ith Inst with Are days' later foreign intelligence squnresatl and furled .'k , exclusive use of tbe members of the New York Yacht alike. [From the Telegraph, 10,1M6.] and on board in March winds from 1:30 P. M., strong England and America It Is valuable also in famil¬ successful aflair. What contributes to this reault in a Tun My&tmuous Pinor Boat..The pilot boat Wm. J. with .tU capital spirits fl-Ught orade the Club, to witness the starting of the yachts on the Ocean iarising its"palrons with the practical part of naut cal great measure is the vicinity of Cowee and Ryde, aud Homer sailed at two o'clock after¬ proved In gwpearaare by the voyage. *fdIt must be re¬ breeze* from the NNE and clear, ii3® £ *-i without such cal the half-past yesterday the ran to with two bearinf co.* race to come off on Tuesday, the 11th day of December, matiera, for pruct knowledge acquired consequent certainty ol'ths allendanoe of several noon, in company with the ship Patrick Henry. membered thai Clipper, in returning horn* Shelly Rock*, lights K® made r with the that thinks labor r from those stations. packet the southward in search of smooth waler and thus ma pass.distance miles. At 11.30 P. M. fho steamer will leave the foot of Desbrossos street, at nuino'e, spirit ipse dup¬ yachts The Vanguard, Kiobe. Her departure was witnessed by thousands of people on eighteen ilxleen miles. lets, no nation ever yet had a groat navy nor will evor bo Sphinx and Rosebud were tbe principal yachts engaged this and the other aide of the river. We have certain a thousand miles more of way than the packets> whfcb Capo Clear light, bearing NNE.distance A. U. Members the can about therein 9 A. M received on board malting a rope pine o'clock of club procure powerful at soa. It is curious to note bow universally in the different matches. Tbe Earl of Catfdigan, ownor Information concerning her objects. She was chartered sailed at the same time. Tho fact , the piK>t by of admission nt the Secretary's the taste for yachting la diffused among all professions. of the Shark, a 175 ton schooner, acts as Commodore of Mr. the speed or the pllolboat and our be* packta seeiC'i last to him wnd hauling Mm on board. tickets by applying by Barclay * Livingston of this city, Barclay, tne Mnr *h tbo westward. 12:«>0 F, P- Lawyer, doctor, soldier, and even priest are all smitten tbe olub, W. C. Humphreys being Vice Commodore. British consul, being a member of the firm. There can to be this.with a smooth sea and a go»d oreeie 7.Strong gales iVom office, No. A Pine street, until Saturday, flvo with the md to the owner of the 40 tons. can show that sails a cUmui anchored tn the Cork harbor. 10 A. M., wind mode¬ Anglo-Saxon craving sail great waters, Skipjack (yawl), he no doubt that the boat takes out despatches from Mr. pllotboat anything M., sent It niter which time no tlokets wtU be issue. nod so maintain some tight little craft, that when the sun T1IB KOYAL MUSKY YACHT (YOB the British Minister. The Win. J. Homer of heels; but in rough weather and heavy seas the boatP*)[ rate, cb-araud pleaeanl; unbent the foresail and Pakeuham, a the to he H. 3. FEARING. ia bright and the days are long shall take them merrily held its annual three days regatta on the 22d, 23d and receives $3,000 for the trip, besides the benefit of her must lie to, while the ship cracks on in safety, tro tne ashore to have balance reef Jn It, and yawl 25th June, lite 1st day s match took for the amounted to She carries voyage out the time consumed by the Homer in lying to repaired. H. N. Y. Y. C . O'er the glad waters of the dark blue sea. Og place letters, which about $l,ft00. de¬ Morrow, Secretary Queen's Cup, value £100, over a course of about sixty- two messengers, one from our and one from was equal to nine days and nights, and when lhia is March 8..Strong breezes from WSW. The poor, harassed man may forget the worry and government ducted from her we hod thnt the March 9.Moderate breeze# from the wo*Iward turmoil of five miles, which was left undecided and resailed on the the British Minister. She is insured at five per cent on running time Jtomer, j his dally bread-winning, and find h!.s care¬ 25th June. In this second the Fiona at one in favorable can make the trip either way in cloudy and rainy. This day employed in getting water worn wrinkles smoothed bis and competition proved a valuation of $0,000, and has liberty to touoh weather, BRITISH YACHTING. sway, aye brightened victorious but was by the Club Committee on her return. We leave our to at the fifteen days. Captain McGutre is an experienced and and atoree aboard. his heart face to face with dUquahth-d port readers guess skilful cross the March 10 .Moderate P. expanded by being brought upon the ground of a protest lodged by Mr. Kenuard, purport and character of the despatches on board. This navigator. He la of opinion that he can breeze* from the 8W. ft H. the fair, free face of nature. A course of yachting acta the owner of the ChrlaUhel to the Atlantic with the Bomer. la all ordinary seasons, even vesael all to sail, waiting for orders. This day the as lbs finest of the objecting prixo being Information may be relied on. reedy . tonics, bracing system and strength¬ awarded to the Fiona One of thee> objections was that in the winter, in less tune than is required by any or the first officer of her Majesty's ship Vanguard came on SKOAL CNKSPQAKKE « ening the nerves. Happy those within whose rcacb [Prom the Globe, Feb. 10, 1840.1 board with ordera from the Admiral to haul oar the Fionsa's flag was less than the stipulated dimensions _ pennant Cleseef Sssssa-CoBBescet..-. Fortune places the moans for auoh enjoyment But I of the flag that should bo carried by flrst class The clipper William J. Homer, about which eo many '"it is proper to add, in conclusion, that the ulterior ob¬ down, which was peremptorily refused, m the space of tkeYaehtlsc have, I been going somewhat out of my oourse.
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